You Never Forget a First Impression
/in Dance Lessons Mesa AZ /by SierraIt’s the big day today, and you’ve already said those magical words that have united your souls together for an eternity. Now you think the hard part’s over as you’re both walking back down the isle. The closer and closer you get to the church doors exit, the more the reality of your situation comes. It hits you a bit late… There’s going to be a party soon, and probably some intense dancing involved!
If you’re not prepared by this moment, you might want to start panicking now! You’re never going to get a second chance at a first impression, and now all of your brides’ family is watching you to see if you’re going to sink or swim out there in that cosmic disco dance floor. You’re thinking to yourself now that, its not just your bride you’ll be dancing with, but both of your families are eager to dance and have a great night with both of you. Maybe something you should have done in the middle of all the chaos of your wedding planning is take some wedding dance lessons!
Its so imperative that, for that wonderful first dance as a married couple, you have a wedding dance routine to look top notch. Here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, we pride ourselves in our ability to connect with our students and take the pressure off of that very special moment for you. We want you to feel and look both comfortable and natural on your big day in your first dance as bride and groom.
Think of this…At that moment when the DJ says, “Ladies and gentlemen may I introduce Mr. & Mrs…”, everyone will have their eyes glued to you. You know that the both of you want to make that moment memorable for a lifetime, for yourselves and your guests. The best way to do that is to wow them with one-of-a-kind choreography for your wedding dance that reveals the love you have between the two of you. You can surprise everyone with a steamy salsa dance, or a peppy swing dance, either way, they will be blown away when you take the time to have a dance put together for you.
What better way to start your lives together as a successful couple than a successful dance routine at your wedding reception? Whether your first dance is simple and sweet, or you rock your reception with something more elaborate, we promise to deliver a memory we’ll make together will indeed last a lifetime. There’s no number value that you can put on something like that! A memory that last a lifetime is priceless.
Don’t be that guy who looks back on this day thinking you should’ve done something more. You want to able to look back and know that you did everything that you could have done in your power to make this day and memory the most special you could have, especially for your beautiful bride. Dance FX Studios is uniquely qualified for these moments, in that we’re right in the heart of Phoenix valley, just off the 101 highway for your convenience. Let us take the pressure off of your shoulders and make this process as fun and as stress-free as possible for you.
Finally, keep in mind that couple’s dance lessons is an investment that keeps on giving throughout your lives together, and can bring a bond for the two of you that you’ve never felt before. Think of how much fun it will be to take a break from all of your wedding planning and come dance with us. So get on down here and let’s do this together. You bring the bride and we’ll bring the music, and by working as a team, you’ll get the wedding dance of your dreams. Guaranteed!
Lift Your Spirits This Holiday With Dance Lessons
/in Dance Lessons Mesa AZ /by SierraAre you in need of a pick-me-up? Does the holiday season get you down? You’re not alone. Many people dread this time of year for one reason or another. This season, I invite you to give yourself a gift that will remove those holiday blues forever. Gift yourself dance lessons this holiday and watch your spits soar!
Have you ever thought of how much fun it would be to learn to Country dance? What about Salsa dancing, does that excite you? Or are you the retro Swing dance kind of person? No matter what dance style you have always wanted to learn, there’s no better time than now to take beginner’s dance lessons for adults. Why? Let’s explore…
- Dancing gets your body grooving. A body in motion is an automatic mood enhancer-especially when you get it moving to music. It’s nearly impossible actually to be in a bad mood while you’re dancing. The fact is that with the release of endorphins that occurs after a Salsa, Swing or Country dance lesson, you will find not only a reduction in stress, but also in tension, anger, and even loneliness. These are typical feelings that tend to surface during this time of year, and you can take control of them just by learning to dance. Pretty cool.
- Dancing makes you smarter! According to Stanford University’s dance faculty member, Richard Powers, “Social dancing such as swing requires constant, split-second decision-making. Because the brain has to work so much, it is not necessarily retracing the same neural pathways but instead using new ones,” which improves memory, Powers says. Why sit around in a lull, curled up in your blanket watching re-runs of “A Christmas Story” when you can be Swing dancing?
