What to do When Things Go Wrong on the Dance Floor

Country dancing near Chandler AZYou’re out social dancing on a Friday night to shake off your stressful week and everything seems to be going wrong. You’ve drawn a blank on the dance moves you have, and you can’t even find the beat in songs that you’ve heard a thousand times. What a nightmare…and the worst of it is that you’re on a date! You thought you’d impress her, but things seem to be going downhill quickly, especially on the dance floor.

What do you do? OK, first, take a deep breath. Making mistakes on the dance floor, whether you’re out Country dancing or Salsa dancing, is completely normal! Maybe you’re just nervous or you are simply having an off day. Regardless, it’s just dance, so relax and follow these suggestions…

  1. Keep on smiling. You’re out to show her a good time, right? If you’re caught up in your head trying to remember your Swing dance moves, she will begin to feel the pressure that you’re putting on yourself. That will take away from her fun, and there goes the great idea of taking her social dancing in the first place! Also, keep in mind that she doesn’t know what you do and don’t know yourself, so cover up those boo boo’s with a big smile and give yourself a break. When you relax and let go of stressing to remember your dance moves, she will feel that positive energy, and you will most likely start to recall what you forgot in the first place. So keep your chin up and put a big grin on it. It will make for a much more exciting experience for you both!
  2. Slow things down. On a date especially, I recommend impressing her with a slow dance to start. That doesn’t mean a snoozer, but even a mid-tempo dance like the Country Two Step will give you a chance to catch your breath and remind yourself of the steps you know. Of course, this is all provided that you have taken Country Dance Lessons or Latin Dance Lessons in the first place. I should have prefaced this blog by stating that with Private Dance Lessons under your belt, you will get the tools you need to succeed on any dance floor, putting you in a great starting position with your date. So back to my point on starting slow, I do not recommend jumping at that first Swing dance song that comes on, even if she tries to drag you out on the floor, if you’re not ready. Get prepared mentally, then go for it!
  3. Lastly, Keep it simple. I say this to all over my students, and have for the last 20 years that I have taught: Less really is more. I would always rather dance with someone who has a great dance frame and a clean lead over flashy, sloppy dance moves. I’m impressed more with quality over quantity, and a great dancer knows where to start when dancing with someone new, and where not to begin. So, tone it down, keep it simple and start slow. From there, once you know you’re back on track with your confidence and memory, give those faster songs a shot and see how it goes.

Social dancing is an amazing way to spend an evening! (Most) women love to dance, so it’s hard to go wrong with a surprise night out Country, Latin or Swing dancing. And here in Arizona, there are plenty of all three places to go put your skills to the test. But first, do yourself a favor and invest in Private Dance Lessons. In most local dance studios for adults, you can come solo and dance with your instructor. That way, you will be getting direct information on how you lead, making you a great dancer that much faster! At my studio in the Phoenix East Valley, Dance FX Studios, we will give you tips like these on a regular basis so that you can be prepped for any social occasion that may arise. After all, dancing is the key to a woman’s heart! 🙂


How to Avoid Rejection on Any Dance Floor

Salsa dancing in PhoenixGuys, wouldn’t it be great if she said “yes!” to every dance? Sure it would! Getting a “No” is never fun, and frankly not even easy for us ladies, most of the time. So how do you get her virtually lining up to dance with you? Well, here are some of my top suggestions for how to avoid rejection on any dance floor.

