Summer Dance Lessons: Hot! Hot! Hot!

Arizona swing dancingSummer is FUN time and knowing how to dance is a MUST! There are plenty of exciting dances to explore that will get you grooving’ at that next holiday party or wedding and there’s no better time than now to discover some cool go-to dances, like the Country Swing and Latin Salsa to keep every night of your social life covered! Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona is just the place to help you discover the top three picks to get you through your busy summer weddings, social events and beyond.

The fastest way to become a confident dancer is by taking private dance lessons, so why not start by trying out three or four social dances in your introductory dance lesson at our studio for adults and see how exciting it will be to really know how to dance! Here are a few of our top picks…

Everyone needs to know how to slow dance! While the 7th grade prom sway may seem like enough, there actually are slow dances that make romantic songs so much more thrilling to dance to. The best choice for whenever you find yourself dancing to just about any type of music is the Nite Club 2 Step. With our style of Nite Club 2 Step dancing, all of your favorite slow jams can be covered with elegance and style. No more rocking back and forth going in circles! Romance will heat up as you move with ease together, and learn some fancy turns and rotations in the process!

Many people feel life is best with Foxtrot! Adrianne Haslet-Davis, a professional ballroom dancer, thought she was dead after the second bomb went off at the Boston marathon bombing. Turned out she was alive, but she did lose part of her leg. This was especially tough for a dancer, however she never lost determination to perform her favorite dance again: the Foxtrot. She did just that in 2015! Foxtrot movements are as simple as walking to a rhythm, making this dance fun to learn and quite useful socially. This dance is perfectly utilized when cool and smooth music by Michael Buble or members of the Rat Pack, like Frank Sinatra, are swooning ears in the room. Martini bar, retro lounge or cocktail parlor, this dance has you covered! The Foxtrot is a mid-tempo, playful dance that gives you the feeling of strolling through the park with the person you love.  The Foxtrot is an easy starter dance that blossoms into an elegant and beautiful performance as you become more proficient at it.

Swing dancing is THE dance which covers just about all of your social dance needs. Guess what? There are more than twenty styles of Swing dancing! Yippie! Swing may be danced slowly or very fast depending on the particular style that you choose to learn. For example, you can Swing dance to Rock and Roll, Reggae, Big Band, and even certain kinds of Hip Hop music. So, when you’re at your private dance lesson to begin exploring Swing dancing, be sure to let your instructor know what type of music will be played at the event you are attending, and he/she can match the type of Swing dance that you will need to that genre of music.

In addition to being versatile, Swing dancing is awesome for crowded dance situations like weddings and parties because it doesn’t travel. Swing is a “spot dance”, meaning that it generally stays in one area, without requiring space to travel. Fun, useful and cool to know…that’s Swing dancing!

Now that you know what you’ve been missing, so much fun awaits you when you discovering social dancing. If you live in Phoenix, Arizona ,come visit us at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley! We’d love to introduce you to all cool styles of dance from Latin to Swing to Country dancing. Contact us today for more details on how to begin with private dance lessons at 480-968-6177.


Beat The Summer Blues and Dance!

Salsa dancing in ArizonaPhoenix, AZ guys and gals…How excited are you that 115 degree weather is fast approaching? If you’re anything like me, you’re less than thrilled that you are going to be spending the majority of the next five months indoors. While swimming and heading up north to hike are always options here in Phoenix during the way-too-long summer months, I want to do something locally that keeps me moving and having fun to avoid my summertimes blues (which are usually gained from 100+ days inside wishing that I could simply take a leisurely stroll with my dog from my home to the mailbox without becoming drenched in sweat). My solution in the summertime to avoid that sad state of extreme, unavoidable heat? Why dancing, of course!

