The Story of Swing Dancing!

swing dance classes in Mesa ArizonaIn the early 1920’s through the 1950’s, during the evolution of Jazz Music, the history of Swing Dance begins. Surprisingly, “swing dancing” was not commonly used to identify a group of dances until late into the twentieth century. Historically, the term “Swing” referred to the style of jazz music, when Big Bands took over pop culture in the mid twenties. Two key dances that came from the Harlem Big Bands during in the 1920’s were called The Charleston and The Lindy Hop. By mixing African American cultural dances with various ballroom dances and, a bit of creativity lent by the brilliant sound of jazz music, Swing dancing had begun to grow.

Leading into the late 1930’s, Lindy Hop, Charleston, and Jitterbug were sweeping the United States. The term “Lindy Hop”, a very popular style of swing dancing, was coined by dancers in New York. The myth was that “Shorty” George Snowden, during an interview with a reporter who asked him what kind of dance he was doing, described it as the “Lindy Hop” inspired by pilot Charles Lindbergh, who in 1927, made history by “hopping” over the Atlantic. Pretty cool fun fact, right?

At the time, The American Society of Teachers and Dancing as well as the Dance Teachers Business Association believed Lindy Hop to be a fad and something that wouldn’t last. However, dances like Shag, Balboa, West Coast Swing and Jive, would soon be know around the world.

During the 1930’s, a dance called the “Jitterbug”, a very popular swing dance today, was created when a band leader compared the dancers to jitterbugs bouncing on the floor. There was even a song introduced called the “Jitter Bug” in their honor.

Dance schools across America would not formally recognize, or begin teaching these swing dances until the early 1940’s when they could no longer be ignored and looked at as just a fad. After deciding to refine and standardize the Lindy Hop for easier instruction at dance schools, what we dance now is called The East Coast Swing. Very soon after, a dance called the “Smooth Lindy” was created in California by a Mr. Dean Collins. Originally from Harlem, Mr. Collins began to dance with a more fluid and slower swing which caught on very quickly on the West Coast. The dance took on a slotted motion rather than having a circular look to it and was soon re-named the “West Coast Swing,” which is the official state dance of California to this day.

Swing dancing has developed as a mainstay in American dance culture throughout the years. The dance known simply as the “Swing” has managed to remain a staple dance attracting young and old alike.

Famous original Swing dancers like: “Shorty George” Snowden, Frankie Manning and Dean Collins all made it their missions to bring this dance into our lives and share it with the world, and now YOU can learn how to dance Swing too! A beginner’s swing dance class may take many different forms around the world, but here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ we offer the most popular social Swing dances including East Coast Swing, Jitterbug and West Coast Swing, while also providing an easy and fun introduction to partner dancing!

Ironically, there’s one dance that does not have a long, rich history, but is a must-have dance today, and that is the Country Swing. Country Swing dancing is not an officially recognized swing dance amongst ballroom dance societies, but it is quite useful-especially if you love to go Country dancing!

Here you will find yourself using these swing dance varieties everywhere in Arizona, from the Country bars to weddings and other social dance events. Swing dancing is popular amongst all ages as a FUN and PLAYFUL dance with many looks and styles. Express yourself on the dance floor with swing dance lessons today!

Dance Away Your Daily Stresses

adult dance studios chandler arizonaAtlas, a Greek God, was condemned to hold up the sky for all eternity, forever to struggle with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Can you imagine?!? In our busy lives, we’re zooming from place to place, making sure that everything we have on our plates isn’t too much to handle on an everyday basis. Stacking more and more “to do’s” on our list, it’s very easy to forget how much we already have going on.

Unlike Atlas, however, you and I have a choice. Part of that choice includes making time for fun, excitement, adventure and romance. If you’re looking for something that will be a cure-all for life’s daily stresses, consider adult dance lessons. Whether you’re a single, or part of a couple, dance lessons are an incredible investment in your happiness.

Social dancing is a great stress reliever! Think about spending a Friday night out Country Two Step dancing, instead of staying stagnant in front of the tv with a bowl of popcorn. Which one will help you meet new people and keep you active, fit and having a blast? Dancing, of course!

