Top Three Country Dances of 2015

Country dance classes near Chandler ArizonaThis has been another great year for Country music, and therefore Country dancing. Yeeehaaaw! Who doesn’t love to rock out to Blake Shelton or Luke Bryan? I know I do! As 2015 comes to a close, there are a few Country dances that are more popular now than ever before. Dances like the Country Two Step, Country Swing and West Coast Swing have been hot! hot! hot! for a few years and are here to stay, so now is the time to get a few Country dance lessons under your belt before we get too far into 2016.

If you happen to live in Arizona with me, Country Thunder, THE premiere Country event of the year, is just a few short months away. Now’s the time to begin taking Country dance classes, people. Don’t wait you’re out dancing to wish you could do it.

You may be wondering how you know what dance is what, right? Of course it’s hard to know without learning first, but that’s when you contact people like me, your local dance instructor, so you can get the training you need to succeed on any dance floor. 🙂 For now, let’s keep it simple.

To start, I strongly recommend beginning with Country Two Step dance lessons. There are several styles and “looks” of the Two Step, but when you strip everything down to the basics, the rhythm of the dance is the same throughout every style. A basic Two Step will be based on walking steps, which makes it easy to pick up as a first dance. As a beginner dancer, do yourself the best favor ever and make the investment in Private Country Dance Lessons, rather than Group Dance Classes. With Private Dance Instruction, you should get lots of great tips on how to lead or follow, which will make you a much more prepared and competent dancer. Your “cool moves” are always secondary to being aware of your dance partner and understanding your role on the dance floor, so take the time to learn these concepts-you won’t be disappointed that you did.

Back to the Country Two Step, keep in mind that this dance has many, many fun arm variations, but it’s not so fast that you will feel overwhelmed. Enjoy this dance as a single, or with a steady partner and you’ll be out on the dance floor 60% of the time when you attend a Country bar.

Next, the Country Swing is extremely “in” right now. It has been for a few years, but it seems to be getting more wild as time goes on. While this dance, done correctly, is not the easiest of the Country dance styles, it is a must-have, if you want to go out and have fun with the faster songs. Country Swing done wrong looks much like what you’ll see at the trendy Country bars around Phoenix-lots of arm swinging, flips and dips. Yes, it seems and looks like fun, but this type of untrained dancer can be a liability to other social dancers, so again, make the investment in Country Swing dance lessons for a result that will leave envious of your skills.

Lastly, give the West Coast Swing dance a shot if you really enjoy a challenge. I don’t usually suggest that beginners start with West Coast Swing dance lessons over other dance styles, but a seasoned dancer will benefit tremendously from knowing this dance. The W.C.S. is danced to mid-tempo songs that have a relaxed vibe. You’ll see the guy bring his partner in towards him, and then push her away, as if they are moving back and forward on a set of tracks. Unlike the Two Step, this dance does not travel, but instead has many intricate and very impressive variations that will keep you learning for years. After you feel confident with the Country Two Step and Country Swing, give the West Coast Swing a try and see how your world as a dancer can expand.

The year 2016 promises to bring many exciting adventures ahead. If you have always wanted to learn to Country dance, don’t put it off this coming year. Once you know how to dance, your social circles will open, your confidence will soar and you may even add a little more romance than you had in 2015. Now that’s something to look forward to!

Is Learning to Social Dance Part of Your New Year’s Resolution?

social dance classes near Chandler ArizonaHave you always wanted to learn to Country dance, Swing dance or maybe even Salsa dance? What’s been holding you back? Is it a lack of time or money, or are you waiting to find a dance partner? Are you possibly intimidated about taking that first step into your local dance studio? All of these reasons for passing up your chance to dance are valid, however time is not standing still and you are missing out on a wonderfully exciting hobby!

