To Tango or to Two Step, Which Dance Should I Learn First?

argentine tango lessons arizonaDecisions decisions… “To Tango, or Two-Step… that is the question.”  I’ve been waiting so long to use that! Okay, so beyond all funny play-on-words, let’s say that you’ve decided to take adult dance lessons. Congrats! What a great new hobby for both singles and couples to discover! Now you get to choose between these two absolutely amazing, but quite unique, social ballroom dances. How on earth are you supposed to do that? Both partner dances offer something cool that the other might not. Both dances especially bring out a wonderful feeling of confidence that you can take with you to other dance styles, and/or just life in general, so where to start?? The choice is yours! In this blog we’ll discuss the benefits of learning both the Argentine Tango and the Two-step, and give you all the information you’ll need to make the most informed decision possible. (Keep in mind, you can always learn both over time. 😉 )

Let’s start with the good ol’ Country Two Step! This Country Western dance is unbelievably exciting, with amazing moves that will thrill and challenge you, and give you so many tools to take beyond dancing and into your everyday life, like self-assurance, for example. There’s no better dance to use with your favorite Country dance music in order to have complete blast on the dance floor.

If you’re looking to learn something new or just pick up a new hobby, adult dance lessons are a great idea. Country Two Step lessons will be both practical and a fantastic way to meet new friends! The exciting moves you will learn will leave you in complete euphoria as you move freely throughout the dance floor. Not just that, but who doesn’t like watching other people dance to a song they like, and who also actually look like they know what they’re doing? If you have been out Country dancing, you may have already discovered that learning to Two Step is not that hard. If Two-Step is the route you take, you’ll definitely not be disappointed.

If you’re looking to add more passion and romance in your life, Argentine Tango is the dance for you. Most of us have at least seen a couple dance Tango somewhere, be it in the movies or on tv shows like Dancing With The Stars. We know exactly what this steamy dance looks like, from the rose in the mouth, to her legs wrapped around his body. The tango says love and definitely brings something that most dances do not. With the exception of Salsa perhaps, this dance takes you to a sensual and sexy place within yourself, and allows you inner dancer come alive.

Tango dance lessons are incredible for singles who are looking to add something to their life that might “up” their chances in the romance department. What better way to wow someone than to be a great dancer, especially in the Argentine Tango. And once you know this dance, you will be able to lead or follow the other ballroom dances with ease. The only way to experience the beauty of the Tango is to visit your local dance studio for adults and experience it up front and in person.

If you’re asking yourself why you should take Tango lessons, you merely need to watch a video of a couple dancing it. You’ll see how sure and confident they look so you can imagine what it feels like to move in that way yourself. Tango can give such a profound feeling of confidence that you cannot find by any other means.

So now that you have some information about two really great social partner dances, it’s your turn to decide where you want to begin. Both dances bring something special to the table and a skill that you can use beyond the dance floor and into your everyday life, as I said before. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain with adult dance lessons, so pick your favorite style and get that ball rolling today!

Three Ways to Prepare for Your Wedding Dance

wedding dance lessons in Phx ArizonaHe’s popped the big question and now you have so many things to get prepared for the best day in your lives. Where do you start? There’s tons to do! The guest list, the dress, the caterer, the cake, and the list goes on and on. How are you supposed to prioritize it all? One thing that is often put on the back burner, but needs to be thought about in advance in all this chaos, is your first dance, and that’s HUGE. In this blog we’ll explore three ways that you can prepare for your wedding dance as soon-to-be husband and wife.

First things first, you are going to need a song, and not just any old song. This song needs to be something special. A song that takes you back to your first date. A song to trigger the memory of the first time you saw her smile. The first kiss you shared. The lyrics should move you naturally and make you feel something. Every good couple has that one song that speaks volumes about their relationship and all the time they’ve spent together. Take a couple moments with you loved one and explore that idea. Find a wedding song that moves the two of you closer and closer into each other’s arms. Your entire families are going to witness this, and you know that you are going to remember this very beautiful moment for the rest of your wonderful lives together, so let’s make this count beyond your wildest dreams!

Secondly, talk with your soul mate and decide together on a place locally to take some adult dance lessons for your wedding. Learning to dance as a couple is hardly just one more thing to check off your wedding list, like ordering the flowers, or going cake tasting. Ongoing dance lessons will soon be part of your wedding day preparation and will be a wonderful de-stresser during all of your planning.

