“Giddy Up” in 2015 and Learn to Dance

Couples Country Dancing in ArizonaWelcome to part two of our previous blog on why every couple and single should learn to dance in this new year! As we have already revealed, social dancing, like Country Two Step or Salsa dancing, for example, is an incredible outlet for forming new friendships, sparking (or re-igniting) romance, and getting fit in 2015. You’d think that the benefits of knowing how to dance end there. Nope. There’s so much more that partner dancing can offer! Did you know that…

Dancing Relieves Stress: Committing to New Year’s Resolutions that force you to do something that you regularly would never want to take part of in the first place is stressful enough. That’s why when you make learning to social dance a goal this year, you can wipe away the pressure of losing weight, finding love or making more friends in the boring old ways that you’ve tried in the past. What a relief! Forget about online dating or running every morning and give Swing dance lessons a try! With active, fast-paced dances like the Jitterbug, or even slow and romantic ones like the Tango, you’ll be enhancing your life in ways unexpected to even yourself-until you start fitting into those old jeans and maybe finding someone else who also loves to Swing dance (wink, wink). With social dancing skills under your belt, you can check off many other “to do’s” and get many of your needs all in one exciting and useful hobby.

With such a fun means of letting go at the end of your day, you may find yourself wanting to dance several nights a week. Even better! Of course, the more you come to your dance lessons, the sooner you will also feel more confident in your new skill, relieving any and all unwanted stress and providing a healthy outlet from outside burdens and worries.

Dancing Equals Connection: Connecting with others, from your spouse to a complete stranger who may become your new best friend, is what social ballroom dancing is all about. Since every body you dance with will act and react in their own unique way, dancing is a cool way to explore the many layers to getting to know someone.

Partner dancing can also interestingly reveal many insecurities in a man or a woman. Through partner dancing, those feelings of “less than” can turn into strengths as one grows in their skill level with time and practice. This positive transformation can all take place within yourself or someone you know, all from learning awesome dances like the Country Swing or Cha Cha. Now that is cool!

Once again, there are even more aspects of social dancing that can lead to a fun and happy 2015. With more to share in an upcoming blog, there’s no need for you to wait for the fun to begin. Arizona locals can find the happiest place to dance in Arizona at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley. We would be thrilled to share the many features of becoming a confident social dancer with you, beginning in our New Student Offer. Make this year the start of something great in your life with social dance lessons!


Make 2015 Great With Dance Lessons

Country Swing dancing in AZIt’s a new year and that means it’s time to “get to work” on those New Year’s Resolutions! Well how fun is that? We daresay, not very. Even though we have yet to hit February, statistics from previous years reveal that many people will have already tried and given up on their resolutions. It’s sad but true.

So how do we keep from quitting our goals so soon in the year? We recommend trying a different approach to making your dreams come true. Are you ready for this? We suggest giving social dance lessons a go in 2015. Believe it or not, social dancing (by that we mean those cool dances and moves that you see in the Country bars and Latin clubs) ticks off many of your goals for the year ahead- you just don’t know it yet.

This year, you can reach your fitness, social, and even emotional goals-all through discovering how to Country Two Step, Tango or Swing dance! Yes, it’s completely true! Partner dancing is wonderful and exciting for couples and singles, so much more fun than working out in a gym or bellying up to your favorite bar stool. With benefits galore, come learn to social ballroom dance this year and swing your way into next year with style.

So how exactly will knowing how to social dance change your life in the next 12 months? Let us explain…

Social Ballroom Dancing Builds Confidence: If you can use a bit more confidence when it comes to knowing a hobby that (almost) every woman loves, give private Country, Swing, Latin or Tango dance lessons a try. With private dance instruction, you will get the tools needed to dance with ease. Knowing a skill such as social dancing helps to build self-esteem, not to mention develop grace and poise.

Dancing also helps to widen your social circle, which is great for new friendships and possibly even more. With more friends comes an opportunity to have others to talk with, and dance with, of course. Friendships help to have support when times are tough, which is important for everyone. Are you beginning to see the impact that dancing can have on your life already??