With cool Country Two Step dance moves and sassy Salsa steps to bust out on my next Latin dance adventure in Scottsdale, my summer suddenly looks a ton brighter! Aside from finding a creative way to exercise this summer, social dancing offers so much more! Here are my top three favorite benefits to knowing how to social dance any time of the year:

1. Social dancing is a big-time stress reliever! There’s no better way to free your mind of life’s challenges than by putting on your favorite jam and letting loose on a dance floor! In fact, forget the dance floor and get down in your kitchen, living room or even in front of your bathroom mirror. Why not!? Just knowing that dancing is healing on so many levels makes it worth it to bust a move, even if the kids and spouse are watching. 🙂

Better yet, escape to a Swing dance lesson or give the Tango a try at your local dance studio and see how satisfying it is to invest in yourself with a skill that is so useful and fun!

2. Dancing is great exercise! When you can go out and make a night of it, or even after an hour in a private dance lesson, you better believe that you are using muscles that don’t usually get worked out! Social dancing is a wonderful way to get fit while having fun…and so much less monotonous than the gym.

3. Social dancing leads to new friendships. With a hobby that requires you to pair up and meet others, Country, Swing and Latin dancing is an exciting way to expand your social circle. Meeting new friends with the same interests is a really cool thing, making dancing that much more enjoyable.

Beat the heat this summer in Arizona, with social dance lessons for you or for you and a partner. Beginner dance lessons for singles or couples will give you a chance to let go, stay in shape and make those summer months fly by before you know it!

For more information on how to get started with dance lessons in Arizona, view Dance FX Studios’ website. We are located in the Phoenix East Valley, just off the 101 highway for your convenience. We hope to see YOU this summer.

Two Hot Latin Dances: Bachata and Merengue

Bachata dancing in ArizonaHave you ever hear of two hot!hot!hot! Latin dances named the bachata and the merengue? If not, you’re going to know a lot more about each dance by the time you’re done with this blog! And, what’s even more exciting…You can learn to dance these fun and exciting Latin dance styles yourself with beginner Latin dance lessons at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona. Let’s explore these two incredible dances…

The Dominican Republic is the aboriginal home of what most consider the most popular Latin beat in the world: the merengue. The bachata was always considered the black sheep of Dominican music in the past, but especially today, the sexy, suggestive style is back in the highlight of popularity. Both the music and the dancing of these Latin dances have made it to mainstream attention.

Let’s begin with learning about Latin music because it is always the music that inspires the dance. There are a many different genres of Dominican music. But the most popular musical genres in the Dominican Republic, the very music for which the country is known for, are merengue and bachata.

Merengue music most often associated with the area and has been part of its musical repertoire since the mid-19th century. During the 1930s, under the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo the merengue became the dominant musical genre on the island. Interestingly merengue rose from music that was considered for the poor and uneducated to music that was accepted by higher classes and became the most popular music played on the radio for over 3 decades.

The other part of the Dominican musical landscape is bachata. The word ‘bachata’ has been part of Dominican culture for quite a long time though it wasn’t until the 1960s that it was officially named a musical genre. It is only within the last 10 years that bachata made its way to the ears of Latin cultures outside of Dominicans. Bachata today has quickly replaced the popularity of merengue and is the current favorite of the Dominican and in recent years has become one of the most popular Latin styles of dance everywhere.

Now that we have talked about the music, and since we are a dance studio, let’s talk about the dance! While both include lots of hip motion, merengue is casual, lighthearted, festive and social and bachata is sensual, intimate and relaxed.

Merengue began as a traditional folk dance that was brought to the U.S. by Dominican musicians in the early 1900s. Merengue’s basic steps are quite simple, in 2/4 time (1-2-1-2), which gives a marching feel. Dancers keep their knees slightly bent and feet in contact with the floor throughout. It’s a wonderful dance for beginners and a great way to practice the Cuban style hip motion. Today Merengue has been influenced by Hip Hop, R&B and other pop music, so like other dances of today, it has evolved into a new version of itself.

Many call bachata the “country music” of Latin music. Like our popular country music here in Arizona, the lyrics are often full of heartache, pain, and love, as a result, the dance may portray all of these things. Bachata basics consist of 3 steps and a tap. This “side-together-side-tap” movement is easily spiced up with hip motions or a lift of the leg at the “tap” step. Like merengue the knees are kept bent throughout to promote hip motion. Bachata can be danced in two-hand hold or open embrace but is most often danced in close embrace by romantic couples at nightclubs.

