Are you a beginner in ballroom dancing? Come learn how to become confident in your dancing skills at Dance FX Studios.


Beat the Summer Heat With Adult Dance Lessons

How do you plan to beat the heat this Summer? If you’re looking to pass the time indoors, I don’t blame you. It’s darn near 120 degrees here in the Valley of the Sun, and the end is nowhere in sight. 🙁

Now there are lots of ways to make time fly inside this Summer, but none that are as much fun as Social Dance Lessons for Adults. Think about it, you can start Couple’s Country Dance Lessons now and be twirling under the stars by the time it starts to cool down. That would be cool, right?

If Country Western dancing is not your thing, that’s OK! Give Salsa Dance Classes or Swing Dancing a try. There are some pretty fun Ballroom Dances too, like the Foxtrot or Waltz, that will wipe away those Summer blues. And of course, you can always heat things up a bit with the sensual and seductive Argentine Tango. Si señor!

Regardless of the dance style you choose, they’re all incredible for keeping fit and having fun this season-and that’s without hitting the gym. Speaking of how Social Dance Lessons can benefit you, here are just a few more reasons why you should start dancing now.

Get Social.

A big reason why people begin with Adult Dance Lessons is to meet new friends. Maybe you’re in the same boat. Oftentimes when we start a new chapter in life, be it moving to a new area, or exiting a long-term relationship, it can be a challenge to start over. Having a group of friends who enjoy similar interests can make life so much easier.

Social Ballroom Dancing is an exciting way to connect with others, so why not give it a shot? With partner dancing, making new friends is easy! You need someone to dance with, and so does the other person, so you’re always going to be in a situation where you get to interact with others. How perfect! Yes, this may be a bit intimidating at first, but keep in mind that everyone is shy in the beginning, so go easy on yourself the first few times you venture out. Before long, you’ll be mixing and mingling with the best of them!

Get Confident.

Once you have taken a series of Private Dance Lessons in Country, Swing and even Latin dancing, and hit the dance floors around town to test out your new set of skills, your confidence is sure to rise! Knowing how to dance is definitely a boost on your self-esteem, especially since so many people would die to be fearless, kick-butt social dancers. It’s a matter of taking the time to learn by attending regular classes before you see the results, and most people don’t want to put in the time, or are too afraid to. Don’t be that person who sits on the sidelines and watches everyone else smiling, laughing and meeting others. Get out there and discover how to move!

When you become a confident Country dancer, or Swing dancer, doors will open left and right. You will be in demand on the dance floor, that’s for sure. I mean, who doesn’t want to be the one out there having a blast with a great dancer? I know I always scope them out first, so I can have the best time possible. What a great way to enjoy an evening, and all because you took the time to learn first.

There’s nothing more attractive than self-assurance, be it on the dance floor or in the board room. Watch how your confidence soars in all areas of life once you know how to dance. I’ve seen it a thousand times as an Instructor, and it’s incredible to witness. A once shy, meek man turns into a superstar and sweeps every woman off her feet in the Country bars around the valley! Now that’s a way to spend a Saturday night!

Get Ready for Your Big Day!

Finally, if you’re at the point in life where you’re about to tie the knot (maybe you met her/him on out dancing with friends ;)), Wedding Dance Lessons are a must! Most people don’t get married in the dead of Summer here in Phoenix, but when the weather breaks, wedding season kicks into high gear. Don’t wait until then to get ready for the most important day of your life. Start with Wedding Dance Lessons this Summer to really shine by the fall.

No, I have not yet developed that magic pill which will help you look incredible on your wedding day with only two weeks of lessons leading up to the big day, so do yourself a favor and begin learning the language of dance now. Ballroom Dance Lessons are a whole new experience, a great bonding opportunity for brides and grooms, and a super-fun hobby that you two can use for years to come. Preparation is key, though, so throw those dress shoes and heels in a bag and bring them in on your Dance Lessons this Summer to really look your best by your wedding date.

Learning how to Country, Latin, or Swing dance is a wonderful way to spend your Summer months. Do something for you this season that will make the months and years to follow that much more fantastic. You deserve some fun, now go out and get it! Now you know my secret for how to beat the heat and stay cool in Phoenix this, and every, Summer to come.

