
Country dance lessons AZ

How to Avoid Being a Boring Dance Partner

Country dance lessons near Tempe AZDo you think that you’re boring to dance with, or have you ever encountered a boring dance partner out Salsa dancing or Swing dancing? If so, let’s change that! First, you know you can only control yourself on the dance floor, so if you find yourself thinking “Dang, he/she really doesn’t look like they’re enjoying this Two Step with me”, I can offer some tips on how to make sure that never happens again.

  1. Smile and make eye contact. You know the saying, “Fake it ’til you make it?” When you are showing your dance partner a good time with your eyes and body language, he or she is bound to feel more relaxed and enjoy their time with you. If you’re feeling insecure about your level of dance as compared to theirs, I do not recommend apologizing. Just keep smiling and do your best! Social dancing with others will help you to gauge where you’re at with your dancing, and help you to strive to be better, so challenge yourself and pick a good dancer. Then, once you get her/him in your arms, do your best to keep up and enjoy the ride. Remember, if you need help working on your leading or following skills, Private Dance Lessons at your local social dance studio is the best solution. No one is born knowing how to dance, so get the right information to keep you on track. Your nights out dancing will be more fun every time you head out to that Country bar or Latin dance club with dance lessons under your belt.
  2. Vary your dance moves to keep it interesting. As a beginner Country, Latin or Swing dancer, you will be limited on how many moves you have in your repitoire. That’s natural. Again, Private Dance Instruction will help with new moves, advanced leading/following techniques and even how to stay on the beat with the music so that you can advance from week to week. Everyone starts somewhere so be patient with yourself as you grow in your dancing. You’re not boring, you’re new, and that’s OK!
  3. Stay on time with the music. This may seem tricky if you don’t even think you can hear the music, let alone move your body to it, but it is essential for never ending up on the boring side of the meter.  Dancing with the music is magical, and its value should not be underestimated, so please, ask your dance instructor for lessons on how to hear the beat in any song. It will be a valuable piece of information that you and your future dance partners will treasure. Now ladies, if you hear the beat but your partner doesn’t, please don’t attempt to teach him on the dance floor. That will only make him feel inadequate, which I’m sure is not your intention. For the intermediate/advanced social dancer, play with the rhythm in the music to show her an even more fun time. She will love the feeling and it will certainly shake things up in a good way.

Social dancing, while it may seem less challenging that competitive Ballroom dancing, is actually quite comprehensive. Discovering how to maneuver around a crowded dance floor with loud music, drunk people, and a whole slew of other potentially distracting factors takes time. At Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley, near Chandler and Tempe, AZ, in Mesa, we can give you all of the pointers that you need to be successful on any social dance floor. With two decades of experience under our belts, you are going to be a confident social dancer in no time after a series of Private Dance Lessons with us.

Couple two step dancing

Holiday Gift Certificates for Dance Lessons Are Now Available!

Couple two step dancing in ArizonaHoliday shopping season is in full swing and the options for what to get those you love seem to be endless! From ugly sweaters to fine bottles of wine, you can literally find anything and everything to gift these days. While that box of fruit and nuts may seem like a safe bet, have you considered an out-of-the-box idea for family and friends this year? How about a gift so great that it can last a lifetime? Well, if you are looking for that WOW factor without spending too much money, do we have the perfect gift for you…social dance lessons! You know those cool dances that you see your friends having a blast with at the Country bars or in the Latin clubs? Think Country Swing, Two Step and Salsa. Well that’s what we offer here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona! For those of you who live here in Phoenix with us, you will be bringing joy to anyone who receives a gift certificate from you for dance lesson with us.

Dance lessons are an excellent present for anyone who needs a way to relieve stress, have more fun and do something healthy and active besides going to the gym. Social dancing offers these benefits and so much more. Imagine how great it would be for your shy neighbor to get out of her house and do something for herself for once. Through dancing, she can gain confidence, meet others and build a network of friends who have a similar interest in dance. For your best friend and her husband, private dance lessons are an incredible gift of time together away from the kids. With Argentine Tango or Swing dance lessons, they can re-connect on a more intimate level once again. Dance lessons are also ideal for that wound up co-worker who never leaves the office because he always “has too much to do”. If he had an appointment weekly for an exciting new hobby that will truly enhance his life, he can have a reason to leave the paperwork behind and dance!

The best way to give the gift of dance with us at Dance FX Studios is through our Online Store. After discovering our New Student Offer for private dance lessons (singles or couples welcome) as well as our 4-Week Group Dance Classes for couples, head over to our online store for a gift certificate. Certificates can be printed with several designs and backgrounds, or even emailed on the date of your choice, if that is preferred. The best part of giving the gift of dance this year at Dance FX Studios is that for every $100 that you spend in gift certificates, you get a $20 credit towards services for yourself! How cool is that?!

Dance FX Studios is located on the southeast corner of Dobson and Guadalupe Rds. We are in Mesa, but are also very close to Tempe and Chandler, just off the 101 highway. We serve all Phoenix residents in cities from Scottsdale to Queen Creek and Gold Canyon to Gilbert. Make 2015 a magical year by sharing the joy of dance with those close to you.

Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturday from 11 am to 4 pm.