In 2010, best-selling author and fitness expert, Christina Chitwood, wrote an article that talked about ways to improve everyday life. In that article she notes that, “Dancing will improve your health, stamina, muscle tone, and coordination.” Furthermore, she adds, “It’s a great way to exercise and have fun!”  Take it from me, there’s no doubt about that!

A professional dancer by the name of Barbara Craddock, also noted that dances like ballet, salsa, ballroom and disco can burn up to 432 calories per hour, while helping to improve posture, confidence and so much more!

Social dances like Swing, Tango and Country actually have a profound effect on the human body. Exercising releases endorphins in the brain called serotonin and dopamine. These chemicals make you experience happiness, and interact with our brain’s neurotransmitters to block out pain. According to WebMD, dancing is the second best exercise when fighting depression because of the amount of endorphins released!

Scientifically speaking, the best thing you could do when feeling the blues is just GET UP AND DANCE! Even if its just nonsense, get up! Move and shake your body. Release all those endorphins and built up stress and anxiety and dance it off. Find a local studio for adults near you and take some dance lessons. Here at Dance FX Studios, we help many people add that thing in their daily lives that brings them joy and puts that smile on their faces. The goal here is to send you off happier than you came in, so if you’re feeling like Atlas with the weight of the world on your shoulders, remember what happened when Atlas shrugged the world away. He came down and took some lessons at Dance FX Studios, and you can too! We hope to see you on the dance floor. 🙂

Why Men Don’t Dance; Confidence Vs. Pride

adult dance lessons near mesa az“And,! And,!” And… The counts go on. OMG! What does all this mean??Each number being counted aloud is met with sharp, complex steps that seem to require some previous ability or at the vey least, an aptitude for dancing. “But I don’t know how to dance”, you’re thinking.

Social dancing – especially for men, can be a lot like this. Its not exactly that there’s an absent interest in the subject matter, but more like intimidation and pride that can get in the way of becoming a great social dancer.  We all fear what we don’t understand, and maybe for some men out there dancing is more like a foreign concept, than a past time. As a woman, perhaps things like singing and dancing came like second nature or at least could be achieved with little practice. However, as a guy maybe not so much. And to top it off, we men don’t want to fake our way through it. We need to know what we’re doing first.

Now, if you’re one of those ladies who loves to dance, but has a guy that’s not quite there, you might be reading this and thinking to yourself, “My husband/boyfriend, will never go out dancing with me!” I’m willing to bet that the only reason he doesn’t want to go out is because he can’t dance and doesn’t want to embarrass himself, or you in the process. Like I said, it’s not about indifference, it’s about pride. Breaking past that pride just requires a bit of confidence that he will gain through social dance lessons. 

One of the things we pride ourselves with here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona is our beginner’s dance lessons program. There’s just something about being the one who shares this experience with someone who’s learning to dance for the first time. Whether he’s part of a couple, or still single, Private Dance Lessons will boost his self-assurance and get him ready for any Latin club or Country dance bar.

And, our whole goal is to get him familiar with the basics of how to do popular social dances like Salsa, Swing and Country Two Step with you, if he’s part of a couple. If the problem is unfamiliarity with dancing, this is a great place to make yourself at home and get right into the fun of it all.

Remember, men only seem to “hate” dancing just because, generally speaking, they’re not as familiar and haven’t had the same amount of experience as most women. But therein lies the answer to our riddle. Beginner’s dance lessons here at Dance FX Studios are a private, stress-free, fun, no-experience necessary kind of adventure. So start getting excited ladies! These lessons are aimed at individuals in your exact position, and we’re proud to say that we have an excellent track record getting couples comfortable and dancing together more and more! With dances like Country Two Step, Salsa, Swing and more, social dancing is our area of expertise and exactly what you and your significant other need. So, come stop on by Dance FX Studios and let’s start something that will bring you and that special person in your life closer together than you’ve ever been!



Three Reasons Why She Won’t Dance With You

ballroom dancing in PhoenixGetting rejected is tough. All you want is to show off your cool Country dance moves, but you can’t catch a break. You keep asking her for a dance, but all you’re hearing is “No”. Have you considered why? Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why she won’t dance with you.

