Cyber Monday 2014-Great Smokin’ Hot Dance Deals!

ballroom dancing arizonaGreat news! Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona has extended our Black Friday Dance Deals for one more day. That’s right, Cyber Monday is your last chance to get deals this sweet until next year. Make his or her holiday extra special with dance lessons in popular dance styles including Country Western, Swing, Latin and Ballroom. At Dance FX Studios, we will show you how fun and easy it can be to learn to dance socially AND with confidence! Here’s some information about what we offer at Dance FX Studios:

Private Dance Lessons: For the fastest way to reach your dancing goals, give private dance lessons a shot! We offer lessons to singles and couples, ages 18+. Beginners with no dance experience are welcome to come and explore the excitement of social dancing! We will show you how to Country Two Step, Salsa, Foxtrot, Swing-even Line Dance! If there’s a social dance that you want to learn, we can help. With private dance instruction here at Dance FX Studios, you will receive tips and tools that are personalized for the way that you learn best, making your road to becoming a comfortable social dancer that much shorter. Of course, the sooner you begin learning to dance, the sooner that you can go out and use it.

During the holidays, it may seem that dancing won’t fit into your busy schedule. Keep in mind that dance lessons are a great way to escape from the kids, work and inevitable family holiday drama and enjoy some much needed time with your special someone, or time to yourself. For stress relief and a fun new hobby that will get you off the couch, start with private dance lessons today with our New Student Offer.

Wedding Dance Lessons: Getting married in 2015? Then begin learning to dance now and really shine on your wedding day with a customized first dance made just for you! Wedding dance lessons are an amazing way to learn to dance for your wedding and as a hobby that you can use anywhere once you are married. Think other people’s weddings, date nights, cruises and holiday parties. Yes, there are lots of opportunities for married couples to use their dancing skills.

How cool would it be to be the one couple who actually knows how to Swing or Salsa dance when the right music is being played?! Ballroom dancing for couples is a romantic interest that only gets better with more experience. Enjoy each other for years to come and kick off your journey into dance with a choreographed first dance for your wedding. A wedding dance consultation is the perfect way to begin learning to dance, so contact us today at 480-968-6177 to make an appointment.
Group Dance Classes: Couples, have fun learning cool new moves in one of our 4-Week Group Dance Courses. Dance FX Studio’s Group Dance Classes are an affordable way to begin learning to social dance or to brush up on your dancing. Classes are offered in Swing, Salsa and Country Western dancing. Remember…great deals will be given today on Cyber Monday for Group Dance Classes too!

If you’ve not heard of us, Dance FX Studios is located in the Phoenix East Valley. We are a small business that has provided quality social dance instruction to Phoenix valley residents and beyond for almost 15 years. We would love the chance to show you how to dance too! Happy online shopping for Cyber Monday!

Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturday from 11 am to 4 pm.

Must-Have Social Dances for Holiday Parties and Weddings

ballroom dancing in ArizonaSo Country dancing here in Arizona is just not your thing. You’re just not into Country music, even though you know how popular it is these days. Well that’s OK! There are plenty of other fun dances to explore that will keep you grooving’ to your favorite tunes at that next holiday party or wedding. Which dances should you know so that all of your nights out are covered? Let us give you our top three picks to get you through the holidays and beyond. (By the way, to become a confident dancer, private dance lessons are in order. Find a local social dance studio for adults and give their introductory lesson a try. Then you can see how exciting it really is to know how to dance!)

Swing: Swing dancing is THE must-have dance to cover almost all of your social dance opportunities. Did you know that there are more than 20 styles of Swing dancing? Swing can actually be danced slowly or very fast, depending on the particular style that you learn. For example, you can Swing dance to Rock and Roll, Reggae, Big Band, and even certain kinds of Hip Hop music. So, when you’re at your dance lesson to begin exploring Swing dancing, be sure to let your instructor know what type of music will be played at the event you are attending, and he/she can match the type of Swing dance that you will need to that genre of music.

In addition to being versatile, Swing dancing is awesome for crowded dance situations like weddings and parties because it doesn’t travel. Swing is a “spot dance”, meaning that it generally stays in one area, without requiring space to travel. Fun, useful and cool to know…that’s Swing dancing!