Of the two Latin dances, the one with the most popularity right now is the bachata.  Everyone and their brother wants to learn Bachata! Dance FX Studios has new singles and couples daily who take advantage of our New Student Offer and begin their dancing journey learning Latin styles of dance like the merengue and bachata. Like students of our other styles of social ballroom dances, bachata dancers are eager to show off their skills in the near future at our local Latin bars and clubs. Discover these steamy dances for yourself by giving us a call today at 480-968-6177. We hope to see YOU on the dance floor!

Kick Up Your Heels With Country Dance Lessons!

Ballroom Dancing in Mesa, ArizonaThere are so many fun dance classes to choose from, it’s hard to decide which style of dance is perfect just for you. From the Country Two Step to the Salsa and Swing, each dance style offers a plethora of benefits.  Just a few of the benefits you can receive from knowing how to dance include: increased confidence, meeting new people, a long list of health benefits and weight loss. But the real question is, what dance will “do it” for you. What dance will “have you at hello” or “complete you”. We live in Arizona, and Country dancing is very popular, so why not try putting an extra kick in your step by learning  to Country dance?

Are you interested? Then put on some Kenny Chesney or Miranda Lambert and keep reading to find out what Country dances could be perfect for you…

The Country Western Waltz is the perfect partner dance that allows you to get close and cozy with your partner as you move across the dance floor together. The Country Western Waltz is mostly progressive, moving counter-clockwise around the dance floor. Both the posture and frame are relaxed, with posture bordering on a slouch. The exaggerated hand and arm gestures of some ballroom styles are not part of this style.

The music of Country Waltz songs usually has the word “waltz” in the title. Early Country Waltz music includes “Tennessee Waltz” written by Redd Stewart and Pee Wee King in 1946. Patti Page recorded the song in the 1950s and it became her signature song. More recently Norah Jones recorded a version of the “Tennessee Waltz” and currently there is a lot of good music for dancing the Country Waltz which shows the Waltz is still very popular.

Put a Little Two-Step in Your Step! Another popular Country dance is the Two-Stepwhich has a more upbeat tempo. As with other Country Western dances, there are different versions of the Two-Step including the Texas Two-Step and Arizona Two-Step. Dance partners generally begin in closed position with the leader facing the line of dance. Traditionally the follower stands facing the leader where the leader places his right hand over his partner’s left shoulder. In the more contemporary styling the frame is formed by placing the right hand under the follower’s left arm and on her back. In either case, the leader holds the follower’s right hand in his left hand at about shoulder height.

Express your inner Cowboy as you move through this style of dance that is all about having fun and enjoying the sounds of some great and sometimes more patriotic versions of Country music. Examples of Country Two-Step songs are: “All my Ex’s Live in Texas” by George Strait, “A Better Man” by Clint Black, “Love’s Got a Hold on You” by Alan Jackson and “By the Dawn’s Early Light” by Marcy Brothers.

The West Coast Swing is a partner dance with roots from the Lindy Hop. The rumor is this slotted dance was developed because Hollywood films love the dance and asked dancers to perform it in a way that the camera could capture the sides of their bodies. Therefore the dancers had to stay in the same plane when dancing, they also did this to avoid going in and out of focus. The distinctive elastic look that resulted, is from its basic extension-compression technique of partner connection. West Coast Swing is danced primarily in a slotted area on the dance floor. On crowded dance floors a couple will “claim” an area while other couples cooperate and establish their own slot parallel nearby other dancers.

Swing music is one of the most eclectic forms of Country music. It’s free-wheeling diversity also shows up in rock and roll, an example is Kid Rocks “All Summer Long”. Based in traditional string band music, West Coast Swing is also found within traditional pop melodies, jazz improvisation, blues, and folk music. West Coast Swing may be danced to almost any music in 4/4 time. You will find recordings of Swing music by popular artists such as: Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard, Tim McGraw, Randy Houser and Carrie Underwood’s popular song “Cowboy Casanova”.

