Country Dance All Summer Long!

Country Western dancing in ArizonaDoes Country music invoke happy thoughts? Do you find yourself tapping your feet, smiling, and maybe even singing along to your favorite tunes (even if it’s in the shower)? Build upon those feelings by learning to Country dance! Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona has been teaching social dance lessons to singles and couples in the Phoenix valley for 15 years. Many students come in specifically for Country dances! There are three popular styles of dances done to Country music here in Arizona that you MUST know 🙂 : Country Two-Step, Country Swing, and Country Waltz.

Country Two-Step is one of the most common dances in the bars. It is a fun and easy dance with twirls, twists, and turns! There are two varieties of Country Two Step dancing: Progressive or Rhythm. The only difference between the two is that one travels (Progressive) and the other is mostly stationary (Rhythm). Both are great to know in preparation for going out dancing, however, in Arizona, Rhythm Two-Step is done almost exclusively out in the bars because it is effective for crowded dance floors.

Country Swing was recently recognized as one of the many Swing dance variations! It does have certain guidelines, which includes cool turns, spins, and combinations, that help keep you on time with the music while having fun on the floor. It is also adaptable to music other than Country which makes it great to use at either a wedding or a bar! This dance is higher energy, fun, bouncy and often results in many smiles!

Country Waltz is a progressive dance that has a more relaxed look to it than other Waltz styles. In the Country Waltz, the frame, hand and arm gestures are not exaggerated. This is a great dance to have in your back pocket for slow Country songs. Remember to keep that romance alive!

Cowboy boots are always welcome, but not necessary. In the end, we want YOU to have a great time! Dancing can be a relaxing, fun, new hobby for you to partake in whether you are dancing with a partner or just solo. This is a skill you’ll have for the rest of your life!

If you are interested in learning how to Country Dance in Arizona, give us a call at (480) 968-6177 to try our Introductory Offer for Country Dance Lessons. We are available Monday through Friday from 12 – 8 PM and on Saturdays from 11 AM – 4 PM. Soon YOU will have all the tools to keep you on the dance floor all night long!

Spice Up Your Week With Dance Lessons!

Arizona dance lessons for couplesHow’s your summer going? If you live here in the Phoenix East Valley with us, it’s almost over! School’s going to be back in session in just 4 short weeks and “normal” life as we know it begins once again. Wouldn’t it be nice to break up the monotony of that same boring schedule: drop off the kids, go to work, pick up the kids, make dinner, take baths and head to bed? If you answered a resounding “YES!”, then boy do we have the perfect new hobby for you…Social dance lessons! 

Have you ever heard of social dancing? It’s the kind of dancing that you would find yourself doing at a wedding, in a bar or at that next holiday work function. Think slow, romantic dancing, steamy Salsa dancing or the excitement of Country dancing! All of these popular dance styles will get the heart racing and endorphins flying! I’m sure that this sounds like a great way to shake up your daily routine and do something for you, right? If that’s the case (and we know it is), let us share just a few of the benefits you will receive through dance lessons, as a single or a couple.

Dancing Adds Romance: While it’s fun to cuddle up together on the couch after a long day, how often does that really happen? Generally, I’m off to bed before I can even think about what my hubby is up to.  When you carve time out of your schedule to give back to each other as a couple, it’s easy to remember how you fell in love in the first place, and why maintaining your connection is so critical. So, set up a private couple’s dance lesson and see how much fun it can be to enjoy each other-kid free- for just an hour here and there throughout the week. Country dancing or Latin dancing, even in your living room, will surely give you something much more rejuvenating to do as a couple , any time of day! Simply holding each other close while moving to your favorite dance tunes is a pretty cool thing for couples!

Dancing Builds Confidence!: It’s so easy to lose confidence at any stage of your life. When you learn to Country dance, Latin dance or Swing dance, you will discover a new found confidence in yourself, not to mention a skill that you can use to relieve stress, gain body strength, and more for years to come. Get out of that rut and uncover a cool hobby that will build up YOU and rejuvenate you so that you can be that much more available for everyone else.

There are sooooo many more reasons to dance, whether you have a busy family schedule or not. Discover social dancing in Arizona for yourself in all of the most popular styles of partner dancing today! Get started with our Introductory Offer for just $25 and let the fun begin! Get rid of the boring routines and fill up your dance card in no time with dance lessons at Dance FX Studios! See YOU on the dance floor!