Slow Dancing: While the 8th grade prom sway may seem like enough, there actually are slow dances that make those romantic songs so much more fun to dance to. Here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, we teach Nite Club 2 Step as an option for slow dancing. With our style of Nite Club 2 Step dancing, all of your favorite slow jams can be covered with elegance and style. No more rocking back and forth when you can move with ease through romantic turns and rotations.

Foxtrot: Learn this favorite Ballroom dance and all of your Frank Sinatra and Michael Buble favorites will be covered! The Foxtrot is a mid-tempo, playful dance that gives you the feel of strolling through the park with the one you love.  The Foxtrot is great to know as an easy starter dance that blossoms into an elegant and beautiful dance as you learn more about it. On a social level, the movements are as simple as walking to a rhythm, making this dance fun to learn and very useful.

Discover social dancing with us at Dance FX Studios! We are located in the Phoenix East Valley, just off the 101 highway. it’s not too late to take dance lessons prior to those upcoming holiday parties so give us a call today and let us help you to become a comfortable social dancer in no time!


Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturday from 11 am to 4 pm.

Black Friday 2014 Is Here!

DSC04966Black Friday 2014 is here! Can you believe that it’s that time of year again!? Happy Holidays to you! Skip the crowds this year and shop online for incredible dance deals with us at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona.

Check out our dance deals below for Private Lessons in all of the popular social dances from Country to Latin and Swing plus Wedding Dance Packages, Dance Party Tickets, Group Dance Classes and more! Save big bucks on your dancing and Two Step your way into 2015 with style.

CLICK HERE TO SHOP NOW in Dance FX Studio’s Online Store



New Student Offer: Are you looking for an affordable gift for co-workers, friends or a teacher? Dance FX Studios’ New Student Offer will give your lucky recipients an exciting hour of dance for beginners! Dances available to learn range from Country Swing and Two Step to Salsa, Argentine Tango and more! All of our programs are customized for our students and their dancing goals. Regularly $25, on sale on Black Friday for $20! (Limit use of one per couple/single, although multiple New Student Offers may be purchased as gifts. For new clients only. Expires three months from date of purchase.)

Five Private Foundation Dance Lessons: Couples and singles, discover the fun and excitement of social dancing! In a Foundation Dance Program at Dance FX Studios, you will explore cool, new moves that will enable to be become a confident social dancer. This program includes up to 4 dance styles and 5 foundation moves within each dance. Regularly discounted to $295, on sale on Black Friday for $199! (Limit use of one per couple/single, although multiple Foundation Programs may be purchased as gifts. For new clients only. Expires three months from date of purchase.)

Five Private Social Dance Lessons: For dancers who have completed their Foundation Program at Dance FX Studios, enjoy a 5-hour dance add-on at a deep discount. You know what to expect, now come get it at a HUGE savings! Regularly $570, on sale on Black Friday for $399! (Limit one per couple/single. Expires two months from date of purchase.)

Wedding Dance Crash Course: Is your wedding right around the corner? Let us help to shine on your big day with Wedding Dance Lessons at Dance FX Studios! One-of-a-kind choreography, as well as music editing, is included in this package. Regularly $570, on sale on Black Friday for $399! (Limit use of one per couple, although multiple Wedding Crash Courses may be purchased as gifts. Expires two months from date of purchase.)

A 4-Week Group Dance Class: Join us for four weeks of fun in Dance FX Studios’ Group Dance Classes for couples! Regularly just $75 per couple, on sale on Black Friday for $50! (Limit use of three per couple, although multiple Group Dance Classes may be purchased as gifts. Expires four months from date of purchase.)

Six Party Tickets For A Dance Party with Live Band: What a fun way to relax on a Saturday night! Bring your friends and come party at Dance FX Studios as we hang out and dance to live music provided by local Country, Swing and social dance bands. Regularly $90 for all six tickets, on sale for Black Friday for $60! (Limit one per group. Expires three months from date of purchase.)