Dancing Adds Romance: If you’re married, or a part of a long-term relationship, dancing is a must! What you can learn from a Salsa dance lesson (as an example) with your partner includes, but is definitely not limited to, teamwork, the importance of embracing each other often and a fun outlet as a couple.

For singles, dancing allows for a sense of freedom and self-expression that can be very attractive to the opposite sex. Latin dancing in particular is also very sensual, lending itself to captivating onlookers. If you’re on the shy side, dancing can bring out your inner diva and reveal a more courageous side. Who can’t use a bit more of that?

Dancing Can Replace The Gym! Would you love to shed unwanted weight and tone muscles without going to the gym? Then start exploring Argentine Tango or Country Swing dancing. Both of these social dances, plus many other fun styles, are great alternatives to the traditional total body workout. In fact, you will discover muscles that you never knew you had once you really get dancing. Skip the daily grind on the treadmill and Two Step your way back into a healthier you!

Read our upcoming blog on the many other benefits of making learning to dance your number one resolution for 2015. For those of you who reside in Arizona, visit us at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ to get the ball rolling. Our New Student Offer will give you a window into how, through social dancing, confidence, romance and health really can be yours this year.




Get Fit With Tango Lessons

Argentine Tango dancing in ArizonaSo we had a chance to explore the social benefits of knowing how to dance the Argentine Tango, now it’s time to see the physical rewards of this oh so tantalizing dance. There are too many to mention in one blog post, but check out the main physical perks of Tango dancing.


Learn to Tango For These Physical Rewards:

Tango Dancing Is Low-Impact Exercise And Muscle Toning. One thing about the tango (or any dance like Salsa, I daresay) is that it does not feel like you are exercising. You can still burn plenty of calories tango dancing, and because you are gliding rather than stomping, you can work those leg muscles at the same time. Take a look at the legs of women who dance Argentine tango – they have the best-defined calves on the planet.

Tango Dancing Improves Your Grace And Posture. Tango is a series of simple steps – front, back, and side to side – coupled with turns on a dime (all choreographed on the fly by the lead). The posture and balance required to execute the travel steps and turns impart a hypnotic fluidity to the dance. Therefore, posture is key to succeeding in this experience.  For those of you who find themselves slouching in front of a computer, come try out Tango dance lessons and you’ll gain two inches in height in no time. Trust me!

Tango Dancing Relaxes And Revitalizes. Tango dancers must be simultaneously relaxed and instantly responsive to their partners and to the music. This Zen-like ability to dance in the moment is like meditation – with the added element (bonus!) of contact with another person. For follows (more so than for leads, who have to do the navigating and impromptu choreography), the “tango trance” is what keeps them strapped into their stilettos. Begin your journey into Tango dancing and see for yourself how easy it is to get swept away in the beauty of this dance.

Tango Can Be Tailored For Your Flexibility. You can tango by degrees. Whether you are a human pretzel or creaky and stiff, you can dance comfortably. You can do a modest ”social” boleo, where your foot makes a small sweep on the floor, or swing your leg so high it looks like you’re auditioning for Forever Tango. You can take giant steps or tiny steps. You can be flamboyant (but never trashy) or dignified and discreet. However agile or restricted your movements can be or have to be, Tango dancing gives everyone a chance to have fun on the dance floor.

Do you live in Arizona? If so, come discover Tango dancing from us at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona! We would love to reveal and share our love for tango dancing and all of it’s physical benefits with you.

Put Tango Dancing On Your Bucket List This Year

Argentine Tango dancing in Arizona“To be a great lead, do not love the woman you dance with; rather, listen to the music and love it! Beautiful tango is a process of transference – your love for the music will be transferred to the follower, and she will be enchanted.” – John Vaina

So I have got to say I am an absolute fanatic of Argentine Tango! Please allow me to unleash my enthusiasm for this exquisitely beautiful dance and why you should learn how to Tango dance this year, if you haven’t already started. Here are just the social and practical reasons for journeying into Tango dancing. In my next blog, we’ll explore the physical benefits of this amazing dance.


Social and Practical Reasons for Learning to Tango Dance:

Tango Is Great For Meeting People. Every month, new people decide to try the sexy Argentine tango for the first time. And every month, a few become lifelong Tangueros or Tangueras (male or female tango dancers). So not only do you have the opportunity to see new faces at every class series, workshop or dance, you can take the time to get to know the “regulars”. Some of these staples will become friends for life and some might become Ms. or Mr. Right…you never know.

