Best Wedding Dances in 2015

wedding dances in ArizonaThe love of your life just dropped down on one knee and asked you the scariest question of his life, “Will you marry me?”. Of course you say YES!!! without hesitation! How excited are you!? Now that the hard part is out of the way for him, it’s your turn to get to planning the day of your dreams. From the flowers to your favorite frosting on your cake, there’s so much to think about! While it will take a bit of searching for that perfect venue and that glorious dress, of course, there’s a key piece of your wedding day that most brides and grooms tend to put off…Wedding Dance Lessons! That’s right! It’s not too fun to for your guests to watch you sway back and forth for your first dance, but with Wedding Dance Lessons, you can kick off your reception in a big way!

What’s hot in 2015 for first dances? Choreographed dances are ideal. So that the bride and groom can practice the same routine over and over again to get to a level of comfort where they can relax and look natural, we at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona always recommend private dance lessons for brides and grooms. This way, we can make magic happen with the song or songs of your choice and give you a dance that is customized for you, with your styles and personalities in mind.

Now that you know that it’s best not to wing it, what dances styles are in this year? Let’s explore:

1. Country Dancing: Country dancing is Hot, Hot Hot right now! We have brides saddling up and even wearing their Cowgirl boots underneath their gowns! With popular Country dances like Country Two Step, Country Swing and Country Waltz combined with trendy and romantic love songs by new and old artists alike, Country dancing is sure to make a playful and relaxed statement on your special day. In the last few years, we have seen multiple brides and grooms tie the knot at barns and similar Country themed venues, so having that perfect Country dance to match is a wonderful touch.

2. A Classic/Traditional Dance: On the other end of the spectrum, many couples are going traditional these days. Black tie affairs have never really gone out of style, but Pinterest has taken “upscale” to a whole new level. The perfect wedding dance for this kind of event may include a traditional Foxtrot or Waltz, or a dramatic Argentine Tango. Any of these dances, depending on the song you choose, will surely reflect a classy and elegant evening.

3. The “Surprise” Dance: If you’re looking to really leave a lasting impression with that extra special WOW factor, spring a Swing dance or Salsa dance on your guests! Imagine how you will get everyone in the mood to party with, what we call, a “Rock Your Reception” routine. In these fun dances that you may have seen on youtube, you would start out slow and then bust into an exciting dance that is completely unexpected. What a way to give back to your friends and family who came to support you on your wedding day! Rock Your Reception wedding dances are great fun, but planning is required to pull them off, so begin searching for a local dance studio in your area to get rocking’ on that dance floor asap!

With so many ways to shine on the dance floor, it’s your turn to see what fits you and your fiance best. Set up a Wedding Dance Consultation to get started on a dance that will last forever in the minds and hearts of all that love you most.

Keep Calm and Dance On!

Ballroom AZBeginner dancers, learning a new hobby as cool as Salsa, Swing or Country Two Step dancing is amazing! As you may also be discovering, though, it can take a little time to get to looking smooth and natural on that dance floor. Keep plugging along…knowing how to dance is a timeless and extremely useful skill. But, on those days when you feel like throwing in the towel (and we have all had those days), here are a few tips on what to do.

1. Think less. Yes, believe it or not, over-thinking has lead to the death of many dancers with great potential. It makes sense to think that if I just obsess over my dance moves, surely they’ll sink in, right? Wrong. In fact, when you are getting stressed about that challenging step, you are sure to not recall it at all. Our tip? Just walk away and let it go. Wait for another time when you can approach your dancing with a clear mind. From there, you’ll be surprised at how much you actually did retain in your private dance lesson. Keep in mind, the muscles do remember, even when the brain seems to forget. 🙂

2. Remind yourself that Rome wasn’t built in a day. That’s right. While Country Two Step dancing, for example, may seem like a breeze, those out there who are stealing the spotlight have put in their time training. While everyone would love to be great instantly, knowing how to dance just doesn’t happen overnight.

If you want the shortest route to becoming a confident dancer, then take private dance instruction. Without a doubt, you will learn more in one hour of a private Country dance lesson with a qualified instructor than you would in 5 to 10 hours of group dance classes.