Maybe 2016 is your year to learn to social dance. If you’re thinking that it is, congratulations! What a great New Year’s resolution! You’re about to have what may turn out to be the best year of your life, and I can say that with absolute confidence. It’s truly unbelievable to think about all of the ways that knowing how to social dance can be a game-changer for you, but let me try and highlight three ways dancing can enhance your life, and you be the judge if it’s something you may want to explore in the year ahead.

  1. Knowing how to social dance builds confidence. Could you use a little more self-assurance in 2016? Who couldn’t! When you discover how to social dance, especially through Private Dance Lessons, you are putting yourself on the fast track to uncovering a fun and useful skill. With each Swing or Latin dance lesson, you will get better and better, so that your stale weekends of lying on the couch with Chinese food and a Red Box can be replaced with nights out with new friends dancing and having fun! Think about it, Country dancing with your buddies, or sitting at a bar or in a theatre. While all can be fun, only social dancing gives you ways to impress others, show off your abilities and even get some exercise, without realizing that you actually are “working out”.

Since so few people actually take the time to learn how to dance correctly, it’s pretty wonderful when you are one of the rare ones who actually knows what he/she is doing. With a little time and effort, not only will you have partners lining up to dance with you, but you will be making time for yourself to shake that unwanted stress and connect with someone special, if that is your intention.

2. Speaking of which, social dancing, which encompasses all of the fun and popular dances today, from Bachata to Argentine tango to Swing dancing, can be very romantic. If you’re lacking in that department, whether you’re single or not, going out to dinner followed by an evening of dancing once a month can be just what the doctor ordered. For couples that have been together for a number or years, dance lessons can help you to re-connect and re-establish working as a team, both of which are quite essential for a truly intimate relationship.

Newer couples can get things started on the right foot with couple’s dance lessons. At my dance studio, we (somewhat) jokingly refer to couple’s dance lessons as “insurance” for a long-lasting relationship. Although, after 20 years of watching couples grow closer together through their dance lessons, I don’t think it’s much of a joke at all.

Singles can really get a head start in the dating game by knowing how to social dance. Imagine the date night possibilities…they’re endless! Again, if you meet out social dancing, and you are one of the few who know how to dance, you’re putting yourself ahead of the pack when it comes to being attractive to other dancers, and that’s never a bad thing.

3. Social dancing is a huge stress reliever! Ways to manage stress are at the top of most people’s list regardless of what year we are coming into. Why not find a fun way to let it all go and “shake it off” with social dance lessons? You’ll find that when you’re in a dance class, that it’s virtually impossible to be bogged down by work or anything else for that matter. Your full attention will instead be towards something healthy, relaxing and beneficial to YOU.

The year 2016 is just a few days away! Make learning to social dance your New Year’s resolution. If you live in Phoenix, Arizona, come visit us at Dance FX Studios in the East Valley. We are minutes from Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe and Scottsdale, Arizona, just off the 101 highway.

We at Dance FX Studios focus on creating confident social dancers for any occasion. Don’t let life pass you by without the joy of knowing how to dance. Visit us for a fun, new hobby that will bring you years of enjoyment ahead.


How to Get The Wedding Dance of Your Dreams

wedding dance lessons near Chandler ArizonaWe are just days away from the end of 2015, and that means we get to ring in the new year ahead with friends and family! YAY! It also means that many couples will be getting engaged. New Year’s Eve is a common, but very romantic, day of the year to say “I do”. With that being said, enjoy the holiday because the year ahead will be filled with lots of wedding day planning.

If you’re wanting the wedding of your dreams, and why wouldn’t you, then kick off 2016 with a very important part of your big day with Wedding Dance Lessons. Yes, now is the time to begin thinking about exactly what you would like your first dance to look like. Were you thinking of a romantic Waltz, a seductive and surprising Argentine tango, or a playful Swing dance? All great ideas! Maybe you hadn’t gotten past, “We just don’t want to look ridiculous in front of our loved ones”. That’s OK. We don’t want you to look or feel silly either, so let’s get you started on the right foot with a Wedding Dance Consultation.

At Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley, we invite all of our brides and grooms to schedule a private, one-hour Wedding Dance Consultation so that we can get to know you and find out about the wedding dance you have always wanted. We will assist you in finding the perfect song (or songs) that suits your personalities, as well as begin to develop a vision for your wedding dance.

As I mentioned, some couples truly have no idea of what they want. Many have never even danced before. This is why it’s so important to begin taking dance lessons for your wedding now, rather than wait for everything else to be completed. Ordering flowers does not require you to learn an entirely new skill together as a couple, so it is definitely a priority to start learning to dance while you’re figuring everything else out. By the end of your Wedding Dance Consultation with us, you will get all of your questions answered and we will even personalize a dance program for you so that you can look amazing on your wedding day.

To make the most of your consultation, here are a few of my favorite tips…

  1. Bring in up to 10 of your favorite songs. Forget about whether they sound too slow or seem to fast to dance to; we will help determine that for you. The key is to find music that you love, that speaks to you. If you have a story behind the song, great! If you just like rocking out to it in the car, no problem! If your music doesn’t work for dancing, we’ll let you know. Our goal is to make you look great and, as professionals with 20+ years of wedding dance experience, that will happen!
  2. Come with a few ideas of your perfect wedding dance. Slow and romantic, sultry and smooth, unexpected and original, or a combination of all three…we have literally done it all! Again, if it won’t work, we’re not shy to let you know. What’s most important is that you are prepared and relaxed so that you can look your best. That’s where our expertise comes into play. 🙂
  3. Print out a layout of your reception space, with dimensions of your dance floor. We want to know everything from the material that you will be dancing on (wood, cement, tile, carpet, etc..) to where your guests will be seated. We can’t have you doing a beautiful dip facing a wall, right? Every little piece matters, so bring in what you can and we’ll get you ready from there.

A Wedding Dance Consultation with us at Dance FX Studios includes so much more than even what I’ve included above. There’s really no better time that January to make time to learn to dance for your wedding. Even if you’re not tying the knot until the end of 2016, you’ll be glad that you had the year to learn to couple’s dance. Plus, with Wedding Dance Lessons, you will have a great way to stay connected and sane through your wedding planning process. Trust me, it can be daunting, but with a great way to relieve stress as well as learn a new, romantic hobby, your wedding planning can be a breeze. We look forward to helping you to shine on the dance floor in 2o16!

Why Even Santa Should Learn to Swing Dance

Swing dance lessons near Tempe ArizonaChristmas 2015 is tomorrow! Are you ready? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one who has last-minute shopping to do. In the holiday spirit, I began thinking of Santa Claus and all of the fun things he will be doing between now and next Christmas. Surely he will need some down time in January, but then what? I was thinking how beneficial it would be for Santa and Mrs. Claus to spend some time taking Swing dance lessons for beginners. Wouldn’t that be a fun, new hobby for them? Swing dancing would be perfect for the Claus’. Here’s why…

  1. Swing dancing keeps you fit. I know, Santa will need his belly back for next December, but he could definitely do a little slimming and trimming between now and then. With Swing dance lessons, he and Mrs. Claus will be burning up to 500 calories in an hour! They will also be kicking those endorphins into high gear, keeping that good cheer in each of them all year ’round. I’m assuming that at the end of the holiday season, Santa could feel a little down. I mean, he’s basically not needed for another 11 months. When he goes Swing dancing though, the release of endorphins will raise those spirits until next season.
  2. Swing dance lessons are romantic. Even Santa has to work to sweep Mrs. Claus off her feet and  Swing dance lessons will be the perfect way to show her how much he loves her. Social dancing is a great way to connect with your loved one. A couple can groove to their favorite songs, and learn to move together as one, which is a very special feeling. Couple’s dancing also helps with teamwork within a relationship, not that Santa and Mrs. Claus need help with that part!
  3. Swing dance lessons will improve Santa’s memory. I’ll bet that with all of the little ones world-wide that he has to drop presents off to, anything that would improve Santa’s memory would be a good thing. Social dancing dramatically helps keep your mind sharp as a man, since you are responsible for not only recalling all of your cool dance moves, but for deciding which one to use and when. On a crowded dance floor, this can be quite intimidating. Over time, with lots of practice, it will become easier and easier, which means that brain is being worked and your memory is getting better and better. See how beneficial social dancing is??