You Can Start To Tango At Any Age. Some people are fortunate enough to discover Argentine tango in their teens, 20’s, or 30’s. Others don’t discover it until they’re in their 40’s, 50’s or 60’s. Better late than never!   If you haven’t explored the Argentine tango, push it to the top of your bucket list, no matter what age you are.

The Argentine Tango Is Sexy And Elegant. There are many stylistic variations of Argentine tango, ranging from the quietest of close embraces to the high drama of show tango. The sensuality can be expressed as barely contained eroticism to playfulness to true quiet intimacy. In steamy Latin dances, the hips move side to side and front to back; in Argentine tango the hips only swivel. This imparts an elegance that adds grace and dignity to a dance that always has one foot in the bedroom door.

Economically Sound. Okay, not counting shoes (which can become a serious budget consideration for some, dancers or not), knowing how to tango is cheap entertainment. Tango classes and events (workshops, weekly or monthly dances, festivals) provide an excellent social environment because you come into contact, literally, with new people every month and at every tango gathering and you can actually get to know these people at these venues rather than going on exploratory (and expensive) dates. For group tango classes and workshops (at least in the Arizona area), the average cost per hour is around $15. Dance cover charges run $10 or less, and there are dances held in restaurants that have no cover but buying a drink or nibbles is in order. There aren’t many ways these days to socialize (and burn calories) for hours and drive home with change from a twenty in your pocket. Also, since it’s counterproductive to drink and dance, you’ll be surrounded for hours by clever and talented people who are not slurring their words and stumbling on the way to the restroom; it’s a nice change from the bar scene in the wee hours.

Tango Is Truly A Dance For Decades. Some tango aficionados keep dancing on a regular basis, others take breaks – for a few weeks, even a few years – and that’s okay. Tangoing is like riding a bicycle, only way, way better. You can keep on doing it, and always come back to it. Tango ages beautifully, and keeps you from ageing prematurely. In fact, Argentine tango has been tried and tested therapeutically for seniors and Parkinson’s patients, noticeably improving posture and balance more than other ballroom dances or no dancing at all. As long as you can walk unaided (even if it’s slowly, and even if you have to stop a lot), you can tango – and look good doing it.

Do you have enough reasons to learn to tango yet? If not, which may be hard to believe 🙂 , keep your eyes out for part 2 of my love for tango dancing, the physical benefits to knowing how to dance the tango. Arizona residents can begin their exciting adventure in tango dancing with us at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ. Tango has been one of our signature dances for over a decade and we’d love to share it with you! Check out our New Student Offer for the perfect way to begin dancing today!


Empowering Your Leader on the Dance Floor

couple salsa dancing in ArizonaLadies… Wouldn’t it be amazing if your man wanted to take you out Salsa dancing or Country Two Stepping this weekend? How wonderful would be if it was HIS idea to dance the night away, rather than hanging out at the bar or staying home? Most women love to dance, but there are a couple of things to remember when it comes to our men and dancing.

1. Guys can’t fake it: Did you know that most men secretly wish that they could twirl you across the floor with ease? They would love to naturally have the confidence and skill set to bust a move Country Swing dancing or during a steamy Latin dance song. Then why don’t they just take you out there and do it? Because most men need to have the information on how to do it right before they can give it a try. “Faking it” as a leader is too large a risk when in it comes to looking “stupid” on the dance floor.

After training leaders on how to dance for almost 20 years, we hear the same story time and again. “If I knew what I was doing out there, surely I would take my wife out dancing.” Simply put, most men want the safety of knowing how things work so they can execute their dance moves with full assurance of success.

How do men get that certainty they desire when it comes to social dancing? Our recommendation: Private Dance Lessons. With one-on-one instruction, guys can receive the tools they need to shine at a Country bar, wedding or Latin dance club. Whenever music is being played, you can go out and have some fun with a competent leader who is empowered.

2. By “helping” him on the dance floor, he will never be the leader you want him to be.: If you are seeking that empowered, competent guy on the dance floor, then ladies, please, please don’t “help” your man by doing his job. We know you want to be turned, twisted and swept off of your feet, but leading yourself is the opposite of empowering your man.