Dance lessons help you gain confidence in all your abilities.  Even if you feel that you have to left feet, our instructors at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona will show you how easy it is to Country dance.  So kick up your heels and learn a Country dance style of your choosing and you will be sure to have great time anytime you step out on a dance floor.

Dreaming of a Fantasy Wedding?

wedding dance lessons in Arizona A couple came in today to our social ballroom dance studio seeking help from us in planning the perfect first dance for their Star Wars wedding! How cool is that? Going with a particular theme, era, or mood makes planning any wedding easier by narrowing down the tough choices, from centerpieces to location. With guests also enjoying themed weddings, your wedding day is sure to be memorable for years to come.

Our instructors and choreographers here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona have helped with more than a few themed wedding dances in the past. Star Wars will be exciting because there will be new ideas gleamed from the soon-to-be-released film Episode VII – The Force Awakens.  Here are a few other great ideas for your wedding. Maybe one will capture your hearts or spark a creative idea for your big day!

A Country Wedding

Here in the desert, plenty of people go with Country-themed weddings! It’s an obvious choice for our natural surroundings of cacti, mountains and beautiful sunsets. If you decide to embrace Arizona’s ambiance, here are a few fun ideas for your big day:

-Ride in to your event together on horses! Or maybe the bride and bridesmaids show up inside a horse drawn carriage, while the groom and his posse of groomsmen ride up on individual horses.

-Cowboy boots are a MUST! There’s nothing cuter than a bride and groom in matching boots! Wear matching Western outfits too! Everything works and looks adorable especially when all of your guests are wearing Western too!

-Try serving Moonshine! Cowboys and Cowgirls love their homemade booze! Since moonshine can be made in just about any flavor, it’s easy to keep everyone happy. Provide a bar of choices that would be appropriate for the Old West and while providing historical fun there will still be something for everyone!

Learn to dance the Two Step or Country Swing! Perform an entire choreographed Western wedding dance with a mix of Country dance styles. Instead of doing the prom sway you learned at the 8th grade Sadie Hawkins dance, blow everyone’s mind away with awesome turns and maybe even a dip or two on the dance floor! Want more mind-blowing showmanship? Ask for how we can help you to Rock Your Reception! And, how fun would it be to incorporate your entire bridal and bring them in to learn to Swing dance or Two Step. Imagine how much fun it will be to prepare your wedding, instead of it being stressful. Plus,  your wedding party will have memories to last a lifetime.

The Roaring 20’s

Do you sometimes feel like you were born in the wrong era? The Roaring Twenties makes for a great wedding theme! Think of the style and beautiful highfalutin outfits of the film The Great Gatsby and imagine your entire wedding party entertaining with grand style!  The time of prohibition brought out plenty of scandal, but it also brought some amazing style, attitude and dance steps! If you want, with the splendor of all black and white, try these ideas on for size:

-Get a flapper-style wedding dress with pearls and long white gloves! Your fiancé could choose a style as dapper as Leonardo Dicaprio in his Gatsby tux with all kinds of non-traditional details, like three buttons, flapped pockets, side vents, and gauntlet cuffs.  Why not include a 20’s-inspired head piece for the bride and Culverton hat for him from a local costume shop or bridal shop!

-When designing invites, cakes, decorations, etc. – think Art deco, vintage, and glitter. The Roaring Twenties were all about glitz and glamour. Aren’t you excited to share all this with your guests!?

Let Dance FX Studios help you with a first dance that matches this era. Try out the fun and flirty Swing dance called the Jitterbug. Or, for more romance, try the ballroom Foxtrot. No matter what your choice, you’re sure to have your guests talking about your wedding dance for decades.