I know that in the midst of all the planning you need to get done, that this might seem like it should take a back seat to all of those things. However, that couldn’t be more wrong. What’s more important than making sure you have a beautifully choreographed first dance with your loved one? I can guarantee you this; if you’ve not planned this through, you’ll find yourself stumbling on the dance floor in that beautiful moment wishing you hadn’t put this dance on the back burner. So take my word on this and make sure you have everything thought of in terms of shining on the dance floor.

Lastly, get on down here to locally owned and operated Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ. Here, we make it our responsibly to choreograph the best possible routine for your first dance as husband and wife. Whether you’re looking for a sweet and simple wedding dance, or something more eye-popping, we will give you exactly what you’re looking for. You may even begin to look forward to having regular date nights here as you discover how these romantic partner dancing is. You’ll also love love the escape of all of that wedding planning stress by enjoying a relaxing hour with your loved one. Let us help you to make memories that will last a lifetime.

Fun Facts About Ballroom Dancing

swing dance lessons in Mesa ArizonaUsually when we think of Ballroom dancing we think of fast and intimidating movements that are complicated and out of our reach. Poised men in tuxedos and graceful women in shiny dresses… it can all be very overwhelming. However, there are a lot of interesting and fun facts surrounding Ballroom dancing. For instance, Ballroom and Ballet have the same origin. The words ballroom and ballet are traced back to the latin word “ballare”, meaning to dance.

Also, I bet you didn’t know that the beautiful and elegant Waltz was considered vulgar for most of its history, simply because of the close body connection that was required when dancing. And the Waltz was not the only dance with that stigma. Other Ballroom dances were thought of as inappropriate, like the Rumba, Cha Cha Cha, Mambo and Salsa. Granted, these are all sexy Latin dances. After all, the Cuban Rumba is a competition of sexual prowess and attractiveness between male and female through dance. So you can see how back then, in the most modest of times, people might have had a problem with some of these dances.

Another interesting little tidbit that you might not know is that pain avoidance is believed to be the inspiration for the one sided connection of partners in ballroom dancing’s “closed hold”. To further explain, back in those times swords were always worn, so connection on the opposite side of the sword was required by any intelligent follower. Who knew?!

Did you also know that it is thought that the long body stretches in most of these dances may have developed as a result of bad body odors. Many people believe that that the follower’s extensions came about because of the practice of very infrequent bathing among the population of the aristocracy during the early days of Waltzing. Since then, however, the dance has grown, and so perhaps has peoples’ willingness to practice good hygiene.

All jokes aside, Ballroom dancing grew so much that it evolved into a serious competitive sport. Although 30 countries participate in international Ballroom dance competitions, it is still not included in the Olympic Games.

It’s very interesting to know that Ballroom dancing has incredible physical benefits to the human body. For example, it is scientifically proven to be great for your cardiovascular health. An Italian study in 2006 showed that Ballroom dancing is a very good exercise for heart patients compared to other aerobic exercises like cycling. It is also great for muscle tone, your joints and spinal column. Another report by Professor Tim Watson and Dr. Andrew Garrett of the University of Hertfordshire compared members of the Royal Ballet with a group of British swimmers. The dancers scored higher than the swimmers in seven out of ten areas of fitness. Pretty cool!

Today, most partner dancing is about recreation and self-expression. Social dancing, for example, is a wonderful stress reliever and confidence builder. Simply put, dancing is a truly enjoyable way to be more physically active, stay fit and have fun. The more dancing you do, the healthier you become.

Its so easy to learn to dance, and you can begin any time. Beginner’s dance lessons for adults are available in most major cities at your local dance studio.  So find out what you’re missing in your life and learn to ballroom dance today!


Make the Most of Being Single With Adult Dance Lessons

adult dance studios ArizonaBeing single in a big city can be very intimidating at first, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. Phoenix, Arizona is one of the biggest cities in the U.S., and right in the heart of Phoenix is a city called Mesa, AZ. On the border of Mesa, Arizona is Dance FX Studios, an adult dance studio that offers Private Dance Lessons and fantastic dance events for singles to meet, mingle and have some fun while learning to dance. If you’re looking to add some excitement and joy to your life, then this is the perfect place for you!

Here at Dance FX Studios, we take singles who want to learn to dance and give them all the right tools to be a confident out there in Phoenix’s night life! Can you imagine going out to a Country bar and already knowing how to two step with confidence? You can blow your dance partner away with some awesome new moves you learned while taking dance lessons with us!

What about salsa dancing? If Latin styles are more your thing, wouldn’t it be cool to learn how to shake your hips with the rest of them? What a feeling that would be!

