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Why Social Dancing Sells…

How do you feel when you watch a couple who can dance? Do you envy them as they are gliding across the floor, with smiles on from ear to ear? Most of us do. Social ballroom dancing evokes much emotion, from nostalgic memories of dancing atop your parents feet, to looking cool amongst your peers […]

How Dancing Can Improve Your Game

We are in the midst of football season (Go Arizona Cardinals!) and it couldn’t be more exciting! The athletes we love and admire have been training for months just to make us proud…and to win, of course. Our favorites have been getting fit, strong and prepared for anything that comes their way on the field. […]

What You May Not Know About Your Wedding Day

Ahhh…weddings. They’re so romantic, so exciting, so.much.work! Forget about those Pinterest centerpieces you plan to make, interviewing DJ’s and sampling your perfect cake. These days, there’s more planning than ever when it comes to those finishing touches that will make your dream day a true success.  One of those finishing touches that will ensure a […]

Spice Things Up With Country Dance Lessons

Is your relationship lacking? Could you use a little more romance to spice things up a bit? Have you tried Country dance lessons for couples yet? If not, hey, what are you waiting for? Couples dance lessons are an incredible way to reconnect with your loved one, and Country dancing in particular is not only trendy, […]

Emotional Perks of Ballroom Dancing

Social dance lessons in Arizona are an amazing way to beat the heat, prepare for upcoming holiday parties, or simply discover cool and popular dances like the Country Two Step, Swing or Salsa as a fun way to pass the time. Regardless of the time of year you start, there’s always a reason to learn […]

Re-Connect Through Social Dance Lessons

Has it been a while since you and your sweetie have done something special? Are date nights a thing of the past? There’s no better time than now to get back on track! “How so?”, you may be wondering. With Swing, Country or Latin dance lessons, of course! Yes, we firmly believe that couples who […]

Country Dancing is Hot in Arizona!

Rewind five to seven years ago…did you ever think that Country dancing would be this huge-especially among the younger generations!? For us dancers, it’s a wonderfully amazing thing! Partner dancing is here to stay, and is not only acceptable for 20-something’s in Arizona, but it’s quite trendy, in fact! At our dance studio in Mesa, Arizona, […]

More Benefits of Social Dancing…

Welcome to part two of our blog on the numerous benefits of knowing how to social ballroom dance. We barely scratched the surface on our previous blog on the positive effects of partner dancing, so let’s pick up where we left off… 4. The Mental Perks of Social Dancing: The process of becoming a confident social […]

Lead Your Best Life and Dance!

Can you picture the life of your dreams? Does it include being stress-free, surrounding yourself with wonderful and supportive friends, discovering new and interesting hobbies, and having fun? If so, have you considered learning to social ballroom dance? “What does dance have to do with my happiness?”, you ask. Everything! Knowing how to social dance […]