
Partners swing dance

How Learning to Country Dance is as Easy as Tying Your Shoe

beginners swing dance lessons mesa, az“We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile.”  Earl Nightingale

Ahhh I love this quote. It reminds me that anything worth doing takes time, effort and patience. Even more, there’s nothing more rewarding than knowing what it feels like to finally reach your goal.

Whether you’re tying your shoe for the first time, or learning to Country dance or Swing dance, there’s a process involved. Did either habit/skill come overnight? Hardly. Today’s youth has it easy with the internet, but not everything can be learned online, as you will soon see.

What steps would you take if you were discovering how to tie your shoe, or how to Country Two Step dance, for example? After thinking about it, I realized that what I would do to tie my shoe would be very similar to the actions I would take to learn to dance. Here’s how…

Step 1: Try it Myself

First, I have seen many people tie their shoe, and cut a rug on the dance floor. They both seem fairly easy, so I would start by giving either a shot just by mimicking what I have seen in the past. Make two loops, cross them over and pull, right? Hmmm. Why isn’t this working? What am I missing?

Meanwhile…on the dance floor…I take two steps to the left, spin myself and yes, I’ve got it! Uh oh! Disaster strikes as I fling myself into another couple Two Stepping next to us. Oh no! This is not how I saw it all playing out in my head. How does she make it look so natural? Country dancing is not as easy as it looks. Maybe not, but there’s no reason to quit. Dancing is so popular and fun, and tying my shoe is kind of important, so back to the drawing board I go.

With a positive attitude, I know there will always be another chance to dance, and another way to learn, right?  Now that I figured out that going at it alone is out of the question, I can move on to my next brilliant idea. On to Step 2…

Step 2: Look Online

Of course! Why didn’t I think of this sooner? There are videos on how to do just about anything online . Surely I can find out the answer to these two easy things. Tying my shoe kind of worked, especially when I followed that little rhyme that went along with how to do it, but learning to Country Swing dance, not so much. How is it that I look like a clumsy mannequin literally made of plastic and the girl in the video looks so smooth and natural? How does she make those spins so fluid anyway? I’m doing the same steps as the people on the video, but I just don’t feel very cute, like the girls in the Country bars and on screen.

Knowing where my feet go certainly don’t make me the social dancer that I want to be, so how can I take this even further? Aha! Another idea! It’s time for a dance class! See Step 3.

Step 3: Go to a Free Country or Latin Dance Class.

What do I have to lose? I’m not paying anything to finally learn to Country dance. YeeHaw! After all, Group Dance Classes are a great way to get out, make new friends and learn to dance, right? The first two parts are true, but when it comes to learning to dance, it’s easy to get lost and confused in a group setting. You wouldn’t know this until you gave it a shot, but now that you’re in a room with 30 other people, it all becomes clear. Group Classes are not at all ideal for beginners. Everyone is at a different level in their dancing, people learn differently, and some are slower (or faster) than others, making things frustrating and overwhelming.

I don’t want to get lost in the shuffle. I don’t want the world to know that I suck and I’m the slowest one in the class, I just want to dance! Well, a “free class” is free for a reason. Dancing takes time to do well, and that comes with having detail, technique and quality instruction, none of which you can get in a group learning environment unfortunately. Just taking the step towards becoming a confident social dancer is a huge accomplishment, so I keep plugging along to finally enjoy Country dancing. We’re almost at Step 5, where you’ll discover what it truly takes to be great on any dance floor, anywhere.

Step 4: Ask a Friend/Your Spouse

Yes, we can do this one-on-one and I can get some great tips from my best friend, or better yet, my spouse. Getting desperate, are we? Let’s think this one through. First, if your buddy or lover knew already how to Country dance, you’d think this was where you’d start in the first place. Then you’re reminded of what learning from a friend/lover means. If bickering, fighting, or wanting to pull your hair out is your thing, then stop reading this blog now and stay at Step 4. . Problem solved. You’re good to go! Wait, what? You have tried this already and you know that your partner or friend don’t exactly know; A. How to do your part, or B. How to teach you how to do your part. Being a self-assured dancer comes with time and experience, but it does not mean that you can necessarily transfer those skills on to someone else.