Mexico City Nights

If Arizona is known for anything aside from Country Music, it’s also known for the great Latin culture. Why not bring together delicious food and a cultural event with a bit of a twist –Mexico City style! Spice up your wedding with ideas from a place well-known for romance, passion and fantastic styles of dancing. After all Mexico City set the record for having the most people kissing simultaneously! Here are a few more ways you can spice up your wedding day:

-Hire a Salsa Band! Or Mariachi band! Or if that isn’t your taste, there are lots of other Latin musical styles to choose from including Latin fusion bands which will give your reception party a very unique flavor. Fill your reception with Salsa dancing, Bachata and the playful Merengue. Latin dancing brings any party to life!

Have a Salsa bar! Make it large, full of choices and festive! Run the gamut from mild to screaming hot, hot, hot! Red, green, mango, corn, pineapple, habanero … there are so many types to choose from! Serve it with different kinds of flavorful foods of Mexico City. Pick from local favorites such as: Tortilla (or Aztec) Soup, Chilies Rellenos and Cochinita Pibil – a tender pork loin wrapped in banana leaves then seasoned and baked. Sound yummy? Sure it does, make your dinner all Yucatan style!

Speaking of Salsa… make your first wedding dance together spirted and fiery by performing a steamy Argentine Tango! Latin dances are super-sexy and festive. Why not take advantage of your big day to draw some awesome attention by performing Latin styles of dance together at your wedding!?

There are TONS of themes you can go with for your wedding, but the most important part is your dream fantasy wedding is something you love that you and your fiancé will remember fondly all your lives. This is your special day for the two of you.  We will help make your dream wedding ideas come true on the dance floor so give us a call at 480-968-6177 to set up your Wedding dance Consultation today! We are located on the corner of Dobson and Guadalupe in Mesa Arizona, near Gilbert, Chandler, Scottsdale and Tempe, AZ. We’ve helped thousands of couples start their lives together on the right foot with private Wedding Dance Lessons. Now it’s your turn to get in on the fun!

We Bet You Did Not Know This About Dancing…

social dancing in ArizonaThere are so many fun facts about dancing, we almost don’t know where to begin! From the Country Two Step to Salsa to Swing dancing, discover some surprising details about dance below. Once you do, you may be that much more intrigued to begin learning to social dance yourself. That’s where we at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona come into play! Join us for the fun of social dancing and the numerous benefits too! Yes, from stress relief to weight loss, exciting dances like the Argentine Tango can enrich your life in so many ways. Until then, enjoy these cool tidbits about dancing…

The first archeological proof of dance comes from nine-thousand year old cave paintings in India.

One of the earliest uses of dancing was for use religious ceremonies. Dance routines were used for storytelling as much of the culture’s history was passed to younger generations through oral tradition. Adding dancing made it much easier to remember.

Egyptians are an example of a culture who used this kind of visuals in their rituals, using dance both for entertainment and religious purposes.

Dancing was also an important part of many Greek and Roman religious ceremonies. Ancient Greeks and Romans annually celebrated their God’s Dionysus (Greek) and Bacchus (Roman) with several day’s long festivities. Since both oversaw aspects of fertility and agriculture, ie: plants that created wine, the celebrations were filled with alcohol, song and lots of wild dancing.

Much of Europe is filled with folk music and dancing that has been passed down from generation to generation.  It is commonly believed that simple folk dances were practiced amongst both poor and wealthy classes. During the Renaissance period in Europe many new dances evolved or were created.

The Waltz can be traced back to the 16th century and was performed with arm’s length between male and female dances. The shocking transition to a “voluptuous intertwining of the limbs and close compressure of the bodies” happened in England when Queen Victoria fell in love and performed the dance close up with Prince Albert.

Ragtime music is very similar to classical and has been cited as the American equivalent of Minuets by Mozart. The dance began in the red-light districts of cities like New Orleans and enjoyed its peak during Prohibition.

Jazz replaced Ragtime and Pre-WW2 brought many new waves of dance styles. During the war dance played a very important role in keeping morale up and it seemed every town and village that had a hall was filled with dancing. There were popular dances like the Lindy Hop, Balboa, St. Louis Shag, Jitterbug, Lindy, West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, and Murray being used everywhere.