Dancing is Not For Men?

Arizona Two Step dancingHow many times have you been dragged out on the dance floor by your wife, girlfriend or random person at a wedding or work event? Why are you hiding in the corner or at the bar when the deejay gets going or in between songs? Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona has three basic theories as to why you men express “I don’t like to dance”.

We have watched time and again as men scurry like roaches far away from the dance floor and that shouldn’t be a “thing”.  In fact, guys who know how to dance tend to be major lady magnets because they  have tons of self-confidence. What a shame that guys should avoid a hobby that’s so alluring and attractive to women! In any case, here are a few of our theories about why men don’t dance:

What you don’t know can hurt you! Men feel they need to know what they are doing before they try something, especially when other men are out there doing it. When you are out of your comfort zone and trying to look like you know what you are doing and fail, this embarrassment hurts, am I right guys? Guess what though? Social ballroom dance lessons are a great solution for overcoming the unknown. Forget about traditional old school “ballroom” and think Country Two Step, Swing and Salsa dancing. Now those are cool dances to know! How about overcoming the un-known in a way that is tailored to your learning style? Here at Dance FX Studios we know that dance instruction is not a cookie-cutter experience and must be personalized for each student, so let us help you to become a confident social dancer.

Dancing is not masculine! This is a huge misconception. Fortunately, especially because of the rise in popular TV shows like So You Think You Can Dance and Dancing with the Stars, this perception has declined over the years. Additionally, since Country dancing is BIG and getting BIGGER, Cowboys are without a doubt some of the very hottest and masculine of men!

Guess what else guys, when you are dancing, you get to be in control. That’s right, the man is the decision maker, or “leader”. That is exciting news right? Why would you want to miss out on learning a skill that teaches you to be in charge of giving the woman you dance with the feeling of being beautiful and elegant, or hot and sexy?!?!

Letting your inner dancer out might be scary! Admit it, you have an inner dancer! Even if that dancer has only actually moved in your mind, it is in there! Maybe you let yourself go crazy dancing at home. Maybe you have caught yourself in the mirror when you thought you were performing the best recreation of Tom Cruise’s Risky Business dance in his skivvies! Then thought, no, no, no, that’s not good, I am not a dancer! The truth is, no one truly has “two left feet” and comparing yourself to others who have had training, or in Tom’s case, choreography, is not a fair comparison.  The same is true if you have been comparing yourself to someone who has been practicing the Country Swing, for example, for 5 or more years.

Learning to be a great social dancer won’t happen with the click of a button. In our everything is now and instant society, the idea of a learning curve can stop you from trying. However, think about all the other great manly skills that took a while too but where totally worth it. Here are just a few: soccer, skateboarding, snowboarding, basketball, swimming, riding horses.  So why not start now and let the good times roll! Come on guys … find out what is really possible and learn to social dance! All of the results will be yours for the taking! Try out Dance FX Studios’ New Student Offer and begin a journey that will bring you joy for years to come!

Ahhh…The Country Sounds of Summer!

Country dancing in ArizonaThe temperature here in Arizona is in the 3 digits! It is currently 112 outside, but inside Dance FX Studios the temperature is ranges from a cool 72 to 74 degrees. It is so HOT outside, it’s a good day to dream about other places where it’s cool and the wind doesn’t feel like Tabasco.

Summer Country songs about the joys the carefree sun-filled months help us to take our minds where dancing and fun are happening near an ocean or lake. A place where we might spend time at the beach, throw parties or just do a lot of nothing experiencing summer fun. A place where we might meet Mr. or Ms. Right, fall in love or at least share a cold drink with our friends.

What are the best Country songs about summer? Below are lyrics by some of our favorite artists crooning about the kind of places most of us here in Arizona would rather be right now. Find that perfect summer song to help set your mood and make Arizona sun-drenched days much more enjoyable.  If you are lucky enough to be inside right now, why not put on a few tracks, grab a partner and get to doin’ some Country Swing, Country Two-Step or Country Waltz dancing.


“There’s a local band playing at the sea side pavilion. And I got just enough cash to get us in. And as we are dancing Mary’s wrapping her arms around me. And I can feel the sting of summer on my skin. In the midst of the music I tell her I love her.” (Kenny Chesney, Anything But Mine).