Gift Card Promotion: Give and receive this holiday season when you shop in our Online Store on Black Friday/Small Business Saturday! With every $100 that you spend in Gift Cards online, you will get a $20 credit to your account for you to use!

Kick off the new year by becoming a comfortable social dancer with us at Dance FX Studios! We are located in Mesa, AZ, near Tempe, Chandler, Gilbert and Scottsdale, in the Phoenix East Valley. For questions on our Black Friday offers, please contact us at 480-968-6177. We hope to see YOU on the dance floor in 2015!


CLICK HERE TO SHOP NOW in Dance FX Studio’s Online Store




Dancing…So Much More Than Just “Steps”

You did it! You began the summer by fulfilling a resolution that took you years to get up the nerve to do. You went for it and signed up for dance lessons! How exciting! How glamorous! How…SCARY! Now, literally steps closer to the dance floor than you have ever found yourself since prom 20 years ago, there is still one thing holding you back… that dreaded first step on to a “real” dance floor. Suddenly, the tapes that have been “dancing” around in your brain all of these years are being put to the test. “What am I doing out in this Country bar? I can’t dance!”, you say to yourself. Even with 30 plus hours of private dance lessons under your belt in the last few months, you have the biggest hurdle in front of you yet…YOU! The fear of failure, looking stupid or drawing a blank is right in front of you and the pressure is on. Thanks to Nike, telling yourself to “Just do it!” does build some confidence, but becoming a great social dancer is more than just knowing your steps. Getting over that psychological hump of not feeling good enough is a process that everyone goes through when they are first learning how to dance. If you can relate to this, you’re not alone. The good news is that, because you’re not alone, we have developed tools and tips just for you to put those jitters to rest once and for all.

1. Remember that fear is normal and healthy. Now let’s put this fear thing into perspective. While dancing may seem as scary as jumping out of an airplane or swimming with sharks, it is actually a lot easier, (and much safer) than both. First, you can burrow yourself and your partner in the middle of the dance floor if you truly choose to go unseen. This will surely easy the fear of being watched. Also, keep in mind that at one point or another, every person in the Country bar or at your cousin’s wedding has had their first time social dancing too. In other words, you’re not alone. In fact, some of those very same people may be experiencing their first time social dancing on the same night that you are! See…you can do this! Just get out there and give it a try.

2.  Set yourself up for success. If you’re learning to Country Two Step or Salsa dance just for the fun of it, then there’s no need to stress yourself out on your first night on the dance floor. For your first few times out, choose a less crowded night, usually a weeknight or a Saturday, to go dancing. Why put yourself out there with the seasoned dancers when you are just getting your feet wet? Take the pressure off of yourself and plan ahead to get the most out of your first few times social dancing.

Another way to set yourself up for success is to be patient. Have a drink, relax and wait for the right song to come on before jumping out there just to get it over with. In fact, find a few songs that you have practiced to at the place where you take private dance lessons and request those songs throughout the night. That way, you’ll be even more comfortable and relaxed when it comes time to hit the floor and take off dancing! 🙂

3. Focus on your frame. As you have hopefully learned by this point in your dance lessons, your footwork is not nearly as important as a solid connection between you and your partner. Scan the room for the good leaders or followers, the ones that look like they are well-connected and moving as one. If you are coming in with your dance partner for the first time, then make your frame a priority over reviewing steps. Just feeling the connection and supporting each other in that way will ease the tension of having to be flashy simply to fit in. You have all the time in the world to go show off after you feel good about navigating around the dance floor without freaking out.

Becoming a confident social dancer is a process. If you’ve ever learned a second language, remind yourself how you felt going to that other place and giving it a whirl. It was a bit rocky at first and then, before you knew it, you were fluent over time with practice and effort. Going out dancing can feel bumpy the first few times, but my advice is to stick with it so that you can make the most of your investment. There’s no real point to paying for dance lessons if you aren’t going to apply your skills along the way. In fact, applying those skills will enhance your lessons and bring more value to them. Remember to let your instructor know when you plan to go out and once you have gone out so that you can both prepare and review what happened. Then, you can get ready for your next outing! Before long, your social calendar will be filled with dancing and fun!

