Country Thunder 2016 is Coming Soon!

Country dance lessons in ArizonaArizona Cowboys and Cowgirls, grab your boots and get ready for one of the biggest Country events in AZ of the year…Country Thunder 2016! Are you ready!!?? There’s only one way to really get prepared for a four-day party like this, and that’s by learning how to Country dance!

If you haven’t started taking dance lessons yet, now’s the time. With less than two months to go, it’s not too late to look great on that dance floor.

If you happen to live in the Phoenix East Valley, come visit us at Dance FX Studios to get started with beginner’s Country Western dance lessons. We teach couples and singles how to Country dance six days a week, and we’d love to make you feel and look incredible by April for Country Thunder 2016 too.

The best way to get started with Country dance lessons is by trying out our New Student Offer for only $25. This rate is good for a single or a twosome, so you really can’t go wrong. In your introductory dance lesson, you will get useful tips on how to lead and follow, how to hold you partner properly on the dance floor, how to connect with anyone while you’re dancing, and how to do the basics of several Country dances! That’s a lot in an hour, so come prepared for fun and to learn!

“Which dances will I learn?,” you may be wondering. Great question! You will definitely need to know how to Two Step. There are several versions of the Two Step, so it would be good to explore a few styles. That way you can fit in anywhere.

Country Swing dancing is also very hot right now. Once you know how to Swing dance, all those fast songs will be easy to dance along with! There’s a ton of Country Swing dance moves, spins and dips that are a blast to know, so we can’t leave this popular dance behind.

There are many more Country dances, from the Waltz to West Coast (another Swing dance style), but I would say that if you know how to Two Step dance and Country Swing dance, your bases will be covered for Country Thunder.

Dance FX Studios borders both Chandler and Tempe, and is located just off the 101 highway in Mesa, AZ. We are in our 15th year as a local dance studio that has served the entire Phoenix valley since 2001. We specialize in social dancing only, not competitive ballroom dancing, so getting ready for events from weddings to holiday parties to Country Thunder is our forte. Come check us out and be ready for any exciting opportunity that comes your way. Social dancing is a blast to learn and even more fun to use! To get started, call us today at 480-968-6177. We hope to see YOU on the dance floor!

How to Meet New Friends Through Social Dancing

Country dancing near Chandler AZWith hectic schedules and rare pockets of free time, many people these days are choosing to meet, and even date and marry, after connecting with each other online. Thanks to modern technology, we can find others with similar interests, like social dancing, at the click of an button. How wonderful! When it comes to loving to dance, though, there’s an even easier way to start new friendships. Grab a buddy, or head over solo to a local Country bar, Jazz lounge or Latin dance club and see how simple it can be to make friends with other dancers.

Generally speaking, people who love to social dance are very open to meeting other dancers. It gives both parties a chance to find someone new, fun and interesting to enjoy time with on the dance floor, and off the floor as well. With social dancing as a common interest, you will have lots to talk about, from the most comfortable Cowboy boots to dance in, to the trendy new Salsa dance clubs in town.

If you have thought about how nice it would be to have more friends, and you haven’t learned to dance yet, now’s your chance. Country, Swing and Latin dancing is the perfect way to socialize without it being awkward, since everyone is out to have a great time and let go of their stresses.

Now that you see how fun and easy it can be to connect with others just by knowing how to dance, it’s time for you to learn to Two Step, Swing or Salsa dance! To begin, I recommend contacting a local adult dance studio that offers social dance lessons for singles and/or couples.

The studio you find may offer both Group Dance Classes and Private Dance Lessons. I am going to encourage you to start the right way with Private Dance Lessons. After 20 years of instructing, I know that it is only through Private Dance Lessons that you can learn in a way that is not only specific to how you think, but will also put you on the fast track to becoming a confident social dancer. As a single, you will dance directly with your instructor, so they can give you exact feedback on what you will need to feel and look your best. That’s what every new dancer needs to succeed! 🙂

While Group Dance Classes sound like a fun way to meet others, it can be a very frustrating learning environment for singles. One, there may not be an even amount of leaders and followers in the class, potentially leaving you, or someone else, out on the sidelines waiting for a dance partner. Also, you will be joining in a class with others who will be at different levels in their dancing. Some may have taken five classes, while you’re on your first. This will either make you feel pressured to catch up, which usually makes for an overwhelming experience, or will make someone else have to go slower that they hoped, while you’re catching up to them. Either way, I have found Group Dance Classes to be great supplements to your dancing after you have taken the time to learn to dance one-on-one with a qualified social dance instructor.