I can only imagine how annoying it would be to watch your significant other twisting and twirling out on the dance floor with someone else. It would make me quite jealous! Why should he be out there sweeping other girls off their feet? It’s not fair! I think it’s time to seek professional help to finally be the dancer you want to be, and there’s nothing wrong with that!

Step 5: Find a professional.

Who else but someone who creates dancers day in and day out would be able to teach me how to Country dance? The answer is no one. Not your spouse, not your friend, not yourself through online videos. A professional instructor, though… now you’re thinking! When you find an instructor who not just knows moves, but who can break down how to lead, follow, and perform a variety of techniques that will make you an outstanding dancer, you have struck gold! Yes, you will be paying for their time and knowledge, but investing in Private Dance Lessons is the key to dancing with confidence, without a doubt.

To begin your search, go online and look up local dance studios for adults near you. Take an Introductory Private Country Dance Lesson and see how you do. If all goes well and you find the right place, you will walk away with more knowledge in that one hour than you have gained thus far. Victory! Keep going with your lessons and you will be Country dancing in no time! How amazing is that!?

Going back to tying your shoe, I see a parent, teacher, coach or guide as someone who is best for teaching a child to keep those shoes on his feet without tripping. For adults, that coach is your personal instructor when it comes to learning to dance. He/she is the one who has the tools you need, whether it be in shoe tying or Country dancing, so seek them out and you will be moving effortlessly through life, one step at a time.


Spice Things Up With Latin Dance Lessons!

salsa dance lessons chandler arizonaPeople from all walks of life enjoy the energy, passion and party-like feel of Latin dances like Salsa, Bachata, Cha Cha, Merengue, and the ever steamy Argentine Tango. These sexy Latin dances have defined themselves throughout the decades as nothing short of hot! hot! hot!

Within each Latin dance, you will find unique qualities that will benefit you both on and off the dance floor. For instance, Salsa dancing can help make you more confident about yourself and assist you in developing self-expression and personal style. Salsa is a partner dance that corresponds to Latin/Cuban music. Styles of music travelling from Cuba and Puerto Rico fused their African, Cuban and other Latin-American rhythms together as they migrated into New York between the 1940’s and the 1970’s. The sensuality of Salsa dancing that comes from the playful and sensual movements associated it may become apparent in your demeanor as well. After all, there’s a diva in all of us just waiting to be extracted!

Another beautiful Latin dance style is the ever wonderful and passionate Argentine Tango. There are many different types of tango, each with their own distinct style, including Ballroom, Finnish, Salon, Nuevo and many others. The Argentine tango has a rich history, one that is quite interesting indeed. In fact, it has not always been known as the elegant, rich and timeless dance style that it is today. The origins of the tango can be found infused within the introduction of a new instrument to Argentina—the German Bandoneon. Similar in physical appearance to an accordion, the Bandoneon inspired dancers to be more sensitive to music and to truly feel a connection with their dance partner.

Funny enough, the authentic Argentine tango was never danced with castanets or with a flower. In the 1900’s the dance was banned by the Pope after a private viewing, and Kaiser Wilhelm 1 forbade his officers to dance it whilst wearing their uniforms, effectively banning it from all state balls, so it was not socially accepted from the start, as mentioned above.

Regardless of how these beautiful dances began, there are many other benefits to Latin dancing, ranging from physical, mental, and even spiritual. What you may receive from Salsa or Tango dancing may not be the same as everyone else’s, so why don’t you see for yourself what Latin dance lessons can do for you.

Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, offers Group and Private Salsa Dance Lessons. Private Salsa Lessons allow couples and singles to focus on what their needs are with a more personal approach. Our Latin dance lessons for beginners are a great way to sample us out and start receiving the benefits of salsa dancing today. Before you know it, you’ll be able to take the skills we teach you into any real-world situation with confidence. So come into Dance FX Studios and spice things up with us!


Ballroom Dancing as Physical Therapy!

ballroom dancing mesa azDid you or someone you know recently endure an injury that required therapy or some type of physical rehabilitation? Oftentimes a doctor will refer you out to a normal Physical Therapist, and that’s wonderful, and also very helpful. However, there are many different ways to rehabilitate yourself, while also strengthening your body, getting in shape and gaining confidence.