If you take a step back and ask yourself what you could do to help your chances of finding love, you’ll most likely find that confidence is key. That feeling of certainty can go a long way, and for many it starts on the dance floor. While taking lessons here, you’ll learn to move your body in a way you never have before. You’ll learn to be natural and fluid with your movements to become a great leader, or follower, which in turn also help you become more self-assured.

With your newfound confidence, you will actually become more attractive to the opposite gender. Let’s say that  you’ve been taking dance lessons here at Dance FX Studios for a while and you join us for one of our Night’s Out and test out your new Country Swing and Country Two Step moves that you’ve been working on in your lessons. You’re a success! And suddenly, you’re in demand! Now you see someone from across the room that you’re thinking of asking them for a dance. Do you think you’ll get a resounding “YES!”? I think so!!  Because you have already stood out on the dance floor, you do get a YES! and the two of you make your way to the dance floor. Each step you take is confident and sure. Your partner had no idea you’d be this good, and now you’ve got the ball in your court!

Everyone wants to be swept off their feet once in a while, and now you’ve just become that for someone else. So many people love to dance, but unfortunately not very many people know how. That’s where we come in! Here at Dance FX Studios, it doesn’t matter your skill level, or the amount of dance knowledge you have. What matters is your drive and passion for what you can get out of this. Don’t just take my word for it, come in and see for yourself why more and more singles are taking lessons with us!


The Many Benefits of Social Ballroom Dancing for Adults

adult dance lessons near chandler arizona Dancing is such a fun and enjoyable exercise with an unbelievable amount of benefits for your whole body and soul! Think about how exciting it is to go Country dancing with friends and Salsa dancing with your sweetie. It’s great fun, and so much better than going to the gym for an all over workout. In this blog, we will review why dancing-especially for adults- is much more than what most people think.

In our experience, social ballroom dancing benefits range far and wide, from the emotional to the metal, and the physical. Let me help you to gain a real understanding of why that is.

Can you imagine holding your loved one in your arms on your Private Dance Lessons for two and as you reignite the flame in your marriage and gain confidence together? Couples dance lessons are an incredible way to connect with that special person in your life. Dancing is the single most romantic way to enhance your relationship as it brings together the mind, body and the spirit.
For singles, meeting new people in a non-threatening environment, like your local adult dance studio, is a great way to find love, new friendships, or both. Foster new relationships with a new sense of self-assurance that you can gain through Private Dance Lessons, Group Dance Classes and Dance Events.

In a 21-year study of people aged 75 and older that was led by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, funded by the National Institute on Aging, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine, dancing proved to be the greatest risk reduction for warding off Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia. The method in this study for objectively measuring mental keenness in aging was to monitor rates of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. In the study, researchers wanted to see if any physical or cognitive recreational activities influenced mental acuity. They discovered that some activities had a significant beneficial effect, while other activities had none. One of the surprises of the study was that almost none of the physical activities appeared to offer any protection against dementia.  There was one important exception: the only physical activity to offer protection against dementia was frequent ballroom dancing! How cool is that!? So keep dementia at bay and have a fun hobby that you can use throughout your life with social ballroom dancing.

In addition to helping you socially, mentally and emotionally, social partner dancing also has amazing physical health rewards. Strengthen your bones and muscles, improve your posture and balance, ward off certain illnesses and gain more stamina and flexibility-all through social dancing! Now you can burn calories and avoid the gym just by learning to Swing dance, or even to Tango. Why do things the traditional way when there are so many more fun and exciting ways to get into shape?!

If you’ve tried an hour of Salsa or Swing dancing, you can attest to the fact that you at least “feel” like you have burned off at least 500 calories. This number is not far from accurate based on studies that reveal that a one-hour Private Dance Lesson can help you to shed anywhere from 300-450 calories. While shedding those pounds, ballroom dancing can assist in you learning to lengthen your spine and gain better posture. Stronger core muscles earned through dancing over a period of time will keep the spine in alignment and improve spinal flexibility. These physical benefits can aid in relieving or erasing upper back and neck pain, not to mention improving balance, coordination and body presence.

So, now that you have all the information to why dancing is so imperative to our health, there should be nothing stopping you from coming on down and beginning your exciting journey into social dancing today with us here Dance FX Studios, located in Mesa, AZ! We have everything that you’ll need and more to become a healthy and strong dancer! With customized dance instruction designed just for you, you can believe me when I say that your brain and body will thank you for it!