“Recking ball dancing down the hallway. You’re holding your shoes, wearing my shades. We fall against the door, we fall into a wild warm kiss. We’re buzzing like that no vacancy sign out front. Your skin is begging to be kissed by a little more than the sun. You take my hand in yours, you lean in. And your lips taste like sangria, your lips taste like sangria.” (Blake Shelton, Sangria).

“Somethin’ about that southern sky, sitting back behind that moon. It goes perfect with your eyes. Girl, tonight looks good on you. It’s something about the way you’re smiling. Making the stars fall right on queue. I just gotta tell you, baby. Tonight looks good on you.” (Jason Aldean, Tonight Looks Good On You).

“Holding hands and walkin’ around the pond. I can’t remember when we ever had so much fun. Bobby got pushed in and we just bust out laughin,’ somebody got a guitar out, now everybody’s dancin’.” (Mark Bray, Let me know that You’re Mine)

“How ’bout them cowgirls, Boys ain’t they somthin’, sure are some proud girls, and you can’t tell them nothin’, and I tell you right now girls, may just be seven wonders of this big, old round world. But how ’bout them cowgirls.” (George Strait, How ‘Bout Them Cowgirls).

“Want a towel on a chair in the sand by the sea, want to look thru my shades and see you there with me. Want to soak up life for a while, in laid back mode. No boss, no clock, no stress, no dress code. No shoes, no shirt, no problems.” (Kenny Chesney, No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem).

Now that you’re cool, relaxed and in a good mood why not do what all the best Country Music singers are suggesting, grab your shades, shoes, grab your partner and say “let’s make some of our own fun, let’s do some Country Swing dance   or maybe do some Two Step dancing?  Don’t know how to dance yet? That’s easy! Pick up the phone and call 480-968-6177, and let us get you on your way to enjoying a Country fun summer. Our New Student Introductory Offer hour long dance lesson is only $25, the music is on, our studio A/C is keeping it cool and we are waiting for you to join us here at Dance FX Studios.

Swing Dance into Summer!

Country Swing dancing in ArizonaSince 1994, Tim McGraw has sold more than 40 million records and dominated the charts with over 30 number 1 hit singles. Twenty plus years later, he’s had beyond 8 million spins on the radio, thus making him the most-played artist of the past decade, in any genre of music to boot, and guess what? He will perform tonight here in Phoenix, Arizona!

We know he will be singing Shotgun Rider, a Country Swing dance song, so the question is: Are you ready to stand up from that uncomfortable stadium seat and Swing dance? And what about all of his other hit songs? How long are you going to ignore your body before you let go, kick up your heels and dance?

For those of you who can dance (past students of Dance FX Studios), or those of you who have learned several cool dance moves, we know it won’t take long. But what about the rest of you, why aren’t you dancing? Is your girlfriend already up swooning and moving, begging you to get up and dance? Are you sitting there while attending one of the best Country music concerts simply because you cannot dance?!?

Well, Dance FX Studios here in the Phoenix East Valley has the solution for your next Country music event as well as the Country dance scene at large. At Dance FX Studios, we teach Country dance styles and so much more!  Choose from the Arizona Two-Step, Country Swing, Country Waltz, Nite Club 2-Step, or even the West Coast Swing! Discover up to four Country dances easily by our trained instructors- even if you feel you have two-left feet. 🙂 We are the only Arizona dance studio that teaches you how to fit in confidently to any social dance situation! We are the go-to studio if you want to avoid choreography and really learn to lead or follow. Even if you are getting married, we have you covered too with one-of-a-kind wedding dance choreography!

We can get you up, out and moving faster along in dance ability than you think, especially if you are committed to learning. Currently we have several students who are on the fast track to dancing success! We have a male student who committed to getting all his foundation dance lessons done in one week and attending our studio 3 days per week because he has four weddings coming up, each of which he plans to successively blow his friends away. He also will impress the minds and hearts of the cute bridesmaids in attendance when he shows off his knowledge of Country Swing, Country Two-Step, Nite Club 2-Step and even some Latin styles during the reception.

We also have another student who has a work party coming up in a few months. She is fast tracking her lessons too. Her reason … because all of her co-workers expect her to dance with her boss! At every work event, he asks her to accompany him out on the dance floor. Well, this year, she has decided that she will be prepared! Before that party takes place she will be an outstanding follower, and no matter what he leads her into, a twill, dip or spin, she will rock, roll, glide, spin and twill effortlessly and easily right along with him! How great is that?