Regardless of your age or situation, social dancing will lift your spirits, add joy to your life and is a wonderful, timeless hobby. Expand your social circle in a healthy and exciting way-just by learning to dance, and give yourself a chance to pick up a new skill that will forever enhance your life. You’re worth it!

How to Become a Better Latin Dancer

salsa dance instruction near Chandler AZDo you love to Latin dance? Me too! Whether I’m dancing Salsa, Bachata, Cha Cha or Merengue, I truly enjoy the freedom I feel when I’m Latin dancing. Latin dancing is playful, flirty, sensual and a great way to express yourself and let go of life’s worries, but it doesn’t always feel great when you’re a newer dancer. It’s very typical to not feel smooth and fluid in the beginning, so be patient with yourself, and your partner if you have one. Here are a few of my favorite tips so you can become a better Latin dancer in a shorter amount of time. Enjoy!

  1. Focus on your frame. Leaders, although your footsteps and patterns can seem like a priority, Latin dancing, like all partner dances, can only feel comfortable with someone else when you have a great dance frame. We followers can’t feel what your feet are doing, but we can feel a loose frame that is not guiding us on the dance floor. In return, we ladies tend to try and “fill in the gaps” and lead ourselves, which takes away from your role as a leader, and frankly disempowers you completely. Never a good thing on the dance floor. So guys, focus on your dance frame first, then we followers can make you look great by being able to understand and follow what you’re trying to lead.

If you’re wondering what your dance frame should look and feel like, that’s great! I’m going to suggest signing up for some Private Latin Dance Lessons to make you a confident social dancer. Private Dance Lessons are the only real way, in my opinion, to get the detail and technique tips needed to thrive in partner dancing. Yes, Private Dance Lessons are more of an investment both time and money-wise, but you will get the results you’re looking for in a more efficient way that will last long term when you take the time to learn correctly from the start.

2. Keep it simple. Oftentimes beginner Latin dancers try to show off with the more flashy or “cool”-looking dance moves as a way to impress the person they’re dancing with. Guys, keep it simple. I firmly believe in the concept of “less is more”, especially when it comes to dancing. Once you know what your partner is capable of, and you’re sure that you have a great connection with her on the dance floor, then you can layer in some more advanced moves on the second or third dance with the same partner.

3. Be aware of your surroundings. If you don’t already know this, many Latin dances do not travel. Instead, they rotate in place on the dance floor, making Latin dances, like Salsa and Bachata, “spot” dances. That being said, it is key to be mindful of your surroundings. It would not be fun to dance with a person who runs you into others, right? That will happen unless you know what’s going on around you.

Keep your eyes up, leaders, dance within the space you’re standing in, and keep it nice and simple for your follower on the first dance, and you should be ensured at least a second dance, hopefully many more, with that beautiful woman you’ve been eyeballing. There’s really nothing more exciting, in my opinion, than dancing with someone. Social dancing, be it Latin dancing or otherwise, is a fantastic way to connect with someone new or someone special, so enjoy it! Keep on dancing and, to grow and be that leader or follower that you have always wanted to be, find a local dance studio near you to take some Private Dance Lessons. You’ll be so glad you did!

Salsa, Swing and Two Step- Dance Tips for Couples

adult dance lessons near Chandler AZ“If he could just learn how to lead, I would stop taking over on the dance floor,” she said. “If she would follow me, we could really have fun with this,” he said. As an social ballroom dance instructor for more than 20 years now, I have heard it all over the years. Finger pointing. Fights. Giving up on dance all together, a hobby that can be a game changer for couples and the health of their relationship. What a shame. I always say, “Couples that dance together, stay together,” but the key is getting started on the right foot so that you can enjoy dancing, and not resent it.