  1. Smell great! A shower and fresh breath goes a long way. On the flip side, ladies, have you ever been out Salsa dancing and taken a whiff of your partner? He obviously did not prepare for his night of dancing because he smells like he’s not showered in days. How fun is it dancing with him? I’d venture to say “not very”. Now, let’s give this guy a small break and assume that he got sweaty Salsa or Bachata dancing at the Latin club. That does happen. To prevent stinking on top of being wet, using a deodorant for athletes is always a great plan. I personally love a little cologne too, but some girls don’t, or are allergic to it, so be aware of this, men. Conversely, an “un-fresh” breath is completely avoidable. Men, grab some mints or gum to put in your pocket so you don’t end up turning off your dance partners. She will remember you, so make a great impression.
  2. Don’t out-dance her. Men, the social dance floor is not the time to show off-especially when you’re dancing with someone new. Take going out Country dancing, for example. At least here in Arizona, tons of guys fling and swing their partners around like muppets in attempt to make themselves look cool. Here’s an important tip: if this is your first dance together, use this time to make her feel comfortable and safe. Once you know her skill level, try more advanced moves little by little to see how she reacts. That will be your gauge as to how far you can go with your partner on the dance floor. Keep in mind two things, guys, as you go through this process. 1. That you are on a social dance floor. Others are sharing the space with you, so don’t be a floor hog and, 2. Partner dancing is designed to show off your lady. If you are making her feel uncomfortable, she cannot and will not be able to relax and allow you to sweep her off of her feet. If you’ve danced with a controlling follower on the dance floor, re-read what I just wrote to see if this may be why.
  3. Don’t teach her on the dance floor. No one likes know-it-all. Leaders, don’t belittle us by trying to play two roles on the dance floor. Again, keep it simple and dance to her level, but please do not teach her how to do her part. It’s best that she invest in Private Dance Lessons for beginners to learn from us pros.
  4. Listen to the music. Last but not least, pay attention to the beat. If you’re a great Two Step or Swing dancer, and have made an investment in dance lessons for yourself, then you already know the importance of musicality as a part of your dancing experience. If not, dance lessons are perfect for helping you to identify what dance to do to what music, as well as how to stay on time. It is a great feeling when you are on time with the music, and a key piece of the dancing puzzle as a leader, and couple, on the dance floor.

I hope these four tips help to give every man the courage to ask any lady to dance, and to know that by following these guidelines, that she will have a great experience. Social dancing, be it Country Western, Latin or Swing dancing, is an incredible outlet for meeting new friends and relaxing after a long week of work. Make the most out of each dance with these helpful hints. 🙂

How to be an Awesome Latin Dancer

Salsa dance lessons near TempeHave you always envisioned yourself shaking your bon-bon at a steamy Latin dance club? What about being twirled, twisted and dipped, Shakira style? If you have an affinity for Latin dancing as much as I do, you may have already begun your journey into Latin dance lessons. If so, good for you! With formal dance instruction, you can get the tools you need to succeed on any dance floor.

Whether you have recently started with beginner Latin dance lessons, or you’re still working up the courage to give your local dance studio a call, I have a few pointers to share with you on how to be an awesome Latin dancer.

  1. Take Private Dance Lessons versus Group Lessons. Even if you’re not looking to be “the best” Latin dancer, you will always get more out of one-on-one Dance lessons over Group Classes. With individual attention to key factors, such as your dance frame, your leading or following skills and how to connect with your dance partner, you will spend less time getting more detailed information with Private Dance Lessons. And, when you are more efficient with your time, you can get out on the dance floor that much sooner to enjoy Salsa dancing! 🙂 Private Lessons are also great for the instructor to tailor their lesson around how you learn best. For example, a visual person would not learn best from a long explanation, and vice versa. In a group setting, your teacher cannot make the lesson specific to your learning style.
  2. Keep your lessons close together. Once you begin Private Latin Dance Lessons, stick with them. Consistency is key! Most often, I am asked “How many times a week should I come to my dance lessons?” My answer is simple. “As often as you possibly can!”, I say. By that I do not mean once a week. If possible, try to attend your lessons every other day in your initial stages. Really! This will dramatically improve your retention, which will cut back on review time as you move forward. Also, repetition is the answer, and doing anything once a week for an hour or less will not help with that. As you grow in your dancing and the basics and concepts become second nature, you will be able to give yourself more time in between lessons and still progress from one lesson to the next. This does take time, though, so be patient with yourself.
  3. Start now. If you want to be a confident Salsa dancer for that holiday party in December, and it’s only June, start now! You’ll be glad you did! Rushing to try and grasp an entirely new set of skills is self-torture. OK, maybe I’m being a bit dramatic, but give yourself time to get comfortable and ease into dance. Many dancers relate learning to dance to learning a whole new language. With that in mind, have you ever tried to learn to speak Spanish or French? It didn’t happen over night, right? Getting a head start now with Latin dance lessons for any unexpected occasion, or even to plan a night out at a local Latin dance club, will truly make you feel more confident, and that’s what dancing is all about, besides having fun, of course!