I bet you didn’t know that Ballroom dancing is so effective for getting those muscles back in working order. If you had surgery, specifically heart, knee, or one that requires movement for rehabilitation, you can use Ballroom dancing as an alternative to other forms of exercise to strengthen your muscles.

Do you have hunched shoulders and an aching upper back due to bad posture? You can also remedy this with Ballroom dancing. Ballroom dancing can help you learn to lengthen and align your spine through the constant use of better posture. As you may know, your frame in Ballroom dancing is very precise, and is kept as such throughout the dance. Being in this position actually helps put all of your organs in alignment, as well as the spine.

Partner dancing can be very helpful with both the stretching and strengthening of your muscles while maintaining a very low-impact on your joints as well. At the Flagstaff Medical Center, they use monthly Ballroom dance classes as part of their Cardiac Rehabilitation program. Heart patients get a great support network along with some aerobic activity to help improve their balance, stamina, and mental acuity. Another great reason why Ballroom dancing is so effective for cardiac rehabilitation comes from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. According to them, dancing can lower your risk of coronary heart disease and does wonders to decrease high blood pressure, which causes even more health problems.

So if you are looking for a fun way to get your body back on track after rehabilitation, you should definitely try Ballroom dancing! It is not as mundane as things like walking, jogging and some other exercises might be, so you know that you will definitely enjoy yourself. After all, don’t we all deserve a little something to enjoy in life?

Oftentimes you will find that when you ask people what they like so much about Ballroom dancing, they will reply that it lifts their spirits. However, don’t just take our word for it. In one particular case in San Diego with student Beverly Weurding – who was previously diagnosed with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) and was told that she would not be able to walk, climb, dance, or play sports- she experienced extreme muscle distortion and pain, which would lead her to need the use of a wheelchair. After years of being unhappy, she thought she might be able to “experience the joy of dancing while in a wheelchair.” After a lot of searching on her part to find a dance instructor who was willing to work with her, she learned some of the amazing health benefits that came with Ballroom dancing. Even for her, she experienced what many of you can, this includes better balance, muscle strength, flexibility, range of motion, increased coordination, and positive emotional and psychological effects.

Don’t put this on the back burner any further. If you or someone you know is currently going through some type of physical therapy, then you owe it to yourself to explore all the options you have. Normal physical therapy can cost an “arm and a leg”, and just doing that isn’t going to benefit you very much beyond your scheduled appointments. However, dancing can give benefits that’s last and build throughout your life! There’s almost no way to begin taking dance lessons without finding out just how many amazing things come along with! So don’t waste any more time, and get on down here to Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ to start your healing journey!













Use Dance as a Form of Expression

benefits of ballroom dancingDo you need a new outlet that allows you to express yourself? Are you a bit shy when it comes to connecting with people you don’t know? If you are seeking a way to express your feelings, then dancing could very well be the thing for you!

Dancing, from Salsa to Swing to the ever-popular Country Two Step can help you develop and strengthen that right side of your brain that allows you to be creative. You will also find that releasing your feelings and emotions will not only boost your self-confidence, but it can also help to greatly improve your health.

With the wonderful use of self-expression through dancing, you can help reduce your stress levels tremendously. High levels of stress can cause increased heart rates and high blood pressure. Also, most of us tend to do this thing where we portray our emotions outward, and sometimes the people we love and surround ourselves with, get hurt. Its never intentional, but all that negative energy must have a release somewhere. So instead of taking-out your emotions in an destructive way, channel them inwards towards loving yourself and expressing them in a healthy, and more productive way that benefits you through dance! For example, a night out with friends Country dancing or Salsa dancing could be just what the doctor ordered. You will quickly see that dancing provides a certain sense of freedom that allows you to be more creative in your everyday life, and even on the dance floor.

In addition, social ballroom dancing is quite therapeutic as well. If you’re like most people and struggle with some sort of a “mental-fog” that clouds over your mood and energy levels, dancing will wake you right up and kick all your endorphins into high gear, making you feel alive and more energized throughout your afternoon or evening. You can even take what you learn about expressing yourself on the dance floor, and apply them to all sorts of real life situations and scenarios with people. Not being able to express yourself in a conversation with someone can be quite frustrating at times. So, as I said before, if you’re timid and even a bit shy, you can take private dance lessons and you’ll find out that you may just be able to better communicate how you are feeling in a more confident and sure way. Alleviating all those semi-stressful moments in life can do wonders for your body and mind, so start social dancing today!

Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, can help you unleash all of your wonderful self-expression! We strive everyday to help people just like you discover the absolutely amazing benefits of taking beginners dance lessons here with us. What is more valuable than your own health, and well being? Come into Dance FX Studios, and find out that we value these things in you, just as much as you do. We are committed everyday to providing a fun, supportive, and knowledgeable experience for our students. So come see what’s next in your life and journey to becoming a better and healthier you. Sign up today for Private Dance Lessons or Group Dance Lessons here at Dance FX Studios. Don’t wait, because there is no better time than right now!


Reignite the Passion With Ballroom Dance Lessons

ballroom dancing and romance for couplesHas it been too long since you and your loved one took a night to yourselves? Are date nights becoming a thing of the past? Then, it sounds like it might be time to make some changes, and there’s no better time to get started than right now!

If you’re looking to add something new and exciting to your lives, then taking adult dance lessons just might be the perfect solution for you both! We firmly believe that couples who dance together, stay together, while also enjoying a deeper understanding of compassion and connection for each other.

Couple’s dance lessons can offer you something that you will not find anywhere else. When you have enrolled in a Private Dance Lesson program and start to learn exciting dances like the Country Two Step and Swing, you are essentially committing to a certain amount of times that you and your partner will come together – just the two of you, to dance. That means that you have also committed to romantic, uninterrupted time together to focus on each other. How unusual is that? Creating alone time for one another shows that you are all in when it comes to the health and growth of your relationship. Life can be very hectic at times, and if we don’t make time for those that we love and care about, soon enough your relationship will take a back seat to other less important things.

Time to reconnect with each other and disconnect from all the worries of life, like work and everyday stresses, is critical, and learning a fun new skill like dancing together can reignite all the passion in your relationship! Just imagine how much closer dancing together will bring the two of you. Slowly but surely you’ll both gain a level of intimacy you’ve never before experienced. What’s even more, is that once you see how easy and fun it is to become confident social dancers, you will be just as addicted to dancing as we are! So, sign up for couple’s Swing, Latin or Country Dance Lessons and discover a new way to communicate with your lover!

Learning to partner dance is a revealing experience for couples everywhere. You could say that lessons can work in the same way as some couple’s therapy! You’ll gain a very unique perspective of what “holes” there may be in your relationship, and you can help to fill these small holes through couple’s dance lessons. For instance, some women have trouble giving up control, even if it is on the dance floor. It’s very difficult to understand when you are so used to running the household, and yet now you have to sit back and not help when it comes to leading through the dance. There are many other issues that come up though learning to dance that we can gently assist with, from working better as a team and opening lines of communication. Dance lessons are a powerful opportunity to understand each other on a deeper level.

Now it’s your turn to join in the fun, strengthen your relationship, and have a blast learning how to dance popular social styles from Salsa to Two Step. Private dance lessons for couples begin with an Introductory Offer for just $25, so there’s no reason that your journey into re-connecting can’t begin this week. Don’t waste any more time and give us a call at 480-968-6177 to set up your Private Introductory Dance Lesson today!

A Fun History of Salsa Dancing!

latin dance lessons near chandler arizonaIn this blog, we’re going to explore the lively and fun Latin American dance that combines mainly Cuban and Puerto Rican rhythms with elements of jazz, rock, and soul music….Salsa! The term salsa, much like the term jazz, is simply a word used to describe the combination of different rhythms used to make that certain, unique sound that we now recognize as salsa music.

Interesting fact: Although there is nothing known for certain, it is believed that the term Salsa was coined by a Venezuelan radio host named Fidias Danilo. It is said that he presented his music acts with the introduction: “A continueción escucharemos la salsa de…” (“Now we will listen to the salsa of…”) then adding the name of the next act. While this is the best known explanation for where the word salsa was created, very few people know why.