Unlike most of forms of dance, partner dancing gives men both the tools and confidence they need to become a better leaders on and off the dance floor, empowering them to become more decisive and assertive for the women they lead and life in general. I mean, what woman doesn’t like a man to “take charge and make things happen?” Great thing is that it also teaches women to truly “follow and enjoy the ride”; so for all you powerful ladies out there, by learning to Salsa or Swing dance with your man, you can actually relax and be confident in knowing that he can take charge while having fun at the same time. So now you can relinquish the need to “help” and let him do his thing. He will walk away proud, and so will you with such a great leader by your side.

Certain dances like Jitterbug Swing and Nightclub 2 Step, give a firm establishment of roles on who leads and who follows. This clear definition allows men “come into their own element” by teaching them how to lead a woman across the dance floor with a progressive physiology, sense of decisive action and forward-thinking mentality, while simultaneously training women to “be fully present in the moment” and give their multi-tasking minds a much needed rest! By teaching men and women how to dance in such a way, can you now see why this skill can be both transforming and liberating? If you live in Arizona area, we at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona challenge you this New Year to try partner dancing for yourself and reap the benefits that it has to offer. With dance lessons, you will not only be adding romance back into your relationships and improving your health, but you can also change your life for the better in more ways than you can imagine!


Couple’s Country Dance Classes and More!

Salsa Dance Class in ArizonaAre you ready for a new and exciting hobby in 2015? Then come join in the fun with us at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona! As one of Arizona’s leading dance studios for the past decade, we are going to assist you in becoming a confident social dancer this year. In our new Group Dance Classes for couples, you will learn cool and popular social dances including the Country Two Step, Salsa and Country Swing.

Your wallflower days are coming to an end as you take your first steps onto the dance floor. The only question to ask yourself before you begin is “Which dance should I learn first?”. That’s a tough one. If you see yourself in the favored Country bars these days with friends or even a date, then we suggest that you kick off your dancing journey with the trendy Country Two Step. The Country Two Step is medium tempo, not too fast and not too slow, so it’s perfect for beginners who are getting their dancing feet wet! What’s also wonderful about the Country Two Step is that there are several styling variations of it, so you will never get bored, or bore your partner with the basics. The Country Two Step also has lots of impressive moves that will surely sweep any Cowgirl off of her feet. The Country Two Step class for beginners is every Monday at 7 pm, starting on the first week of each month and lasting for 4 weeks total.

Then there’s the Salsa. What an awesome dance to explore! Salsa dancing is always useful as there is an abundance of Latin influence here in the southwest. What’s amazing and intriguing about Latin dancing in general is the passion and freedom that comes from exploring sensual dances like the Salsa, Bachata and Merengue. Salsa dancing includes lots of sass and playfulness with all of that hip shaking. Be prepared to have fun learning lots of turns and cool dance moves in our Salsa Group Dance Classes. Dance FX Studios’ 4-Week Salsa dance class for beginners is held each Tuesday at 7 pm, re-opening on the first week of each month for new couples.

Finally, if you love Country music, you have got to learn to Country Swing dance! The Country Swing is fast, furious and tons of fun! In this most popular dance, you will learn various turns and spins that will make you one to watch on the dance floor. Country Swing is useful and lively and is one dance that you don’t want to pass up this year. Remember Country music lovers, Country Thunder is coming up in the next few months, so now is the time to throw on those boots and learn to dance. Our Country Swing dance classes for beginners are held on Wednesdays at 7 pm, beginning anew at the first of each month.

If you’re ready to get this dancing party started, get signed up for the 4-week class of your choice today. February’s classes are just two short weeks away and you want to reserve your spot early to be guaranteed to be a part of the fun. The best part of our 4-Week Group Dance Classes is that they are only $75 per couple for the entire month! That’s a steal, especially for quality social dance instruction from pros that have been teaching for years here in Arizona.

Check “learn to dance” off of your bucket list this year and have a blast with a hobby that you can enjoy for many more years to come! We look forward to seeing you in the coming months at Dance FX Studios!