Unfortunately Santa does not live in sunny Arizona with me. But if he did, I would recommend that he take his Swing dance lessons at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley. He and Mrs. Claus would get to discover all of the most popular social dances here, from Salsa to Country Two Step and even Argentine tango. Maybe the North Pole has a similar type of dance studio. If not, Santa, you’re always welcome to join us at Dance FX Studios! Merry Christmas to all!

Looking for a Challenge in 2016? Explore Argentine Tango Dancing.

tango dance lessons near TempeDo you like a challenge? Many people do! There’s a definite sense of fulfillment and accomplishment in working towards something that’s really cool and unique, like learning to social dance. And the rewards of knowing how to dance the Argentine tango in particular are no exception.

From the stage to the screen to the barrios of Buenos Aires, the sensuality of the Argentine tango permeates the fabric of the social dance world as the crown jewel of dances that emphasize lead and follow and music interpretation. In relation to competitive ballroom dancing, many underestimate the difficulty of knowing how to dance tango.

Argentine tango is social dancing at its finest. With split-second decisions to make on a crowded, small and often dark dance floor, tango dancing optimizes creativity and a challenge. You see, unlike other social dances, like the Country Two Step for example, the tango is filled with intricate moves that are ever-changing. While there are a set of common core moves that have become widely known, the possibilities are endless for what you can create once you know the rules of the dance. It is for this reason that the tango is my absolute favorite social dance. There really is nothing that you can’t do, as long as you’re using proper technique, and staying with the music, of course.

“Knowing” what to expect is out the window in the Argentine tango, making this dance intimidating, to say the least. Add to that music interpretation and you have yourself a puzzle filled with thousands of tiny little pieces with which to play.

Lead and follow. This is what social dancing is all about! In the Argentine tango, it is of primary importance that a couple is connected through a solid lead and follow so that he can create and she can embellish and/or be shown off. The outcome? A couple who is on the same page and moving as one. It’s a truly amazing experience! And, once you know how to dance the tango, you can virtually be guaranteed that every other social ballroom dance will be a breeze to learn from there.

In 2016, challenge yourself by exploring the Argentine tango. Discover a dance that is passionate, romantic, dramatic and beautiful. To learn to tango is to go on a journey. So what will 2016 bring you? If you’re driven to succeed in a hobby that you will use for a lifetime, visit us at Dance FX Studios in Phoenix, Arizona and begin the new year with a bang with Argentine tango lessons.

Social Dancing in 2016

dance lessons for adults near Chandler ArizonaHappy holidays! As we get closer and closer to the new year ahead, I’m assuming that means you’re getting closer to calling us at Dance FX Studios in Phoenix, Arizona to sign up for adult dance lessons. OK, I will give you a pass if you don’t happen to live here in sunny Arizona with us, but surely you will be contacting your local dance studio come 2016, right? If so, you’re a smart one! Social dances like Country Two Step, Swing and Salsa are just too much fun to pass up for one more year. Make the upcoming year a great one with these top three recommended social dances…

