Top 3 Tips To Keep Your 2015 Dance Resolutions

social ballroom dancing in ArizonaSocial dancing is a blast! Who wouldn’t love to go out Country Swing dancing or enjoy an evening Salsa dancing at a local Latin club? Dancing is great fun, a wonderful means of stress relief and a great way to meet others, but getting to that comfort level where you can really dance with ease takes a bit of time. No one is born knowing how to dance, so taking the time to learn is a must. No worries! While learning to Swing dance or dance the Tango may be a challenge, it is well worth it in the end-especially when you can be one of the few who do it well. 🙂 Here’s how to get to that point where you can dance comfortably and with confidence in the upcoming year.

Practice every day 

It’s one thing to say, “I’m gonna dance like Bruno Mars did on the Superbowl half-time show!” It’s another thing to commit the months and hours of daily practice to create the dance results that you’re truly looking for. Great dancers that get praised in public are rewarded for all the hours of practice they’ve trained in private.

Make a plan and commit a consistent amount of time your willing to spend week and stick to it. Consistency is key! People that are healthy and in shape aren’t that way by accident. They specific ritual of how much they exercise, what they eat, how much they eat and what they avoid eating to get the body they want.

Makes dance goals clearer than your HD TV

It’s great to have big dreams and aspirations for your dancing, but make sure you’re S.M.A.R.T. about it. Make your dancing goals:






For example, instead of writing down a goal like,”I want to be an amazing Salsa dancer!”, write down, “I want to be a smooth and confident Salsa dancer that can lead/follow most basic dance combinations comfortably within the next six months.” Knowing what is realistic is very important so that you don’t overshoot or undershoot your goals and end up becoming disappointed. This is where a meeting with your dance instructor is relevant. Make sure that you find a social dance instructor that helps you set measurable goals so that you are always headed in the right direction with your dancing. Progress is key to sticking with social dance lessons and having more fun on the dance floor. Be sure to set daily and weekly goals that are easy to control so you can see gradual progress along your dance journey. Also have long term goals that keep your eye on the prize!

Find an experienced instructor in your local area 

Sure, many people have tried to learn how to Country dance or Latin dance from a YouTube video, but there is one thing that videos cannot teach and that’s “feeling.” Partner dancing is about developing a feeling, connection and communication with your partner, something that’s impossible to get through your PC, smartphone or TV. Having an experienced dance teacher who can give you specific and clear guidance based on your learning style is absolutely crucial to your development as a dancer. Plus your instructor can correct any dance mistakes and bad habits you might have, something a video just can’t do.
Now it’s your turn to do something that you may have always wanted to do…Dance! Make 2015 the best year ever and learn a skill that can be used anywhere from date nights to weddings and holiday parties to cruises. Swing dance your way through 2015 in style and watch your confidence soar! For Arizona residents, come visit us at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley. We are in Mesa, just off the 101 highway, bordering Tempe and Chandler, AZ. Dance FX Studios serves residents Valley-wide from Gilbert to Scottsdale and Phoenix to Queen Creek. Discover social dancing with us and begin with our New Student Offer, then let us take you on a journey into a hobby that you can use forever. Here’s to an exciting new year of fun and dance! We hope to see you in 2015!

Shaping Up For 2015

a couple Country Western dancing in ArizonaThe 2014 holiday season is coming to a close. If you’re like the rest of us, you’re ready to kick those New Year’s resolutions into high gear-especially when it comes to your health. Most of us need a little help getting the ball rolling to make some big changes, but what if I told you that I had a fun, exciting, and even romantic, way to get fit in the next 12 months? What if I also said that this new hobby will expand your social circle, add a LOT of spice to your life and will also give you a major confidence boost? Sounds too good to be true, right?  Get ready for a year filled with a fabulous new you and learn to social dance in 2015! Yes,you can actually dance your way back to a healthier you, and have a blast in the process.

You may be wondering which social dances are right for you, just how dancing will get you into shape and maybe even what exactly social dancing means. It’s almost too good to be true that dancing can have so many benefits!