Give yourself the gift of dance, it’s so worth it! From improved health to better memory, meeting new friends and adding romance, Latin dance lessons are the gift that keeps on giving! Arizona residents, you’re in luck! Come visit us at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ for quality social dance instruction. We will make sure that you can shake it with the best of them!

Discover What’s Harder Than Learning to Two Step

Couple Country dancing in Chandler ArizonaGuys, you want to know what’s harder than learning to dance the Two Step? In my opinion, it’s having to re-learn it! As a self-taught Two Stepper, you feel on top of the world when you’re at your favorite Country bar. You can spin and twist those gals with the best of them. But for some reason,  she never accepts a second dance. She seemed to be smiling and enjoying her time with you, so why is she making excuses for having to go? Well, the harsh reality is that you may have some bad habits that is making her time with you on the dance floor less than stellar.

What are you missing? It’s time to take a look within. Let’s explore some key concepts that every good dancer understands…

  1. The language of dance. Did you know that dancing is a language within itself? Yes, with what I call the ABC’s of dance, which help you to understand how to effectively communicate to your partner what you’d like her to do, you can actually “speak” the language of dance and show almost anyone a fun time Two Stepping, Salsa dancing, or whatever partner dance style you prefer. Once you understand the basic elements of Country dancing, or Latin dancing, you must learn how to put them together and be taught how to create cool combinations that you can lead with confidence. For a man on the dance floor, that means understanding how to lead is imperative. Rather than simply memorizing steps that you may have seen others do at the Country bars, knowing how to lead is crucial to getting a second dance with that cute girl. You can’t get this information if you’re self-taught, but by investing in Private Country Dance Lessons at your local dance studio, you will soon be empowered to make every dance a successful one.
  2. Posture, frame and connection. As the main component of your investment in Country Dance Lessons, you will also discover the best parts of partner dancing; nice posture, a solid dance frame and how to have a connection with anyone. I say these are the best parts because without them, you would not be a great social dancer. You simply can’t be an awesome dancer without the understanding of how important it is to stand up straight, hold your partner properly and make sure that she understands what you want her to follow. When you have those tools in your belt, you will be well on your way to earning a second dance with her.

They say old habits die hard, which is why I think that learning to Country dance the right way after trying to teach yourself may not be the best plan for you. If you’re interested in becoming a confident social dancer, start with healthy habits and you’ll have the ladies lining up for multiple dances before long. Yes, Private Dance Lessons are an expense, and you can’t learn to dance over night, but you will get a solid foundation (and more) to have and use for many years to come. Then, any moves that you pick up at the bars will be applied properly because you have the knowledge on how to add them to your dance repertoire. Doesn’t that sound like a more effective and efficient route? I would say so. 🙂 So, give your closest social dance studio a call and begin your journey towards becoming an amazing Country dancer today.

How to Get Him to Ask You For Another Dance

Country dance classes Mesa AZLadies, we love to dance, don’t we? Well, most of us do! Wouldn’t it be awesome to go out social dancing with the girls and find incredible guys to dance with everywhere we turn? Of course it would. In reality, though, guys have a ton of responsibility on the dance floor. What that means for us is that there are less great male dancers out there than we would like because of the actual work it takes to be a great leader on the dance floor. That doesn’t mean that they’re not out there, though. Or that they’re not works in progress. 🙂 Let’s give our men a break, girls. Here are a few tips from me to you to get him to ask you for another dance every time.