  1. Country Two Step: Country Two Step dance lessons for beginners are a blast! Of course, the more you actually learn, the more fun you’ll have on the dance floor! Arizona residents, you MUST know how to Two Step dance in 2016! From Country Thunder, which is just around the corner, to tons of great Country bars all around the Phoenix valley, give yourself the gift of Country dance lessons this holiday and you’ll have a new hobby that you can use for so many years to come. Think of date nights, parties, evenings out with friends and even weddings where you’ll be able to Two Step the night away. Two Step dance lessons are truly a great investment in you, or, if you have a partner, the two of you!
  2. Swing: Swing dance lessons are another must for anyone who loves Country, Rock and Roll, Big Band and even alternative music. Yes, that covers many genres, and so does Swing dancing! With over 20 recognized Swing dance styles, your bases will certainly be covered when you this popular dance. Why sit out on the sidelines when you can enjoy Swing dancing to your favorite songs? Come visit us at Dance FX Studios to learn to Swing dance and see how easy it is to do lots of exciting turns and spins! Ensure in 2016 that wherever you go, you’ll be out on the dance floor, and not wishing you knew how to dance…
  3. Salsa: So, being that we live in the southwest, why would you not want to know how to Salsa dance? Salsa dancing has been huge here in Arizona for well over a decade, and there is no shortage of people who are ready to begin taking beginner’s Salsa dance lessons in 2016. Join in with many others who are ready to explore their sexy side, and to steam things up in their relationship with Salsa dance lessons.

It’s not too late to take advantage of our Holiday Dance Deals for Social Ballroom Dance Lessons. Don’t pay full price if you don’t have to! Then, once the holidays are over,  you’ll be rearing to hit that dance floor and make some magic happen. And we’ll be right by your side to see to it that 2016 is your year to have more fun, meet new people and add romance, all through social dancing. Happy holidays!

Interesting Facts About Social Dancing

adult dance lessons near Chandler ArizonaDid you know that social dancing dates back to primitive cultures, where people used it to celebrate births and deaths in their community? Over the centuries, it has been enjoyed by many cultures as a means of connecting with others, flirting and having fun. Although sometimes referred to as “scandalous” for its sensual movements, (if you have seen Argentine tango danced, you’ll know what I mean), social dancing is here to stay and is as popular as ever!

Social dances, like Salsa, Swing and Country dancing, are all about impromptu movements danced between partners, a leader and a follower. The positive benefits of social dancing are endless, which is why it is still a hit amongst young and old alike.

Touted as an “all in one cure” for the blues, social dancing has turned many a frown upside down. Interestingly, many doctors have prescribed social dance lessons for those who are going through a divorce. For Dan Carper, a contractor who turned to social dancing after his divorce more than a decade ago, it’s “like pushing the reset button. No matter how hard your day is, five or 10 minutes after you’ve started dancing, you leave everything behind. If I am dancing, I am happier and things in my life are going better,” says Carper, 58, of Tujunga. “There’s definitely a mind-body connection. When you mesh with someone, it’s as if you are one.”

At Northwestern University in Illinois, engineering students are encouraged to learn to Swing dance to help them balance their left-brain analytical side in order to flex their creative side. And, at Cal State Long Beach, social dance lessons are offered to students who are not making the grade. The intention is to get them out of their funk and therefore improve their chances of succeeding in school. The results were astounding! “The turnaround for them (the students) is night and day. They’re not depressed anymore,” says Phil Martin, a dance instructor at Long Beach since 1983. “One student wound up taking my class every semester … and told me that his grades had gone from Cs and Ds to A’s and Bs.”

In a nutshell, social dancing is for everyone. In addition to being a mood enhancer, dancing strengthens the immune system, increases the ability to deal with stress and is romantic to boot. If you’re wondering  why you haven’t been social dancing and you’re ready to join in the fun, contact us at Dance FX Studios in Phoenix, Arizona. We would love the opportunity to make you a confident social dancer!

Social Dancing Makes You Smarter

Social dance lessons near Chandler ArizonaWho knew that social dancing, like Country Swing dancing or Salsa dancing, can actually make you smarter? I sure didn’t until I did my research on the numerous benefits of social dancing over the last 20 years in my career as a professional social ballroom dance instructor.