Wouldn’t it be fun to go to a wedding and be able to dance when you favorite song is played? How cool would it be to hang out at a Country bar on a Saturday night after a long week at home and work? Social dancing, from Country to Latin to Swing dancing, is a fantastic way to keep the romance alive. All you need now, guys and gals, are a few great tips so you can make couple’s dancing a regular and enjoyable part of your lives. Not a problem! 🙂 Here’s my advice for every couple who wants to dance…

  1. Take Private Dance Lessons for Two. Dance lessons for couples are the best way to begin your journey into social dancing. With Private Dance Lessons, you’ll have an unbiased third party who can help each of you to understand your role on the dance floor. This is a great start! Once you understand your roles, you will get specific tips on how to lead or follow each new move that you learn. That is very important in enjoy the dance as a whole. With an instructor by your side, you can really see how partner dancing works and make the most of it.

While Private Dance Lessons are more of an investment, you will learn much faster than in any other other way (Group Classes, videos) and be able to go out and have fun dancing sooner. Plus you will have a professional by your side to ask questions to if something doesn’t feel quite right.

Remember, you get what you pay for, so contact an adult dance studio near you to see what they can offer you. Trying a New Student Offer is the best way to see how comfortable you feel in your new learning environment, which will make all the difference in how you progress.

2. Let him lead. Ladies, I beg of you, please let your man lead on the dance floor! If this is a bad habit that you’ve had for years, share it with your dance instructor immediately so that we professionals can focus on making your man a great leader. Back-leading causes problems on so many levels, and for both of you. For you as the follower, you can’t possibly enjoy yourself if you are twirling yourself around the floor and secretly wishing he could do it for you. And you really doing the worst of all by disempowering your man and not letting him learn to lead. There’s nothing better than a great leader on the dance floor, trust me, I have one, but if you don’t give him a chance, you’ll never know how great it feels.

3. Don’t play the blame game. The blame game is old. We all know that we can only change ourselves, so let’s take a minute to look within and see what we can adjust before pointing the finger at our partner. Blaming is not only demotivating, but completely counter-productive in a learning environment. If something doesn’t feel right, try it with your instructor and let him/her see how to make it better.

I will always believe that every couple should learn to dance together. Social dancing is not just romantic, but it helps with teamwork, intimacy, communication and connection. Couples, don’t miss out on partner dancing! With dance lessons, patience and personal responsibility, you can have a hobby that you can enjoy for years to come!

Put Down Your Phone and Dance!

adult dance studios near Gilbert AZAre you guilty of hiding behind your phone? So many of us are! With Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, email and internet all on one device, who needs interaction with a live person?  As you may well know, we all do. For a fantastic way to connect with others, put down your phone, get off that chair and try social dance lessons.  You’ll be so happy you did!

What is social dancing? Social dancing is what you use when you are at a wedding, in a bar, or at a nightclub with friends. I also refer to social dancing as partner dancing, because social “ballroom” dancing is performed with another person. As opposed to competitive ballroom dancing, social dancing is not choreographed, making it somewhat challenging but extremely exciting to learn and use.

Popular social dances include Country Two Step, Swing, Salsa and even the dramatic and sensual Argentine Tango. While all of these styles are practical to know for upcoming events and opportunities where music is played, you can start by learning just one style of dance at a time. This way, you can have a blast at a Country bar all night long, or at a Latin dance club, if that’s more your style.

Within each dance style, there’s plenty to of cool dances to explore. For example, if you enjoy Country music, I suggest that you learn these dances: Country Two Step, Country Swing, Country Waltz and West Coast Swing. They’re all great to know for different reasons, and your bases will be covered whether the music is slow, mid or fast tempo.

If you’re more into Latin music, very popular here in the southwest region, you’ll definitely want to take dance lessons in Bachata, Salsa, Merengue and maybe even Cha Cha. Trust me, you don’t want to finally get the courage to show up at a Latin dance club and only know one dance style. Be versatile, it’s so much more fun!

Social dancing is a hobby and skill that you will use time and again throughout your life. While the newest and greatest electronic devices are always going to be there to get sucked into, why feel close to someone via Facebook when you can physically appreciate time with another person face to face. That physical connection is irreplaceable by a device and is definitely required for us humans to thrive and be happy. We’ve all heard social studies on the importance of human interaction, so, for your own social, mental and emotional health, grab a new friend and dance!