First, which dances should you learn first in 2015? The most popular social dances to learn this coming year are Country Swing, Salsa and Line Dancing. Country Swing has taken over most Country dance venues as THE dance to know. With all of the cool spins and arm variations to discover, Country Swing is an impressive dance to execute. When you are ready to explore this Country dance, remember to seek out quality Swing dance instruction.While it is an option to learn to Country Swing dance in a bar for free, you will find that you do get  what you pay for, especially in terms of learning a skill such as partner dancing.

In 2015, to accompany the Country Swing, do also explore lively Line dances, including the Wobble Baby and Copperhead Road. Not all Line dances are Country-based these days, so knowing how to do the popular ones will keep you out on the dance floor at weddings and other social gatherings too. Line dancing is worth knowing, regardless of the kind of dance music you enjoy.

Lastly, it is very relevant to know how to Salsa dance these days-especially if you live in the Southwest. Salsa dancing is hot world-wide, though, so learn to Salsa dance and heat up your love life and sense of adventure in the new year! What’s also interesting about Salsa dancing is that it’s actually very easy to learn. Adding those Latin hips are what make it a bit more of a challenge for some, but how fun would it be to push your comfort level in the new year and go beyond even what you thought you could do?!

With all of these social dances, you can burn up to 325 calories per hour! Dancing is so much more fun than going to the gym, and it allows you to do a skill that most only dream of knowing how to do well, while at the same time meeting new friends and broadening your social circle.

All in all, discovering social dancing and pursuing it in 2015 will bring you happiness for years to come. For Arizona couples, singles and even brides and grooms, come learn to Country dance, Latin dance, or even Swing and Line dance with us at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley. Our New Student Offer is a great way to sample out several dances that are appealing to you. Make 2015 one to remember with social dance lessons!



Refine your Social Ballroom Dancing with a Few Tips

istock_000012228843xsmallSo you have learned the basic steps to some social Ballroom dances, but you still want the grace and poise that professional Ballroom dancers have. Well you are in luck because we are going to cover some tips for you to get that elegant look into your social Ballroom dancing! This can apply to both the leader (usually men) and followers (usually women)… women aren’t the only ones who can and should be graceful. However, don’t expect grace and poise to happen overnight, it will require practice just like learning those dance steps did.

To begin, we are going to have you start off with something easy. One way to make your social Ballroom dancing a little more elegant is to take lighter steps. Stomping around with heavy feet makes your dancing look awkward and may appear like you are trying too hard. Instead, you want the appearance of your dancing to show the slightest effort. The lighter movements with your feet and body are a great way to start heading in the right direction.

Next, think of fluid movements. Being able to blend your moves together and not have staccato footwork and transitions will help you to achieve a graceful look, mainly for the Foxtrot or Waltz. To look light and airy on the top half of your body, ask your dance instructor for exercises on how to move your arms in an elegant way. One exercise that we recommend is to imagine that you are stroking velvet drapes. Bring your arms up and down slowly while extending your fingers. This motion will help you to begin to move with exquisite form. Are you starting to envision looking like an elegant Ballroom dancer yet? Keep reading for more advice on how to be even more smooth on the dance floor.

Bring gracefulness to your social Ballroom dancing by elongating your neck and standing up tall. Posture is everything in partner dancing. Did you know that your head can weigh up to 11 pounds? If you let it slip forward and down, it will affect your posture, frame, and ability to lead and/or follow. Pull those shoulders back and down and round your elbows forward for an upscale look and great feel on the dance floor. Stand tall and confidence while social dancing is sure to follow.

As with any hobby worth having, it can take time to master some of these ideas. Keep practicing and, before long, you will shine on the social dance floor in your Ballroom dances.

To discover social Ballroom dancing for yourself, come visit us at Dance FX Studios in Arizona! We have an amazing New Student Offer that will give you a window into all of the fun and excitement that social dancing has to offer. Happy Holidays!