First, it’s easy to get sweaty when you’re dancing the night away-especially here in Arizona where temperatures dip down to 100 degrees at night. That’s darn hot! Just speaking for myself, I don’t particularly love dancing with someone who is dripping sweat all over me-especially if I don’t know them. So my first thought is to handle your perspiration issue before asking her for a dance. OK, it’s not really an issue, but it’s also not that becoming, and could leave a sour taste in her mouth when it comes time to future dance opportunities with her.

On that note, if your hygiene in general is not up to par, teeth brushed, deodorant on, etc…, then we may have just identified why you’re being turned down. Whether you’re going out to the Country bars around town, or the Latin clubs, we ladies appreciate a guy who takes care of himself. Now don’t go overboard by dousing yourself in cologne, but a nice-smelling man is always a plus.

If you can match that sweet scent with some solid moves on the dance floor, you’re definitely on the right track! So another way to prevent rejection is to take adult dance lessons. There are so many fun styles to explore, from Country to Swing to Latin and Argentine tango, so why not be that guy who actually knows what he’s doing on the dance floor?! Women love a man that can dance, and your confidence will be a very attractive quality to onlookers.

In that regard, there’s a huge difference between being self-assured and showing her off in a way that doesn’t make her feel safe. When I go out social dancing, I scope out the scene first before I decide who I am going to accept a dance with. If my friends and I are at a salsa club and he’s flipping and dipping her without regard for her comfort, he’s automatically on the “no” list.  Please keep her comfort in mind. She is not a rag doll waiting to be tossed around to make you look cool.

When I see a guy who is well-groomed, on time with the music and focused on her and having fun, I’m hoping that he will ask me to dance next. That’s the kind of guy that I would venture to guess that other girls would like too. If you’re lacking in any of these areas, it’s not too late to prepare for your next night out. Go take some beginner’s Private Dance Lessons and a long hot shower, and you’re on your way to a better experience. I promise! Good luck!!


3 More Things You Thought You Knew About Partner Dancing

adult dance studios in ArizonaAre you interested in learning how to Country two step, salsa or swing dance? That’s awesome! There’s no better time than the summer to begin taking adult dance lessons in these popular styles to beat the heat and stay fit.

Now that you know what you want to learn, there’s so much to discover! Most beginners think Country, Swing or Latin dance lessons are just about memorizing steps. Not so! While knowing where your feet go may seem important, there are even more key concepts that take precedence when learning to dance. Here are a few interesting things that you may not know about partner dancing…

First, for the men. Guys you don’t need to use your strength to be an awesome leader on the dance floor. That’s right…there’s no need to hit the gym before you invite your gal for a dance. While it’s common to see ladies being tossed around like rag dolls, especially in the Country dancing scene, treating her with a more gentle touch is best. Not only will you be protecting her arms from being ripped out of their sockets, but you will also be showing her that you know how to take care of a woman by making sure that you do not throw her into other dancers, objects, etc… This may seem like a common sense way to behave on the dance floor, and may just be the reason why you’re taking dance lessons in the first place, but being mindful of your partner is essential, and should be a topic of conversation while exploring partner dancing.  Bottom line: less is more. Learn to lead with finesse and the ladies will be lining up for more!

Next, for the ladies. It turns out that we’re not perfect either! Who knew? 🙂 What we need to keep in mind while out dancing is to not ourselves on the dance floor. All we want is to be turned and twirled, right? Well, ladies, that’s his job. He is the one who technically gets to decide when we get turned because he is the lead on the dance floor. While I can’t blame a newer dancer for turning herself, the idea of letting the leader do his job is key. You may not have known about it before your dance lessons, but now that you know, please empower him by letting him choose what he leads on the dance floor. What comes of this is confidence in a man, and a man that loves to dance, two exciting traits in a guy!

Lastly, you may not know that dancing is mainly about rhythm and connecting with the music. Staying on time with the music makes the dance what it is. For example, salsa dancing has a particular rhythm that you stick to: quick, quick, slow-two faster beats and one slower one. A two step begins with two slower beats followed by two quicker ones. As you learn new patterns and movements, make dancing with the music a priority over memorizing steps. You’ll tap into your inner rhythm and enjoy the dance that much more. I promise! Note: For those that think they don’t have any rhythm to tap in to, if you have a heart beat, you’ve got rhythm. Let your instructor show you how to bring it out, but just know, it’s in there.