Thanks to the New York population of Puerto Ricans that migrated to the United States between 1915 and 1969, this wonderfully exciting dance has gained a following throughout the Latino and Non-Latino scene alike. It is more than just a coincidence that in this time period the interest in Latin dancing also increased throughout the world.  And since the 1970’s, Puerto Rico has claimed the music as its own and thus dominates the Latin music market still today.

Musically, salsa has its roots based in the African-Spanish musical rhythms of Cuba. With the following that African-American Jazz gained in the 1940’s, the two styles would eventually come together to blend a fusion of Latin and Jazz music.

Tito Puente is widely know as the first great salsa musician. He became a Big Band leader after a stint in the U.S. Navy and went on to organize his own band called, “Puente’s Latin Jazz Ensemble,” which has been heard by audiences around the world. Puente studied percussion in New York at the Juilliard School of Music, and throughout his time as band leader, he took salsa music to the next level by expanding the mambo section of his band and speeding up the tempo of certain rhythms. Hence the salsa music that we know today was born.

It’s amazing what you can learn when doing research on salsa dancing. A history abundant in fun facts and even better stories of its beginnings help you to appreciate the dance that much more. However, the history is even richer when you actually know and have experienced salsa dancing for yourself. What better way to understand something than to do it? If you’re reading this now, and thinking to yourself, “How can I learn more about salsa dancing? How can I begin my journey into this fantastic dance?”, here’s what you can do… First,  find a local dance studio near you, and begin taking beginner’s Latin dance lessons for adults. Next, be patient with yourself as you learn and grow. Latin dancing is not mastered overnight, but if you take your time and make the investment into Private Dance Lessons, you will absolutely get the results that you have always wanted.

It is worth everything you put in to it to experience the feeling that only dance can bring – especially salsa dancing. The music itself will make you feel so alive that you will find yourself with a healthy addiction on your hands in no time! Salsa dance lessons have other benefits too, like raised endorphins, which add to a natural good mood, and confidence, which helps all areas of life.

At Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona we have an exciting Latin dance program that will get you moving on any social dance floor before long. We’ll teach you in a way that is useful to your everyday life, and more fun than you could possibly know! Stop waiting and start dancing. If you live in Phoenix with us, give Dance FX Studios a call and let’s begin a new chapter in your life on the dance floor!

Fun Facts About Ballroom Dancing

swing dance lessons in Mesa ArizonaUsually when we think of Ballroom dancing we think of fast and intimidating movements that are complicated and out of our reach. Poised men in tuxedos and graceful women in shiny dresses… it can all be very overwhelming. However, there are a lot of interesting and fun facts surrounding Ballroom dancing. For instance, Ballroom and Ballet have the same origin. The words ballroom and ballet are traced back to the latin word “ballare”, meaning to dance.

Also, I bet you didn’t know that the beautiful and elegant Waltz was considered vulgar for most of its history, simply because of the close body connection that was required when dancing. And the Waltz was not the only dance with that stigma. Other Ballroom dances were thought of as inappropriate, like the Rumba, Cha Cha Cha, Mambo and Salsa. Granted, these are all sexy Latin dances. After all, the Cuban Rumba is a competition of sexual prowess and attractiveness between male and female through dance. So you can see how back then, in the most modest of times, people might have had a problem with some of these dances.

Another interesting little tidbit that you might not know is that pain avoidance is believed to be the inspiration for the one sided connection of partners in ballroom dancing’s “closed hold”. To further explain, back in those times swords were always worn, so connection on the opposite side of the sword was required by any intelligent follower. Who knew?!

Did you also know that it is thought that the long body stretches in most of these dances may have developed as a result of bad body odors. Many people believe that that the follower’s extensions came about because of the practice of very infrequent bathing among the population of the aristocracy during the early days of Waltzing. Since then, however, the dance has grown, and so perhaps has peoples’ willingness to practice good hygiene.

All jokes aside, Ballroom dancing grew so much that it evolved into a serious competitive sport. Although 30 countries participate in international Ballroom dance competitions, it is still not included in the Olympic Games.

It’s very interesting to know that Ballroom dancing has incredible physical benefits to the human body. For example, it is scientifically proven to be great for your cardiovascular health. An Italian study in 2006 showed that Ballroom dancing is a very good exercise for heart patients compared to other aerobic exercises like cycling. It is also great for muscle tone, your joints and spinal column. Another report by Professor Tim Watson and Dr. Andrew Garrett of the University of Hertfordshire compared members of the Royal Ballet with a group of British swimmers. The dancers scored higher than the swimmers in seven out of ten areas of fitness. Pretty cool!