It’s Not Too Late to Give the Gift of Dance!

social dancing in ArizonaLast minute shoppers… You can still give your friends, family, co-workers and neighbors the perfect gift this Christmas…Social ballroom dance lessons! Not sure what social dancing is or how it would fit into your loved ones lives? Easy enough! Social dancing is what you would see at a wedding, in a bar, at a holiday party or anywhere that people gather to hang out to have a good time. Social dancing can include freestyle or Hip Hop, but we are specifically referring to social ballroom dancing, which requires a partner. Think Country Two Step, Swing and even Salsa dancing, and you will be on the right track when it comes to defining types of popular social ballroom dances.

Dancing is timeless and universal, making it a hobby that (we feel) everyone should know! 🙂 What better way to end a long day than to go burn off steam Country Swing dancing? How cool would it be to go Swing dancing after a hellish week at the office? Social dancing will be the one gift you give that literally keeps on giving. What’s even better, the more you use it, the greater you will feel! This is true on many levels, including mentally, physically and even emotionally. Yes, when you spend time connecting with others, being physically active and challenging yourself with a cool new hobby, you are on your way to a happier you!

When would those you know find the time to go and use an activity such as dancing? Well, date nights that include dancing are a great way to begin any relationship. Plus knowing how to social dance is great for anniversaries, weddings, special events and even dancing at home with someone special as a fun, healthy and intimate activity for two.

Do you live in Arizona? If so, come grab a gift card for social ballroom dance lessons for your friends and relatives this holiday season at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona. We will introduce your loved ones to an exciting form of recreation and entertainment that will expand their social circle, improve their love life and get them off the couch. 2015 is right around the corner. You can check many boxes off of those New Year’s Resolutions on your friend’s lists, just by having them learn to social dance! Give the gift of confidence, fitness and fun this holiday season.

Gift certificates are available in our Online Store now. And, with every $100 that you spend in gift certificates, you will receive a $20 credit on your account! How cool is that!? Gift cards can be purchased in increments of $25 or can be purchased and printed for specific items, including a New Student Offer for singles or couples, our 4-Week Group Dance Classes for couples, or a Wedding Dance Consultation. Happy Shopping! We look forward to seeing you in the new year!

Relieve Stress in the New Year

a couple country dancing in ArizonaA less stressful year. What a wonderful New Year’s Resolution for 2015! Between kids, that mound of work piling up on your desk and the fact that you haven’t seen the inside of a gym in five years, finding ways to relieve stress in 2015 is probably quite important, dare we say essential, at this point in your life. Finding time for you always seems to be the problem with so much on your plate, right? Well, you’re not alone. Plenty of men and women are in the same boat, and are looking for ways to let go of the unwanted tension that life can bring when we have so much going on.

If you’re seeking a new way to lighten your load in the upcoming year, consider learning to ballroom dance. Now just to clarify, when we say “ballroom”, we mean any dance that you can share with a partner, from Swing to Salsa and Tango to Two Step. It really doesn’t matter which style you choose as long as you get out and let loose. How will dancing lift what seems like the weight of the world from your shoulders? Let’s see…


1. Dancing releases endorphins: As you may know, when your body releases endorphins from any form of physical exercise, you can’t help but be put in a better mood. It is literally physically impossible to be in a bad mood with this output. That’s why working out, or dancing, can give that much needed extra burst of energy after a long day. Don’t you deserve that after all you do for everyone else?

Now, you can choose to go get that gym membership that you’ve been putting off, or you can dance your way into a happier you. Think of how much more fun it would be to learn to Country Two Step with your friends, or your significant other, in 2015! Dancing is not only a great workout and source of entertainment, but you can burn off a lot of steam enjoying a night of Country music and Country dancing.

2. Dancing allows for social connections to develop: Speaking of enjoying time out dancing, when you have a social skill like knowing how to Swing dance or dance the Argentine Tango, you can explore local dance venues that attract others with the same interest as you. Social ballroom dancing is a fantastic way to meet new friends, lovers, and members of the community. What better way to brighten your day than to make new connections with others. Curb life’s pressures with dancing and enjoy a new hobby that can be used at weddings, holiday parties, dance venues and so many other places that you will find yourself in at one point or another. Few people can dance well, so you will be a magnet in a positive way with the ability of knowing how to ballroom dance.

