
How to Partner Dance to Top 40 Hits…

West Coast Swing dancing in ArizonaSo Country dancing doesn’t intrigue you, and you aren’t interested in Latin dance styles of dance either. Maybe you are tired of going out dancing at all your regular bars and your “go to” style of just shaking around is getting old. What you really need is a dance style that you can use when your favorite pop or top 40 jams are playing, right? Well…guess what? There is an official dance that you may not know about, but you’ll surely want to learn…it’s called the West Coast Swing!

West Coast Swing is generally regarded as one of the most challenging social dances because it is filled with unique concepts, like the leader and follower doing different things at the same time. However, like the Argentine Tango, which is also quite unique and special, the West Coast Swing is one of the most rewarding dances you will ever attempt, and we at Dance FX Studios believe that West Coast Swing is well worth a try. So if you are a dancer needing a challenge, or simply someone who wants to discover a worthwhile skill, this one is for you!

Here is a bit of history about the dance and the reasons why this may just be the perfect partner dance for you.

The West Coast Swing evolved from the East Coast Swing in California and quickly moved from spin-off dance status into its own separate dance category with a feverous following. As I mentioned earlier, aside from Argentine Tango, the West Coast Swing may be the most intricate partner dance taught.  The West Coast Swing is a slotted partner dance, meaning it is danced along a line, also described as a track. For this dance the follower generally moves forward and back along a track while the lead steps on and off the track as he changes her momentum and direction.

There are a few stories that attribute the reason for the slot.  The following story seems to make the most sense because the Hollywood film industry has a wide-reaching impact over what becomes popular. This was especially true in the 1930’s and 40’s, as movies were the biggest media influence. At that time the wide-angle camera had not been invented yet, so producers had the dancers line up and dance in a straight line to create the camera shots. In this way, the film captured dancer’s profiles instead of their backs as they rotated. Since they moved this way for the entire dance, the audience was able to see a lot more of the “West Coast Swing” and then go home and repeat it. The film version of the dance became such common practice that the slots stuck. Pretty interesting evolution of a dance, don’t you think?

Here are a couple of other facts about the West Coast Swing dance…

  • Triple steps can be tricky and the West Coast Swing is full of them! Very few social dances use triple steps because they require a strong sense of rhythm. Triple steps also demand a high level of control over the body center, making them not as easy as steps in other dances.
  • Dancing in open position requires a good frame. There are a lot of ways for closed position dancing to compensate for a weak frame, but in open position, if you don’t maintain your own frame, you’re lost. With the West Coast Swing as one of your dances, you will learn to develop an amazing frame in both positions, making you more well-rounded as a dancer.

If you’re looking for a new obsession, the West Coast Swing is an exciting dance to pick up. At Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, you can take beginner West Coast Swing dance lessons with or without a dance partner. Dance lessons for singles or couples offer so many benefits, from stress relief to weight loss. Join us in the joys of learning to dance, letting loose and having fun with West Coast Swing lessons today!

Must-Have Social Dances for Holiday Parties and Weddings

ballroom dancing in ArizonaSo Country dancing here in Arizona is just not your thing. You’re just not into Country music, even though you know how popular it is these days. Well that’s OK! There are plenty of other fun dances to explore that will keep you grooving’ to your favorite tunes at that next holiday party or wedding. Which dances should you know so that all of your nights out are covered? Let us give you our top three picks to get you through the holidays and beyond. (By the way, to become a confident dancer, private dance lessons are in order. Find a local social dance studio for adults and give their introductory lesson a try. Then you can see how exciting it really is to know how to dance!)

Swing: Swing dancing is THE must-have dance to cover almost all of your social dance opportunities. Did you know that there are more than 20 styles of Swing dancing? Swing can actually be danced slowly or very fast, depending on the particular style that you learn. For example, you can Swing dance to Rock and Roll, Reggae, Big Band, and even certain kinds of Hip Hop music. So, when you’re at your dance lesson to begin exploring Swing dancing, be sure to let your instructor know what type of music will be played at the event you are attending, and he/she can match the type of Swing dance that you will need to that genre of music.

In addition to being versatile, Swing dancing is awesome for crowded dance situations like weddings and parties because it doesn’t travel. Swing is a “spot dance”, meaning that it generally stays in one area, without requiring space to travel. Fun, useful and cool to know…that’s Swing dancing!