You didn’t know you were delving into something so deep when you decided to sign up for beginner’s dance lessons, did you? The wonderful part is that dancing is a romantic and exciting hobby that you will use for years to come in many social situations. Enjoy the process of learning to dance and you will be investing in yourself, your health, your confidence and so much more!



4 Tips for a Fantastic First Wedding Dance

wedding dance instruction Mesa ArizonaThere’s so much to getting married! From the perfect gown to the perfect wedding dance, there are no do-over’s on your big day, so preparation is key.

Unlike many aspects of the wedding, your first dance as a married couple will take a little bit of time to learn. While one or both of you may have danced before, Wedding Dance Lessons are common (and much needed) for the majority who want to shine on their wedding day.

Kick off your lessons by contacting your local “ballroom” dance studio for adults and setting up an Introductory Private Dance Lesson or Wedding Dance Consultation. A consult would be my recommendation so that you end up with the routine of your dreams, rather than someone else’s vision of  a wedding dance for you.

A Wedding Dance Consultation should include laying out your big day, and all the details that may influence or affect your first dance. For example, a tight fitting mermaid dress may not lend itself to dancing the Argentine tango, which requires longer steps. Or a small dance floor would not be great for a grande waltz routine, where big movements and a ton of space may be needed. The consultation with your new instructor will also give you a chance to see if you feel comfortable in the studio that you are interviewing. That is quite important when you are learning something new.

Once you get the ball rolling in the studio of your choice, make sure to set the intention of FUN on every lesson. Yes, you’re there to learn, but dancing is a wonderful stress reliever, and a great hobby for couples, so enjoy every moment of your lesson time. With couple’s dance lessons to look forward to each week, wedding planning can be a lot less hectic.

Next, ladies listen up….please let him lead you on the dance floor. Ballroom dancing is extremely empowering for a guy once he knows what he’s doing. Whether you’re learning to Country two step, salsa, or swing dance, he will be much more apt to take you out dancing, and nail your first dance, if he gets to be in charge. Trust me, it’s true.

Another tip from me to you is to project confidence on the dance floor. Stand tall, keep your eyes locked into each other’s eyes, and smile. Your friends and family will not be watching your feet and analyzing your footwork if you are wrapped up into each other on the dance floor. They will get carried away with emotion as you reflect your love for each other in your stares and body language. A confident dancer always shines through, so be at your best in this respect.

Lastly, keep your rhythm on the dance floor in whatever dance you are doing. If you’re someone who doesn’t feel that you can keep a beat, a good instructor will help with that. Staying on time with the music sets the tone for the perfect wedding dance and, conversely, if you’re off time, your dance just won’t come across in the same way. Something will appear “missing”, or awkward, and that’s is the last impression that you want to portray, right?

If you’re engaged, start looking into ballroom dance lessons early so that you can look top notch on your wedding day. Six months out is a great time to begin the process of finding the right adult dance studio for you. Once you find that right place to learn, enjoy every step of the way! And congratulations!!

How to Treat Her Like a Lady on the Dance Floor

adult dance lessons in Phoenix AZWhoever said “chivalry is dead” doesn’t have to be right. While the modern day man may not roll out the red carpet for a dance, there are still ways to treat her like a lady on the dance floor.

Let’s start by asking her for a dance. Now there are many ways to invite her. Extending a hand, along with a smile, to a stranger is one (very sweet) way to see if she’d like to take a spin out Country dancing, or at a Latin dance club. While this may seem old fashioned, she will most likely genuinely appreciate it. Rather than grabbing her arm and going, getting her permission will set the tone off right for an experience that she may very well want to do again with you.

Another way to see if she’d like to swing or two step dance with you is by simply asking. Start with a compliment, and maybe even reveal that you noticed her earlier, and that you’d be honored if she said yes. Flattery still goes far, and so does a great dancer, if you happen to be that guy who knows what he’s doing.

On that note, invest in yourself by taking Private Dance Lessons first. With Private Dance Lessons, you will gain the confidence to ask even the better dancers on to the floor. Then you’ll be able to sweep her off her feet, and the rest is history! Most women can’t resist a guy that can dance, so take the time to learn, you  won’t regret it, I promise!