It’s so easy to underestimate what is required to be a great social dancer. As dancers, we apparently just prance around at night, letting go of all of our worries without a care in the world, right? Well, the part about letting go of your cares is true when you are dancing, mostly because of the need to concentrate on what you are doing.  And the fun-factor? Well, that’s there too because social dancing is a blast, but getting back to how dancing makes you smarter, there’s a whole lot of split-second decision making in social dancing which contributes to a higher level of intelligence. It’s pretty cool to think that you can actually give your brain a work-out, making it sharper and more responsive, all by social ballroom dancing.

To quickly veer off track for a moment, it is important to clarify one thing. Many people ask, “What exactly is social ballroom dancing?”. That’s a great question! Ballroom dancing in general includes any dance that you do with a partner, from Latin dancing like Salsa and Bachata, to Swing dancing and Country Western dancing. If you’re physically connected to your dance partner, you’re “partner dancing” or “ballroom dancing”. The “social” aspect of it comes in to play when compared to competitive ballroom dancing, which is judged by professionals who have specific standards within each dance that a couple must abide by in order to be successful. Social ballroom dancing, on the other hand, is not meant to be judged. It is for the purpose of having fun with someone else at a Country bar or a Latin night club, as examples. Now that you know the difference, here’s more on social ballroom dancing, and how it makes you smarter…

As Jean Piaget, psychologist and philosopher known for his epistemological studies with children as well as his theory of cognitive development once said, “Intelligence is what we use when we don’t already know what to do.” Unlike a tree that grows without thinking or an animal that makes its decisions based on instinct for the purpose of survival, we humans fortunately have the ability to think and reason. On the social dance floor, as I mentioned, quick decisions as a leader are required to keep you and your partner safe and having fun. Thinking about what move to do next means an you have to be in an in-the-moment frame of mind. That means that each time you go Country Two Step dancing, you are sharpening that noggin! How awesome is that?!

One would think that competitive ballroom dancing would do just the same, but with pre-planned choreography, the element of surprise and quick thinking is off the table. So, my conclusion is that if you want to “get smart”, learn to social dance! Done! 😉

There are many other added mental benefits to social dancing, from dramatically reducing stress to warding off dementia. In the New England Journal of Medicine report on aging and mental acuity, it was determined that dancing frequently offered the greatest risk reduction of any activity studied, cognitive or physical, including reading, doing crossword puzzles and bicycle riding. It was 76% more effective than all of these activities in keeping dementia at bay.  So if you love social ballroom dancing for the pure fun of it, you will also be gaining some pretty cool side effects of it as you age, making social dancing the best hobby ever!

Do you want to be a confident social dancer? Our talented team at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East valley can help you to shine on any dance floor.  Social dance lessons are great fun in addition to being healthy. Join us today and begin your exciting journey into social dancing.

Lift Your Spirits This Holiday With Dance Lessons

Beginner's dance lessons for adults near Chandler AZAre you in need of a pick-me-up? Does the holiday season get you down? You’re not alone. Many people dread this time of year for one reason or another. This season, I invite you to give yourself a gift that will remove those holiday blues forever. Gift yourself dance lessons this holiday and watch your spits soar!

Have you ever thought of how much fun it would be to learn to Country dance? What about Salsa dancing, does that excite you? Or are you the retro Swing dance kind of person? No matter what dance style you have always wanted to learn, there’s no better time than now to take beginner’s dance lessons for adults. Why? Let’s explore…

  1. Dancing gets your body grooving. A body in motion is an automatic mood enhancer-especially when you get it moving to music. It’s nearly impossible actually to be in a bad mood while you’re dancing. The fact is that with the release of endorphins that occurs after a Salsa, Swing or Country dance lesson, you will find not only a reduction in stress, but also in tension, anger, and even loneliness. These are typical feelings that tend to surface during this time of year, and you can take control of them just by learning to dance. Pretty cool.
  2. Dancing makes you smarter! According to Stanford University’s dance faculty member, Richard Powers, “Social dancing such as swing requires constant, split-second decision-making. Because the brain has to work so much, it is not necessarily retracing the same neural pathways but instead using new ones,” which improves memory, Powers says. Why sit around in a lull, curled up in your blanket watching re-runs of “A Christmas Story” when you can be Swing dancing?

