
Become a Healthier You and JUST DANCE!

Dance Fitness Phoenix ArizonaDancing is an incredible form of exercise. Not only does it raise the heart rate but it can also burn just as many calories as walking, swimming or bicycling. But here’s the difference; as opposed to a typical work out, with dance you can do something you enjoy while getting into shape! It’s the best of both worlds.

The Mayo Clinic states that regular participation in dance can help you fulfill a recommendation of 30 minutes for daily adult aerobic activity. Dances that involve interval timing, such as Zumba, make for an especially great calorie burning work out because the interval training keeps your muscles in a constant change of motion.

Along with serving as a great way to burn calories (of which you can burn hundreds during a one hour class) dance also benefits the body in additional ways.

The incorporation of dancing into any lifestyle is also great for improving endurance. Dances such as swing and ballroom are especially great for building endurance. As you dance, your muscles work hard so that over time your body can handle more movement with less fatigue.

You may incorporate dance into your life as a weight loss plan but it can do so many other wonderful things for your body, some of which may be a little more subtle. Dancing can help lower your heart rate, blood pressure and cholesterol. It can also help strengthen bones, boost the immune system and improve posture. Often the sense of well being that is found within a dance-filled lifestyle is just as rewarding as the physical exercise itself! How do you incorporate music and movement into your life?