3. You must focus while learning to dance: Since dancing is a skill, the process of learning to become proficient at it means that you have to concentrate as you learn. This may seem like work, however redirecting your energy into learning to ballroom dance will help you to let go of other situations or circumstances in life, like that project that is due at work in two days that you have yet to start. Learning to dance is a fun and rewarding process, especially once you gain the know-how to do it well.

Improve your social life, shake that unwanted anxiety and enjoy life more with ballroom dance lessons in 2015. If you live in Phoenix, Arizona, come learn social ballroom dancing with us at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona. We will give you the confidence and tools needed to enjoy all of the benefits that dancing has to offer. Get started with our New Student Offer and transform yourself in 2015 to a more relaxed and peaceful you.


Get Fit in 2015!

swing dancing in ArizonaIn the new year we’re all going to get into shape again, right? We’ll be our 40-year old selves with the bodies that we had in our 20’s! Don’t we all have the same resolution of fitness and health upon each new year? Well how wonderful would it be if I told you that you CAN have that 20 year old bod in your 40’s…without even going to the gym! That’s right! You can look and feel your best in the coming year with a timeless activity that has more benefits than we can name. Are you ready to revolutionize your health regime and make 2015’s health goals finally stick? Then give social dancing a try!

Burn calories while looking sexy and having fun in the new year with Salsa dance lessons! Yes, Salsa lessons will give you the confidence that you may be lacking to shine on the dance floor at any Latin club, wedding, or hey, maybe just in the living room with your sweetie. No matter where you decide to dance, with confidence you can really let go and enjoy yourself while the body gets to work.

What’s amazing about Salsa dancing and other Latin dances, from Merengue to Bachata, is that you will find yourself using parts of your body that have never been used before. Really, how often do you shake your hips for 5-7 minutes straight to music? That alone will get the heart pumping! Add great Latin music to the mix and you have a new hobby that is SO much more exciting than working out the traditional way. Are you ready for the cherry on top? Salsa dancing and other partner dances allow you to get fit with your special someone. Now that’s cool! Of course you can always go to a Zumba class for a Latin dance workout, but with partner dancing, you can shed any unwanted weight together and BOTH reach your fitness goals! Does it get any better?

Now, not everyone is into Latin music. No worries! There are many other styles of social dances that will get the blood flowing. Take Swing dancing, for example. Swing dancing is high energy, very popular and can be danced to many different kinds of music, from Country to Big Band. With Swing dance lessons, you’re also looking at burning about 350 calories per hour as long as you keep moving. This is a wonderful fun fact, no? And, since dancing is a total body workout, you will begin seeing results all over at the same time, making your dance lessons that better of an investment for you or you and your partner.

Beyond the health aspects of social ballroom dancing, with this incredible skill under your belt, you can expand your social circle in the upcoming year, add more romance (or meet someone new), improve your creativity, posture and balance, and the list goes on and on… From the physical to the social, the benefits of knowing how to dance are literally endless!

Give social dancing a shot in 2015. We’d love to hear about how it enhances your life! For those lucky ones who reside in Phoenix, Arizona, you can learn to social dance with us at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix Easy Valley. We specialize in creating confident social dancers, both singles and couples. With fun dances to explore that range from Argentine Tango to Country to Swing and Salsa, you will be dancing your way into a more fit you in 2015!

Tips on Planning your Wedding First Dance

istock_000005697257smallAhhh, your first dance as a bride and groom! How beautiful. How elegant. How…daunting!  “What’s wrong with the 8th grade prom sway?”, your fiancé may ask. The perfect first dance can actually be the highlight of your wedding. As you prepare for your big day, consider how dance lessons will be a wonderful source of stress relief and fun! To help take the pressure off getting ready for your wedding dance lessons, here are a few tips and ideas.

The first thing you will need to do as a couple is discuss the vision you have for your first dance. Do you want to be rock stars on that dance floor and bring the house down with an unexpected first dance, or are you looking for something more understated? Once you have figured out what side of you as a couple that you would like to share with your friends and family, you are half way there!

