Expand Your Horizons and Learn to Dance!

Social dancing is a great way to meet people. Learning how to meet people is, debatably, one of the most important skills you will ever learn. Embrace your ability to move on the dance floor and utilize it to your advantage!

Whether your forte is salsa, tango, or swing, you can build your confidence and courage by going out to practice at a local dancing venue. On nearly any website that introduces singles to other like-minded singles you’ll find a list of activities which assist in getting you out into society, and within this list—you guessed it— there’s a recommendation of dancing!

Believe it or not, getting your foot in the door is half the battle. If you see another aimless wanderer, chances are they are waiting to be asked to dance! Women will give eye contact if they are interested in being asked to dance (ladies, this means you need to give eye contact to give the guy a hint! If you’re bold, or if he is clueless, ask him to dance yourself!) Not only will you be able to find the courage to ask for a dance, but often in social dancing, you will switch partners throughout the dance style as well.

Keep in mind that there is a classification of dancers: “beginner” versus “experienced”. This, of course, has a large grey area but as a “newbie” you have the opportunity to practice with other new dancers as well. The great thing about dancing with beginners is that they pretty much want to dance all the time. They are just as eager to get practice under their belt as you are. This way you can both feel a sense of accomplishment together. So head out to the nearest dance floor and groove it!