3. Invest in yourself. This is the biggie. It’s not only your time, but there’s a financial investment to learning to dance. Those “free” group dance classes in the bars are free for a reason. Set aside some funds for this new venture as you begin learning to dance. It’s truly a great investment in yourself and, if you have one, your partner. Social dancing has so many wonderful benefits, from weight loss to stress relief to improved balance and coordination, that knowing how to dance is probably one of the best investment that you can make in you. So stick with it when you begin climbing that first steep hill as a beginner and remind yourself that anything that is worth doing takes time and effort. Then, once you get that ball rolling, you’ll have people waiting in line to dance with you! (Trust me, it will happen.)

If you are willing to put a little time and energy into taking care of you, and you happen to live here with us in Phoenix, Arizona, come enjoy time learning to dance at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley. We can help you to explore popular dances like Salsa, Country, Swing and Argentine Tango. Our New Student Offer is a great way to check us out for just $25! So, what are you waiting for, strap on your dancing shoes and let’s get this party started!

If The Shoe Fits…Dance In It!

Arizona country dancing number 13Congratulations! You’ve decided to take private dance lessons to become a comfortable social dancer. How exciting! Which popular dance styles are you most interested in; Country, Latin, Swing or the steamy Argentine Tango? They’re all so fun for different reasons, it’s almost hard to decide where to begin.

If you live in Arizona like we do, all of these social dance styles are useful for occasions from going out to the bars to taking a date out for dinner and dancing to attending your best friend’s wedding. Regardless of where you start, social dancing will give you a newfound confidence that will trickle into other areas of your life before long. You just wait and see…

In the meantime, it’s time to get ready for your dance lessons. What do you need? Why, the perfect pair of shoes would be a great starting point. Let us give you our recommendation for the kind of shoes to invest in as you embark on your journey into social partner dancing.

For Country Dance Lessons, a great pair of Cowboy (girl) boots is ideal. Not every pair of boots is equal, though. Look for ones that are made of soft leather so you don’t end up missing chances to dance as you are breaking in your new kicks. Leather bottom boots are also much better than rubber soled boots. Rubber tends to stick to the floor. You are going to be aiming for a more slick look than sticky one. 🙂 Keep in mind that for Country dancing, we do not suggest tennis shoes or flip flops. Both are unsafe and not great for all that shuffling that you will be doing to your favorite Country Two Step tune.

If you are looking to become a confident Salsa or Bachata dancer, a pair of short heels with straps around the ankles are ideal for the ladies. Guys should grab a leather bottomed shoe that is also made of soft leather so they are easy to break in initially, versus distracting on your Latin dance lessons.

To all of the brides and grooms who are taking Wedding Dance Lessons, consider these things when shopping for your first dance shoes: comfort and height. Visually,  it looks best if the bride is either equal in height, or slightly shorter than her partner, so ladies, look for a heel that is both comfortable and the right height for your man. A strap around the ankle is also recommended, unless you are a seasoned high heel walker.

As we say here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, if the shoe fits, dance in it! Come join us for couples and singles dance lessons and see how much fun awaits you! Our New Student Offer will give you a chance to check us out for just $25! What are you waiting for, grab those shoes and let’s get dancing!


Putting Your Best Foot Forward…

Arizona Country dancingSo you’ve decided that you’re tired of bellying up to that barstool and watching everyone else on that dance floor have fun. Why should they be kicking up their heels while you are watching from afar? It’s time for you to learn to dance and you’re ready to finally do something about it. Does this guy or gal sound like you? Then give your local dance studio a call and get the ball rolling!

There’s no better time than now to invest in yourself with private dance lessons. With private dance instruction, you can get great tips on how to lead or follow, how to connect with a variety of partners (or your special someone) and how to actually do all of those cool moves in your favorite styles of dance. If you’re like most people, you have questions when embarking on a new hobby such as social partner dancing. Here are a few of the most common questions along with answers from us, the pros at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ.

1. What styles of dance should I/we learn first? This question comes up often.  You wouldn’t want to begin exploring a dance that is not useful to you as a couple or single, so our instructors begin by asking you what kind of music you enjoy. If you’re a couple that loves Rock and Roll, we will show you how to Swing dance. If you love Country music, the Country Two Step is definitely in order. For those that love Latin music (and it is so popular here in Arizona), of course we will explore the Salsa and Bachata as your two most useful dances.