Are up off the chair and rushing to the phone to call us so you can fast track your dancing journey too? Our number is 480-968-6177 and we are located on the southeast corner of Dobson and Guadalupe, just off the 101 highway for your convenience. Give us a call to take advantage of Dance FX Studios’ New Student Offer today!

Chill Out This Summer in Phoenix

Salsa dancing PhoenixIt is reaching the big temperatures here in Phoenix, Arizona and it is miserable to simply walk outside. Even if you are headed to the swimming pool, the chances of you staying outside for more than a quick dip are slim. So Dance FX Studios wants to ask you why? Why go outside when you can be Country dancing with us in the cool air conditioning! 🙂 Yes, we keep it nice and cool in our East valley dance studio so that you can beat the heat this summer and dance your way into the cool fall months ahead. Don’t stay stagnant this steamy summer, join us for some fun OUT of the sun with private dance lessons at Dance FX Studios!

So what can you learn in the next few months?? Plenty!!! Because we customize all of our dance programs, you will get to discover fun and exciting new dance styles that YOU want to learn, from Salsa dancing to Country Two Step to Argentine Tango, that you can enjoy for years to come. “Where to begin?”, you may be wondering. Well, here’s our recommendation on a few dances that will keep you cool this summer…

Salsa dancing: You have got to learn to Salsa dance if you live here in the southwest! Salsa dancing is fun, flirty and filled with playful moves that will keep you wanting more and more. Of course, you must also explore other sassy dances like the Bachata and Merengue if you plan to head out to the Latin clubs around Phoenix. Latin dancing is a wonderful stress reliever and an awesome way to meet new people as the style lends itself to pushing outside of your comfort zone. What a fun way to build your confidence and uncover a new skill all at the same time!

Country Two Step dancing: Regardless of where you live, Country dancing is heating up the nation! Get in with those who know how to Country dance and have a blast right alongside everyone else in the Country bars around Arizona. Two Step dancing is not only easy, it’s electrifying! Get spun around the dance floor, or do the spinning, and see how great it is to know how to Country dance. Now don’t be intimidated about all that you see in the Country bars around town, you can make your Country Two Step dancing flashy and fun in no time! Start with beginner Two Step dance lessons and let us help you with the rest!

Swing dancing: Any time is the perfect time to know how to Swing dance! Swing dancing is for all ages and stages of life, and is not specific to a certain genre of music, making it versatile in more ways that one! Get your Swing dance on this summer with Swing dance lessons for couples or singles. Swing dancing is a great means of escape, relaxation and joy as you discover this dance with or without a partner.

We at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley hope that you come visit us this summer to beat the heat and explore a new hobby. Social dancing is amazing on so many levels and we’d love to share in our passion for dance with you. Contact us to begin your journey into social dancing at 480-968-6177. We can’t wait to see you on the dance floor!

Country Swing This Summer!

Country Swing ArizonaSo you are a little bit country and your boyfriend is a little bit rock-n-roll? Then let’s talk about something perfect for both of you to enjoy together … Country Swing dancing! What is Country Swing dancing? Like a lot of other current popular dances, Country Swing developed from folk dances to become one of the United States top social partner dances. Swing dancing is fun, high energy, great for exercise, involves a partner, is always evolving and changing form and is a dance with lots of exciting turns! What more can you ask for in a dance?? Best of all… it has exciting music to match! Music that is both Country and Rock-n-roll!

So now that your interest is peaked, how does one go about learning to Swing dance? Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona recommends starting with beginners Country Swing private dance lessons. Why? Because you do not want to use the same three cool moves you learned somewhere from somebody over and over again. And, you want to be that amazing leader or follower or couple on the dance floor that is turning heads and causing everyone to want to dance with you, right? Private Swing dance instruction is the fastest way to become a great Country Swing dancer as we can customize a program that is just for you- from how you learn best, to the pace of your learning.  Being well schooled on any dance floor means you can Swing dance with style to a variety of Country music, and have a great time doing it.