Slow Dancing: While the 8th grade prom sway may seem like enough, there actually are slow dances that make those romantic songs so much more fun to dance to. Here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, we teach Nite Club 2 Step as an option for slow dancing. With our style of Nite Club 2 Step dancing, all of your favorite slow jams can be covered with elegance and style. No more rocking back and forth when you can move with ease through romantic turns and rotations.

Foxtrot: Learn this favorite Ballroom dance and all of your Frank Sinatra and Michael Buble favorites will be covered! The Foxtrot is a mid-tempo, playful dance that gives you the feel of strolling through the park with the one you love.  The Foxtrot is great to know as an easy starter dance that blossoms into an elegant and beautiful dance as you learn more about it. On a social level, the movements are as simple as walking to a rhythm, making this dance fun to learn and very useful.

Discover social dancing with us at Dance FX Studios! We are located in the Phoenix East Valley, just off the 101 highway. it’s not too late to take dance lessons prior to those upcoming holiday parties so give us a call today and let us help you to become a comfortable social dancer in no time!


Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturday from 11 am to 4 pm.

Salsa, Swing and Two Step Classes in Arizona

Starting this April 2014, Dance FX Studios will be offering 4 week progressive couple’s group dance classes again. Group dance classes are a great way to either practice what you learn in private dance lessons or learn some basics in a dance of your choice. You and your partner will learn proper dance form and cool new steps, as well as how to be comfortable on any dance floor. It is a great way to gain a new skill set and try out a new hobby! You could also meet other couples to go out dancing with – it’s called social dancing for a reason, right?

Dance FX Studios is located just off of Price highway (101 highway) on Dobson and Guadalupe in Mesa, Arizona. We are so close to cities like Tempe, Scottsdale, Chandler, Gilbert, and Phoenix that we get couples from all over the Valley and beyond that come to learn here! If you want to learn to dance Country Two Step, Salsa, Country Swing, or Jitterbug Swing, our group classes are a great option! Each class is offered on a different day every week and they are always at 7 pm at Dance FX Studios.

What’s different about these new classes in comparison to the ones we have had so far in 2014 is that these classes are progressive. Every week, your certified Swango instructors build on what you learned the previous week and new steps and tips are offered each week. The classes are offered for four consecutive weeks beginning on April 7th, 2014. All classes are open to couples with NO dance experience! With Dance FX Studios’ unique style of instruction, you will learn key tips in each dance to make you comfortable on any social dance floor within a short time. Even if you have taken lessons before and know more than just the basics, you will learn at Dance FX Studios what most other places don’t teach: how to be a SOCIAL dancer. You will learn how to lead and follow, how to navigate a busy dance floor and more!

On Monday evenings, the Country music gets cranked and couples learn to Two Step with our certified instructors. Country Two Step is a fun dance and it is particularly popular here in Arizona. With so many Country bars and venues in our area like Denim and Diamonds, Toby Keith’s and Cactus Moon, there’s no doubt you will find a place to show off your Two Stepping skills!

Tuesdays nights are Salsa nights, where couples embrace their flirty side and shimmy to great Latin music. Latin culture is very prevalent here in Arizona, making Salsa one of the top three most useful dances here! You and your partner will have the opportunity to spice things up, adding some sassy excitement to your lives. Dance lessons are a great way to strengthen communication skills and Salsa dancing is a more sensual, intimate dance that is perfect for connecting with each other!

Country Swing dancing will become the highlight of your hump day with Dance FX Studios’ Wednesday night Country Swing classes! This dance is very playful and exciting and is also very prevalent in our area. The bars and clubs can a get a bit rowdy when couples are Swing dancing, so we make sure to teach couples how to stay safe and still have tons of fun!

On Thursdays, couples can learn the Jitterbug Swing. What is so great about this dance is that you can dance it to so many types of music! It is versatile and perfect for any couple wanting to learn a new hobby and enjoy themselves out on any dance floor. Dance FX Studios will get you ready for any club or party with this social dance that anyone can learn. Jitterbug is lively and exciting and sure to keep you on the floor all night long!

Get registered today for Dance FX Studios’ 4 week group dance classes. They are just $75 for 4 weeks of classes as a couple. What an awesome deal! Before long, you too will be able to shine on any social dance floor, whether you are at a Latin dance club or a Country bar.