It’s also interesting to know that social dance lessons are used with Engineering students at Northwestern University who need encouragement flexing the right, or more creative, sides of their brain, making them more well-rounded and happier students. So, even smart people can benefit by taking social dance lessons!
3. Social dancing keeps you connected. This is a biggie! One of the main reasons that the holidays can be rough is due to loneliness, as mentioned above. When you begin taking social dance lessons, you are opening up opportunities to meet new friends and potential dance partners who share an interest in dance, just like you. In every social dance style from Latin dancing to Country dancing, communities of dancers form so that they can enjoy the benefits of knowing how to dance together. If your relatives live far away this season, or you just ended your relationship, wouldn’t it be great to have other people in your life to enjoy your new, healthy and oh so fun hobby with? The answer is YES! YES! YES!
Make a smart decision this holiday season and gift yourself Country, Swing and Latin dance lessons. Your social calendar will be filled and you’ll have a new hobby that you can use any time of year.
If you’re looking for a studio in Phoenix, Arizona, look no further! At Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley, we will help those blues disappear and make the holiday a joyous time for you once again. You deserve it! Check out our Holiday Dance Offers to see how you can get started today.
A Survival Guide to Your Local Dance Studio
/in Dance Lessons Mesa AZ /by SierraCongrats! You’ve decided to set up your first social dance lesson to explore cool dances like Country Two Step, Salsa and Swing. How exciting! Before long, if you stick with your dance lessons, you will have a wonderful and exciting hobby that you can use for years to come. Now that’s the definition of investing in yourself. The key now is to determine whether the Arizona dance studio that you chose is right for you. Let us suggest a few tips that will help you know what type of dance studio is right for you.
First, what is your ultimate goal on the dance floor? Will you be using your dance lessons to reconnect with spouse, gain confidence, or simply to relieve stress? If so, take some time to “interview” the studio you have made your first appointment with so you can discover if you’re on the same page. A few key questions you may want to ask should include; “What is your primary focus on my dance lessons?” If technique is more important than fun, you may not have chosen the right dance studio. Another important question to ask is, “What styles of dance do you offer?”. Maybe the studio you are in is a traditional ballroom dance studio, where you are wanting to learn more about social dances that you can use in the real world like Salsa and Country Swing. That would not be a good fit for you either. In the Phoenix metro area, there is only one strictly social partner dance studio, where ballroom dancing is not offered, and that is Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona.
Next, come in to your Introductory Dance Lesson with an open mind, but a sense of what feels right to you. Are you comfortable in the studio? Is this a place that you can see yourself wanting to come back to several times a week for the next few months? Learning to social dance takes time. Think of how long it took you to learn a new language, or play an instrument. There are steps to success on the dance floor that a quality dance studio will lay out for you, but knowing how to dance simply doesn’t come over night. The key is to grow, have fun and discover new sides of yourself along the way, making your time and financial investment worth it on your journey.
Finally, keep an eye out for studios that are not transparent. If you have questions that are met with elusive answers, take note. Now, if the studio truly does offer customized programs and you haven’t even taken your first step on to the dance floor, give them a chance to evaluate you before expecting an answer on time commitments and the like.
Learning to dance is an art, even if it’s social dancing, and everyone does make the connections that will make them successful dancers at their own pace. So be patient with yourself and know that, most likely, your dance instructor wants nothing but the best for you. Also know that now that you have started with your first dance lesson, many doors and opportunities to find love, meet new people and gain confidence are right around the corner. Go for it!
Sweep Her Off Of Her Feet With A Broom!
/in Dance Lessons Mesa AZ /by SierraHave you ever found yourself without a dance partner and desperately wanting to practice your playful Country Two Step or sexy Argentine Tango dance moves? Have no fear!!! There is always room for you as a student to come and practice your dance steps at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona! We welcome our students on the floor and encourage them to use the studio space to get some extra dance time in daily. If you are unable to make it out to see us on a particular day, however, you actually do have the perfect dance partner waiting for you at home! What do we mean by this? You have an ‘everyday item’ that is actually wonderful to dance with… your BROOM!!! Yes, I said your broom….Specifically the handle.