If you’re looking for a nearby adult dance studio, and you happen to live in Phoenix, Arizona, come visit us at Dance FX Studios. We specialize in creating confident social dancers so that you can enjoy dancing anywhere. It’s time to put down that phone and get on the dance floor, we’re waiting to share in the joys of social partner dancing with you!

Workaholics…Do You Wanna Dance?

social dance lessons Chandler ArizonaDo you want to dance? Then what are you waiting for!? Now is a great time to begin a fantastic, healthy new hobby, so why not make it social dancing! What’s that? You’re too busy? Aren’t we all. If you have been wanting to explore cool social dances like Country Two Step, Swing or Salsa dancing, but you simply can’t find the time, you may want to consider creating the time to do something for you.

For you workaholics, it may seem impossible to make time for “silly” activities such as adult dance lessons, but as we move into the new year, wouldn’t a little balance serve you well? Absolutely it would. Let me share with you how social dancing can enhance your life in 2016 and beyond, so you don’t have to let another day, month or year go by and miss out on the fun.

Have you ever been invited to a last-minute Happy Hour with co-workers that turns into an entire evening of fun? Maybe you’re at a local Country bar and the band starts playing while you’re still hanging out. Wouldn’t it be cool to get up on the dance floor and show off your Two Step dance moves? Here’s your chance to impress your co-workers, boss and onlookers with some Country Western dances that will reveal another side of you. Knowing how to social dance will also be perfect for holiday parties, charity events and the like throughout the year, so that you can always look your best amongst your team at work.

On the flip side, enjoying social dancing as an outlet from work and all of its stresses is also very important. Take a night with friends to go Salsa dancing, or make a date of going out Swing dancing with your sweetheart. Social dancing is an exciting way to spend time with friends and family!

Stress relief is something that all of us can use a little more of. Whether the cause of your stress is kids, work, or school, social dancing can transport you from your worries, even for just a few hours. With social dance lessons, you can’t focus on anything but learning to dance. Take this time to relax and escape from everything else. The results of your efforts will astonish you. Rather than going home and tuning everything out with the TV, you can put on some music and dance everything away!

Finally, most people who work more than anything else rarely make time to care for their physical health. Once you know how to dance, though, you will be raising your heart rate and getting out of that chair every time you hear music playing. No more packing on the pounds while you slave away at your desk! Put on your favorite jam and dance your way through your day. You can still get your work done, but take a break and let loose every few hours. Your body will certainly thank you for it.

Social dance lessons for beginners are the cure-all for many neglected areas in your life. Now that you know it, go out and find a local dance studio near you and get that ball rolling! It will be a wonderful investment in yourself. 🙂

Love is in The Air

ballroom dance studios ArizonaWith Valentine’s Day right around the corner and in the midst of wedding season, there’s no better time than now to learn to social dance. Have you ever thought of how fun it would be to try out Country Western dancing, or Latin dancing with your sweetheart? Is knowing how to Swing dance with your honey on your bucket list? If so, that’s great! Couple’s dance lessons are tons of fun, not to mention a fantastic way to enjoy the company of your special someone.

Brides and grooms, if you’re getting married any time in 2016, you may want to consider starting with Wedding Dance Lessons for your first dance now. Your dance lessons will be a great source of stress relief throughout the wedding planning process, and who doesn’t need a way to unwind and relax from all that you have to worry about?

What’s great about dance lessons for brides and grooms, at least at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, is that you will learn a skill that you can use after the wedding for years to come once you know your first dance well. In other words, we will show you how to take the elements from wedding your dance and rearrange them in a variety of ways so that you can enjoy dancing at other special events, at home, or even on date nights on the town with each other. If you ask me, that makes Wedding Dance Lessons the best investment you can make in your wedding. Don’t you agree? Couple’s Dance lessons are romantic, practical and fun!

For you lovebirds who are preparing for February 14th, Valentine’s Day, why not take your sweetie out for a dance lesson for two? With a Private Dance Lesson scheduled, you know you’ll be sprinkling in some adventure and whimsy into your holiday planning. We could all use a bit more of that!