Men…See How Dancing Can Make You More Successful

Line dancing in ArizonaJoyce Brothers once said, “A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success”. I couldn’t agree more! “And how does one gain that confidence that everyone wishes they had?”, you ask. I have the answer…learn to social dance! Yes, believe it or not, knowing how to dance can give you an abundance of confidence that is sure to spill into other areas of your life off the dance floor.

After 20 years as a social ballroom dance instructor myself, I am proud to say that I have watched many a guy and gal literally blossom into happier, more successful people by knowing how to dance. It has been the most fulfilling and rewarding part of my professional life. In this blog, we will explore how partner dancing can make any man more successful. Our next blog will be about the power of dance for women.

The Power of Partner Dancing For Men: What social dancing can do for a man is immeasurable. Number one, the man must be the lead on the dance floor. Without the confidence that it takes to lead, his partner will not have a great experience, and dancing will have the opposite effect of what it is meant to do. A strong leader, though, will make any woman swoon, giving him the self-assurance needed to enjoy dancing as a hobby that much more. For guys, partner dancing can, and should, be empowering, giving them the courage they need to conquer the world.

Secondly, how many of your buddies, guys, wish they too could dance? Country, Swing and Latin dancing is cool! With Private Dance Lessons, you can get the skills needed to Two Step your way into her heart, and make everyone else jealous. Trust me when I say that it’s much more fun to be on the dance floor kicking up your heels then on the sidelines.

Lastly, when you take Private Dance Lessons, you discover the impact of standing tall. Posture is everything on the dance floor, so you don’t end up in your partner’s dance space. Walking taller both on and off the dance floor exudes a sense of sureness that draws others to you. That’s a good thing! So stand tall, men, and apply your dancing tools to every area of your life. They will definitely pay off!

Discovering popular dance styles, like Country Swing, Two Step and Salsa, through Private Dance Lessons is a game-changer for men and women alike. Knowing how to social partner dance will not just make you appear more fearless, but it is therapeutic in that it helps relieve stress, meet new people, connect on a deeper level with your loved one, and have fun. Could you use a little more of any of those things. We all could! Guys, give Latin or Country dance lessons a try. You’ll be surprised on the impact dancing will have on you.

Tips for A Successful Night of Social Dancing

Couples Country dance lessons ArizonaIn social dancing, the BIGGEST secret to success is to make your partner(s) happy. Dancing is an exciting and special relationship between you, your partner and the music. But there are other factors involved, especially in social dancing, like being mindful of the other dancers around you.  Once you are able to successfully navigate the dance floor, your popularity as an awesome social dancer will greatly increase! Here are a few, VERY important tips to remember when leading your lovely lady out on a social dance floor:

1. Create a comfortable lead: A follower doesn’t appreciate having her arm cranked or jolted out of her socket in order to make her turns. Pushing and pulling to bring her where you want (as well as other forceful leads) are not appreciated. Here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona we teach how to create an inviting space for the follower that is both comfortable and communicative. We teach you how to execute moves well on the dance floor and help you to become confident so, when you go dancing, you will be able to WOW your partner.

Ladies, when you ask or accept to follow someone in a dance, you are agreeing to let THEM lead. This doesn’t mean that you have to do everything perfectly. Sometimes you don’t understand how the move is being led, but a good leader can turn any misunderstandings into a new move. Don’t worry about being perfect, as long as you do what your partner is asking, you will both have a good time. Back-leading can be disrespectful and is very disturbing to your partner because you are rejecting their contribution to the partnership. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t embellish a move or add your personality into the dance. The instructors at Dance FX Studios help both parties understand what it means to lead and follow. We give constructive feedback and tips that make following (and leading) easier.

2 .Protect your partner: This goes for BOTH leader and follower, however, it is more important from the leader’s perspective. There are two important aspects: anticipation and observation. By anticipating movement of other dancers (and onlookers), you are able to match your movements to the space that is on the floor (and can even create some extra space). The most important piece is not to run your partner into other couples. Not only is this jarring for you and your partner, but also for the other couple. Observation allows you to know where other couples are and, if another couple executes a move that puts your partner into danger of collision, think quickly to either absorb the blow in a spot that doesn’t create a large injury or keeps your partner safe. In the partnership, each person is the eyes in the back of their partner’s head – you keep an eye out and if someone is approaching the blind spot of your partner, keep them safe! As a follower, a small pressure on the leader’s shoulder or hand can warn them of a possible collision and give them a heads up.