Even people in wheelchairs can dance! Wheelchair dancing is growing in popularity around the globe and is recognized as an official international paralympic sport.  In more than 40 countries, people of all ages and physical abilities participate in dance activities with their manual or power mobility chairs. Popular wheelchair dances include: Square Dancing, Line Dancing, Ballet, Jazz, Latin Dancing, and traditional Ballroom Dancing.

The Lion Dance was often mistakenly referred to as the Dragon Dance and is one of the most popular religious and ceremonial dance in China as well as the surrounding countries of Taiwan, Korea and Japan. This dance is usually performed during the Chinese New Year or business openings to bring in good fortune and ward of evil spirits. The fundamental movements of the Chinese Lion dance can be found in Chinese martial arts.

It may surprise you to learn 11,240 people currently hold jobs as professional dancers.

Today professional dance is regarded as one of the most demanding physical abilities or sport.

In 2014,Americans spent 3 billion hours a week sitting on their backsides playing video games. Why not become a part of the statistic of the people who are moving their bodies dancing each week? Call Dance FX Studios and take advantage of our New Student Offer and be the fun that you may be seeking!

Top Three Dances to Learn This Summer!

Salsa dancing in ArizonaLet’s chat about the dances that are hot and spicy enough to give you a sizzling social life this summer.  Social dancing, like Country Two Step or Salsa dancing, will bring you inside from the cool air, instead of staying outside in the sizzling hot sun Arizona sun. Why not have an exciting summer learning the types of dance that get your body moving, looking great by slimming down, yet all the while staying cool!? Show off your sizzle on the dance floor! Stay cool and look hot!

Here are the top 3 social dances that we at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona recommend that you learn this summer, along with some good reasons for giving these hot dances a try!

Go Latin with SALSA!  No, not the kind you eat. We are talking hot moves, lots of hips, steamy music, close, person-to-person connection, social partner dancing! Though Salsa dancing does include a few solo moves, it is mostly a dance which requires a partner. So motivate yourself to give beginner Latin dance lessons a try with an instructor at Dance FX Studios and very soon you will be falling into the rhythm of this electric dance style. If you choose this dance, be ready to release your emotion into spicy movement. Salsa is a dance of personal release and one of deep expression, mostly of passion.

Let’s Tango!  Tango is one of the most passionate dance forms out there. Argentine Tango is its most original form. Guess what? Argentine Tango is the signature dance of the owners here at Dance FX Studios! They LOVE it and have been performing together and teaching Argentine Tango for over a decade! This kind of staying power says something about their passion for the dance, along with how to keep it alive in a marriage or a partnership. The Tango establishes an amazing connection between leader and follower and it absolutely requires commitment. Aside from commitment to each other moving as one on the dance floor, this partner dance means being committed to the dance! If you choose Argentine Tango, be prepared to fall in love and work to keep the love alive on the dance floor.

It’s an all American buffet of dance!  The last choice is not one particular dance, it’s an all-American selection of Social Ballroom Dancing! Learning to social ballroom dance will come in handy when you have to do a first-dance at your wedding. The fact is, ballroom dancing skills come in handy any time you find yourself in a place for dancing anywhere!  Choose from Country, Swing, Latin or the steamy Argentine Tango and your bases will be covered. With so many styles to learn, you can’t help but have a blast on any social dance floor.

Okay so it’s true! I cheated and just told you about more than three dances! Here’s why: all dancing is HOT, all dancing is fun and exciting, AND dancing will get you slimmed down and socially filled-up for SUMMER FUN!  Local dance clubs are the ultimate frontier for guys or gals who are petrified of dancing. You can either park yourself on the bar-stool, or jump under the strobe lights after taking your foundation lessons here at Dance FX Studios. Start dancing today at Dance FX Studios using our New Student Offer, only $25, for an entire hour dance lesson!

How to Partner Dance to Top 40 Hits…

West Coast Swing dancing in ArizonaSo Country dancing doesn’t intrigue you, and you aren’t interested in Latin dance styles of dance either. Maybe you are tired of going out dancing at all your regular bars and your “go to” style of just shaking around is getting old. What you really need is a dance style that you can use when your favorite pop or top 40 jams are playing, right? Well…guess what? There is an official dance that you may not know about, but you’ll surely want to learn…it’s called the West Coast Swing!