Today, most partner dancing is about recreation and self-expression. Social dancing, for example, is a wonderful stress reliever and confidence builder. Simply put, dancing is a truly enjoyable way to be more physically active, stay fit and have fun. The more dancing you do, the healthier you become.

Its so easy to learn to dance, and you can begin any time. Beginner’s dance lessons for adults are available in most major cities at your local dance studio.  So find out what you’re missing in your life and learn to ballroom dance today!


The Many Benefits of Social Ballroom Dancing for Adults

adult dance lessons near chandler arizona Dancing is such a fun and enjoyable exercise with an unbelievable amount of benefits for your whole body and soul! Think about how exciting it is to go Country dancing with friends and Salsa dancing with your sweetie. It’s great fun, and so much better than going to the gym for an all over workout. In this blog, we will review why dancing-especially for adults- is much more than what most people think.

In our experience, social ballroom dancing benefits range far and wide, from the emotional to the metal, and the physical. Let me help you to gain a real understanding of why that is.

Can you imagine holding your loved one in your arms on your Private Dance Lessons for two and as you reignite the flame in your marriage and gain confidence together? Couples dance lessons are an incredible way to connect with that special person in your life. Dancing is the single most romantic way to enhance your relationship as it brings together the mind, body and the spirit.
For singles, meeting new people in a non-threatening environment, like your local adult dance studio, is a great way to find love, new friendships, or both. Foster new relationships with a new sense of self-assurance that you can gain through Private Dance Lessons, Group Dance Classes and Dance Events.

In a 21-year study of people aged 75 and older that was led by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, funded by the National Institute on Aging, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine, dancing proved to be the greatest risk reduction for warding off Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia. The method in this study for objectively measuring mental keenness in aging was to monitor rates of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. In the study, researchers wanted to see if any physical or cognitive recreational activities influenced mental acuity. They discovered that some activities had a significant beneficial effect, while other activities had none. One of the surprises of the study was that almost none of the physical activities appeared to offer any protection against dementia.  There was one important exception: the only physical activity to offer protection against dementia was frequent ballroom dancing! How cool is that!? So keep dementia at bay and have a fun hobby that you can use throughout your life with social ballroom dancing.

In addition to helping you socially, mentally and emotionally, social partner dancing also has amazing physical health rewards. Strengthen your bones and muscles, improve your posture and balance, ward off certain illnesses and gain more stamina and flexibility-all through social dancing! Now you can burn calories and avoid the gym just by learning to Swing dance, or even to Tango. Why do things the traditional way when there are so many more fun and exciting ways to get into shape?!

If you’ve tried an hour of Salsa or Swing dancing, you can attest to the fact that you at least “feel” like you have burned off at least 500 calories. This number is not far from accurate based on studies that reveal that a one-hour Private Dance Lesson can help you to shed anywhere from 300-450 calories. While shedding those pounds, ballroom dancing can assist in you learning to lengthen your spine and gain better posture. Stronger core muscles earned through dancing over a period of time will keep the spine in alignment and improve spinal flexibility. These physical benefits can aid in relieving or erasing upper back and neck pain, not to mention improving balance, coordination and body presence.

So, now that you have all the information to why dancing is so imperative to our health, there should be nothing stopping you from coming on down and beginning your exciting journey into social dancing today with us here Dance FX Studios, located in Mesa, AZ! We have everything that you’ll need and more to become a healthy and strong dancer! With customized dance instruction designed just for you, you can believe me when I say that your brain and body will thank you for it!

Three Ways You Know You’re Getting Quality Adult Dance Instruction

adult dance lessons Mesa ArizonaWe all know the saying, “You are what you eat”. Well the same is true in many other areas of our lives as well-even when it comes to learning to dance, believe it or not.  Take ballroom dance lessons as an example. You’re really only going to be as good as your instructor is at communicating the information. If he/she is articulate, clear and informative, you win! Within a much shorter amount of time, you will be on the fast track to becoming a confident dancer. On the opposite end, if your instructor is lazy, incoherent and lacks the ability to convey the material, well you may find yourself struggling to get to where you want to be on the dance floor. That would be a real shame, don’t you think!?

