
Add Romance… Learn to Dance!

Ballroom dancing and Romance for couples Tempe ArizonaWould you like to connect with someone new in a meaningful way that will last? Is your relationship in need of a little sprucing up? Learn to dance and see how the love in your life blossoms!

Ballroom dancing for couples at all stages in their relationships is a hobby that gives a whole new meaning to learning an extra curricular activity. Spice up your life with dancing lessons and notice how the three aspects mentioned below (among many others) of your relationship begin to take shape.

These hidden benefits of learning to dance are rarely brought to light. They are the secrets to why dance lessons should be (in my opinion) a requirement in every couple’s relationship. Experience for yourself how you can take your current relationship one step further (no pun intended!) just by learning to dance!

1. TEAMWORK: It REALLY DOES take two to Tango! Not just two bodies, but two bodies that are working together, becoming one in synchronicity with each other, one as an actor and one as a re-actor. Partner dancing is a whole new way of communicating for couples that gives one person the ability to create and send signals and the other one a chance to receive those signals and to respond accordingly. This type of non-verbal communication on the dance floor is a unique and special gift that, when done correctly, is extremely rewarding. It is the sign of  great teamwork or, in dance terms, a great partnership.

2. MOVEMENT TO MUSIC: Dancing to beautiful music crosses all language barriers allowing our inner inhibitions to reveal themselves. It doesn’t get more sensual than this. Learn to dance Country Two Step, Swing, Salsa OR Tango and see how music and dancing equates to passion on and off the dance floor!

3. MAKING TIME FOR EACH OTHER: What better gift can you give your loved one than that of your time and attention? Learning to dance requires time and focus together laying the groundwork for a hobby that can last forever between two people in love.

Dancing unites couples at every stage of their relationship. Connect with your loved one on the dance floor and see for yourself how to ignite (or re-ignite) your love for each other.