West Coast Swing is generally regarded as one of the most challenging social dances because it is filled with unique concepts, like the leader and follower doing different things at the same time. However, like the Argentine Tango, which is also quite unique and special, the West Coast Swing is one of the most rewarding dances you will ever attempt, and we at Dance FX Studios believe that West Coast Swing is well worth a try. So if you are a dancer needing a challenge, or simply someone who wants to discover a worthwhile skill, this one is for you!

Here is a bit of history about the dance and the reasons why this may just be the perfect partner dance for you.

The West Coast Swing evolved from the East Coast Swing in California and quickly moved from spin-off dance status into its own separate dance category with a feverous following. As I mentioned earlier, aside from Argentine Tango, the West Coast Swing may be the most intricate partner dance taught.  The West Coast Swing is a slotted partner dance, meaning it is danced along a line, also described as a track. For this dance the follower generally moves forward and back along a track while the lead steps on and off the track as he changes her momentum and direction.

There are a few stories that attribute the reason for the slot.  The following story seems to make the most sense because the Hollywood film industry has a wide-reaching impact over what becomes popular. This was especially true in the 1930’s and 40’s, as movies were the biggest media influence. At that time the wide-angle camera had not been invented yet, so producers had the dancers line up and dance in a straight line to create the camera shots. In this way, the film captured dancer’s profiles instead of their backs as they rotated. Since they moved this way for the entire dance, the audience was able to see a lot more of the “West Coast Swing” and then go home and repeat it. The film version of the dance became such common practice that the slots stuck. Pretty interesting evolution of a dance, don’t you think?

Here are a couple of other facts about the West Coast Swing dance…

  • Triple steps can be tricky and the West Coast Swing is full of them! Very few social dances use triple steps because they require a strong sense of rhythm. Triple steps also demand a high level of control over the body center, making them not as easy as steps in other dances.
  • Dancing in open position requires a good frame. There are a lot of ways for closed position dancing to compensate for a weak frame, but in open position, if you don’t maintain your own frame, you’re lost. With the West Coast Swing as one of your dances, you will learn to develop an amazing frame in both positions, making you more well-rounded as a dancer.

If you’re looking for a new obsession, the West Coast Swing is an exciting dance to pick up. At Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, you can take beginner West Coast Swing dance lessons with or without a dance partner. Dance lessons for singles or couples offer so many benefits, from stress relief to weight loss. Join us in the joys of learning to dance, letting loose and having fun with West Coast Swing lessons today!

Be A Stud on The Dance Floor!

Swing dancing in ArizonaMost people encounter social dancing for the first time at weddings or other social events. When they look on to the dance floor, it is often with admiration, and sometimes even jealousy, that everyone is smiling from ear to ear in enjoyment. Oftentimes,   fond memories of dancing with your friends and family is what most people remember as the highlight of the night. And why not, social dancing, from Country Two Step to Swing and Slow dancing romantic, exciting and great fun!

No matter what the activity, most people are focused on having a great time. With regard to dancing, as long as you’re out there shaking your bodies to a musical beat, there’s no need to fuss about details or technique, right? For social purposes, that is true. And kudos for even having the courage to get on that dance floor. However, when you begin to go out Swing or Tango dancing regularly, you will notice that there are people on the dance floor who are much better than you. In fact, those “better” dancers stay out on the dance floor a lot longer than everyone else. How did they get to be so great as social dancers? Here’s how:

Private dance lessons: After investing in private dance lessons in popular dance styles like the Country Swing or Bachata, you realize that when you go out dancing, it is a LOT MORE FUN! You find you share an unspoken comradery with other good social dancers in the club, and the attractive men or beautiful women want to dance with you because you know what you are doing. What’s coolest about social dance lessons is that you can really learn how to lead or follow, putting yourself in demand on the dance floor as you are easier to dance with. Plus, making your dance partner look good is never a bad thing…

Being a great dancer does not mean you are a snob or on a level above anyone else on the dance floor. It simply means you enjoy more social interaction with a wider group of people and now have a valuable tool which allows you to meet many more new people.  You are now trained to be aware of the music, navigate a crowed dance floor and giving any dance partner you dance with an exciting evening.