By the way, here’s a cool fact about Swing dancing in general that you may not have ever heard before… There are over 24 variations of Swing dancing! Yes, from the sultry West Coast Swing to the playful Jitterbug Swing, you can literally Swing dance anywhere!  There are Swing dance styles that fit perfectly with all genres of music from Rock to Pop to Country, Jazz and Oldies. So, in addition to being prepared for your next Country dance night around Phoenix, you will also be gaining valuable tips on where else you can Swing dancing, opening up your social opportunities to new and interesting places around town. From Phoenix to Scottsdale and even in the East Valley, there are cool Swing dance venues that will keep you grooving’ all evening long! Let’s not exclude all of the AMAZING Country bars around the Phoenix valley that you can Swing dance at, from Buffalo Chip to Cactus Moon to Moonshine in Tempe, Country dancing is here to stay and is a hot way to cool off this summer, no doubt!

Now that you’re ready for Swing dance lessons as a couple or a single, we at Dance FX Studios would love the opportunity to give you a new skill that you can enjoy for years to come. There are so many wonderful benefits of knowing how to social dance, including meeting new people and adding romance, that we feel everyone should know how to dance. Come discover the world of dance with us! to set up a New Student Offer-one private dance lesson for just $25 (couple or single), give us a call today at 480-968-6177! See you on the dance floor!!

My Kinda Party

Country Two Step dancing in AZJust like Jason Aldean sings, going out to a Country bar to dance is My Kinda of Party! After a long work week, there is nothing a redneck Romeo, or a tan-legged Juliet, enjoys more than getting cleaned up, putting on some Wrangler jeans, a nice shirt and Cowboy boots, then heading out to one of our local dance clubs here in Phoenix. Nothing says romance more than social partner dancing to great Country music and kickin’ up your heels in the Arizona dirt at a spot where the Jack and Coke’s are flowing freely. There also the hope that the when the music and moonshine stop flowing, that dancing has opened the doors for new friendships… and even romance. 🙂

Did you know that in  2009, Country music was the most listened to rush hour radio genre during the evening commute, and second most popular music in the morning commute in the United States? It’s true! Country music is a genre of American popular music that originated in Southern United States, in Bristol, Tennessee in the 1920s. It takes its roots from the southeastern genre of American folk music and Western music combined. Country music often consists of ballads and dance tunes with generally simple forms and harmonies accompanied by mostly string instruments such as banjos, electric and acoustic guitars, and fiddles as well as harmonicas.

Country dancing was originally intended for general participation, unlike folk dances such as clogging, which are primarily concert dances, and ballroom dances in which dancers dance with their partners independent of others. Bright, rhythmic and simple, Country dances had appeal as a refreshing finale to an evening of stately dances such as the minuet.

These days, Country Western partner dancing is a popular form of social dancing. Key dances include the Country Swing,  Two Step, Waltz, Cowboy or Traveling Cha Cha, Polka, Ten Step (also known as Ten Step Polka), Schottische, and other Western promenade dances, East Coast Swing, West Coast Swing, and Nightclub Two Step. The Two Step and various Western promenade or pattern couples dances are unique to Country Western dancing. Western group dances include Line Dancing and Square Dancing (both modern and traditional).

Country dancing is informal, mostly because of comfortable gear from Cowboy boots to jeans and plaid shirts. Country Western dancing is more likely to feature a flat-footed glide with some heel and toe touches rather than a lot of “toe type” dancing. In addition to a quiet upper body, there is very little hip movement. Pumping of the hands, bouncing, and waddling are not encouraged.

Now that you know a little bit about Country dancing, it’s time to get out there and learn to Country dance yourself! If you’re looking for the fastest way to become a confident Country dancer, start with private dance lessons. Discovering dance at your pace with the assistance of a qualified instructor will make all of the difference in the world.

For Country dance lessons in Arizona, visit us at Dance FX Studios! We are located in the Phoenix East Valley, just off the 101 highway for your convenience. With students that visit us from all over the valley and beyond, we are excited to show you too how to Country dance with ease. Check out our New Student Offer for a sample of how we teach Country dancing for beginners. Once you take that first step into our studio, the fun and excitement of Country dancing will begin!


Steamy Summer Fun!

Arizona Argentine Tango lessonsAre you ready to journey into the most beautiful, intimate and romantic dance around? Argentine Tango is THE dance to know and we at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona would love to help you discover its beauty and grace. Yes, exploring the Argentine Tango is a commitment and yes it takes patience and lots of dance lessons, but the payoff is HUGE! Don’t let the allure of Argentine Tango steer you away from learning the sexiest social dance there is.