  1. Don’t lead yourself. This is a tough one for us ladies, right? We so want to “help” our leading man with his part. Believe it or not, though, this is actually one of the most detrimental things that we can do for him. It strips of him his “power”, not to mention his manhood. On the dance floor, the guy is called the leader for a reason. There is one leader and one follower, not two leaders, girls. So, even though he may be a beginner with limited knowledge, please respect his level of dance and don’t lead yourself, or try to teach him what to do. This will just fluster him, and strip him of his confidence. When you accept a Salsa or a Two Step dance, I recommend smiling and being gracious. Who knows, maybe a few months down the road with more Private Dance Lessons under his belt, he may become an incredible leader that you will be hoping asks you to dance again.
  2. Show interest in your partner. To follow up on my previous point, let your partner know that he’s doing a great job by making him look good. Don’t over dance or show off if he’s not ready for advanced styling, simply enjoy what he can offer on that night. Interestingly, and this happens often, we as ladies think that HE is the problem on the dance floor, and we tend to discount him before even giving him a chance. This may come to a shock, but WE could be part of the reason why the dance isn’t so great. So, again, be appreciative of the offer to dance, and focus on what you can do to make the experience as good as possible for the two of you. A smile and reassurance goes a long way!
  3. Wear appropriate clothing and accessories. This is a big one. Whether you’re dancing with a beginner or an experienced Swing, Country or Salsa dancer, what you wear can have a definite impact on your dance experience. To start, the right shoes are essential. If you’re out Country dancing, boots are quite appropriate. If you’re at a Salsa club, throw on a pair of heels with a strap around the ankle. The right footwear will help you with balance, coordination and looking good too. 😉 Clothing-wise, a short loose skirt is OK, as long as you have running shorts underneath. (Let’s avoid a possible slip where you might expose yourself.) For Latin dancing, I do not recommend a tight skirt or dress, as you are going to restrict your range of motion and possibly be more focused on being uncomfortable than having fun. For accessories, I suggest earrings that do not dangle, or have the chance to get caught on anything. This could be a real disaster!

Social dancing is a true blast! Ladies, let go, enjoy being swept off of your feet and dress for success! The rest will fall into place, and your dance card will be full before you know it. If you’re a gal who wants social dance tips on how to be a great follower, take social dance lessons for beginners! Dance lessons are a wonderful way to stay healthy, learn a fun, new skill and gain confidence on the dance floor.

How to Overcome Your Fears of Social Dancing

Country dance classes in Mesa ArizonaIt can be scary to go out Country dancing or Salsa dancing for the first time. Intimidating, even. “I mean, with so many people on the dance floor doing so many cool-looking moves, who am I to step on anyone’s toes and insert myself  into the equation?”, you may be thinking. My initial reply to your inner dialog is, every one of those dancers had a first day out on the floor, just like you. They took that brave first step, and the rest is history. So my friends, I challenge you to get on that dance floor and to overcome these three common thoughts that will weigh you down, hold you back and inevitably ruin your well-deserved good time on that dance floor. Does this sound like you?

  1. Everyone’s watching me! Pssst! No, they’re really not. Unless you’re the best dancer out there, you can usually blend in on any social dance floor pretty easily. Generally, the best dancers are the ones that are looking to show off a bit here or there, and they are grabbing the attention of onlookers, not you. So, if you’re a beginner dancer, fear not that all eyes are on you. Focus instead on staying on time with the music, and enjoying time with whomever you’re dancing with, and your confidence will improve in no time.
  2. But I don’t know anyone! Well silly, you can only get to know other dancers, or make new friends, if you put a little effort into it. Social dancing is a wonderful way to meet others, with similar interests, in a healthy and non-threatening way. Just ask for a dance and see where things go from there. And, what’s more, if you invest in Private Dance Lessons, your dancing skills will take you a lot further in terms of getting multiple dances with someone. Who knows, you may even build a reputation for being a great leader or follower, which will surely attract even better dancers to you. Before you know it, you will begin seeing the same faces each time you go dancing, which really helps in fostering new friendships.
  3. Everyone around me is so much better than I am! At first, this may seem to be true. As an instructor, I hear this all the time from our beginner Country dancers. They “think” that everyone in the Country bars doing the flips and tricks are great dancers. Not the case. In fact, the best Country dancers are those who are mindful of others and who respect the space or other dancers who want to have fun too. Remember guys, less can be so much more. Stick to what you know and as your confidence grows, you too will be in the spotlight.