The good news is, it’s not hard to become a great social dancer. Here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, we have been teaching people how to achieve their goal of becoming confident social dancers for almost 15 years. Sure, learning how to dance Country, Latin or the Argentine Tango takes a bit of time and practice, but just like surfing, bowling, knitting, or learning to use a computer, anything new is easy once you have the attitude of a committed mind. Investing in yourself means you accept that there are many things that increase your enjoyment in life once you have moved beyond the beginning stage.

During your process of discovering dance, you moves will become second nature. Many good dancers felt they had two left feet before they started. It may take a while to become a well-rounded accomplished dancer, but the effort is worth it. The instructors at Dance FX Studios were all beginners too at one point. We happily welcome newcomers and want to help anyone who decides they want to dance. Why not start right now by taking advantage of our New Student Introductory Offer and get on your way to being a great dancer today! We know that learning to dance changes lives and we are hopeful your decision to dance changes yours too.

Make Your Wedding Preparation Fun!

Swing dancing in ArizonaCongratulations! You’re engaged! Now it’s time to get to work planning your big day. Work? Yes, unfortunately wedding planning is oftentimes more stressful than fun, especially for the bride. However, in the back of your minds you are both thinking that being engaged should be one of the most romantic and joyous times of your lives together.  Plans must be made or you two will never make it down the aisle. Well, we want to share a little secret … the way to “work” on your wedding, while at the same time keeping things fun, is to dance!

It’s going to be key to stay connected throughout your entire wedding planning journey. Let us at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona plan an exciting or romantic “first dance” for you, and watch those wedding worries disappear. That first dance will be one that everyone will remember forever so why not give your guests a special treat while treating yourselves to a fun new hobby that you can use time and again?!

Here are a few more reasons to have a blast and enjoy dancing all the way up to your wedding!

Dancing re-creates your first date. Get nostalgic, remember when you and your future spouse first met or had your first date? Chances are great music and dancing were a part of it. Maybe the song you heard that night is the song you are picking for your “first dance”? Reminisce about the fun you had and maybe the even the awkward or funny moments while you learn a choreographed wedding dance that is tailor-made just for you.

Dancing keeps you active! Activity releases stress and won’t it be nice to get in better shape for your wedding? Why push yourself to try boring workouts at the gym when you can Country Two Step or Swing dance your way into a more fit and trim you-just in time for your wedding! Dancing is not only exciting, it creates the target heart rate for burning fat! Beyond that, it is also a wonderful cardio work out. Plus all the dance practice exploring dances like Salsa or the ballroom Foxtrot will give you stamina and energy to party all night at your wedding! These are all huge perks gained by learning to dance!

Wedding dance lessons are romantic, even if you both think you have two left feet. It’s important to give your dance instructor a glimpse of your relationship so that we can help create a wedding dance that expresses your personalities.  Learning to dance does not have to be a serious matter, so remember to laugh often. Most couples find that learning to dance improves their relationships by adding more romance and spending quality time together. It makes sense that dancing together will replace even the most stressful day with romance. Once you hold onto each other and stare into each other’s eyes, all bothersome wedding woes will simply fall away. 🙂

Turn your wedding dance lessons into your date night. Schedule your dance lessons at times when the two of you can head over to a restaurant and/or see a movie after. Make it date night! Take all the romance and connection gained during your lesson and bring it with you to the next event. The best part of dance lesson dates during busy wedding planning is the two of you learning a romantic skill together will set the tone of your relationship for the rest of your years together.

Begin your exciting journey into dance with Dance FX Studios’ Wedding Dance Consultation. We will help you to shine on your wedding day and beyond for any special event that comes your way.