You may be scoffing, but read on a there are many reasons why a broom can be an excellent dance partner. First, it won’t talk back! 🙂 True, you won’t receive feedback (which is why it is important to make sure you also take private dance lessons to receive more information), but if you step on or drop it on accident, it won’t protest and, it will allow you to focus on something very important, your dance frame. As a dancer, it is imperative that you maintain a good frame. Why? Your frame is the point of contact that you have with your partner, which is what we call your lines of communication. Think about it, what do you expect when you pick up the phone and get frustrated with if it is faulty…the clarity of the line. If the sound goes from loud to soft, you tell the other person. If it begins breaking up on you, you move to another place or hang up and try again. In partner dancing, from Salsa dancing to Swing dancing, the communication is a little easier to control, because both parties are in the same place, and you can communicate verbally if needed. However, you don’t necessarily have the time to think about what is happening and get your point across, this is why we use non-verbal communication through the frame. At Dance FX Studios we teach different types of dance frames and connections between partners that are used for each dance so be sure to come in and learn about all of this before beginning your at-home dance journey.
Here is where the real reason for using the broom comes out…. It helps you to understand how to better maintain a frame that is communicative to your partner. Since the handle of a broom is stiff, it can better show you the flaws in your frame and it makes you work to maintain a connection. The best way to practice with the broom stick is to place it evenly in the crook of your elbows. I know you may want to hold it tightly so that you can “sweep it off of it’s feet” :), but this placement actually helps to bring your elbows in front of your body and create a movement that is easier for another person to follow.
Whether you have a partner or not, come learn how to be a confident social dancer here at Dance FX Studios. Come take advantage of our $25 New Student Offer and learn to Country dance, Swing dance, Latin dance, and even dance the Argentine Tango. In an hour-long private dance lesson, you’ll begin to get healthy dance habits from us right from the start!
You can even put on a fun tune that will enhance your experience of dancing with your new-found buddy: Billy Idol’s Dancing With Myself. His lyrics say everything: “Dancing with myself, well there’s nothing to lose and there’s nothing to prove; I’ll be dancing with myself.” So grab that broom next time you get the urge to bust a move and create a fun way to practice, improve yourself as a dancer, and pave the way for a great experience in dance!
Fun video of someone dancing with a broom:
What Are Your Dancing Goals???
/in Dance Lessons Mesa AZ /by SierraAnother day here in John’s Little Corner at Dance FX Studios and normally it is a beautiful day but today, despite life’s beauty, there is a dark cloud growing over head and its called frustration! I met with a couple the other day for an Introductory dance lesson that went great, but they shared some information with me that really grinds my ochos!!! It’s not the first time I have heard of this type of thing happening, but my couple was so specific as to what they were wanting, it blows my mind that it took them several tries with different Arizona dance studios for them to finally find us to help them to accomplish their dancing goals. My frustration is with other studio’s agendas taking precedence over their student’s goals. As a student it is primary that you learn something that you will use, that is why you become students! But not everyone learns the same way. Some people are visual learners, and some are more hands on, and some people need a good balance of both to fully understand what it is they are studying. As adults, we kind of have a pretty good idea on how our brains process and absorb information. So here is my frustration…
The gentleman and his wife, my new students, have been to four or more different ballroom dance studios in Phoenix wanting to share time together and learn how to dance. They were shown a number of dances at each studio, from the Salsa to Swing dancing, which is typical because… how do you know what you will like until you try a few different dance styles, right? Plus…it is good to know a few different styles because, unless you control the music wherever you go, you have to be prepared for whatever comes on at weddings, in the Country bars, at Latin dance clubs, etc… Here’s the thing though, if you have been shown a number of different dances and know what you like and what you want to learn, is there any reason to keep pushing other dances onto you? NO! Yet even worse is the fact that this gentleman knows that he can only learn one thing at a time and did his best to try and learn a couple dances at the same time, but with no success, only further frustration. They were even told that they would only do one style but ultimately they were lied to. WHY???????? What is the purpose of this at dance studios? To keep students confused and keep them longer making them invest more and more money into nothing but frustration and confusion? I don’t understand. Really I do, but it saddens me to know that something as joyous and healthy as dancing is is being exploited into something dark and irritating because of greed. Dancing is a beautiful thing that deserves to be shared by everyone! Yes, to stay in business you have to take care of business, but do you do that at the expense of your students piece of mind? No. I tell you, NO!