If you have told yourself any of the above, keep in mind my favorite saying “thoughts are things”. It may not be that easy to take that first step, but if you don’t, know that you could be missing out on new friendships, a major confidence boost and a hobby that can bring you years of happiness…dance!

To begin your dancing journey, contact your local dance studio and check out their Introductory Offer. Social dancing may be just what you’ve been missing in your life.

More Tips on a Successful Night Out Dancing

Country 2 Step classes near Gilbert ArizonaSo I left you in my last blog with a few great tips on how to have more fun social dancing. Of course, there are more than just three things to be mindful of when going out social dancing, so welcome to part two of my blog: More tips on a Successful Night Out Dancing. 😉 Here are a few new suggestions that I have for you to make your night out Country dancing or Salsa dancing a blast!

Tip #4: This is my absolute favorite tip, and one that is often ignored until after the fact, but here it is: Less is more. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been out Country dancing in the past few years and watched women being dipped by their pony tails, flipped into oncoming dancers, and tossed around like rag dolls. Some of these gals have smiles on, but more often than not, they are terrified when they can’t stop themselves before being flung into another couple. Guys, or should I say, gentlemen, treat your ladies with respect out there. It should not be dangerous to go out on the floor for a relaxing Two Step dance. Crazy does not equal cool. So keep her safe, stick to moves that do not use a ton of space and respect the other dancers on the floor. If you’re not sure what that means, or how to stay safe and have fun, visit your local dance studio for Country dance classes and get the right information to set yourself up for a successful night of dancing.

Tip #5: Be interesting. This may seem to be the opposite of what I just discussed, but it’s absolutely not. To be an interesting lead on the dance floor means that you have enough simple but fun moves in your tool belt to show her a great time. In your Private Dance Lessons, you should be learning to work smart and not hard by combining those same moves in a variety of ways.

Guys, your challenge is to recall the moves you have when the pressure is on dancing in the “real world”. You will find that it’s not quite the same as dancing in the studio, where everything is controlled. Take a deep breathe and relax. You will forget everything for a minute, then your muscle memory will kick in and you’ll be back on track. Just start by doing the basic a few times, and then layer with one move that you can remember at a time, until you get in your groove and can start to have a little fun. More moves does not mean more fun, so stick with what you know well, and have some fun.

Tip #6: If you are investing in yourself by taking Private Dance Lessons, this last tip will get you major results. I recommend that you take notes. This tip is a two parter. First, I mean to say that you should bring notes with you on your first few times out dancing. Yes, literally write down a few things on a flash card, in your phone, or anywhere that you can, and take a quick peek at your notes just before your first few dances. You’ll be surprised with what you forgot and what those notes will help you to remember before hitting the dance floor.

Also, take notes on what you are struggling with so you can bring those notes back to your instructor on Monday. He or she can help correct the issues you had for your next time out. Jot some things down in your phone, you’ll be grateful that you did.

Going out dancing is an important step in your journey towards becoming a confident social dancer. With the right tools, you will have a wonderful hobby that you can use for many years to come. Take the time to get great information so you can have the best experience dancing ever! You’re worth the investment.

How to Have More Fun Social Dancing

country dancing near Chandler AZMore fun while out social dancing is always the goal, right? I mean, what’s the point of even going out Country dancing or Latin dancing if you’re not enjoying time with new friends, in addition to brushing up on your cool moves. The key, though, is to figure out how to have the best dance experience possible. Social dancing is an amazing hobby when a little forethought is put into what your night is going to look like. Here are three tips from me to you on how to make your night out dancing a memorable one.