Wedding Dance Lessons for Arizona Brides and Grooms

wedding dance lessons in ArizonaIs your wedding just months away? Then now is the time to begin spending time on the best part of your big day: your first dance! Now, it may seem daunting when you think of “performing” in front of grandma, your boss and even your best buddies, but imagine how much more excited your guests will be when you WOW them with a special dance that is NOT the 8th grade prom sway. No one could have expected that you would actually take the time to learn the most important dance of your life, but you did and it has really paid off! Now your wedding dance is the one thing that your friends and family won’t stop talking about. Who knew?

There are so many options now that you are ready to begin your journey into dance for your wedding day. When it comes to the perfect first dance for you and your sweetie, there are a few things to keep in mind…

1. Start With The Song: To really be inspired to learn to dance and to give your first dance your all, pick a few songs that really mean something to you. Do you like Country music, Big Band, Rock and Roll? What type of music speaks to you? A song that inspires you will show through in your dance and help you to give the best show possible for your guests.

2. Find A Local Dance Studio: There’s no need on your end to try and determine what dance style, be it Country Western or Salsa, that may fit with your song options because you can bring your song choices to a Wedding Dance Consultation at a nearby dance studio. A professional dance instructor will help guide you through which dance songs are best and what dances are good for the vision you have for your first dance. (East Valley Phoenix residents can come visit us at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ. :))

3. Start Earlier Than You Think You Should: Make sure to set up a consultation at least 3-4 months prior to your wedding so that you can really begin honing in on your dancing skills and getting rid of the jitters before you have to hit the dance floor on your wedding day. Social partner dancing is new to most adults who have never taken ballroom dance lessons before and, since no one is born knowing how to dance, it can take a little time to master. Most brides and grooms want to look as natural as possible so planning and plenty of practice time is a must!

Say goodbye to the prom sway and hello to the dance of your dreams with wedding dance lessons from us at Dance FX Studios. We would love to help you Swing dance with the best of them, or put on a tantalizing Tango dance number in one of our Rock Your Reception dances! Or, we can go subtle and elegant in your first dance with a Foxtrot to your favorite Sinatra tune. Either way, you will look spectacular on the dance floor with help from us! To set up your wedding dance consultation, contact us by phone or email. We are thrilled to be a part of your big day!


Explore Swing Dancing in 2015!

“You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching, Love like you’ll never be hurt, Sing like there’s nobody listening,
And live like it’s heaven on earth.”
― William W. Purkey

beginner swing dance lessons in ArizonaAhhhh, Swing dancing! It’s exciting, versatile and so very useful! In fact, there are now more than 25 variations of Swing dancing. Varying styles include the East Coast Swing, Country Swing, Lindy Hop and the intriguing West Coast Swing. Before we get into why West Coast Swing in particular is so awesome, let’s answer a few questions surrounding the dance; What is the simple definition of West Coast Swing and discuss a bit of it’s background.

What in the world is West Coast Swing?

The definition of West Coast Swing (WCS) is: a partner dance with roots in Lindy Hop, characterized by it’s specific elastic look that comes from its basic extension-compression (“rubber band”) technique of partner connection. It’s mainly danced on a slotted area of the dance floor and allows for both partners to improvise steps while dancing together, putting West Coast Swing in a short list of dances that put a premium on improvisation.

Typically the “follower” walks into new patterns traveling forward on counts “1” and “2” of each basic pattern, rather than rocking back. Traditional figures include 6-count and 8-count patterns of one of the four basic varieties: (1) Starter Step, (2) Side Pass (Left or Right), (3) Push Break / Sugar Push, (4) Whip. Virtually all other moves in WCS are variations of these basic patterns. The Anchor Step is a default ending pattern for many West Coast Swing moves.

What’s historical 411 on West Coast Swing?

West Coast Swing seems to have been born during the late 1930s through early 1950s, the same time-frame of many of the other forms of Swing: Lindy Hop, Jitterbug, Balboa, Shag, East Coast Swing, etc). West Coast Swing, as the name implies, was the regional form of Swing dancing in California and the west coast of the U.S.