We ballroom dance instructors need to make the dance lesson customized to our students needs. Listen to their goals, pay attention to how they learn, and adapt. Just because you are the instructor, doesn’t mean you don’t learn from your students. As a student you have the right to direct how your lessons will go, within reason. You can not just change everything how you see fit because then you would no longer be the student. Believe me, us good instructors of dance do have a method to their madness, but some apparently are just full-on mad… so be cautious in your choice of instructor and studio, and make sure your dance lessons fit your needs and styles of learning. And, beginner dancers, please communicate your ways of learning to your instructor before enrolling into their dance program because the last thing you want to have happen is that you make a bad investment.
Now I could continue on about this but I am going to move past it. I could go on and on how we here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona listen to your needs, customize your lessons around your learning style, help you reach your goals, help keep frustration from being an issue in learning, and most importantly help you enjoy the beauty in dance! But I don’t really need to if all these other studios continue on in their ways of doing things. So remember newbies, learning to Latin, Swing and Country dance is a thrilling journey, and an investment well worth your time and effort, but make sure it’s your own unique journey and not one from someone else’s manufactured journey-making machine!
Until next time, this is John in his Little Corner at Dance FX Studios saying, I hope “Dance FX You” in the way it should so you can gain a hobby and skill that will bring you joy for years to come!
Country Dance All Summer Long!
/in arizona dancing, AZ Two Step Lessons, Country dance lessons mesa az, Country Two Step Arizona, Country Western Dancing AZ, dance classes mesa az, dance lessons arizona, Dance Lessons Mesa AZ, Dance Lessons Phoenix, dance studios mesa arizona, dancing lessons mesa az, two step classes mesa az /by SierraDoes Country music invoke happy thoughts? Do you find yourself tapping your feet, smiling, and maybe even singing along to your favorite tunes (even if it’s in the shower)? Build upon those feelings by learning to Country dance! Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona has been teaching social dance lessons to singles and couples in the Phoenix valley for 15 years. Many students come in specifically for Country dances! There are three popular styles of dances done to Country music here in Arizona that you MUST know 🙂 : Country Two-Step, Country Swing, and Country Waltz.
Country Two-Step is one of the most common dances in the bars. It is a fun and easy dance with twirls, twists, and turns! There are two varieties of Country Two Step dancing: Progressive or Rhythm. The only difference between the two is that one travels (Progressive) and the other is mostly stationary (Rhythm). Both are great to know in preparation for going out dancing, however, in Arizona, Rhythm Two-Step is done almost exclusively out in the bars because it is effective for crowded dance floors.
Country Swing was recently recognized as one of the many Swing dance variations! It does have certain guidelines, which includes cool turns, spins, and combinations, that help keep you on time with the music while having fun on the floor. It is also adaptable to music other than Country which makes it great to use at either a wedding or a bar! This dance is higher energy, fun, bouncy and often results in many smiles!
Country Waltz is a progressive dance that has a more relaxed look to it than other Waltz styles. In the Country Waltz, the frame, hand and arm gestures are not exaggerated. This is a great dance to have in your back pocket for slow Country songs. Remember to keep that romance alive!
Cowboy boots are always welcome, but not necessary. In the end, we want YOU to have a great time! Dancing can be a relaxing, fun, new hobby for you to partake in whether you are dancing with a partner or just solo. This is a skill you’ll have for the rest of your life!
If you are interested in learning how to Country Dance in Arizona, give us a call at (480) 968-6177 to try our Introductory Offer for Country Dance Lessons. We are available Monday through Friday from 12 – 8 PM and on Saturdays from 11 AM – 4 PM. Soon YOU will have all the tools to keep you on the dance floor all night long!