  1. It may be easier said than done, but my first piece of advice is to relax. Going out social dancing for the first handful of times can be quite nerve-wracking. For a leader, feelings of rejection, looking “stupid” or drawing a blank are usually front and center. For a lady, wondering if anyone will ask you to dance, or if he will be a good leader may be a worry. Social dancing is all about taking a deep breathe, knowing that everyone’s eyes are not on you, and taking the night for what it is…an opportunity to let go and unwind. Of course, social dancing is so much more than that, but why put the pressure of meeting that “special someone” or trying to be perfect on yourself? It’s just not worth it. So, tip #1, relax, have a few laughs and get out on that dance floor. Every dance you try is going to bring you one step closer towards gaining the confidence you are seeking.
  2. Tip #2: Be aware of your surroundings. Guys, please don’t Swing your partner into others in an attempt to show off and look cool. All this does, besides rip her arm out of the socket, is make her uncomfortable and unsafe. I know that may not be your intention, but why risk losing another dance with her? Another suggestion for new leaders is to make sure to protect your dance partner. There may be other guys out there that you can’t control who will inevitably fling their partners into you. Make sure to guard your lady and keep her safe. She will surely appreciate you looking out for her. 🙂
  3. Lastly, be kind to your dance partners. It is really scary to ask a lady to dance, or to be asked to dance by someone you don’t know. If you are not interested in accepting a dance, be nice. A polite, “No, thank you” will suffice. Even better, give him a shot. He may surprise you with his Two Step or Salsa dancing skills. Men, if you are finding that you’re dancing with a partner who is below your skill level, treat her with respect by leading her through simpler moves that she can feel comfortable following. Showing off  does not do any good for either of you, and it certainly won’t earn you another dance with someone who you may find attractive.

Well, I could go on and on about how to have a great time social dancing anywhere, and I will in incoming blogs! Until then, take these tips to heart, get off the couch and have a blast on that dance floor.

If you’re looking for a place to start with beginner’s social dance lessons, Phoenix residents, look no further! Visit our Arizona dance studio for social dance lessons. In no time, you’ll be ready to get on any crowded dance floor with confidence.

Social Dance…for the Health of it!

social dance classes near Chandler ArizonaDid you know that you can literally dance your way into a healthier you? Yes! With increased endorphin levels, much like those you get from running on the treadmill, you will be burning calories, having fun and feeling great! There are so many great things about knowing how to Country dance, or Latin dance, that can keep the monotony of heading to the gym at bay that you may eventually want to even cancel your gym membership altogether one day. For now, hold on to it until you get to the point in your dance classes where you really get moving.

Speaking of that, when does that point happen in your dancing, you may be wondering. I would say about 10-15 hours into your Private Dance Lessons, you should really be moving around and experimenting with combinations and even some cool dance moves. At that point, you can replace dancing with the gym. Sardio is key for weight loss, you will need to be patient with the process of learning to dance and you will be movin’ and groovin’ around the dance floor before you know it.

Earlier I mentioned how social dancing is also key for mental health and well-being. Meeting and developing stronger bonds with others in the community is a critical aspect of mental health that social dancing surely provides. Also being able to connect with others physically through dance is both therapeutic and essential. We all need human interaction and closeness, and going out Country dancing or Salsa dancing can meet both of those needs in a safe and fun way. As Phil Martin, a fellow dance instructor is quoted in the L.A. times as saying, “Dancing simply makes you happy,” Martin says. “It’s a lifelong mood enhancer.”

Remember that learning different social dances, like Swing or Country Two Step dancing, is a mental challenge as well. Keeping the moves straight, knowing when and how to use them, and staying on time with the music is all part of your responsibility on the dance floor, at least for the leads. This is a ton of information to keep track of initially, but what comes out of it is the opportunity to train your brain to be active and think in new ways. It is for this reason that studies have shown that ballroom dancing wards off dementia 

If you’re excited about subbing the excitement of learning to dance for your boring gym routine, then get going on beginner’s dance lessons! Singles and couples can learn to become confident social dancers with us at Dance FX Studios, located in the the Phoenix East Valley. If you live elsewhere, Google the best place where you can begin your journey into social dancing. You’ll make new friends, improve your health and do something great for you, and even your relationship, all through dance!

Five Steps to Becoming a Confident Social Ballroom Dancer

social ballroom classes near Tempe AZDid you know that anyone can be a confident social ballroom dancer? Yes, I said anyone. With the five simple steps below, I have given you everything you need to be successful on any social dance floor.