Beyond wedding season and the mushy holiday also known as Valentine’s Day, couples who dance together regularly have found an intimate hobby that offers so much more than steps to music. Social dancing is the perfect, and healthy, way to get some adult time in with your better half. Couples that take that extra time for each other tend to have a more balanced and happier relationship, which benefits everyone, including the kids.

So go have a blast at your favorite Country bar or Latin dance club! Bust out those moves that you never thought you’d be able to do. Express yourself on the dance floor and release your stress from the week. You deserve it!

If you happen to reside in Phoenix, Arizona, come check us out at Dance FX Studios. We are just off the 101 highway in Mesa. Nearby cities include Chandler, Tempe, Gilbert and Scottsdale, Arizona. Gift yourself and each other with a timeless skill that will really help to keep that flame burning and sign up for Couple’s Dance Lessons today. Our New Student Offer for beginner’s dance lessons is just $25, so you really can’t go wrong with giving social dancing a try. Who knows, you may end up discovering your inner dancer that you never knew existed! Now that’s exciting!


Couple’s Dance Lessons…The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift

couple's dance lessons in Tempe, ArizonaAre you looking to make a great impression on someone special? Has your sweetheart always wished that the two of you could dance together? If so, now’s your chance to impress him or her with couple’s dance lessons. You can explore fun social dances like Country Two Step, Swing and Salsa dancing in Private Dance Lessons for two. I can’t think of a more romantic way to celebrate Valentine’s Day!

Couple’s social dance lessons are wonderful for any pair at any stage of a relationship. New couples can set a solid foundation in their relationship with dance lessons for two. Imagine taking your lovely lady Country dancing on your first few dates. Do you think that would excite her? You bet it would! What woman would not want to be swept off of her feet right from the start? And think of how fun upcoming occasions, from holiday work parties to vacations to future dates, will be when you can go dancing together. Once you know how to dance as a couple, you can spend Friday night Salsa dancing under the stars and Saturday night Two Stepping your boots off at a Country bar. That’s what I consider an action-packed, fun-filled weekend! The best part of couple’s dancing for new couples is that you have a go-to hobby that will keep you connected intimately for years to come.

For couples who are further down the road, like “empty nesters” for example, enjoying a romantic activity like social dance lessons may be just what is in order to reignite the passion that was once probably very strong. It’s so easy over time to let things slowly slip away when kids, work and life seem to come first. A relationship can suffer if it is not tended to regularly, but with an intriguing new hobby like dance, you can be reminded of your love for one another.

In between the honeymoon phase and when the kids go off on their own is a key time to learn to dance as a couple too. Adult time is necessary for one’s sanity, along with time away from work and life’s daily stresses. Discover how trying something new together as a team can be a refreshing way to bond and stay close during any stage of your lives through dance. (Who knew that knowing how to social dance could be so important to a relationship? :))

Now Valentine’s Day isn’t the only time of year that couple’s can begin their exciting journey into social dancing. In fact, any time is a great time to learn to dance because you never know when you’ll be in a situation where the music is on and you feel like dancing! It would be a ton more fun to bust a move if you knew what moves to do! Use Valentine’s Day as an excuse to share in a special and unique hobby with your loved one and schedule a beginner’s Private dance lesson for two today. You won’t regret it!

For the Love of Dance! Valentine’s Party

Valentine's Dance Party near Chandler ArizonaWhat are you doing this Valentine’s Day? If you’re looking for a fun and creative way to spend the holiday, whether it be with friends or your sweetheart, come join us at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley for a night you won’t want to miss!

Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 6th from 7-10 pm. Dance FX Studios is hosting our annual Valentine’s dance and we want to share our love of dance with you! This event is open to the public, ages 18+, so dancers and non-dancers alike are welcome.

We will be kicking the night off with a Salsa dance class so if you have always wanted to learn this red hot dance, now’s your chance! Latin dancing is fun, flirty and playful… and therefore perfect for Valentine’s Day! And, this class will be taught by lovebirds and owners of Dance FX Studios, Adam and Nicole Dekavallas. Share in the love and come learn to Salsa dance! 🙂

Social dancers, you may be wondering what other styles of dance we offer at Dance FX Studios. At our “For The Love of Dance” party, we will be playing Country dance music so you can Two Step and Swing dance the night away! Our guests also often request Salsa, Bachata and of course, Argentine tango music. Absolutely! Those are all great dances! Bottom line, you request it, and we’ll play it! If it’s a social dance that everyone can enjoy, you can bet that you’ll hear the music to match.