Dancing is Not For Men?
/in Dance Lessons Mesa AZ /by SierraHow many times have you been dragged out on the dance floor by your wife, girlfriend or random person at a wedding or work event? Why are you hiding in the corner or at the bar when the deejay gets going or in between songs? Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona has three basic theories as to why you men express “I don’t like to dance”.
We have watched time and again as men scurry like roaches far away from the dance floor and that shouldn’t be a “thing”. In fact, guys who know how to dance tend to be major lady magnets because they have tons of self-confidence. What a shame that guys should avoid a hobby that’s so alluring and attractive to women! In any case, here are a few of our theories about why men don’t dance:
What you don’t know can hurt you! Men feel they need to know what they are doing before they try something, especially when other men are out there doing it. When you are out of your comfort zone and trying to look like you know what you are doing and fail, this embarrassment hurts, am I right guys? Guess what though? Social ballroom dance lessons are a great solution for overcoming the unknown. Forget about traditional old school “ballroom” and think Country Two Step, Swing and Salsa dancing. Now those are cool dances to know! How about overcoming the un-known in a way that is tailored to your learning style? Here at Dance FX Studios we know that dance instruction is not a cookie-cutter experience and must be personalized for each student, so let us help you to become a confident social dancer.
Dancing is not masculine! This is a huge misconception. Fortunately, especially because of the rise in popular TV shows like So You Think You Can Dance and Dancing with the Stars, this perception has declined over the years. Additionally, since Country dancing is BIG and getting BIGGER, Cowboys are without a doubt some of the very hottest and masculine of men!
Guess what else guys, when you are dancing, you get to be in control. That’s right, the man is the decision maker, or “leader”. That is exciting news right? Why would you want to miss out on learning a skill that teaches you to be in charge of giving the woman you dance with the feeling of being beautiful and elegant, or hot and sexy?!?!
Letting your inner dancer out might be scary! Admit it, you have an inner dancer! Even if that dancer has only actually moved in your mind, it is in there! Maybe you let yourself go crazy dancing at home. Maybe you have caught yourself in the mirror when you thought you were performing the best recreation of Tom Cruise’s Risky Business dance in his skivvies! Then thought, no, no, no, that’s not good, I am not a dancer! The truth is, no one truly has “two left feet” and comparing yourself to others who have had training, or in Tom’s case, choreography, is not a fair comparison. The same is true if you have been comparing yourself to someone who has been practicing the Country Swing, for example, for 5 or more years.
Learning to be a great social dancer won’t happen with the click of a button. In our everything is now and instant society, the idea of a learning curve can stop you from trying. However, think about all the other great manly skills that took a while too but where totally worth it. Here are just a few: soccer, skateboarding, snowboarding, basketball, swimming, riding horses. So why not start now and let the good times roll! Come on guys … find out what is really possible and learn to social dance! All of the results will be yours for the taking! Try out Dance FX Studios’ New Student Offer and begin a journey that will bring you joy for years to come!
Get Ready For an Astounding “First Dance”!
/in Dance Lessons Mesa AZ /by SierraWe at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona are experts at helping brides and grooms WOW their guests during their wedding receptions. We create beautiful, one-of-a-kind, built for the couple, rocking or twirling, “first dances” so you can Rock Your Reception. We have been the premiere dance studio in Arizona for wedding couples for almost 15 years.
Are you engaged? Then you may be headed over to our studio soon for a Wedding Dance Consultation. Before your first visit, we recommend that you do a few things before coming in. A little preparation before you walk into our dance studio and meet with our Wedding Dance Consultant will help us to help you as you are on your way to a fun adventure that you, and your guests, will remember forever!
Discuss with your fiancé your vision for your first dance. Knowing what your partner wants to look when you are both dancing at your reception, and being on the same page with the types of dance he or she feels comfortable dancing, is half the battle. Showing up at your consultation with your wedding dance consultant as a unified couple who knows what they want will speed the consultation questions along and allow the two of you to begin the exciting part of learning to dance that much faster. 🙂
Have 1 to 3 songs picked out as wedding dance options. Your wedding dance song is going to be a special one for all of your future years together so let’s not waste any time picking out the perfect music! A bit of musical guidance can go a long way for your choreographer; giving us an idea of your musical personality. Some songs work better than others, so once we know where to begin, we can get you going on the dance of your dreams. Finding that “must have” song, or a variety to pick from, saves lots of time. If needed, we may also suggest options to choose from; especially when we understand the musical direction you both are interested in.
