Learn to Country Two Step With Style in AZ!

Country Swing Mesa AZHave you wanted to learn some dance moves, but do not know where to start? What about the fun and easy style of Country Western dancing? You may be thinking, well where am I ever going to use Country Western dancing, but there are many places and events where you can show off your moves, especially in the southwest.

The southwest is known for being a place to find and do Country Western dancing. It is almost a rite of passage to learn how to Country Western dance if you grew up in the southwest. Country music can be found playing at weddings, bars, and even night clubs, giving you an array of times and places to demonstrate your abilities. There are also so many variations and types of Country Western dances making it highly unlikely that you will ever become bored of it.

Some types of Country Western dancing are Country Two Step, Country Swing, and Country Waltz. The Two-Step is a partner dance that is progressive, moving counterclockwise around the dance floor. Since there are so many variations of the Two-Step, there is not one specific one that is the correct way of doing the Two-Step. Another progressive Country Western dance is the Country Waltz. The Country Waltz has a more relaxed posture and frame and does not have the exaggerated hand and arm gestures of other Waltz styles.

If you are interested in learning how to Country Dance, you can try our Introductory Offer of a one hour-long private Country Western dance class. Dance lessons are available by appointment Monday through Friday from 12 to 8PM and on Saturdays from 12 to 4PM. Or try our group dance Country Two Step classes, which start March 8th at 7PM.