3. Entertain your partner: Both of you are out to have a good time, MAKE it one! From Salsa dancing here in Phoenix to hitting the Country bars, dancing is a great way to shake off your week, get some great exercise and let loose. Dance at an appropriate level that makes it enjoyable for both parties. Evaluate your partner’s capabilities and make sure to keep the dancing comfortable while adding in some fun moves as well.  At Dance FX Studios, we teach you how to make cool combinations of moves, blend movements together to make the dance smooth, and how to keep time with music, which is also a big part of keeping the dance fun! It is also important to maintain a good sense of humor if something goes wrong – NOBODY is perfect! 🙂 Own up to mistakes if necessary, but don’t dwell on it. Lightheartedness and playfulness goes a long way. Make sure to SMILE at your partner and focus on what makes them comfortable and happy.

4. Appreciate your partner: By combining all of the above, your partner should feel like you are there to dance with THEM (even if it is only for one or two songs). The most popular dancers are those who make it clear to their partner that their company is appreciated and enjoyed! Most people would rather not dance with someone who acts disinterested or bored, no matter how amazing their dancing is.

Overall, the most important take-away is: dancing is a partnership – you are happiest when your partner is also happy. Come learn how to become confident in your dancing skills at Dance FX Studios. Our New Student Offer for beginner dancers is a great place to start your journey as a dancer!

Get Down With Kelsey At Dance FX Studios!

Arizona ballroom dance instructorsHello! My name is Kelsey. My love for dance has brought me right here to Dance FX Studios as a dance instructor. I could say that dance is my life, which is mostly true, but there are other things I enjoy doing outside of the studio as well. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, especially if it is outdoors. I love to do arts and crafts and I like to be as active as possible – bike riding, hiking, running, and also gardening. I also love to read in my down time, my all-time favorite book series is Harry Potter!

I have danced off and on throughout my life. I started off young in ballet, moved on to other sports and then picked a version of dance back up in middle school where I was a part of the Spiritline team (a mix between pom and cheer). I was immediately hooked and began taking other dance classes to supplement what I was learning at that time. My introduction to social partner dancing was brief in middle school. I learned the very basic components of Foxtrot, Waltz, and a couple of other Ballroom dances. None of them really stuck with me, except for the box step.

In High School I learned how to East Coast Swing dance with some good friends of mine and we went Swing dancing consistently for about a year. Then in college, I took a Latin, Swing, and Ballroom dance class and was INSTANTLY hooked. I ended up competing a couple of times and really learned a ton. I kept trying to broaden my dancing horizon and found an Argentine Tango class. This threw me for a loop because Tango is a unique dance that requires a lot of technique and knowledge of how to follow and lead correctly. I loved the class and it sparked my interest in teaching dance. I do a bunch of other social dances which include Country 2-Step dancing, Zouk, and other Latin dances. I love being able to move with and interpret the music.

Before coming to Dance FX Studios, I worked a couple of other office jobs and was finding that I was becoming increasingly less content. I am a very active person and knew that I wanted to have the ability to be outside or moving consistently. I also wanted to do something that required more of my artistic side, so when I came across the job, I immediately applied! I am excited to be sharing a passion of mine, seeing other people grow and become more comfortable with themselves as well as others, and teach people a skill that they will be able to use for the rest of their lives!

My favorite thing about working at Dance FX Studios has to be the feeling that we are a family here. Not only is the staff warm and welcoming, but all the students are as well! Everyone WANTS to be here. It is definitely a great place to work, especially since everyone is so positive, encouraging, and amicable.

In terms of my favorite dance, I have such a wide range of likes in music and style of dancing that I don’t think I have ONE favorite style to teach. I like the dances that are not genre specific, like  Nite Club 2 Step and Swing. Sure, you can choose to do the other dances to different music, but it just doesn’t necessarily feel right. I like Nite Club 2 Step because it can be molded to have different looks, can be fast or very slow, and has the potential to be a very romantic dance- What girl doesn’t like being swept off her feet?! I like Swing dancing because it is very versatile. It is also a very upbeat dance with lots of character! The dance itself also has a unique connection piece which affords for a lot of different movements.

Three words I would use to describe myself would be optimistic, creative, and listener.

A fun fact about myself is that I enjoy archery and have a recurve bow!

Summer Dance Lessons: Hot! Hot! Hot!