For Arizona residents, let us at Dance FX Studios show you how to be a comfortable and confident social dancer with our New Student Offer. We are located in the Phoenix East Valley, but residents from all around town come visit us to prepare for upcoming weddings, date nights and the like. Our certified instructors will show you how fun and easy it can be to learn to dance! With the holidays approaching, as your loved ones for a gift card to Dance FX Studios for Country, Latin, Swing, Ballroom or Argentine Tango dance lessons. It’s the gift that keeps on giving!

Shine on Your Wedding Day With Dance Lessons

wedding dance in ArizonaSurely you want to look incredible on your wedding day during your first dance as a married couple. You know the 7th grade prom sway isn’t going to do the trick. So now what? Wedding Dance Lessons, of course! Yes, to truly shine out there in your wedding dance in front of all of your friends and family, wedding dance lessons are exactly what you need. At this point, you may be thinking “That sounds like an extra expense” or “Can’t we just fake our way through our first dance with out taking formal instruction?”. The answers to your thoughts are “Yes” and “Yes”. Dance Lessons are an extra expense and you absolutely could make up your own dance or sway romantically to your favorite song for 5 minutes. The real question is “Would you want to?”. Here’s what you should know about Wedding Dance Lessons that may help make your decision a bit easier:

1. Time for Two: Wedding Dance Lessons for brides and grooms are THE BEST way to spend quality time together during all of their wedding planning stresses. It gives wedding couples time to relax, unwind and do something that is physically rewarding, romantic and gives them a break from it all. While in your lessons, you may notice that nothing else seems to matter. That’s wonderful! Enjoy the time you have holding each other tight and letting everything else go as you learn a dance that will be remembered for years to come.

2. Look Great for Your Guests: With actual dance instruction, you will be empowered to really look your best while dancing your first dance as a married couple. Guests will talk about that incredible moment you shared on the dance floor for years to come. Put the effort into looking top-notch for your guests and  it will be the highlight of your wedding reception-guaranteed!

3. Marriage Insurance: We like to think of dance lessons for couples as a way to ensure a long-lasting relationship. Social Dancing is a hobby that  can be used anywhere, from your honeymoon to date nights, other people’s weddings and time out with friends. It is an intimate and bonding activity that can keep couples connected and in tune with each other. Let your wedding dance be the first of many fun experiences that you share on the dance floor and see how this hobby for two can bring you years of joy.

Let us at Dance FX Studios in Arizona guide you through the exciting journey of social dancing for your wedding and beyond. We offer a variety dance lesson packages and even a Wedding Dance Consultation to begin your adventure. With social dance lessons, you can explore anything from the Country Two Step to the Swing to Salsa and even Argentine Tango. You can really Rock Your Reception with an out of the box dance or, if you’re more interested in some slow and easy, we can help you with that too!

Heat Up Your Winter With Salsa Dance Lessons!

salsa dance couple in ArizonaAre you looking for something steamy to heat up your winter season? Push that hot cocoa aside and give Salsa dance lessons a shot! Grab your special someone or come solo and learn to dance one of the sexiest and most flirty social partner dances out there. Salsa dancing is THE dance to explore any time of year, but why not add a little passion to the cold months and learn something exciting, healthy and new. What will you gain from learning to dance the Salsa? Let’s explore…

Sass!: That’s right! Most people need a little push to bring out their inner flirt and that’s exactly what you’ll get by exploring Salsa dancing. You see, in order to capture the essence of the Salsa, you must let go and “become one” with the music and your dance partner. Believe it or not, the footwork for the Salsa is easy-much easier than you would think! What makes this dance exciting is adding personality to the dance-bringing it to life by freeing yourself and becoming uninhibited. There are very few places that some of you have been able to capture this feeling, so learning to Salsa dance may be totally out of your comfort zone. That’s OK. It’s a part of growing and being the best YOU possible! Once you’ve captured your inner sass and brought it to the dance floor, you’ll feel a sense of joy and freedom like never before. That passion may even transfer into other areas of your life! How fun and exciting is that!?