With so many dance styles to choose from, we believe in quality over quantity, so our suggestion is to start learning 3 or 4 dances, at the most, initially. That will lead us into Most Common Question #2…

2. Can I start with just one dance and go from there? We don’t recommend it. Not only is learning just one dance limiting, but it is also the slowest way to progress. With one dance, you will be sitting out a majority of the night. What’s the fun in that? Taking in at least two styles will keep you out there on the dance floor longer, which is exactly what you wanted, right? Since dancing is healthy and enjoyable on so many levels, you wouldn’t want to take lessons only to find yourself watching from the sidelines again.

In terms of slowing down your progress, learning several styles that are relatable all at once is ideal. You will be working smart and not hard, as well as staying up on that dance floor having a blast!

3. What type of footwear should we wear for our dance lessons? Proper footwear is a main component of partner dancing, believe it or not. For you golfers out there, would you consider golfing with a stick if you didn’t bring your clubs? Or using an apple as your ball if you ran out? Of course not.

For Country dancers, we always recommend a nice pair of leather bottom shoes that you can find at your local boot store. Rubber does tend to stick to the floor, so leather is best. Latin dancers ideally should be in a heel with a strap around the ankle (for ladies) and a leather bottom dress shoe (for guys). Ease of movement is what we’re after here. Think back to the golf analogy when beginning your dance lessons so that you set yourself up for success out there and you don’t waste your time being distracted by your shoes.

Social partner dancing is a skill that makes an impression on others. It’s hard not to be impressed by someone who’s a confident social dancer. Embark on your exciting new journey into the world of social dancing with us at Dance FX Studios! We will take you, the everyday single or couple, and give you the tools to dance anywhere with ease and certainty.

Arizona residents… give our New Student Offer a try and see how dancing can help you to put your best foot forward in any social situation.

Why Free Group Dance Classes Don’t Work

group salsa classes in ArizonaHave you ever heard the expression “You get what you pay for.”? Well, that saying rings true for many things, even learning to social ballroom dance! You’d think that with all of the free group dance classes in the Country bars and Latin clubs that there would be tons of great dancers out there, but the fact is that most social dancers haven’t a clue what they’re doing. “But they’re having so much fun! Isn’t that all that matters?”. Truly, no. That is not all that matters (although fun is real important). What matters most when social dancing at bars, in nightclubs or even at your best friend’s wedding is that those around you are safe and comfortable and that you can actually apply what you know to a real world situation. How do you learn those skills? With private dance lessons, of course!

Consider social ballroom dancing, like Country Two Step, Salsa, Swing and other partner dances, to be the same as learning a new language…the language of dance! How can one possibly learn enough detail to become a clear communicator on the dance floor in a group class with 20 to 30 other people? Even more, how can one become a proficient dancer when they are just learning patterns and not how to really lead or follow? These are just two questions that we will delve into to reveal that private dance lessons are a better investment if you are sincerely looking to learn how to dance with confidence.

Here’s the scoop on why free group dance classes don’t work:

 1. The attention to detail is missing: In group Swing or Salsa dance classes, you will get an overview of a few cool moves or “tricks” that you can take out social dancing. But what if you are not sure how to lead or follow them? What if you don’t have a proper dance frame or even know that your footwork is secondary to the connection you have in your upper bodies? What you are left with is just a bunch of sloppily executed moves with no structure or foundation with which to rely on. How unfortunate! After just a few private dance lessons, you could actually know how to lead or follow those moves so much better, just by understanding your roles and responsibilities on the dance floor as a leader and follower. With these tools, you are sure to have more confidence to take with you on any social dance floor.

 2. Group Classes are not customized for how you learn best. The one major disadvantage of group dance classes is that you are learning with the masses. Some of you will pick up the material slower than others, simply because you are not being taught in a way that makes sense to you. For example, some students learn best when seeing the move over and over again, while others learn best when their dance instructor explains the moves in more detail with pictures or examples that are relatable to them. With customized instruction from a knowledgeable instructor, you can bet that you will be taught in a way that makes sense. That’s our job. In a group setting, it’s just not possible to personalize the learning experience, leaving some out in the cold to fend for themselves, so to speak. This tends to be quite demotivating and leaves room for you and your partner to give up on a hobby that can truly enhance your lives.