Arizona swing dancingSummer is FUN time and knowing how to dance is a MUST! There are plenty of exciting dances to explore that will get you grooving’ at that next holiday party or wedding and there’s no better time than now to discover some cool go-to dances, like the Country Swing and Latin Salsa to keep every night of your social life covered! Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona is just the place to help you discover the top three picks to get you through your busy summer weddings, social events and beyond.

The fastest way to become a confident dancer is by taking private dance lessons, so why not start by trying out three or four social dances in your introductory dance lesson at our studio for adults and see how exciting it will be to really know how to dance! Here are a few of our top picks…

Everyone needs to know how to slow dance! While the 7th grade prom sway may seem like enough, there actually are slow dances that make romantic songs so much more thrilling to dance to. The best choice for whenever you find yourself dancing to just about any type of music is the Nite Club 2 Step. With our style of Nite Club 2 Step dancing, all of your favorite slow jams can be covered with elegance and style. No more rocking back and forth going in circles! Romance will heat up as you move with ease together, and learn some fancy turns and rotations in the process!

Many people feel life is best with Foxtrot! Adrianne Haslet-Davis, a professional ballroom dancer, thought she was dead after the second bomb went off at the Boston marathon bombing. Turned out she was alive, but she did lose part of her leg. This was especially tough for a dancer, however she never lost determination to perform her favorite dance again: the Foxtrot. She did just that in 2015! Foxtrot movements are as simple as walking to a rhythm, making this dance fun to learn and quite useful socially. This dance is perfectly utilized when cool and smooth music by Michael Buble or members of the Rat Pack, like Frank Sinatra, are swooning ears in the room. Martini bar, retro lounge or cocktail parlor, this dance has you covered! The Foxtrot is a mid-tempo, playful dance that gives you the feeling of strolling through the park with the person you love.  The Foxtrot is an easy starter dance that blossoms into an elegant and beautiful performance as you become more proficient at it.

Swing dancing is THE dance which covers just about all of your social dance needs. Guess what? There are more than twenty styles of Swing dancing! Yippie! Swing may be danced slowly or very fast depending on the particular style that you choose to learn. For example, you can Swing dance to Rock and Roll, Reggae, Big Band, and even certain kinds of Hip Hop music. So, when you’re at your private dance lesson to begin exploring Swing dancing, be sure to let your instructor know what type of music will be played at the event you are attending, and he/she can match the type of Swing dance that you will need to that genre of music.

In addition to being versatile, Swing dancing is awesome for crowded dance situations like weddings and parties because it doesn’t travel. Swing is a “spot dance”, meaning that it generally stays in one area, without requiring space to travel. Fun, useful and cool to know…that’s Swing dancing!

Now that you know what you’ve been missing, so much fun awaits you when you discovering social dancing. If you live in Phoenix, Arizona ,come visit us at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley! We’d love to introduce you to all cool styles of dance from Latin to Swing to Country dancing. Contact us today for more details on how to begin with private dance lessons at 480-968-6177.


We Bet You Did Not Know This About Dancing…

social dancing in ArizonaThere are so many fun facts about dancing, we almost don’t know where to begin! From the Country Two Step to Salsa to Swing dancing, discover some surprising details about dance below. Once you do, you may be that much more intrigued to begin learning to social dance yourself. That’s where we at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona come into play! Join us for the fun of social dancing and the numerous benefits too! Yes, from stress relief to weight loss, exciting dances like the Argentine Tango can enrich your life in so many ways. Until then, enjoy these cool tidbits about dancing…

The first archeological proof of dance comes from nine-thousand year old cave paintings in India.

One of the earliest uses of dancing was for use religious ceremonies. Dance routines were used for storytelling as much of the culture’s history was passed to younger generations through oral tradition. Adding dancing made it much easier to remember.

Egyptians are an example of a culture who used this kind of visuals in their rituals, using dance both for entertainment and religious purposes.

Dancing was also an important part of many Greek and Roman religious ceremonies. Ancient Greeks and Romans annually celebrated their God’s Dionysus (Greek) and Bacchus (Roman) with several day’s long festivities. Since both oversaw aspects of fertility and agriculture, ie: plants that created wine, the celebrations were filled with alcohol, song and lots of wild dancing.

Much of Europe is filled with folk music and dancing that has been passed down from generation to generation.  It is commonly believed that simple folk dances were practiced amongst both poor and wealthy classes. During the Renaissance period in Europe many new dances evolved or were created.