Health!: Are you ready for a workout in places that you didn’t know existed? Be prepared to burn calories and fat in your Salsa dance lessons. Once you get through the basics and you can dance an entire song from start to finish, you’ll be in for an evening of fun and fitness. Salsa dancing can burn up to 350 calories per hour and is great for the hips and thighs. With all of that shaking going on, you’ll be able to eat whatever holiday treats come your way without worry.

Salsa dancing can also replace one of your trips to the gym weekly. It’s a wonderful way to mix up your cardio workout and never get bored. For those who really want to warm up their winter, ask you dance instructor about Bachata dance lessons too. Now that’s a dance that will spice up any season! Get moving this winter with Latin dance lessons!

Passion!: Salsa dancing is not just intimate and playful, but it is a wonderful way to connect with your sweetie. Think “time alone with no kids” and feel instantly relaxed as you head off to your Salsa dance lessons. Social dancing is a cool way for couples to bond after a long day at the office. Spend some quality time away from your crazy Aunt this holiday season and give each other a gift that never ends-romance, excitement and a deeper connection.

Do you live in the Phoenix metro area? If so, come visit Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona for private or group Salsa dance lessons! Try out our New Student Offer for a taste of how dancing can get you through the holidays and beyond!

Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturday from 11 am to 4 pm.

Social Dance Lessons-The Perfect Holiday Gift!

Swing dancing in ArizonaHow many gifts can you think of that promote health, romance, positive brain training and relaxation all in one? I’d venture to say very few, if any, other than social ballroom dance lessons for couples and singles. That’s right! Social ballroom dancing is fun, trendy, healthful in mind and body, and a great means of unwinding after a long day at work. This holiday season, you can gift your best friend another card to The Cheesecake Factory, or you can get her and her hubby out of the restaurant booth and onto the dance floor. With the gift of social dancing, you can expect not only a big, fat THANK YOU from your recipients (you know they have secretly always wanted to learn to Country Two Step, but are too afraid to bring it up to each other), but you can also expect the following:

1. A happier couple. A couple that dances together, stays together. OK, that’s not a saying, but it sounds right on the mark to me! Social dancing, think Country, Latin or Swing, enables couples to connect on not just a physical level, but also by working together for a common goal: having fun and looking great! Partner dancing takes two; a great communicator (the leader, or male) and a great responder (that would be the follower, or female) to work well. Both have to do their parts in a way that supports the other. How great is that!? Just like in “real life” off the dance floor,  teamwork makes for a great experience on the dance floor. Then, and only then, can everyone involved truly have a great time. With this deeper and more intimate connection, couples can parent better, relax more and create a happier home. Watch those daily stresses of your friends melt away as they now have a go-to hobby to take the pressure off at the end of each day (not to mention a fun activity for date nights and other social gatherings).

2. A busier friend. Do you have any single friends whose social lives could use a little “sprucing up”? Give them dance lessons for the holiday season and watch their social calendars fill up. With social dance lessons in the right studio, one’s social life can flourish. What better a way to meet others than while doing something that you love? And, since dancing is also an intimate hobby, what a unique and healthy way to meet someone special? You can hand your friend a gift card for dance lessons and know that you are giving so much more ultimately. Now that’s a gift!

3. A more confident friend(s). Once your friend is bitten by the dancing bug, the best part of their journey kicks in: increased confidence. Think about it. How many people can actually dance the Salsa well or look amazing Swing dancing? Very few can say that they can dance with confidence. This skill is one that quickly spills into other areas of life, and for the better! You may see a spike in sales if your friend is in that field (I have seen this with my own eyes), or a few more dates lined up for that one-time wallflower. The gift of confidence? Priceless.

If you live in the Phoenix valley, we can give you all of these benefits, just by learning to dance. Come visit us at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ and watch yourself and your loved ones transform into healthier, happier people. Gift cards are a wonderful way to get the ball rolling. And, from now until 12-25-14, you can get a return on your investment! For every gift card, you purchase over $100, you get a $25 credit towards dance lessons for yourself! It just doesn’t get any better than that. 🙂 A fun way to get started is with our Newcomer’s Offer for private dance lessons, but we also have group dance classes for your enjoyment. Happy holidays from us to you!