Next, song selection is key. If you are unsure what would fit the look that you are going for, find a local adult dance studio that will assist you with the prep work and overall planning for your first dance. You may not realize what dance goes with what song. That is where we come into play with helping you to look your absolute best on the dance floor.  Whether your song choices are fast, slow, romantic or playful, it is recommended that you bring several ideas to an initial meeting or consultation to share with your wedding dance choreographer. Keep in mind that picking something that the both of you like and are comfortable with for a first dance will surely leave a lasting impression.

Lastly, it will be helpful to decide whether or not you would like to prepare a dance for the parents of the bride and/or  groom. Honor dances, as they are called, are a superb way to highlight and show gratitude to your parents. Do you have a special father/daughter song that you and dad have been listening to since you were little? Or how about a mother/son dance to show thanks for everything that mom has done for you. If so, let your instructor know so that we can be smart with how we account for your time between when you get started and the wedding date.

Since your first dance represents your eternal love for each other as husband and wife, ditch the back and forth bobbing that you did in junior high and give your guests a dance to remember.

Arizona brides and grooms can visit us at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley for all of their wedding dance needs. We will give you an original dance routine that can be simple and elegant or completely outrageous. We have choreographed  first dances for almost two decades here in Arizona to all styles of dance from traditional ballroom to Argentine Tango, Swing, Salsa and Country dancing. Give your guests a memory that they will treasure forever with an amazing first dance!

Holiday Gift Certificates for Dance Lessons Are Now Available!

Couple two step dancing in ArizonaHoliday shopping season is in full swing and the options for what to get those you love seem to be endless! From ugly sweaters to fine bottles of wine, you can literally find anything and everything to gift these days. While that box of fruit and nuts may seem like a safe bet, have you considered an out-of-the-box idea for family and friends this year? How about a gift so great that it can last a lifetime? Well, if you are looking for that WOW factor without spending too much money, do we have the perfect gift for you…social dance lessons! You know those cool dances that you see your friends having a blast with at the Country bars or in the Latin clubs? Think Country Swing, Two Step and Salsa. Well that’s what we offer here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona! For those of you who live here in Phoenix with us, you will be bringing joy to anyone who receives a gift certificate from you for dance lesson with us.

Dance lessons are an excellent present for anyone who needs a way to relieve stress, have more fun and do something healthy and active besides going to the gym. Social dancing offers these benefits and so much more. Imagine how great it would be for your shy neighbor to get out of her house and do something for herself for once. Through dancing, she can gain confidence, meet others and build a network of friends who have a similar interest in dance. For your best friend and her husband, private dance lessons are an incredible gift of time together away from the kids. With Argentine Tango or Swing dance lessons, they can re-connect on a more intimate level once again. Dance lessons are also ideal for that wound up co-worker who never leaves the office because he always “has too much to do”. If he had an appointment weekly for an exciting new hobby that will truly enhance his life, he can have a reason to leave the paperwork behind and dance!

The best way to give the gift of dance with us at Dance FX Studios is through our Online Store. After discovering our New Student Offer for private dance lessons (singles or couples welcome) as well as our 4-Week Group Dance Classes for couples, head over to our online store for a gift certificate. Certificates can be printed with several designs and backgrounds, or even emailed on the date of your choice, if that is preferred. The best part of giving the gift of dance this year at Dance FX Studios is that for every $100 that you spend in gift certificates, you get a $20 credit towards services for yourself! How cool is that?!

Dance FX Studios is located on the southeast corner of Dobson and Guadalupe Rds. We are in Mesa, but are also very close to Tempe and Chandler, just off the 101 highway. We serve all Phoenix residents in cities from Scottsdale to Queen Creek and Gold Canyon to Gilbert. Make 2015 a magical year by sharing the joy of dance with those close to you.

Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturday from 11 am to 4 pm.

Top Three Dance Styles This Wedding Season

Arizona bride and groom dancingAre you getting married in the first half of 2015? Then now is the time to begin taking first dance wedding lessons! For most grooms, and even a few brides, the journey towards learning a one-of-a-kind first dance can be daunting. As a couple, social ballroom dancing is most likely a hobby that you have never explored. Well, let the FUN begin as you gain the skills needed to shine on that dance floor for your big day.