There are many theories on people who influenced West Coast Swing’s development. Some say that Dean Collins, was influential when he arrived in CA in 1937 after learning and dancing Savoy style swing in New York City. Others say that Arthur Murray taught people the dance he had learned in California, even though he called it “Western Swing” (a name that is often misleading since West Coast Swing is not specifically done to country music). The dance was being called California Swing and took on the contemporary music of the time; in 1978, the dance was documented as West Coast Swing; and in 1988, West Coast Swing became the state dance of California.1

From the late 1980s through present dance, West Coast Swing has become recognized as one of the most versatile dance forms. Dance events specifically featuring this dance from 1980 to 2000 helped to expose dancers around the country to a dance that can be enjoyed to traditional swing, blues, R&B, some Cha-Cha, some Samba, and a lot of popular/contemporary music. Since 2000, the internet (YouTube) and variety shows such as “So You Think You Can Dance” have propelled West Coast Swing into the forefront.

Today, West Coast Swing can be found throughout the United States and Internationally. There are instructors, dancers and events in the USA, Canada, France, England, Russia, and Australia.

So why learn West Coast Swing?

It’s interestingly fun!

West Coast Swing is highly engaging and moderately challenging and since it can be danced to a variety of tempos, it can be a slow, medium or fast dance. The attitude and style of the dance can vary in interpretation depending on the type of music your dancing it to; from flirty and fun to sexy and relaxing.

It’s extremely versatile. 

Unlike many other dances, West Coast Swing can be danced to many different genres of music from Pop, R&B, Contemporary, Country and most Top 40 music. This allows people to pick and choose an “infinite” amount of music with which to dance to and makes it attainable for a large spectrum of age ranges and abilities.

Its smooth and sometimes sexy quality also allows for a large range of freedom of expression and lyricism. Couples can therefore choose whether to have a “fun” or “intimate” style of dance. Best of all, West Coast Swing can adopt many movements and styles from other dances such as Hustle, Tango, and Salsa

It allows dancing to be a conversation instead of a lecture.

Most styles of partner dancing like the Country Western Two Step, Jitterbug or Bachata have a locked rule of who leads and who follows. West Coast Swing allows leaders to lead both assertively and by “invitation”, which in turn gives followers freedom to “play” and groove with music independently from the leader. This makes West Coast Swing really unique compared to most partner dancing styles.

Are you intrigued by the West Coast Swing? If so, it’s time to begin your journey into learning this one-of-a-kind dance! For those of you who reside in Arizona, come learn to West Coast Swing dance with us at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ. With our New Student Offer, you will be on your way to understanding how this cool dance works. Beginner West Coast Swing dance lessons are for singles and couples, so you have no reason to delay dancing as an exciting new hobby! Contact us at 480-968-6177 to kick off your new year in style with West Coast Swing dance lessons!

Finding the Right Dance Studio in Arizona

Arizona Line Dance lessonsSo you want to learn how to Country dance or maybe try out Salsa dancing in 2015? Don’t know where to start? Well, let me give you a few key points that can point your rudder and sails in the right direction. First, let me congratulate you on your decision for wanting to learn to social dance in the new year! Swing dancing and even learning the steamy Argentine Tango can add a fun hobby to your life, a fun stress reliever and can also be a great way to shed that unwanted lingering holiday weight. Social partner dancing is also useful for meeting new friends and potential lovers in the year ahead. In general, dancing is wonderful for your social life, as well as your sense of well-being.

Before you begin your journey into social dancing, here are several important questions to have answered:


1. Does the ballroom dance studio have the type of dancing you’re looking for?  What makes them unique? Now these are very important questions. Do you want a highly stressed competitive and performance look to your dancing? Or do you want fun and comfortable social dance experience that can help you to relax? Most people would pick the latter, but both options are on the table in most cities across the U.S. . Oftentimes most people don’t want to be swinging from the chandeliers like the professional performers do on Dancing with The Stars. Instead, they want to learn to Latin dance or Country Two Step to lighten their days, maybe take time away from the kids, or even just to have a new skill set that is cool and unique.