The Tango is the most famous of all Argentinian dances. Although it originated in Buenos Aires, the Argentine Tango is known throughout the world. What attracts many people to Tango is the surface, the visible part of the dance. For example: the close embrace of the dance, the encounter between a man and a woman, the pleasure of moving together in a furious exchange of steps, and the passion.

It may appear daunting to attempt, however when the dance is stripped down to its most basic form, the Argentine Tango is actually based on walking steps. So guess what? That means if you can walk, you can dance the Tango! This makes the Argentine Tango a dance that anyone can learn! Here are a few good reasons to commit to learning this beautiful dance:

Tango increases your social environment. Tango music is arranged in sets of four, with non-tango snippets in between to encourage people to change partners after each set. So in the course of an evening you have an opportunity to dance with many individuals and broaden your interpersonal contacts. In the best Argentine Tango environments, the musicians or DJ understands that they are the center of  the social context, therefore the volume is adjusted during the snippets, encouraging person to person interactions even when you are off the dance floor.

The dance is so darn sexy! There are many stylistic variations of Argentine Tango. They range from the faintest of close embraces to the high drama of showy ballroom Tango. The sensuality of the dance can be expressed as barely noticeable, expressed as playfulness or seemingly erotic intimacy. Most Latin dances may appear steamy… and this one is the steamiest! Typically in Latin styles of dance the hips move side to side and front to back, however in Argentine tango the hips swivel! The elegance of the movement adds grace and dignity to a dance that appears to have one foot in the bedroom.

Dancing the Argentine Tango does not feel like exercise – but it is! This dance is perfect for burning lots of calories because you are gliding rather than stomping and you can do it for hours without over taxing your body or feeling like it’s an intense workout. Take a look at the legs of women who dance the Argentine Tango … they have the best defined calves on the planet! With your new and improved physical appearance, you can embrace the showy clothing that Tango calls for too.

Tango brings opportunities for expression in appearance as well as self-expression. Even if a man chooses to keep it toned down, it is a treat to be in the midst of such enjoyable scenery. Why not spend the evening sitting with a glass of wine, dancing with beautiful women and appreciating the beauty that surrounds you?

Tango dancing reduces stress and increases confidence. To perform the Argentine Tango, you must be simultaneously relaxed while being instantly responsive to your partner and the music. The posture and balance required to execute the travel and turns imparts a hypnotic fluidity to the dance also known as the “Tango-trance”. This Zen-like feeling produces all the stress relieving benefits of meditation.  Tango is a series of simple steps: front, back, side, coupled with turns that are all choreographed impromptu by the lead out on the ballroom floor. Learning to have this ability, knowing how to lead another person well, builds confidence. For followers, it’s the reason to keep donning the outfits and strapping on the sexy shoes. For the women, there is no better feeling than knowing she will look amazing on the dance floor because she is in the care of a great leader.

It all sounds too good to be true, but the truth is that Tango is a dance that begins a love affair that will last a life time. Dance FX Studios is the perfect dance studio in the Phoenix valley to begin this journey with because Tango is our signature dance. The owners of the studio have been performing and teaching the Argentine Tango for over 15 years. There are no better hands you could be in within the Phoenix Metro area. Start your journey into Tango dancing by signing up for your first Introductory Tango lesson today.  See YOU on the dance floor!

You Get What You Pay For…

Country dance lessons in Mesa AZHave you ever heard that expression, “You get what you pay for?”? With all of the free group dance classes in the Country bars, Latin clubs and Casinos in Arizona, you would think there would be tons of great dancers here. Consider different social ballroom dances like Country Two Step, Salsa, Swing and Argentine Tango. Exploring these cool and exciting dances are really the same as learning a new language. Beyond learning the “ABC’s”, or basic dance steps, you will discover how to string your moves together into dance “sentences” and eventually “paragraphs” when you dance to an  entire song. With regards to expecting to learn to dance in a free group class in a bar or casino, imagine how challenging it would be to get into detail on how to be an amazing leader or follower in such a setting. Even if the instructor is top-notch, learning to dance inside a group class of 20 to 30 other people is very difficult.