Taking this a step further, there are many qualities that a great dance instructor possesses. What should you look out for on your search for an awesome one? Great question! Here are some top notch qualities to keep an eye out for in a fantastic ballroom dance instructor.

Let’s say you signed up for Country Western dance lessons because you spend your weekends at the Country bars around town. Country music is in your blood, and you want to get your body groovin’ to the beat. You can’t wait for your first two step lesson. You show up for your Introductory Dance Lesson and your instructor starts showing you how to tango! What does tango have to do with Country dancing? Absolutely nothing. Where does this leave you? Frustrated and confused, right? I don’t blame you. Step one is to look for an instructor that is interested in helping you to achieve your dancing goals, not their agenda. Taking the time to get to know you, what you’re looking for, and why you want it is everything when it comes to being an incredible instructor. He/she understands your end result and focuses on it constantly, discussing it with you often to make sure that we are still on track and nothing has changed.

An incredible coach has also determined how you learn best. Be it auditory, visual or kinesthetic, he/she has discovered how you understand the material and they are teaching you in the most effective/efficient way possible for you. Working smart, not hard is the sign of an instructor who plans ahead and has a system in place. An organized way of learning is essential, rather than jumping from dance to dance flippantly.

Lastly, your awesome instructor is giving you more than just steps; you’re getting an experience. By that I mean your lessons are the highlight of your day. You look forward to going to each dance lesson because he/she knows what you need after a long day at work, and when and how to give you what you need to take your dancing to the next level. A combination of fun and learning is ideal.

The search for a great dance instructor may seem a bit daunting, but, truth be told, they’re out there. Start by looking up your local dance studio for adults and take a beginner’s dance lesson to see how you feel. Being comfortable is everything. Consider my tips on what to look for and you’ll be well on your way!

How Singles Benefit from Dance Lessons

salsa dance lessons near Chandler Arizona

Would you like to get on the fast track to becoming a confident social dancer in popular styles like Country, Latin and Swing? Are you tired of sitting on the sidelines while everyone else is having a blast on the dance floor? Don’t wait for him or her to come along. Sign up for single’s adult dance lessons!

With Private Dance Lessons for you, all of the attention can be spent on making you a great leader or follower on the dance floor. Rather than sharing your learning time with a partner, you can dance directly with an instructor who already knows their part. Then, we can focus solely on you, speeding up your learning time and ensuring that you will be able to join in the fun sooner rather than later. Doesn’t that sound like a great plan!?

In fact, many of our couples who take Private Dance Lessons with us come in separately for their own lesson time. When your instructor can feel what needs to be adjusted, he/she can go in and make the changes needed before you try salsa or swing dancing, for example, with another novice dancer who may not be able to articulate what feels “off”.

Many people who call into our Arizona dance studio ask if coming in solo is even an option. Absolutely! There’s no need to grab a buddy whose schedule you need to may need to work around just to come in and get started with dance lessons. Let’s make this about you, and when you can really dance, you can take your friend out for a spin on the floor! Trust me, they’ll be impressed. 🙂

Another major advantage of taking adult dance lessons as a single is that you will discover how to dance with anyone, not just one person. While it may seem like having a built in dance partner is an advantage, it is very common for couples to get into bad habits with each other. For example, the wife may want to “help” out her struggling spouse by secretly pulling him around the dance floor. First, this doesn’t help, so ladies, please don’t do this to your hubby. Secondly, how can we help him to become a great dancer for you if you’re covering up all of his weaknesses? Good point, right? If we want him to sweep you off your feet, we need to give him the tools he needs to be a great lead, and you need to know how to follow and let him lead.

Bottom line, if you’re interested in learning fun and exciting dances like Country two step or Swing dancing, seek out a local dance studio for adults for YOU. A partner is not needed to have a blast exploring cool dances! Meeting a dance partner, or having many partners will be the result of you putting in the effort of learning your part. A great leader will have the ladies lining up for more, and an awesome follower will be asked to dance over and over by the better leaders. How wonderful is that! A win-win!