From Zero to Hero-How Dancing Helps Build Confidence in Men

argentine tango lessons in arizonaAre you getting rejected on the dance floor and can’t figure out what it is that you’re doing wrong out there? You know she wants to dance the two step, but she keeps saying “NO!” to you. Is there something that you’re missing?  Let’s discuss what could be getting in your way of your success on the dance floor.

In my experience, the dance floor is a very particular setting, and for those ladies out there who know how to dance, they might be a bit picky. That can be intimidating, however, if you think about it, it’s is a good thing! Probably the most important and impressive thing you could do before going out Country dancing, Latin dancing, or any type of partner dancing, is to take some Private Dance Lessons. Think about it. Girls absolutely love it when some random guy (who looks and smells fantastic, by the way) walks up to them – maybe buys her a drink, then very smooth-like asks her to join him on the dance floor. And when he does…he actually knows what he’s doing!  Guaranteed, she is thinking to herself that there’s no way you’re going to lead her through this dance. Ah, and yet here it goes! You’re swaying her with perfect lead to the beat of the song, catching her completely off guard. What can she say now except, “Wow! Let’s do that again!”. Now that’s a successful night out dancing.

You can get to that confident place on the dance floor in the shortest amount of time with Private Dance Lessons. With one-on-one instruction, you can get lessons tailored to your learning style and speed, so you will absorb more sooner. That means that you can ask her to dance next month instead of next year! Yahoo!

Now that you have taken dance lessons, you’re ready for a solid introduction to whoever you want to ask to dance. Right off the bat, you want to make sure that you’re presentable. What are you wearing? Are your clothes wrinkled? Did you brush your hair before you left? Hopefully you don’t have anything stuck in your teeth from before. These are all things that could get in the way of you getting to know someone, let alone dance with them. First impressions are huge and you want to make sure that you nail this part. The first time she see’s you out there she should should already be thinking about future engagements the two of you might have, so be self-assured and she’ll feel it. When you look good, you feel good!

Another huge part her saying yes to a dance is hygiene. Dancing is going to make you sweat, that’s a given. Make sure you’re nice and showered and smelling great before you go out dancing. What girl want is to be dancing with a guy who smells bad? No one that I know of. Find some nice cologne that you only where out dancing. It’s not so much the sweat that will bother her – she’s sweating too-it’s the smell, so let’s be sure to get this done right. Nice clothes, and some good cologne. Look good, smell good, feel good!

Lastly, it’s very important to try think about what you’re asking of her. Where are you? What kind of dancing is the regular at this venue? You wouldn’t want to go hit up a Salsa club or something, and try and slow dance with a woman. Salsa dancing is perfect if you’re trying to build confidence. In my experience, girls love to salsa dance in particular because its fast, fun and exciting! Also, it has so much room for creativity and other things. Don’t get me wrong, women also love a good slow song or Country dance, but salsa is a great one to know here in the southwest.  When you think about it, salsa, swing, and even two step are dances that no girl would turn down, especially if you already know how to dance, which brings me to my final point.
Gentleman, its very simple. If you’re wanting to learn cool and popular social dances, from the swing to the tango, we offer the most fun and fully comprehensive introduction to social partner dancing. Come visit us at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona if you’re looking to really “wow” her out there on the dance floor. Start getting to know some fun people in the process, and together we’ll build that confidence, taking you from zero-to-hero!

How Country Dancing Began…

rsz_1rsz_nagel2Giddy up ladies and gentleman! Cowboys and cowgirls across the nation hear this… A story tellin’ of an age old dance, part of a global phenomenon, whose history runs wide and deep. From the taverns of Ireland to the ballrooms of Europe, Country dancing came about, and in the 16th century Elizabethan Court, it was simply known as “English Country Dancing”. As the generations passed, and with the discovery of the New World, people from all over the world brought their native dances to America, and Country dancing was no exception.

Fast forward a few hundred years and we find ourselves deep in the heart of the American Southwest. Cowboys were not the most dance-savvy of men. Although they loved to dance, many cowboys did not like the idea of leading a lady across the dance floor or memorizing steps. Rather, they would jump in with a wild whoop and a goat cry to make their mark on the dance floor. Puritans found this unsafe, and attempted to spread the prohibition of dancing from East to West.

Country dancing was often frowned upon by many, but not altogether banned. The minuet, cotillion, pattern dances and courtly processions were favored by most of the country. In other words, if you were “safe” folk, you could dance. This opened up much interaction between settlers. There were organized barn dances, Cowboy Balls and get-togethers, and they danced at any venue they could. In fact, invitations travelled by ear and all who arrived, danced!