Next, know your boundaries. Once you’ve been “approved”, she has to trust you to want to stay on the dance floor with you. When your out Country dancing, for example, protect her from the other guys who are slinging their ladies around like rag dolls. Make sure not to run her into any walls, chairs or on coming “traffic”. While you’re out salsa dancing, please make sure she is comfortable being pressed against you before drawing her in too close. Bachata dancing is very close and intimate, as an example, and if she’s not ready for that, please respect her and give her some breathing room. To determine your limits, start out with a dance that is more platonic by respecting her space. From there, bring her a bit closer and she how she reacts. Gauge from there her comfort level and be sure to keep things neutral or you won’t get another dance. Social dancing is meant to be fun, not intrusive, so please be mindful of your partner.

Finally, partner dancing is a two way street. It should be an enjoyable for both parties at all times. Whether you’re two stepping or tango dancing, seek to work together as a team. There’s no use in outshining her on the dance floor just to show off. Or trying really advanced moves on her that she may not be able or ready to follow. Take things slow and layer in your moves from easiest to more challenging and stop at the point where she really shines. You will ensure yourself another dance, and you’ll make her feel good in the process. Good plan, right?

Social ballroom dancing is an incredible hobby for couples and singles alike to enjoy. It’s fun, healthy and exciting! Respecting boundaries, inviting her for a dance and dancing to her skill level will make both of your times on the dance floor a positive one. Remember to prepare by getting some beginner’s dance lessons for adults under your belt first and the rest should be easy! Good luck and see you on the dance floor!

Three Ways You Know You’re Getting Quality Adult Dance Instruction

adult dance lessons Mesa ArizonaWe all know the saying, “You are what you eat”. Well the same is true in many other areas of our lives as well-even when it comes to learning to dance, believe it or not.  Take ballroom dance lessons as an example. You’re really only going to be as good as your instructor is at communicating the information. If he/she is articulate, clear and informative, you win! Within a much shorter amount of time, you will be on the fast track to becoming a confident dancer. On the opposite end, if your instructor is lazy, incoherent and lacks the ability to convey the material, well you may find yourself struggling to get to where you want to be on the dance floor. That would be a real shame, don’t you think!?

Taking this a step further, there are many qualities that a great dance instructor possesses. What should you look out for on your search for an awesome one? Great question! Here are some top notch qualities to keep an eye out for in a fantastic ballroom dance instructor.

Let’s say you signed up for Country Western dance lessons because you spend your weekends at the Country bars around town. Country music is in your blood, and you want to get your body groovin’ to the beat. You can’t wait for your first two step lesson. You show up for your Introductory Dance Lesson and your instructor starts showing you how to tango! What does tango have to do with Country dancing? Absolutely nothing. Where does this leave you? Frustrated and confused, right? I don’t blame you. Step one is to look for an instructor that is interested in helping you to achieve your dancing goals, not their agenda. Taking the time to get to know you, what you’re looking for, and why you want it is everything when it comes to being an incredible instructor. He/she understands your end result and focuses on it constantly, discussing it with you often to make sure that we are still on track and nothing has changed.

An incredible coach has also determined how you learn best. Be it auditory, visual or kinesthetic, he/she has discovered how you understand the material and they are teaching you in the most effective/efficient way possible for you. Working smart, not hard is the sign of an instructor who plans ahead and has a system in place. An organized way of learning is essential, rather than jumping from dance to dance flippantly.

Lastly, your awesome instructor is giving you more than just steps; you’re getting an experience. By that I mean your lessons are the highlight of your day. You look forward to going to each dance lesson because he/she knows what you need after a long day at work, and when and how to give you what you need to take your dancing to the next level. A combination of fun and learning is ideal.

The search for a great dance instructor may seem a bit daunting, but, truth be told, they’re out there. Start by looking up your local dance studio for adults and take a beginner’s dance lesson to see how you feel. Being comfortable is everything. Consider my tips on what to look for and you’ll be well on your way!

How Singles Benefit from Dance Lessons

salsa dance lessons near Chandler Arizona

Would you like to get on the fast track to becoming a confident social dancer in popular styles like Country, Latin and Swing? Are you tired of sitting on the sidelines while everyone else is having a blast on the dance floor? Don’t wait for him or her to come along. Sign up for single’s adult dance lessons!