The fact is, when you look around at most social dancers at places like Moonshine in Tempe, AZ or Bourbon Jacks in Chandler, Arizona, the truth is that most of the couples that you are admiring hasn’t a clue what they’re doing. You might be thinking “they’re having so much fun! Isn’t that all that matters”? Actually no, that is not all that matters. Fun does matter, but what matters most when dancing at bars or nightclubs or even at your best friend’s wedding, is that those around you are safe and comfortable and that you can actually apply what you know to a real world situation. Beyond that, true fun means knowing more than 3 cool moves repeated over and over no matter what song or music type!

These are just three questions that you should ask yourself to help decide if private dance lessons are a better investment than group lessons. 1.) Do you want to avoid embarrassment? 2.) Do you want to know how to dance of just fake it? 3.) How confident do you feel about your dance ability now that you have taken a year of free group lessons?

Here’s the scoop on why dance lessons one-on-one with an instructor are the better investment in yourself and your social life:

Attention to detail!

In group Swing or Salsa dance classes, are you told if you have a proper dance frame? Did your instructor check your footwork and was it secondary to the connection you and your partner had in your upper bodies? Are you leading, or is your girlfriend back-leading? Do you have any idea if you are being taught how to lead or follow? Now the lesson is over and you think you just learned several cool moves, but the reality is that you can simply do a bunch of sloppily executed moves with no structure or foundation. How unfortunate! What’s more, was that lesson really free if you paid that bar tab and took a cab ride home?

Conversely, after just a few private dance lessons, you should know how to lead or follow during all the dance moves you are learning, not to mention dancing in the correct dance frame and so on! Simply by understanding your roles and responsibilities on the dance floor as a leader or follower, you will have advanced further than any typical group lesson. Learning these first few tools your confidence will build as you go. You are sure to have more confidence and you will take that with you to any social dance floor.

Private dance lesson are customized for how you learn best! 

A disadvantage of group dance classes is that you are learning with the masses. You may pick up the material and you may not. You may learn fast or slower than other people. You may respond to challenges or nurturing. Maybe learning to dance seems difficult only because you are not being taught in a way that makes sense to you. For example, some students learn best when seeing a move over and over again, while other people learn best when an instructor explains it verbally or shows how something is done with examples that are relatable to them. In a group setting, it’s just not possible to personalize a learning experience. This tends to be quite de-motivating and be a reason why you and your partner give up a hobby that would truly enhance your lives.

Private dance lessons teach using customized instruction from a knowledgeable instructor. If you are having difficulty with traditional instruction, you will be taught in a different way that makes sense for you. Our instructors at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona are particularly focused on you and works directly with only you and your partner. Maybe the dance instructor is your dance partner? That is the very fastest way to learn. Teaching you to dance well is a dance instructor’s full-time job. It is a dance school’s job to make sure you are happy and getting your monies worth, and guess what… For all of those reasons and more, you certainly will!

Group classes are pattern-based great social partner dancing means adhering to specific rhythms. Being a great social dancer is not just learning five or six cool moves. It is also not memorizing routines that watch on YouTube. Rather than memorizing patterns and using them for all the music that comes on in the night club, through quality dance lessons you will learn spontaneity and how to use dancing to navigate around other couples or within a crowd. More importantly, dancing well means having “musicality”, which is the awareness of music and rhythm in dance. Learning music identification and knowing which dance goes with what song is the signal to every partner you dance with, or everyone watching you perform, that you know exactly what you are doing.

If you don’t know how to identify different dances or have the ability to identify music, that’s OK, it just means that you haven’t taken private dance lessons yet! The good news is, it’s never too late to enjoy the benefits of knowing how to dance.  The key is getting what you pay for: quality instruction and a well-versed education. Having confidence that you know what you are doing, are able to improvise and have all the tools you need to be a great social dancer will keep you on the dance floor all night long!

Obviously you are worth the investment! There is no substitute for taking private dance lessons. Why fake and fumble it around on that dance floor when you can float with ease and comfort doing any social dance, from Salsa dancing to the Country Two Step. If you live in Phoenix, Arizona, Dance FX Studios is ready to have some fun with you while we teach you the dances of your choice.  Our studio is in Mesa, AZ right off the 101 highway. We accommodate residents valley-wide and beyond. Schedule a lesson using our New Student Offer, only $25, and your days of enjoying social dancing are just around the corner!