Bring in a photo of your wedding dress or wedding attire. Don’t worry; your future husband does not need to see it! We, however, would love to know what you are wearing. This information will be very helpful for your choreographer. We want to make sure that everything goes absolutely perfect on your big day. Knowing what kind of dress you plan to wear helps us plan your routine with that bell skirt or long train in mind. Our desire is that you sparkle your very brightest on the dance floor, and this means taking your wedding attire into every dance step consideration.
Know your budget! Learning to dance or attending a dance school to gain a skill like dancing is an investment. Keep in mind that once you have this skill, you two can enjoy it together forever! You can share dancing again and again at many occasions as you move through your lives. How fun would it be to repeat your first dance at your 50th or 60th wedding anniversary? When you realize that you are investing in yourselves and your relationship, the value of using our studio for an amazing “first dance” goes up. Have an idea of what you are able to spend and be open to a simplified idea of what your “first dance” should look like.
If you live in Arizona, we hope you plan to schedule a Wedding Dance Consultation with us at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley. Our mission is to help you to look and feel your best on that dance floor on the biggest day of your lives.
How To WOW Your Woman This Valentine’s Day
/in Dance Lessons Mesa AZ /by SierraAlright guys, you have less than two weeks to find that perfect gift for your sweetheart for Valentine’s Day. So you know that you’re NOT getting flowers and a stuffed bear this time around, but how creative and exciting do you really want to get? Well…if your answer is “I’d love to wow my woman this Valentine’s Day”, then we have the perfect present for you!
What most of us ladies, myself included, really want, regardless of the time of the year, is quality time with our guy. We long for the experiences that we can remember of being together and doing something fun, adventurous and romantic with you!
This Valentine’s Day, Saturday, February 14th, 2015, we have the greatest gift ever for you to really make an impression: Couple’s Dance Lessons! That’s right. Think of private dance lessons as the gift that keeps on giving. Once you start with beginner’s dance lessons, you can take her to date nights that include dinner and dancing at your favorite Country bar or Latin club. That is soooo much cooler than watching a movie or playing pool.
Since Country music is extremely popular these days, you’ll be the best boyfriend in the world if you brought your lady in for a Country Two Step or Country Swing dance lesson. Country dancing is here to stay, and if you live in Arizona like we do, it’s literally part of our culture, so you know you’ll be able to use your moves for years to come.
The same goes for your Latin dances. Learn to Salsa and Bachata with your lady, or even to do the hot, hot, hot Argentine Tango and watch what those dances do for your love life. She’ll be so impressed that you even entertained the idea of learning to dance, that you’re sure to score major points.
At the end of the day, what’s truly amazing about Country dancing, Swing dancing, Salsa dancing, and the like, is that you get to hold your special someone tight and truly be intimate with each other on a whole new level as you learn a new hobby that promotes teamwork and togetherness. For new couples, dance lessons will offer a skill that will keep the romance alive as you learn more about each other daily. For couples that may be empty nesters, or even ones that have kids at home, social partner dancing is the perfect retreat, away from it all, to re-connect and remind each other of why you fell in love in the first place.
Make this Valentine’s Day unique by taking the opportunity to share in a new interest that you can both be excited about. Couple’s dance lessons are fun and a wonderful way to escape it all, so come join in the fun. The bottom line…couple’s that dance together, stay together. 🙂
Dance FX Studios
(480) 968-61771859 West Guadalupe Road
Mesa, AZ 85202
Monday 12:00 PM -8:00 PM
Tuesday 12:00 PM -8:00 PM
Wednesday 12:00 PM -8:00 PM
Thursday 12:00 PM -8:00 PM
Friday 12:00 PM -8:00 PM
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