With Private Dance Lessons for you, all of the attention can be spent on making you a great leader or follower on the dance floor. Rather than sharing your learning time with a partner, you can dance directly with an instructor who already knows their part. Then, we can focus solely on you, speeding up your learning time and ensuring that you will be able to join in the fun sooner rather than later. Doesn’t that sound like a great plan!?

In fact, many of our couples who take Private Dance Lessons with us come in separately for their own lesson time. When your instructor can feel what needs to be adjusted, he/she can go in and make the changes needed before you try salsa or swing dancing, for example, with another novice dancer who may not be able to articulate what feels “off”.

Many people who call into our Arizona dance studio ask if coming in solo is even an option. Absolutely! There’s no need to grab a buddy whose schedule you need to may need to work around just to come in and get started with dance lessons. Let’s make this about you, and when you can really dance, you can take your friend out for a spin on the floor! Trust me, they’ll be impressed. 🙂

Another major advantage of taking adult dance lessons as a single is that you will discover how to dance with anyone, not just one person. While it may seem like having a built in dance partner is an advantage, it is very common for couples to get into bad habits with each other. For example, the wife may want to “help” out her struggling spouse by secretly pulling him around the dance floor. First, this doesn’t help, so ladies, please don’t do this to your hubby. Secondly, how can we help him to become a great dancer for you if you’re covering up all of his weaknesses? Good point, right? If we want him to sweep you off your feet, we need to give him the tools he needs to be a great lead, and you need to know how to follow and let him lead.

Bottom line, if you’re interested in learning fun and exciting dances like Country two step or Swing dancing, seek out a local dance studio for adults for YOU. A partner is not needed to have a blast exploring cool dances! Meeting a dance partner, or having many partners will be the result of you putting in the effort of learning your part. A great leader will have the ladies lining up for more, and an awesome follower will be asked to dance over and over by the better leaders. How wonderful is that! A win-win!

Create a One of a Kind Wedding Dance

wedding dance lessons for brides and grooms in ArizonaIt’s your special day and a wedding dance to remember is at the top of your list. Do you want to leave a lasting impression on your friends and family with a first dance that will Rock Your Reception? If so, there are so many ways to bring your vision to life!

Where to begin? Here are some tips…

First, seek professional help by signing up for Wedding Dance Lessons. No one is born knowing how to dance, so with an instructor by your side, you can free yourself from the guessing work on how to put together a choreographed routine for your wedding. Phew! Professional dance instruction can be a bit of an investment, but it will be worth every penny since you will walk away knowing how to dance beyond the wedding. Plus, you will look great on the most important day of your life in front of everyone you love. No more 7th grade prom sway! With Wedding Dance Lessons from a qualified instructor, you will definitely be making memories of your reception that everyone can treasure.

Speaking of which, personalizing your wedding dance by choosing meaningful songs is key. Not every first dance needs to be sappy and slow. Put your stamp on your routine with upbeat Country music, for example. Whatever genre of music you enjoy, ask your instructor to incorporate that into your wedding dance. It will make your routine unique to you, and that much more special.

Next, see what it would look like to blend several dance styles together. This is a really fun surprise for your guests, and you get a chance to learn more than one type of dance for future occasions! An example would be to start out with a slow dance, shock your friends and family by busting out into a salsa, swing or Country two step dance, then wrap everything up by going back to your original slow dance. From Country to Latin to Swing dancing, your options are virtually endless when it comes to being creative. That last thing you want is to look like someone else you saw on YouTube, so make sure that you like where your choreographer is going with your vision so that you can really perform your dance.

On that note, make time to put your personalities into the dance. If you start with Wedding Dance Lessons with plenty of time to spare, you can get comfortable enough to add your own style into your dance. What a cool thing! Surely you don’t want to appear stiff and robotic, so start 4-6 months beforehand to really shine.

On the flip side, if you’re super shy, how fun would it be to reveal your inner diva?! You know she’s in there! No one would expect it, and you will definitely give everyone something to remember.

If you’re engaged…first, Congrats! Now go and contact your local dance studio for adults for lessons! It will be an awesome experience for you as a couple, giving you quality time together to relax and unwind as you learn to dance. And who knows, once you gain confidence, your wedding dance could very well be the highlight of your entire day! WooHoo!