The Waltz can be traced back to the 16th century and was performed with arm’s length between male and female dances. The shocking transition to a “voluptuous intertwining of the limbs and close compressure of the bodies” happened in England when Queen Victoria fell in love and performed the dance close up with Prince Albert.

Ragtime music is very similar to classical and has been cited as the American equivalent of Minuets by Mozart. The dance began in the red-light districts of cities like New Orleans and enjoyed its peak during Prohibition.

Jazz replaced Ragtime and Pre-WW2 brought many new waves of dance styles. During the war dance played a very important role in keeping morale up and it seemed every town and village that had a hall was filled with dancing. There were popular dances like the Lindy Hop, Balboa, St. Louis Shag, Jitterbug, Lindy, West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, and Murray being used everywhere.

Even people in wheelchairs can dance! Wheelchair dancing is growing in popularity around the globe and is recognized as an official international paralympic sport.  In more than 40 countries, people of all ages and physical abilities participate in dance activities with their manual or power mobility chairs. Popular wheelchair dances include: Square Dancing, Line Dancing, Ballet, Jazz, Latin Dancing, and traditional Ballroom Dancing.

The Lion Dance was often mistakenly referred to as the Dragon Dance and is one of the most popular religious and ceremonial dance in China as well as the surrounding countries of Taiwan, Korea and Japan. This dance is usually performed during the Chinese New Year or business openings to bring in good fortune and ward of evil spirits. The fundamental movements of the Chinese Lion dance can be found in Chinese martial arts.

It may surprise you to learn 11,240 people currently hold jobs as professional dancers.

Today professional dance is regarded as one of the most demanding physical abilities or sport.

In 2014,Americans spent 3 billion hours a week sitting on their backsides playing video games. Why not become a part of the statistic of the people who are moving their bodies dancing each week? Call Dance FX Studios and take advantage of our New Student Offer and be the fun that you may be seeking!

Two Left Feet? Relax It’s as Easy as 1, 2, 3!

beginner Swing dance lessons ArizonaWhen you decide to start your new hobby, learning to dance Salsa, Swing or Country Two Step, you may get cold feet. We have had students sign up using our $25 New Student Offer, only to call each day before what they feel is impending doom and move their first appointment back and back!  Once they get here, though, they realize they had nothing to fear. In fact, they have a GREAT time and wish that they would have come in sooner.

Along your dancing journey, you may realize it takes a little time to get to looking smooth and natural on that dance floor. Just like the first time you committed to dance lessons and walked in to your local dance studio in Arizona, have no fear and keep plugging along! Remember your goal of being a versatile social dancer and that knowing how to dance is a timeless and extremely useful skill.  However if ever you feel like throwing in the towel before your mission has been accomplished, here are a few tips to get you back on track:

Don’t over-think your dancing! Being stuck in your head has stopped many dancers with great potential from sticking with it. Obsessing over dance moves won’t make them sink in. In fact, constantly being in your thoughts and getting stressed out will make everything worse. The trick is to trust the music and your body. Those muscles do have memory! Relaxing and just letting your body go for it is the best course of action. You will be surprised at how much you actually retain during your private dance lessons with this attitude in mind.

Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is your dance repertoire. Though Country Two Step dancing seems like a breeze, those out there who are stealing the spotlight, have put in their time training. While everyone would love to be great instantly, knowing how to dance just doesn’t happen overnight. Our tip: keep your dance lessons close together and practice as much as you can. This will speed you along both in retention and learning when it comes to owning those cool moves that will make you stand out in a crowd. If you only show up for your dance lessons one or two times per week, remind yourself that it will obviously take longer to become a competent social dancer.

Commit to your goal. This is a biggie! You have invested your time and financial resources to learning to dance. This is for you, a skill you have picked that will last you, or you and your partner, a lifetime. Decide to stay the course and see your dancing journey through to the vision you have for yourself on the dance floor. Stick with it and remind yourself that anything that is worth doing takes time and effort. Then, when you have that ball rolling, you’ll have people waiting in line to dance with you! (Trust us, this will happen.)

Have fun and reap the benefits! Social dancing has so many wonderful benefits, from weight loss to stress relief to improved balance and coordination, increased social life and even couples therapy! While you are probably creating one of the best investments that you can make in you, you are also doing this for fun! Enjoy it, dancing Salsa, Merengue, Cha-Cha, Foxtrot and Argentine Tango are all exciting dances to learn! Tons of fun! The benefit is plenty rewarding and the end result … a new and improved, proficient dancer, YOU!