All About Country Dancing in Arizona

Country dancing in ArizonaCountry dancing-it’s HUGE here in Arizona, and has been for a few years now! From the Country Swing to the Two Step, Waltz, Line Dancing and Nite Club slow dance, Country dancing in Arizona is here to stay. And why shouldn’t it stick around for a while? We’ve got the Cowboys (and Cowgirls). We’ve got amazing Country bars and great Country bands in almost every major city of Phoenix. The only thing most Arizonans need to learn now is how to Country dance so everyone can enjoy the dance floor safely and have a blast Two Stepping into the night.

Sitting on the sidelines can one day be a thing of the past with Country dance lessons.  Most everyone who goes to Country bars wants to join in the fun, but many simply haven’t been taught well enough to get out there with confidence. Here’s what you need to know about Country dancing in Arizona.

1. You can’t learn to dance just by watching someone else. While many people are visual learners, there is a lot to knowing how to Country dance well. For instance, how to lead and follow (communicate the moves that you want her to do), how to stay within a reasonable amount of space to be mindful of others, and, the biggie, how to dance on time with the music (we’ll get to that one in a second). Partner dancing is a skill that does not revolve around memorizing steps and patterns. Guys and gals… get a few Country dance lessons under your belt, even if they are semi-private dance lessons to keep the cost down, so that you can learn great dancing tips on how to be successful in the bars. The fun tricks seem cool at the time with a few drinks in your system, but at the end of the day, they are not safe or respectful of others out socially.

2. There IS a way to stay on time with Country music. Knowing which dance to do to which rhythm is critical. Each dance has a particular count to it that, if adhered to, makes you a dancer that can move to the the music, rather than being all over the place and off beat. County Swing is a bit faster than Country Two Step, for example, so knowing when to apply each dance to the songs that are being played are an essential part of the process of learning to dance.

3. Versatility is key. Avoid being a “one-trick pony” by doing the same dance steps to the same tempo to every song. With Country dance lessons, you can learn some cool moves to use when the music quiets and different ones to use when it builds. Having an arsenal of moves in your tool belt makes you a versatile and unpredictable dancer. If you couple that with a great lead, guys, you will be very much in demand. wink.

Social Country dancing is indeed a wonderful hobby with so many benefits to offer once you know how to do it well. From health benefits to keeping a smile on your face, dancing can lift your spirits in so many ways. For East Valley Phoenix residents, come try out Dance FX Studios’ New Student Offer for Country dance lessons. We will teach you how to move around those crowded dance floors with ease while staying on time to the music and having FUN! Contact us today by calling 480-968-6177 or filling out the form below. We hope to see YOU on the dance floor soon!


Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm.

Must-Know Dances For Those Holiday Parties

salsa dance lessons in ArizonaYes! With Halloween at the end of this week, we are officially in the 2014 holiday season. Once Thanksgiving comes and goes, all of those holiday parties for work and pleasure will be filling up your weekend evenings. Unlike the past years, meet this season with confidence and learn to social dance! Not only will social ballroom dancing get you through the holidays, but dancing is a hobby that you can use year-round. Think Valentine’s Day, her birthday, your anniversary, that first date, etc… So the question is, with limited time until the holidays hit, what dances should I learn first? Here are our recommendations:

Line Dancing! Line dancing is hot, hot, hot right now, and it has been for a decade or more. With Country dancing also being wildly popular in recent years, Line dancing is a must-have to get you through those holiday parties. The most popular Line dances that we suggest you learn include Wobble Baby, Copperhead Road and the Electric Slide. The Cupid Shuffle is also key to have for those upcoming weddings, nights at the Country bars and seasonal events. What’s so great about Line dancing? Well, it’s easy, fun, and you don’t need a partner to get out there and play! If you’re on the shy side, but you still want to bust a move, go straight to the middle of the pack so all eyes won’t be on you as you let the crowd fill in around you. Line Dancing classes can be found in local Country bars, but if you live in Phoenix, Arizona, come learn from the pros at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ. We will get you moving in no time!