In addition to a Salsa dance class, we will also be serving hand-crafted treats for you to enjoy. Our bite-sized goodies are made with love, just for you. Refreshments including soft drinks and bottled water are included, and you may bring a bottle of wine as well.

So what if you don’t have a date? Who cares! This party is about meeting new friends and experiencing something new…dance! Social dancing is way too much fun to not have in your life. Once you know how to social dance, you will find that your weekends will be filled with more fun than you could even imagine. And, with all of the social dances that are available to you, from Country Western to Swing to Latin, and even traditional Ballroom styles, there’s something for everyone. That means that nights on the couch watching movies alone at home can be replaced with a healthy and exciting hobby.  You never know where those friendships and new adventures may take you, which is pretty exciting to think about!

This is your year to have more fun, add more romance and enjoy life to the fullest. Reserve your space now for Dance FX Studios’ “For The Love of Dance” Valentine’s Party and take the first step towards an exciting year ahead. Dance FX Studios is located on the southeast corner of Dobson and Guadalupe Rds, just off the 101 highway. Neighboring cities include Gilbert, Tempe, Chandler and Scottsdale, AZ> Reservations for our party can be made online for your convenience (under In-House Dance Parties). Tickets are $25 per person. We hope to see you there!


The Dance of Your Dreams

wedding dance classes near Chandler AZCongratulations! You’re engaged. When’s the big day? Hopefully it’s far enough away so that you can prepare for the wedding dance of your dreams. What would you like your first dance to look like; a Cinderella story, a sitcom or a serious and romantic tale? Regardless of your personal style, now is the time to look into Wedding Dance Lessons so you can shine on your wedding day.

With so many other things to consider, from centerpieces to invitations, it’s easy to put your wedding dance plans off until everything else is done. Please don’t make this mistake! Keep in mind that, while it may take time to choose what cake company you like, it will take even more time to learn to dance. While  dance lessons for your wedding will be exciting, relaxing and super-fun, you will be learning a new skill from scratch, so do yourself a favor and plan accordingly.

“How far in advance should I plan to start taking Wedding Dance Lessons?” This is the number one question I am asked when it comes to getting started. My short answer is, at least three months before the wedding, depending on your vision for your wedding dance. If you want to wow your friends and family with a dramatic Argentine tango dance for your wedding, more time is a definite must. However, if a sweet and simple wedding dance is more your style, a few months should be sufficient.

Maybe you’re wanting to surprise your guests with a sassy Salsa or exciting Country Swing dance routine for your wedding. Go for it! “Rock your reception” with a customized first dance that will leave a lasting impression on everyone. Rest assured, when you take the time to do a wedding dance like this, your friends and family will be wishing they performed a dance for their wedding that was as cool as yours.

Keep in mind that your wedding dance can really help to set the tone for your wedding reception. If you’re doing a themed wedding, like a “Rustic Chic” or “Retro” theme (both very popular these days), your first dance can be the perfect tie-in to get the party started. Your wedding dance does not have to fit in perfectly with your theme, but it’s a great idea to plan in this way. So, all you Country lovers, find your favorite Country song, and get ready to round up some fans as you give them a dance to remember!

To get started in all of this wedding planning fun, it’s not too soon to make an appointment for your Wedding Dance Consultation. With a consultation, you can establish if the songs you like are good for dancing, as well as see what type of wedding dance package options are available to you.

Wedding dance lessons can be an investment, but keep in mind that this will be the one part of your wedding that you can use over and over again beyond the wedding itself. How nice will it be to show up at your cousin’s wedding next Spring and be able to dance well together? Social partner dancing is a wonderful hobby that you have in your back pocket for any occasion from holiday parties to date nights throughout your lives as a married couple, so take the plunge and do this for the two of you. Keeping the romance alive is key for any couple. Let social dancing be your way to keep that spark alive.