
Broaden Your Horizons and Dance!

Arizona social dancingI’m sitting at an empty table outside of Jamba Juice and Starbucks. It’s blazing hot out here in Mesa, Arizona, and I’m second-guessing my choice of location to write. I just finished talking with two guys inside Jamba. I commented on the band playing over the stereo system. Neither one was familiar with the band I’ve mentioned. However, being the music junkie I am, I had to convince these random strangers they were missing out on something magical. I’m fairly confident my mission failed, but it got me thinking… It’s really difficult to engage with people these days! Meeting people who capture your attention is hardly a common occurrence. As a single, some days you wonder to yourself, where am I ever going to meet someone? It seems like there are few good outlets for singles to meet. It becomes discouraging at times. Then I got to thinking, one of the best ways I have gotten to meet new people is through social dancing.

Country dancing is where my social dancing experience all started. I remember going out to a bar shortly after arriving home from a trip to Nashville, Tennessee. I walked up to the dance floor, and stared in amazement at the people spinning round and round each other. It was that awkward prom scene. You know, that one where all the dorky girls stand around begging the heavens that someone would ask them to dance. Only I was standing around mentally laughing at the thought of myself dancing with another human being. The irony is the heavens must have been listening, because literally as the thought crossed my mind, a man asked me to dance. Nervous as could be, I accepted the offer, but politely warned the gentlemen I had no idea what I was doing. Thankfully he accepted the challenge, and I had a great time. He was an incredible teacher and leader, and I made a new friend too.

When I continue down this thought process of why all singles should social dance, a couple things come to mind. The first is taking chances— risks. They cause us to grow. They sometimes make us uncomfortable too, but in the end it’s all for the greater good. You go new places, try new steps and combinations with people you’ve never met before, and you become better! It takes practice and work to reach any goal. You build up your confidence doing this too. With every night out you become more comfortable in your own dancing shoes. You stand a little taller because you now have skills! Skills that few people have, but so many want and desire. Haven’t you ever wanted to learn to Country Two Step or Swing dance? It’s so cool when you actually get to hit the dance floor and kick up your heels! You end up making new friends with people who share a common interest with you. And who knows, maybe one of those friends will become something more one day? Since my first night out Country dancing, I have met so many cool people. They come from all different backgrounds and are a blast to be around.

Country dancing has opened a new door for me; one with so many benefits and perks. Social dancing in Arizona is not limited to Country dancing either. If Country isn’t your style, try Swing dancing or Salsa dancing! If you aren’t sure where to start, Dance FX Studios knows how to teach social dancing better than anyone in the Phoenix Valley. We love individuals with goals. We love having fun, and we also love developing confident dancers to go out and make their dreams a reality. Let us help! We have a steal of an Introductory Offer for beginners’ dance lessons. It’s just $25, and it will get you started down the road to becoming a confident social dancer before long.

Be Your Own Star with Social Dance Lessons

Country Two Step dancing in ArizonaAs I sit here soaking up my weekly fix of Dancing With The Stars, I am reminded of the beauty, grace and elegance behind ballroom dancing once again. If you think about it, how many sports can offer as much as ballroom dancing does? From improved posture, to self-confidence to exquisite, polished movements, ballroom dancing has it all.

Benefits aside, though, how often can one really go ballroom dancing here in Phoenix? Truly, not very much. On the other hand, there are plenty of places to take fun and cool partner dances like the Country Swing, Two Step and Salsa out around Arizona. In fact, you can find a different place to go social dancing in AZ every night of week!

So, now that you know you want to gain more self-assurance, learn an awesome new hobby like Country or Latin dancing, and go have a blast using it, it’s time to sign up for private dance lessons. Yes, with one-on-one dance instruction, you will shoot straight to the top in much less time that learning by any other means. Taking youtube off the table (because it’s nearly impossible to learn to really dance from a video), group dance classes-especially the free ones at the local dance venues- will never give you the information that will make you a great leader or follower on the dance floor. With private dance lessons, you will get all of the key tips needed to succeed on any dance floor.

Now that you know the fastest way to becoming a confident social dancer, it’s time to decide which dances to explore. Oh, with all of the popular ones to choose from, you really can’t go wrong. Here are a few suggestions from me, your dancing pro, on my top 3 pics of which dances to learn first and why…

1. Argentine Tango: While the dramatic and sizzling tango may not seem to be your cup of tea, this dance has it all. And most importantly, it is THE dance when it comes to developing a partnership between two people. If you want to learn to be a solid leader on the dance floor, start with the Argentine Tango. And ladies, learn to follow and “listen” to you partner with quiet finesse as you explore different sides of your personality in this sexy and sensual dance.

2. Country Swing: The Country Swing is top dog right now for must-know dances here in Arizona. Everyone’s doing it, and those that aren’t are wanting to learn. Enjoy fun spins and tricks in this popular Country dance style that you will use time and again.

3. Salsa: Living in the southwest means that Salsa dancing is a must. Discover your inner tiger or tigress with playful and flirty Latin dance moves that include lots of hip-shaking and fun! Unleash your wild side and find the Salsa, Bachata and other Latin dances a blast to learn and enjoy anywhere.

Be your own star in your life with dancing as hobby. All of the benefits of social dancing are available to you right now! Begin your journey into social dancing with us at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona. We will show you how to light up any dance floor in no time!