
Why You Can’t Learn How to Dance From Videos

rsz_3photoI’m sure you’re wondering why you need to take lessons at all to learn how to dance. In today’s day and age technology is literally right at your fingertips. Virtually anything you could do without a phone ten years ago, you can do with one now. So why don’t we teach through YouTube or through a live feed? Good question.

Dancing is all about connection. Without an instructor being able to physically make you feel what they are talking about you will have a hard time grasping the concept of connection and won’t be able to dance with every person in the room! Sure, we could have you memorize some moves and you can try to use them when you go out, but chances are you won’t be as successful as someone who comes in to take a Private Dance Lesson with us. Connection is such an important thing to know and we focus a lot of our lessons around this subject because all successful things start with a great foundation. Our foundation being connecting with your partner!

If we just created videos and tried to have our students learn from them they would never be able to ask questions! This a great benefit to taking private Country, Swing, or Salsa dance lessons. You can experience the connection we talked about earlier and when you have a very specific question your instructor will definitely be more qualified than google or YouTube to answer it for you. Different instructors can answer in a way that will click for you. Someone in a video doesn’t know how to give an answer that is custom to YOU! (They can’t even hear your question in the first place)

As we teach our lessons here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona we can walk around and spot any mistakes that you are making and help you realize what feels wrong and how you can fix it. Since an instructor in a video cannot see you, it is impossible for them to correct you. So when you are confused and trying to figure out the first move they taught you, they are already on to the third one and it becomes overwhelming.

The lady in this partner dancing situation does not want to have to memorize footsteps (this coming from a lady herself) trust us! Women love to be twirled around and, though they may be the leader off the dance floor, as soon as their feet hit the floor they want to be led! So lead your lady over to us and try out our New Student Offer and turn off the computer. You won’t need videos when you have us!

Become a Great Social Dancer With Tips From Us!

Swing dancing at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZLearning to dance starts with finding the studio that is the right fit for you. There are plenty of dance studios in the PhoenixValley, but how do you pick one? There’s a lot of research to be done and comparisons to be made. Maybe you have been to a ballroom dance studio and had a lesson or two, but discovered that typical ballroom lessons aren’t the right fit for you because the competition style of lessons is not practical. You want to go out Country dancing at bars with your friends or meet new people at Salsa clubs looking calm and cool, not go to competitions and have a stiff, showy frame. If you want to win trophies, then those studios might be perfect for you. But if you are looking for real dancing for real people, Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona can help!

Dance FX Studios focuses on social ballroom dancing as opposed to competitive ballroom dancing. You will learn dances that are applicable to the places you want to dance, not outdated ones that you won’t see out socially. We have a unique syllabus that we personalize to each student to ensure that they become a capable social dancer in a way that’s right for them. This means that you will learn the tips and tools you need to have fun and look GREAT in the social dancing world, not at a competition. What kinds of tips and tools? Here’s a glimpse into of what our instructors incorporate in social dance lessons here at Dance FX Studios:

1)      Strong leading and following – The foundation of partner dancing is the connection and communication between dance partners. We teach every man to be a strong leader and every woman to be a great follower. Guys, you are in charge on the dance floor! You are the brains of the operation, deciding where to lead and what steps to take. Ladies, you are the heart that feels your leader’s intentions. Put the two together, and you have a great partnership that can lead to fun all night long, wherever you are!

2)      Dance floor navigation – Sometimes dance floors get crowded and it can be difficult to maneuver around other couples. This can lead to awkward elbow and shoulder bumps or potentially dangerous falls. Part of being a great leader is making sure you keep your partner safe and happy, so we incorporate navigation skills for busy dance floors into your lessons.

3)      Musicality and interpretation – One of the most exciting things about dancing is feeling the music and expressing yourself. When you get to the point of knowing which dances to do to certain songs and where to add in fun moves like turns and spins, it is such a rush! Some people have a more difficult time feeling rhythm and connecting with a song. That’s where musicality comes in! You will get practice in deciding which dances are applicable to which situations and how to look like a natural every time you step on the dance floor.

To take a spin on the Dance FX Studios’ dance floor and see if we are the right studio for you, try our Introductory Dance Lesson Offer. You can discover what dance can do for you and you will begin learning how to be a great social dancer! This first lesson is a full hour of dancing and exploring new skillls with your instructor, for just $40. Whether you want to boot scoot with the Country Two Step, sashay away with some Salsa lessons, or embrace your inner flirt with Argentine Tango dancing, you can learn here! Schedule your first lesson today; we are sure you’ll love us!