There are plenty of dance studios out there to choose from, but what makes one in your area stand out for your particular needs is extremely important. Value is the main key here. If the time you put in your dancing is worth the money you invest, then you have a winner! So, while searching for the best studio for you as a single or as part of a couple, take time to try out their New Student Offer. Hopefully, there won’t be strings attached and then you can truly see for yourself if this is the studio you want to invest more time into. If you’re not having fun while learning how to dance, then why bother, right? No one wants boring dance instruction; they have plenty of those tutorials on YouTube!


2. How long has your local dance studio been in business? While an established company does not necessarily make for a better one, time in the community will prove to reveal whether or not a business is worth investing in or not. Ask around to see if the studio is independently owned or part of a franchise if that matters to you. Also, it is helpful to go by and get a tour of the facility to make sure that the place is well-kept and to your liking.


3. What are the reviews, testimonials and ratings of the studio? A dance studio’s credibility matters. If the studio hasn’t had a long track record of delivering high quality dance instruction, then why waste your valuable time, energy and money? See if the studio that you are considering has a good or bad track record and let that help to make your decision. With the advent of Google and Facebook, it’s even easier to get the reviews that you are seeking. Here’s a review from one our valued students:


Great studio! My instructor was very competent, patient, and capable. I feel much more comfortable on the dance floor after only five individual lessons. This is a very highly recommended dance studio!


– Albert E. Breland Jr., MD


If you happen to be in the Phoenix, Arizona area,  Dance FX Studios is  located at 1859 W Guadalupe Rd. Suite 105 Mesa, AZ 85202. We will teach you how to become a confident social dancer in the most popular and useful dances including Salsa, Swing, Country dancing, Line dancing and so much more! Come on by and learn the dances you have always wanted to and make this new year your best one yet!

Top 3 Reasons Why You Need to Start Dancing Now

a couple swing dancing in ArizonaTo dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful… This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking. – Agnes de Mille 

You’re probably wondering, “Why dance? I have two left, I’m too white, I’m too old, I’m too this or that.” Then the myriad of excuses start stampeding in like bulls. The mind can play many games when it comes to avoiding something new and trying something outside of your comfort zone. Putting aside the idea that you may feel silly at first  learning to dance, social dances, including the Country Two Step, or Swing dancing, actually has many benefits physically, mentally and spiritually.  Let’s take a closer look as to why you should start dancing now rather than putting it off in the new year.

Your Physical Health and Fitness. Did you know that dances like Salsa and Swing are a total body cardiovascular workout than strengthens muscles and bones?  Dancing actually increases blood circulation, and lowers blood pressure, while at the same time reducing the risk of coronary heart disease! How great is that?! Looking toned and fit while having fun exploring a new hobby doesn’t hurt either!

Your Mind. Endorphins are unleashed when the body exerts itself at a certain level. You might have heard of a “runner’s high”. Because dancing is a similar activity, this same emotional boost can happen as you learn to Tango or even Two Step.. Of course, all exercise releases endorphins, but dancing has an increased effect in this realm because it’s not only the physical activity, but also the music, that affect the mind. In a dancer’s context, a “dancer’s high” is felt when you really kick your body into high gear after a few minutes of continuous motion.
Dancing also affects the mind by contributing to a sense of satisfaction. While you may not reach new goals immediately, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you worked hard towards those goals. Sweating through a series of rhythms and combinations can be very satisfying even if change comes about at a slow pace. In the long term, you will see the fruits of your efforts not only from year to year, but on a day-to-day basis, as you grow in your dancing abilities.

In addition, studies have also shown that activities that involve both physical and mental activity at the same time help to slow the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and reduce the chance of developing dementia by 70%. Now that is good for everyone!

Your Soul. Dancing gives a sense of happiness and spiritual fulfillment. Getting swept up in an intimate connection with another person is a wonderful and unique feeling and form of expression, which is why so many people enjoy it…So why not you? Aside from your mind and body; your soul is worth time healing and growing through dance.
Social dancing is an amazing way to escape from life, let go and have some good old fashioned fun! Now, why would you want to miss out on that? Grab your partner or come solo to a local dance studio in your area and see what kind of offers they have for new students in the new year so that you can get in on the action. For those of you who reside in Arizona, you can come see us at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ. We would love to take you on the exciting journey of learning to dance! You too will soon see how there is nothing more rewarding that exploring a hobby with as many benefits as dancing has to offer.