You have the perfect song picked out, you found the right dance studio to take lessons, now comes the main question…”What dance should we do?”. No worries! Your dance instructor will be able to guide you on the dance that you will need to learn, based on the song options that you provide. So, no need to stress about that! There are popular dances that will put you on the “cutting edge” of couples who shine on the dance floor in 2015. Let’s explore what kinds of dances are hot for brides and grooms right now…

1. “The Fake Out”: The fake out is when you start your wedding dance with the timeless (and very boring) eighth grade prom sway then suddenly bust out into something completely unexpected, like a Salsa, Swing or Argentine Tango. The more unanticipated, the better! What guest at your wedding would not LOVE to see you in an element that they could have never imagined? An amazing first dance is the perfect gift for family and friends as well as a marvelous way for you and your fiancé to let out some wedding planning relief and enjoy each other on another level as an engaged couple. We call this type of wedding dance a Rock Your Reception first dance because you’re sure to bring the house down with a dance that no one saw coming!

2. Timeless Elegance: These days, we are seeing a trend in couples wanting choreography to their favorite Disney tunes like Beauty and the Beast. Brides and grooms are looking to reignite childhood memories and provide an elegant dance experience to their loved ones with classics from the big screen. Sweeping ballroom moves will set the tone for an elegant affair and bring everyone back in time-if even for a few minutes.

3. Gone Country!: By far, Country dancing, including Country Swing and Country Two Step, is the most requested dance style right now. For those with Country themed weddings and a favorite Country song to match, Country dancing as a first dance makes perfect sense! Plus, it’s a general crowd-pleaser since most Country dances are upbeat and lively.

For Phoenix residents who live in the East Valley, let us at Dance FX Studios put your first dance together for you. Over the last 15 years, we have choreographed first dances from the simply elegant to the totally outrageous and everything in between. If you are looking to surprise your guests with a first dance that will leave a lasting impression, then give us a call to set up a Wedding Dance Consultation today. The fun is just beginning!


Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturday from 11 am to 4 pm.

2015 Arizona Brides and Grooms…It’s Time to Dance!

bride and groom dancingThe new year is approaching and it’s time to get going on that first dance that you have always envisioned you and your fiancé doing. Be it simple and elegant or completely unexpected and original, preparedness is key. After all, you do want to look as smooth and natural as possible on your wedding day, right?

Phoenix brides and grooms, let us assist you in the perfect first dance routine. At Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, we have created thousands of original wedding dances over the last 14 years. If you love Country music, we can put together a Two Step dance that will WOW your guests. Or if that  “Cinderella story” romance is what you’re after, we will help you to look sophisticated and refined. Either way, with wedding dance lessons from us, your guests will be given a first dance memory that will last forever.

What is the process for getting your first dance choreographed with us? It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!

1. Set up a Wedding Dance Consultation: A consultation will give your ballroom dance instructor an idea of your theme, vision for your wedding dance and song ideas that you had in mind. Getting to know you is primary to giving you that perfect first dance. Wedding dance consultations are just $20 for an hour-long meet and greet coupled with a mini dance lesson to introduce you to the basics of social ballroom dancing and your wedding dance in particular. By the end of your consultation, your instructor will know what you will need to shine on the dance floor. All of our programs are customized for your budget and timeline, so that you can look amazing and not be stressed about your first dance.

2. Begin with the basics: Within the first few dance lessons, you will learn all of the cool moves that will go into your wedding dance. We will give you as many tools as possible to help you to remember your dance steps, from recording them on your smart phone to writing them down with diagrams. Then the fun part begins! Putting all of your moves together to fit the music. Our choreographers will amaze you with a dance that showcases who you are as a couple.

3. Complete the finishing touches: Last, it’s time to put on those extra special touches that will make you feel confident and look your best. Before you know it, you will have a first dance that you can treasure forever!

As we have seen over and over again, brides and grooms need a de-stressor during the planning stages of their wedding. Taking dance lessons not only helps to give couples something fun to look forward to, but it promotes and represents partnership, teamwork and quality time together. Enjoy the experience of learning to dance for your wedding with us at Dance FX Studios. We are here to give you exactly what you want for your dream dance.

Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturday from 11 am to 4 pm.