So if you’re committed to learn to dance, you must also be committed to put some time and energy into creating that dream.  If you happen to live here with us in Phoenix, Arizona, we invite you to learn to dance from our school, Dance FX Studios, located in the Phoenix East Valley. We can help you to explore popular dances like Salsa, Country, Swing and AZ Two-Step. Our New Student Offer is the best way to get started for just $25! So get started now, relax, have fun and remember it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Putting Your Best Foot Forward…

Arizona Country dancingSo you’ve decided that you’re tired of bellying up to that barstool and watching everyone else on that dance floor have fun. Why should they be kicking up their heels while you are watching from afar? It’s time for you to learn to dance and you’re ready to finally do something about it. Does this guy or gal sound like you? Then give your local dance studio a call and get the ball rolling!

There’s no better time than now to invest in yourself with private dance lessons. With private dance instruction, you can get great tips on how to lead or follow, how to connect with a variety of partners (or your special someone) and how to actually do all of those cool moves in your favorite styles of dance. If you’re like most people, you have questions when embarking on a new hobby such as social partner dancing. Here are a few of the most common questions along with answers from us, the pros at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ.

1. What styles of dance should I/we learn first? This question comes up often.  You wouldn’t want to begin exploring a dance that is not useful to you as a couple or single, so our instructors begin by asking you what kind of music you enjoy. If you’re a couple that loves Rock and Roll, we will show you how to Swing dance. If you love Country music, the Country Two Step is definitely in order. For those that love Latin music (and it is so popular here in Arizona), of course we will explore the Salsa and Bachata as your two most useful dances.

With so many dance styles to choose from, we believe in quality over quantity, so our suggestion is to start learning 3 or 4 dances, at the most, initially. That will lead us into Most Common Question #2…

2. Can I start with just one dance and go from there? We don’t recommend it. Not only is learning just one dance limiting, but it is also the slowest way to progress. With one dance, you will be sitting out a majority of the night. What’s the fun in that? Taking in at least two styles will keep you out there on the dance floor longer, which is exactly what you wanted, right? Since dancing is healthy and enjoyable on so many levels, you wouldn’t want to take lessons only to find yourself watching from the sidelines again.

In terms of slowing down your progress, learning several styles that are relatable all at once is ideal. You will be working smart and not hard, as well as staying up on that dance floor having a blast!

3. What type of footwear should we wear for our dance lessons? Proper footwear is a main component of partner dancing, believe it or not. For you golfers out there, would you consider golfing with a stick if you didn’t bring your clubs? Or using an apple as your ball if you ran out? Of course not.

For Country dancers, we always recommend a nice pair of leather bottom shoes that you can find at your local boot store. Rubber does tend to stick to the floor, so leather is best. Latin dancers ideally should be in a heel with a strap around the ankle (for ladies) and a leather bottom dress shoe (for guys). Ease of movement is what we’re after here. Think back to the golf analogy when beginning your dance lessons so that you set yourself up for success out there and you don’t waste your time being distracted by your shoes.

Social partner dancing is a skill that makes an impression on others. It’s hard not to be impressed by someone who’s a confident social dancer. Embark on your exciting new journey into the world of social dancing with us at Dance FX Studios! We will take you, the everyday single or couple, and give you the tools to dance anywhere with ease and certainty.

Arizona residents… give our New Student Offer a try and see how dancing can help you to put your best foot forward in any social situation.

Cyber Monday 2014-Great Smokin’ Hot Dance Deals!

ballroom dancing arizonaGreat news! Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona has extended our Black Friday Dance Deals for one more day. That’s right, Cyber Monday is your last chance to get deals this sweet until next year. Make his or her holiday extra special with dance lessons in popular dance styles including Country Western, Swing, Latin and Ballroom. At Dance FX Studios, we will show you how fun and easy it can be to learn to dance socially AND with confidence! Here’s some information about what we offer at Dance FX Studios:

Private Dance Lessons: For the fastest way to reach your dancing goals, give private dance lessons a shot! We offer lessons to singles and couples, ages 18+. Beginners with no dance experience are welcome to come and explore the excitement of social dancing! We will show you how to Country Two Step, Salsa, Foxtrot, Swing-even Line Dance! If there’s a social dance that you want to learn, we can help. With private dance instruction here at Dance FX Studios, you will receive tips and tools that are personalized for the way that you learn best, making your road to becoming a comfortable social dancer that much shorter. Of course, the sooner you begin learning to dance, the sooner that you can go out and use it.