Before we get to the nitty gritty of each step, let’s discuss what “social ballroom dancing” actually is. Let’s start with what it’s not. Social dancing is not what you see on Dancing With The Stars. It’s not about big movements that allow just you and your partner to take over the entire floor. Those dances like Foxtrot and Waltz that need space are best for competitive dance floors, rather than crowded social dance floors. (Although we do teach both-but for social purposes.)

Social ballroom dancing technically includes all dances that include a partner, from Country Two Step dancing to Salsa dancing, and even Argentine Tango. If you can use it out socially, it falls into this unique and special category known as “social ballroom”. Social dances generally won’t be used on a competition floor, but are very practical to know for special events like a wedding or holiday party, or nights out dancing in bars or clubs, where the floors are packed and you need to know what to do.

Why, in  my opinion, social dancing is so special is because it’s actually trickier than people think to dance with all sorts of distractions, from drunk people to untrained dancers to loud music to postage sized dance floors where space is a premium. (At least at a ballroom dance competition you are in a controlled environment.) But again, social dancing is what it’s all about! Knowing how to dance popular styles like Country Swing and Bachata are great for confidence, meeting new people and having a great skill that you can use over and over again throughout your life. It truly is the best!

So are you ready to begin your exciting journey towards becoming a confident social dancer? Here you go!

  1. Find a studio that’s right for you. Make sure that you really spend time evaluating the local dance studio that you plan to attend. Are they more of a competition dance studio or do they really offer social ballroom lessons? See if you can sit in on a lesson or two and get an idea if this is the place that you want to spend more time. Do you like the feel of the ballroom? Is it too formal, or not well kept? These should be deciding factors as you will be spending lots of time, at least initially, at the studio.
  2. Book an Introductory Dance Lesson. Starting with a beginner’s Country or Swing dance lesson is a great idea. Be leery of the “first lesson free” model as nothing good is every truly “free”. What’s the catch? You’ll find out by the end of your lesson. An introductory lesson is also smart for seeing how your instructor guides you through the initial stages of learning to dance. Dance lessons are always about having a great experience. Did you have one? If not, move on to a place that is better suited for you.
  3. Set goals with your ballroom dance instructor. A great social ballroom dance instructor will highlight the benefits of social dancing and see which ones you would like to receive. Do you want to gain more confidence through dance? Is dancing something that you saw in a movie and always wanted to learn? If so, why? Do you have particular health goals that you are trying to achieve through your dancing? Let your instructor know so he/she can put your specific goals at the forefront of their minds to get you on the fast track to being a great social dancer. Setting goals that are both measurable and realistic will give you a light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak, and an exciting set of expectations so that you can begin making plans to enjoy your new hobby.
  4. Follow the direction of your “coach”. Your instructor will soon become your coach through this process. If everything makes sense as to how they are going to get you to your dancing goals, then please, please listen to your instructor! Skipping on homework assignments or not keeping your lessons close together will be to your detriment, trust me. It’s your investment ultimately, but we do want you to succeed. So pay attention to your qualified instructor, listen to your gut and get on a healthy track towards your goals.
  5. Go out dancing! If you are lucky enough to be a part of a studio that offers social dance events, I am encouraging you to attend as many of them as you can. With each event, you will gain more and more self-assurance. Before long, you will be rocking’ it at the Country bars, or Latin clubs! Meeting other students and practicing what you have been working on is key. Then, you can go back to your instructor with the holes that need to be filled so you will be even more prepared for the next dancing event.

Whew! That’s a lot of information to take in! The bottom line is that social dances like Country Swing and Salsa are a blast to know and use when the occasion arises. Or, create your own “occasion” by clearing the living room and holding your sweetie tight as you dance to your favorite tunes. Either way, social ballroom dancing is an incredible skill to own. If you’re ready to join in the fun, and you happen to live here in Phoenix, Arizona with us, come check us out Dance FX Studios. We are near Tempe Chandler and Gilbert, Arizona, in Mesa. For all the tools to be that great social dancer, we’re the place for you!