 3. Group Classes are pattern-based. Social partner dancing is all about adhering to a specific rhythm, rather than memorizing patterns. If you didn’t know that, it’s OK. It probably just means that you haven’t taken private dance lessons yet! It’s not too late to enjoy the real benefits of knowing how to dance by not just memorizing routines that you can watch on youtube, but by getting quality instruction that will keep you on the dance floor all night long!

It’s your turn to make the investment in yourself, or in you and your partner with private dance lessons. There’s no reason to fumble around on that dance floor when you can be floating with ease and comfort through any social dance, from the Argentine Tango to the Country Two Step. If you live in Phoenix, Arizona, come have some fun with us at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ. We are right off the 101 highway so that we can accommodate residents valley-wide. Your days of enjoying social dancing are just around the corner!

Two Step Your Way Into Her Heart

Country Two Step dancing in ArizonaAre you single and dating, or single and ready to date? If so, make yourself a hot commodity by knowing how to Country dance. Think about it, guys. You already took the time to learn to Two Step and Country Swing dance, and now you get to take her out on the floor and sweep her off of her feet. Do you think she’ll be impressed? We know she will!

Oftentimes, we do not think to prepare for what may come our way. But you can be proactive and make a great investment in yourself with Country dance lessons!  Here’s how…and why!

Country dancing builds confidence: Asking a girl out can be intimidating enough, but with the confidence you will gain by knowing how to dance, any woman would be lucky to date you, right? Actually, Country dancing is such a cool hobby and skill for a guy to have that you will surely have the ladies lining up to hang out with you.  That is pretty cool! Just show off your goods on the dance floor and see how your popularity with the ladies goes on the rise.

Country dancing is cool!: Why would you not want to partake in the Country dancing craze? If you live in Arizona, and other southwest states, Country dancing has been around forever. But now you can even go Two Stepping and Country Swing dancing in Los Angeles, Chicago, and other “hip” cities. Country music is here to stay, so get on board with the dances that can make your next evening at a Country bar a blast!

Getting started: Now that you know how key Country dancing can be to improving your social life, don’t wait to get started. You never know who’s around the corner waiting to be twirled around that dance floor by you! 🙂

The absolute best way to begin your exciting new hobby is by investing in private Country dance lessons. To get the one-on-one time with an instructor is so crucial to your overall experience and will ensure that you will stick with your dance lessons.

Unfortunately, most men miss out on the opportunity to shine on the dance floor because they took short cuts when they first started learning to dance. Going to those free group classes in your local Country bar can be a disaster in the making. We’ll go deeper into this in an upcoming blog, but let’s just say that without personalized and detailed instruction, men are generally the first ones to scurry off the dance floor, never to be seen on one again. How tragic! Really!

Phoenix, Arizona residents…come visit us at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley to begin your dancing journey. We have an incredible New Student Offer that will show you just how fun and easy it is to learn to Country dance. Let us help you to get ready for all of the thrilling opportunities that will be coming your way!



Look Amazing With Wedding Dance Lessons in Arizona

wedding dance lessons Mesa AZIs you wedding day approaching? If you are just a few months away from the biggest day of your lives, then now is the time to begin the most important dance of your lives by taking wedding dance lessons. With wedding dance lessons under your belt, you will be sure to look natural and smooth on that dance floor for your first dance. Why prepare in advance for your first dance? Let us explain…

1. Wedding dance lessons give your guests a special memory to treasure: Sure, you can “fake it” out there, or even do the 8th grade prom sway for 5 minutes straight (boooorrriiing). Or, you can take the time to have something original and unique put together for you that will leaving a lasting impression on your friends and family. Keep in mind that with private wedding dance lessons, you can share your personalities and vision of your perfect first dance with your choreographer so that the routine that you learn can be customized for you.

Not everyone wants a slow dance into a side by side Hip Hop dance, or a wild Swing dance routine. If you’re looking for something simple and elegant, you can express that to your dance instructor so that your wedding dance can reflect you as a married couple. That is the benefit of private dance lessons.

The best way to get started learning to dance for your wedding is with a Wedding Dance Consultation. Find a local ballroom dance studio and see what they offer in the way of meeting and discussing what you would like for your first dance. Consultations are key to begin the process of personalizing your dance routine.