Swing Dancing! Swing dancing is an essential dance to know any time of year. Why? Swing dance music is versatile and covers many genres from Country to Big Band, Rock and Roll and even Disco! So, if you want to get out and shake your groove thing to your favorite tunes, learn to Swing dance! We also love Swing dancing because it’s upbeat, exciting and playful. Swing dancing increases your heart rate and can keep off those holiday pounds that creep up on us while we’re snuggling on the couch watching another day of “A Christmas Story” re-runs. Keep active this holiday season with Swing dance lessons. You’ll tick off the need to lose 10 pounds come January and have a skill that you can use for a lifetime.

Salsa Dancing! Who doesn’t wish they knew how to Salsa dance?! It’s sexy, fun and provocative-great for couples who want to reignite that flame, and for singles who are ready to mingle! Learning to dance Salsa is actually quite easy too! What makes it a bit tricky is getting into character as you transform into a Latin lover. 🙂 In the meantime, get ready for your holiday parties with Salsa dance lessons. You’ll be able to dance Salsa to Hip Hop music and popular Latin beats. Salsa dancing is also great for shedding inevitable holiday weight and staying fit through the season.

Phoenix residents, join us at Dance FX Studios and discover the benefits of social dancing! We will keep you sane through the holidays with dance lessons for couples and singles. You’re going to need a way to relieve stress and take care of yourself, and dancing is the recipe for both. Enjoy our Newcomer’s Offer, discounted holiday dance packages and other dance deals and gift card promotions from now through December 2014. We will help you to stay healthy, fit and trim during the holidays as well as relaxed. Get started today! You deserve it!


Swing Into The Holidays With Dance Lessons!

couple salsa dancing in ArizonaIn just two short months, your calendar will surely be filled with one holiday party after another! How are you going to even keep up with all of the functions you have, from work parties to that cousin’s wedding to neighborhood gatherings?! It’s a daunting time of the year for many of us. So what do you need to get you through these most stressful times? Why, social ballroom dance lessons, of course! Think of how cool it would be to actually know how to Salsa, Swing or Country Two Step by New Year’s Eve. Wouldn’t that open up lots more fun activities to do with friends or your special someone, rather than hanging out at a bar drinking? Social ballroom dancing offers up more just fun during these next few months.

Believe it or not, the holidays can be a depressing time for people. It could trigger memories of loved ones lost, or even a sense of loneliness. Don’t let the holiday blues take over your life this year. Gain control of what you do to keep yourself in a happy place mentally. While watching movies with a bowl of popcorn does always sound relaxing, social dancing can take you away from those inner thoughts that can weigh you down. While on the dance floor in your private dance lessons, you can get caught up enjoying your new hobby, not on times past that may get you down. Dance away those negative thoughts and give back to yourself in a way that is healthy both mentally and physically.

Speaking of staying physical during the holidays, Latin, Swing and Ballroom dance lessons will keep you moving all season long! That equals more calories burned and less worrying about gaining those unwanted holiday pounds. Now you can sneak that extra cookie without feeling guilty (who has time for guilt!?). Dancing will keep your muscles toned and your body warm and toasty during the cool winter months. How great is that! Plus, an active body in combination with a distracted mind, makes dancing perfect for an emotionally balanced YOU during the holidays.

Being emotionally prepared for the holidays is key. With relatives visiting for extended stays in your guest room and holiday gift shopping to do, things can get overwhelming. A retreat to a dance lesson could be exactly what you need to maintain your sanity! Finding creative ways to unwind during this busy season will make all the difference to your own peace of mind and for those around you. No one likes a grumpy mom at Thanksgiving dinner. Sneaking away for a fun Swing dance lesson will also help you to stay connected with your sweetie when the house is being overrun by grandma and grandpa.

For those of you who live in Phoenix, Arizona, we have you covered this holiday season at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona. Give our Newcomers Offer for Private Dance Lessons a try to see how we can keep you in shape mentally, physically and emotionally this winter season. You can find us in the Phoenix East Valley on the southeast corner of Dobson and Guadalupe Rd. Don’t wait for the holiday blues to kick in. Give us a call today and we’ll make this season a blast for you!

Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm.