
Fix Poor Posture with Ballroom Dancing

istock_000001517573xsmallDo you have hunched shoulders and an aching upper back due to bad posture? You can remedy this with Ballroom dancing! Ballroom dancing can help you learn to lengthen and align your spine through the constant use of better posture. As you may know, your frame in Ballroom is very precise and is kept as such throughout the dance. Being in this position actually helps put all of your organs in alignment, as well as the spine.

With three months of dance lessons, you may see improved flexibility in your spine as well. The newly found flexibility and proper alignment can even help ease or erase that upper back/neck pain you have been feeling. All of these benefits to your spine are made possible from strengthening your core muscles, something that Ballroom dancing will help you achieve. Stronger core muscles add the strength and stability that your spine needs. Core muscles are worked out in the Ballroom dances because of the weight shifting, direction changes, and other movements required in Ballroom dancing.

Once you start to notice that you are not only applying your new posture to dancing, but into your everyday life is when you know that this has truly done wonders for your body. You will start to notice that your body presence, appearance, and balance have improved as well. It will take some time and continual reminding during the initial learning phase, but strive to gain that great posture and frame without being told and reminded.

Are you in need of a place to start dancing? Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, offers Private Dance Lessons and Group Dance Lessons. We have an Introductory Offer for beginners looking for Private Lessons. This consists of a 1 hour-long Private Dance Class for $40. More information regarding Private Dance Lessons can be found at .