2. Dance lessons builds confidence. When you know what you’re doing, of course you will be able to relax and enjoy this special moment on the dance floor that much more. Your first dance as a married couple is your opportunity to show to the world how much you love each other. Through each lesson, you will get more and more self-assured as you see how this whole mysterious dance “thing” works. Then, you can spend more time having fun, and less time stressing about how uncoordinated and uncomfortable you feel about dancing.

3. Wedding dance lessons provide much needed stress-relief from wedding day planning. Speaking of stress, dance lessons for couples are a wonderful way to lift that wedding planning weight right off of your shoulders. When couples learn to dance, whether it’s for their wedding or not, they must work together as a team for a common goal…to have fun! With your partner by your side, you will soon have a new skill with the love of your life that you can enjoy for years to come! From “cutting a rug” at your friend’s weddings to enjoying Country Two Step dancing at the bars on the weekends, your new hobby will keep you connected and smiling at any social event.

Now that you know why you should learn to dance for your wedding, you may be wondering where you can go for wedding dance lessons. For those of you who live in Phoenix, Arizona, come learn to dance for your wedding at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona. We will show you how dancing is FUN and EASY! After over 15 years in business in the Phoenix East Valley, we know how to create confident dancers for any occasion. From Country dancing to Latin, Swing and even Argentine Tango, we will give you the tools you need to look amazing on your big day. Give us a call at 480-968-6177 to set up your Wedding Dance Consultation today!

How To WOW Your Woman This Valentine’s Day

Arizona dance lessons for couplesAlright guys, you have less than two weeks to find that perfect gift for your sweetheart for Valentine’s Day. So you know that you’re NOT getting flowers and a stuffed bear this time around, but how creative and exciting do you really want to get? Well…if your answer is “I’d love to wow my woman this Valentine’s Day”, then we have the perfect present for you!

What most of us ladies, myself included, really want, regardless of the time of the year, is quality time with our guy. We long for the experiences that we can remember of being together and doing something fun, adventurous and romantic with you!

This Valentine’s Day, Saturday, February 14th, 2015, we have the greatest gift ever for you to really make an impression: Couple’s Dance Lessons! That’s right. Think of private dance lessons as the gift that keeps on giving. Once you start with beginner’s dance lessons, you can take her to date nights that include dinner and dancing at your favorite Country bar or Latin club. That is soooo much cooler than watching a movie or playing pool.

Since Country music is extremely popular these days, you’ll be the best boyfriend in the world if you brought your lady in for a Country Two Step or Country Swing dance lesson. Country dancing is here to stay, and if you live in Arizona like we do, it’s literally part of our culture, so you know you’ll be able to use your moves for years to come.

The same goes for your Latin dances. Learn to Salsa and Bachata with your lady, or even to do the hot, hot, hot Argentine Tango and watch what those dances do for your love life. She’ll be so impressed that you even entertained the idea of learning to dance, that you’re sure to score major points.

At the end of the day, what’s truly amazing about Country dancing, Swing dancing, Salsa dancing, and the like, is that you get to hold your special someone tight and truly be intimate with each other on a whole new level as you learn a new hobby that promotes teamwork and togetherness. For new couples, dance lessons will offer a skill that will keep the romance alive as you learn more about each other daily. For couples that may be empty nesters, or even ones that have kids at home, social partner dancing is the perfect retreat, away from it all, to re-connect and remind each other of why you fell in love in the first place.

Make this Valentine’s Day unique by taking the opportunity to share in a new interest that you can both be excited about. Couple’s dance lessons are fun and a wonderful way to escape it all, so come join in the fun. The bottom line…couple’s that dance together, stay together. 🙂

The Perfect Valentine’s Gift…Dance!

salsa dancing in ArizonaEach year you search and search for that perfect, original gift for your sweetie that he or she will treasure forever, right? You dig deep and come up with creative ventures like couples horseback riding lessons or cooking classes for two, both fun and different ideas! This year, we recommend the gift that keeps on giving for years to come…Couples Dance Lessons!