During the holidays, it may seem that dancing won’t fit into your busy schedule. Keep in mind that dance lessons are a great way to escape from the kids, work and inevitable family holiday drama and enjoy some much needed time with your special someone, or time to yourself. For stress relief and a fun new hobby that will get you off the couch, start with private dance lessons today with our New Student Offer.

Wedding Dance Lessons: Getting married in 2015? Then begin learning to dance now and really shine on your wedding day with a customized first dance made just for you! Wedding dance lessons are an amazing way to learn to dance for your wedding and as a hobby that you can use anywhere once you are married. Think other people’s weddings, date nights, cruises and holiday parties. Yes, there are lots of opportunities for married couples to use their dancing skills.

How cool would it be to be the one couple who actually knows how to Swing or Salsa dance when the right music is being played?! Ballroom dancing for couples is a romantic interest that only gets better with more experience. Enjoy each other for years to come and kick off your journey into dance with a choreographed first dance for your wedding. A wedding dance consultation is the perfect way to begin learning to dance, so contact us today at 480-968-6177 to make an appointment.
Group Dance Classes: Couples, have fun learning cool new moves in one of our 4-Week Group Dance Courses. Dance FX Studio’s Group Dance Classes are an affordable way to begin learning to social dance or to brush up on your dancing. Classes are offered in Swing, Salsa and Country Western dancing. Remember…great deals will be given today on Cyber Monday for Group Dance Classes too!

If you’ve not heard of us, Dance FX Studios is located in the Phoenix East Valley. We are a small business that has provided quality social dance instruction to Phoenix valley residents and beyond for almost 15 years. We would love the chance to show you how to dance too! Happy online shopping for Cyber Monday!

Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturday from 11 am to 4 pm.

Couple’s Dance Classes in 2014!

You have been thinking about learning to dance, but are just not sure how to get started or which type of dancing you would like to learn. To be able to dance at any social occasion, your best bet is social ballroom dances like the Salsa, Country Two Step or the Swing. Social dance lessons will get you ready for those upcoming holiday parties, weddings and even nights out around town.  The most efficient way to learn to dance is with private dance lessons, so that you can receive one-on-one dance lessons with your instructor. However, if you have a tight schedule or maybe you’re not sure which type of dances you want to learn and would like to try a variety, then you may want to consider taking group dance classes.


If you live in the Phoenix East Valley area, beginning in January 2014, couples group dance classes are returning to Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona after a short hiatus for the holidays! We have been teaching group dance classes for years and this time will be offering a variety of weekly, drop-in classes for beginners.  From Country to Salsa to Jitterbug, these 45 minute couples classes will be held Monday – Thursday evenings at 7:00. What’s great about this is that you don’t have to commit to a series of classes. Whatever your schedule allows, just come on in and join in the fun!


Group dance classes are an easy, affordable way to begin to learn some of the basics of whichever dance you choose. As the leading social dance studio for adults in Arizona, you have the chance to learn dance steps that you can use in any social dance situation. We will provide you with the tools needed to dance in the real world. And, since each class is held just once a week, it’s an ideal way to fit dancing into your busy life.


For some, focusing on a specific dance just once a week within a group may be better suited to their goals. However, if you can’t decide which dance to attempt first for only $15 per couple, per class, why not try a variety? Maybe one week, try the Salsa, the following week, give the Country Two Step a shot! Try a couple of different dances each week- whatever works best for you and your partner! Learning several dances will allow you to be able to dance to a variety of music, so you become a more well-rounded dancer. This way, you won’t be limited to just one type of dancing and will be ready for almost anything!


At Dance FX Studios, group dance classes for adults are an excellent way for couples to meet new people and explore new dance styles. Who knows- you may even make friends with other couples and all go out dancing together!  It is also a perfect way for you and your partner to spend some time together each week learning a new interest.  With both of your schedules being so busy every week, it may be hard to find the time for the two of you to just get away from it all and have a good time. What a perfect opportunity to reconnect with each other! Wouldn’t it be nice to spend some time together doing something that is so beneficial and acquiring skills you will use anywhere?


So, grab a partner and come join other Phoenix couples in Dance FX Studios Group Dance Classes for a fun-filled night of dancing! See you in 2014!