It’s also interesting to know that social dance lessons are used with Engineering students at Northwestern University who need encouragement flexing the right, or more creative, sides of their brain, making them more well-rounded and happier students. So, even smart people can benefit by taking social dance lessons!

3. Social dancing keeps you connected. This is a biggie! One of the main reasons that the holidays can be rough is due to loneliness, as mentioned above. When you begin taking social dance lessons, you are opening up opportunities to meet new friends and potential dance partners who share an interest in dance, just like you. In every social dance style from Latin dancing to Country dancing, communities of dancers form so that they can enjoy the benefits of knowing how to dance together. If your relatives live far away this season, or you just ended your relationship, wouldn’t it be great to have other people in your life to enjoy your new, healthy and oh so fun hobby with? The answer is YES! YES! YES!

Make a smart decision this holiday season and gift yourself Country, Swing and Latin dance lessons. Your social calendar will be filled and you’ll have a new hobby that you can use any time of year.

If you’re looking for a studio in Phoenix, Arizona, look no further! At Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley, we will help those blues disappear and make the holiday a joyous time for you once again. You deserve it! Check out our Holiday Dance Offers to see how you can get started today.


Give the Gift of Dance This Holiday Season

adult ballroom dance lessons near Tempe AZWe are fast approaching the biggest gift-giving holiday of the year and now is the time to get creative when it comes to finding the perfect present for your loved ones. This year, give your spouse, co-workers and friends a life-changing experience, one that will bring them years of joy, fun, laughter and confidence-the gift of social ballroom dance lessons!

I bet you may not have thought of Latin, Swing or Country dance lessons for adults as a gift-giving idea. It’s unique, right? Well, with social dance lessons, you will be inviting your loved ones to meet new friends, gain confidence in a new skill that they will use many times throughout their lives, and have a wonderful way to relieve stress. Now that’s a gift that keeps on giving!

There are so many more benefits to learning to partner dance, including adding romance, getting in shape and having a creative outlet (I could go on and on), but the point is that you are opening the door for those you love to experience something new, uplifting and transformative.

Dance Lessons for adults are impactful on so many levels, as I mentioned, so wouldn’t you like a few ideas on what to specifically buy your friends and family? I thought you would, so here’s what we offer at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley. If you don’t live in Arizona with us, find a social ballroom dance studio for adults in your area-many of them will also have gift-giving options for new students.  For you lucky AZ residents, here are some gift ideas for you:

  1. How about a date night? Come take a romantic dance lesson for two and explore a new style of dance, from Country Two Step to Salsa, Swing and even the sexy Argentine Tango! This one-time offer for new students will give you a window into how intimate it is to dance with your sweetheart.
  2. Get a Starter Package! With our Starter Package, you will get an Introductory Dance Lesson PLUS 5 hour-long Private Dance Lessons PLUS a video of the moves you have learned! How cool is that!? This exciting holiday offer is for new students and beginner dancers.
  3. The gift of dance! Purchase 3 $25 gift cards and get the 4th one free! That’s a $25 savings so you can share the gift of dance with everyone you love! Gift cards can be used towards an Introductory Dance Lesson for beginners, a Night Out on the town with us, or a party ticket for one of our in-house dance events with Live music.

Don’t leave yourself out when it comes to sharing in the adventure of becoming a confident social dancer! If you’re a beginner, come take advantage of any of our dance deals. We want to spread our love of dance this holiday season with everyone. See you on the dance floor!