To avoid chaos on the dance floor some of the dancers knew a few of the same steps and the term“Caller” was born. His job was calling dance steps as the music is changed. The popularity of the Caller had grown immensely as they travelled around the world. Now the role of the Caller and the steps he called out turned into traditional square dancing. The Cowboy waltz also helped to promote square dancing. The waltz tended to be full body contact as opposed to just hand-to-hand contact.

Although, Country waltz was common for most, the young were unable to dance with the opposite sex because of the intimacy, so a new dance called the Polka started moving towards the West. Polka was a hybrid between Waltz and Irish Jig. Everyone had a soft spot for the polka, and it was danced often in those days.

Over time, a dance that was specifically “Country Western” began to evolve. Many moves and styles popular in Appalachia and the South came west and were absorbed. Freed Black Americans also added a special influence that can still be seen in today’s Country swing dance. Women were handled as if the Cowboy were throwing a beating calf to the ground to be branded. Heavy Cowboy boots were the cause of horrid footwork, yet Cowboys were so excited to go out dancing that after a long day of being out on the trail, they would skip regular necessities and even a change of clothing and go straight for the dance floor while still in spurs, forcing him to keep his feet apart and shuffle as he moved to the music. The basic “push pull” position of the Country Swing in particular shows the rhythm of grasping the reins of a horse.

We could literally go on and on about the rich and unique history of Country Western dancing, but what better way to understand it than to come on down to Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ and take some beginner’s Country Western dance lessons here with us! Together we’ll go though all types of Country dancing that you’ll want to know today. So go ahead, grab life by the reins and we’ll see you on the dance floor!

It Takes Two to Tango

adult dance studios near meI’m sitting in the crowd of a dimly lit room. The smell of smoke, wine and candles draw a sweet aroma around me. The lights – focused on the dance floor draw my attention to a beautiful woman. She’s moving to music I’ve never heard, in a way I’ve never seen. Her actions seduce my eyes. Slowly, a man appears and can be seen standing across the dance floor, waiting in anticipation in the fading fog. His glance meets hers and the two begin to tango. Their bodies move together as if they’re one. She presses her body against his as he reacts by pulling her into his embrace. The sound of the music moved everyone in the room at once, as we watched in awe.

The couple seemed to transcend beyond space and time to go outside of themselves and make it as though they were the only two people in the world…Now that is the beauty of the Argentine tango! It’s a sensual dance like that of no other. Tango is such an alluring dance that it’s easy to get lost in the moment- even when you’re just watching.

When you see a couple dance the Tango you almost feel like you are intruding on a passionate love affair that’s unfolding before your very eyes. The very moves themselves are abundant in sex appeal, romance and lust! The desire that can be seen and felt throughout is authentic and genuine almost every time. A dance like this can allow you to express yourself in a way that you never have before. To dance the tango is to be confident in your body and honest with your partner. This type of communication is only felt, and often never spoken aloud. It’s part of the dance, this unspoken connection that is felt in the tango.

What other activity can you think of besides dance that can allow such a deep intimacy between two people? Even if you’re just two strangers meeting for the first time on the dance floor. Can you imagine successfully dancing the Tango with someone whom you’ve never met before? The understanding between two felt during the dance alone could spark a long lasting relationship!

Tango is a dance that can ignite a flame in any relationship. Between the close embrace, expressive music and movements, you will be taken away into another world and time. Not only can the Argentine tango help singles build their confidence in their daily lives, but it also promotes passion in any relationship and can help build your emotional connection to your partner.

Tango dancing has a little bit of something in it for everyone and taking on such an exciting hobby either with someone, or by yourself, can give you something unique to share with others, and be proud of. What better gift to give yourself this year?! Here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, we offer an amazing Introductory Argentine Tango Dance Lesson, so whether you’re single or with your significant other, come on down and find out how you can become a great Tango dancer today!

Dance and Romance…Sweep Her Off Her Feet!

ballroom studios near scottsdale arizonaHave you ever wanted to connect with someone in such a way that it could last? Are you ready for something new and exciting in your life? Then learning to social dance could be exactly what you need this summer!

Social dancing is a hobby like no other. The music and moving as one together will bring you closer then you’ve ever been before, and lead you to the intimacy in life so many people only dream about.

Dancing (think Salsa, Swing and the gorgeous Argentine Tango) is romantic even beyond the obvious reasons to us. To connect with someone so that, both of your bodies are not only in tune but in sync with each other, is something you seldom find. When a man takes a woman to the dance floor he’s essentially asking for her trust and the chance to connect on a deeper level.