With dance lessons as a couple, you can learn cool and useful dances like the Country Two Step and Swing, the Salsa, or even the sultry Argentine Tango. All of these popular dances will give you romantic “date nights”  for years to follow, not to mention a fun hobby that will be put into practice at weddings, on vacations and even at your favorite local bar! Social ballroom dancing is a forever present, unlike chocolates and that teddy bear that always seems to collect dust on the set of drawers in the corner of your bedroom.

So now that you know you want to give the gift of dance to your love this February 14, what is the next step? First, you should decide whether or not you want to invest in private dance lessons or group dance classes. The difference is significant, so let me elaborate. With private dance lessons, you should receive personalized instruction that is fitted to the way you learn best. So, if you are a visual learner, your instructor can show you how to do your moves to help make them stick. If you are an auditory learner, we can customize your lesson with specific examples that make sense to you.

Private dance lessons can also be scheduled at various times of the day, where group dance classes are usually at pre-set times that work for the masses. With more flexibility, you can make learning to dance fit into your lifestyle with ease.

Our recommendation is always to begin with private dance lessons so that you can develop healthy habits from one-on-one instruction, rather than overall instruction that may not cater to the way you learn. Private dance lessons are a bit more of an overall financial commitment, but you will get to your goal of becoming a confident social dancer so much sooner. That means that you get to use your dancing and have more fun even earlier! That’s never a bad thing! 🙂

Next, you want to look for a dance studio that meets your needs for what you want to accomplish. Would you like to look like the dancers on “Dancing With The Stars” or do you want to shine on a social dance floor? If social dancing is your thing, make sure to check with your local ballroom studio to see if they offer a social dance program so that you can be comfortable at that next holiday party, not on a competition dance floor.

Finally, find out about an Introductory Offer for beginner dancers. It is key that you find a studio that you are comfortable in, so a newcomer’s offer will give you a chance to see what you like, which will better aid you in your learning process.

Social ballroom dancing is an exciting and romantic hobby that he or she is sure to appreciate. You get to hold each other close and take a journey into developing a skill that is beneficial physically as well. If you happen to live in Phoenix, Arizona and you want to be a confident social dancer, let us show you the time of your life with private and group dance lessons at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley. Our New Student Offer is the ideal gift for your loved one this Valentine’s Day. Come by and pick up a gift card or get a gift certificate in our Online Store and set up a lesson soon after the holiday. We look forward to seeing you on the dance floor!

Reap The Benefits of Country and Latin Dance Lessons

Arizona Country Two Step dance classesLately we’ve shared how the numerous benefits of learning to dance in this year ahead can make 2015 your best one yet. From improving your love life to increasing your social circle, knowing how to Country, Swing or Latin dance is a game-changer on many levels, from social to physical to even emotional.

In the last blog, we shared how social dancing can relieve stress and help to strengthen connections with others. Before that, we posted on how knowing how to Country Two Step or Salsa dance builds confidence and can keep the often dreaded gym at bay by being physical on the dance floor instead. Today, we are going to explore even more perks of social dancing, beginning with how ballroom dancing is a wonderful preventative for dementia.

Yes, studies have shown that, in adults over 75 years of age, ballroom dancing has had the greatest effect on warding off Alzheimer’s and related diseases. Out-scoring reading, cycling and even doing crossword puzzles, dancing frequently was 76% more effective in mental health preventatives! Since learning and memorizing steps requires repetition, muscle memory and brain power, dancing has been shown to improve mental acuity, greatly decreasing risk of dementia.

Physically, upbeat dances like Swing dancing also help to release endorphins in your body, keeping your mind in great spirits and your body burning between 300 and 400 calories per hour. Now that’s a great two-for-one! Additionally, dancing is heart-healthy. In fact, facilities like the Flagstaff Medical Center offer ballroom dance lessons for rehabilitating the heart and other parts of the body like the knees in a safe manner.

Finally, for a longer-lasting and more fulfilling life, forming connections with others who have similar interests is essential. In a study by Jonathan Skinner from Queen’s University in Belfast, social dancing even created tolerance between those who normally had social tensions by bringing each other together and engaging with each other.

Today can be the day you begin your journey into social dancing! At Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, we have an amazing New Student Offer, which will allow you to explore the basics of popular social dances like the Country Swing and Bachata. The benefits of social dancing are yours for the taking, so what are you waiting for? Come visit us and let the fun begin!