Communication is also key, but not in the way you’d think. Most of us have heard the age old saying: “It takes two to Tango!”. Well, that couldn’t be more true! There’s an unspoken bond that you’ll share with your partner and this type of non-verbal communication on the dance floor is a unique and special gift that, when done correctly, is extremely rewarding!

Social ballroom dancing offers so much more than just cool moves to impress the ladies. For a single guy, taking private dance lessons could prove most valuable indeed! What girl wouldn’t love to dance with a guy who actually knew what he was doing out there? However, dancing does require a certain amount of confidence and that’s not a very easy commodity to come by these days. With private dance lessons, you can get details and tips on the finer points that will make you a self-assured leader on the dance floor.

Being a good lead is very important in dance. You want your lady to feel safe and comfortable in your arms at the same time. She shouldn’t have a thought in her mind while dancing with you except, “Wow this guy’s an amazing dancer, and I hope we get to do this again sometime!”

Moving to beautiful music with your spouse or someone new can make you feel as if you’ve just transcended all barriers across space and time, allowing your inner inhibitions to reveal themselves. Gentlemen, it simply doesn’t get more romantic than this!

Learn to dance Country Two Step, Swing, Salsa or Tango and see how music and dancing equates to passion on and off the dance floor! Here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ, we take single guys all the time and groom them into confident and capable men, who can WOW any woman on the dance floor! What better gift could you get yourself that a new skill to help you gain some confidence and pride?

Give yourself the gift of time towards yourself and an investment in a skill that very few can do well. Life always seems to be all work and no play, so before you go out and buy some new expensive cologne that you think will help out with the ladies, come on down and take beginner’s dance lessons here at Dance FX Studios and together we’ll take the single ladies by storm!

You Never Forget a First Impression

ballroom lessons for my wedding in ArizonaIt’s the big day today, and you’ve already said those magical words that have united your souls together for an eternity. Now you think the hard part’s over as you’re both walking back down the isle. The closer and closer you get to the church doors exit, the more the reality of your situation comes. It hits you a bit late… There’s going to be a party soon, and probably some intense dancing involved!

If you’re not prepared by this moment, you might want to start panicking now! You’re never going to get a second chance at a first impression, and now all of your brides’ family is watching you to see if you’re going to sink or swim out there in that cosmic disco dance floor. You’re thinking to yourself now that, its not just your bride you’ll be dancing with, but both of your families are eager to dance and have a great night with both of you. Maybe something you should have done in the middle of all the chaos of your wedding planning is take some wedding dance lessons!

Its so imperative that, for that wonderful first dance as a married couple, you have a wedding dance routine to look top notch. Here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, we pride ourselves in our ability to connect with our students and take the pressure off of that very special moment for you. We want you to feel and look both comfortable and natural on your big day in your first dance as bride and groom.

Think of this…At that moment when the DJ says, “Ladies and gentlemen may I introduce Mr. & Mrs…”, everyone  will have their eyes glued to you. You know that the both of you want to make that moment memorable for a lifetime, for yourselves and your guests. The best way to do that is to wow them with one-of-a-kind choreography for your wedding dance that reveals the love you have between the two of you. You can surprise everyone with a steamy salsa dance, or a peppy swing dance, either way, they will be blown away when you take the time to have a dance put together for you.

What better way to start your lives together as a successful couple than a successful dance routine at your wedding reception? Whether your first dance is simple and sweet, or you rock your reception with something more elaborate, we promise to deliver a memory we’ll make together will indeed last a lifetime. There’s no number value that you can put on something like that! A memory that last a lifetime is priceless.

Don’t be that guy who looks back on this day thinking you should’ve done something more. You want to able to look back and know that you did everything that you could have done in your power to make this day and memory the most special you could have, especially for your beautiful bride. Dance FX Studios is uniquely qualified for these moments, in that we’re right in the heart of Phoenix valley, just off the 101 highway for your convenience.  Let us take the pressure off of your shoulders and make this process as fun and as stress-free as possible for you.

Finally, keep in mind that couple’s dance lessons is an investment that keeps on giving throughout your lives together, and can bring a bond for the two of you that you’ve never felt before. Think of how much fun it will be to take a break from all of your wedding planning and come dance with us.  So get on down here and let’s do this together. You bring the bride and we’ll bring the music, and by working as a team, you’ll get the wedding dance of your dreams. Guaranteed!