About The Sensual Argentine Tango

rsz_1rsz_dsc06101Argentine Tango is a beautiful dance to learn, but it can look quite intimidating from a beginner’s point of view.  We don’t want you to feel afraid to learn something new, so here are three reasons why you should take Argentine Tango Dance Lessons with us at Dance FX Studios, in Mesa Arizona.

The Argentine Tango is a very intimate dance. Argentine Tango Dance Lessons are a great way for you and your spouse to spice things up in your relationship! Or if you are just beginning a new relationship, Tango dancing is a great hobby to discover together. It is one that the both of you will have for years to come. Since you are so close together while dancing, you get to explore the chemistry between the two of you that was either lost over the years, or has yet to be discovered. How exciting! The female, or follower, in this dance really has to focus on trusting their partner. When there is trust involved, the both of you get to establish a new and deeper level in your relationship.

What is also so great about Argentine Tango is the community that surrounds this dance. There are many events called “Milongas” that are held specifically for Tango dancers. You will get to meet people who have danced the Tango here in Arizona for so long they are considered masters, as well as new friends just like you who are beginner Tango dancers.  If you go out Tango dancing,  you can also meet a potential dance partner. With the confidence that you will feel after a series of  Private Argentine Tango Dance Lessons at our studio, you can begin mingling with others who also love this special dance. The possibilities of meeting all sorts of interesting people are endless when it comes to dancing.

The Argentine Tango is all about being close to your partner and creating a sensual and sexy look. With Private Dance Lessons at our studio you get to discover your sensual side and make a connection with whoever you get the chance to dance with. If you don’t think you can be sexy, you are so wrong! Our instructors have every answer to your questions and can teach you everything you need to know to look confident while dancing the Argentine Tango. All you need to do is show up for your dance lessons and getting involved in the community, and soon enough others will see you dancing, and the rest is history!

So instead of feeling scared or intimidated by other Argentine Tango dancers, come in and join us for an Introductory Argentine Tango Dance Lesson and experience how beautiful of a dance Tango really is. Bring a partner if you would like, but if you don’t have one, do not let that stop you from learning. We can teach you, and soon enough you will be enjoy this dance of love and passion for yourself.

Dance Into the Holiday Season

rsz_1rsz_dsc05514We know it’s only September, but as the days go on, we are getting closer and closer to the holiday season. It just creeps up on you every year, doesn’t it? Here at Dance FX Studios, we think Private Latin, Swing or Country Dance Lessons with us are a great way to prepare for every holiday.

You know those family members that are so hard to shop for? They have anything and everything you could think of, and you are completely lost when it comes to what to get them for the holidays and birthdays. We can bet there is one thing they haven’t received… Private Dance Lessons with us! Giving the gift of dance is a unique way of spreading the holiday cheer this year. Your family members will love the idea of discovering dance with their loved one, or even solo so they can meet new friends here in Arizona. You know that your gift will be the only one of its kind, so you don’t have to worry about getting your mom the same set of pots and pans that your sister got her.

When you’re cooking, cleaning, and wrapping gifts for any of the holidays coming up, all you want (and need) is a break. A great way to take a step back from all of your errands and worries is with social dance lesson! If you have a spouse or a significant other you guys can use what you’ve learned in your lessons right there in your home. Once you start Country Two Step Dance Lessons or Swing Dance Lessons,  you will be transported to another place altogether. That gift wrapping can wait when you’re having this much fun! If you don’t think you’ll be able to leave the house and go out, just put on the radio and dance your heart out in your kitchen or living room. You will be so thankful during the holidays when you finally make time for yourself to recharge and unwind. Everyone deserves a break from the holiday madness!

A lot of work places like to throw holiday parties, especially around Christmas time. Depending on how big your company is, dancing will surely be a part of the event. If you and your spouse feel nervous about stepping on to the dance floor, come to us for Couple’s Private Dance Lessons. Our instructors are amazing at easing your worries and giving you every tool you will need to feel comfortable and look smooth while dancing together on any floor. Since you won’t be stressing about dancing in front of your co-workers, you and your partner can just focus on having a great time together and getting to know the people you work with better. Plus, you may also get the chance to impress your boss with your smooth moves! You could be the one everybody is talking about in the office…in a good way!

Set your stress aside this holiday season and take advantage of our New Student Introductory Offer for Private Dance Lessons. We know it isn’t holiday season just yet, but we want you and your partner to be prepared before it’s too late. Winter will come faster than you know it…

“Fall” Into Social Dance Lessons With Us!

rsz_1rsz_dsc05441Tomorrow is the first official day of the fall season this year and what better way to spend the cool nights ahead than to start social dance lessons with your significant other? At Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, we can help you and your one and only discover a great hobby that can be used throughout this chilly season and beyond! With so many popular social dances to explore, from Country Two Step dancing to Swing dancing and Salsa dancing, you can’t go wrong!

Couple’s Private Dance Lessons with our studio is a great way to warm up this fall. If you hate the cold as much as I do, then you will be looking for any way to escape it, and couple’s dance lessons can be just the distraction you need.  That is why we think it is such a great hobby to start now. With Country Dance Lessons or Salsa Dance Lessons, you and your partner can dance the night away at almost any club in Arizona before long. Or, if you tend to stay indoors, you can push the couches out of the way and dance in the living room. Country Two Step dancing, and even Salsa dancing, hardly takes up any space at all, so no worries if your “dance floor” is small. And, if you have a fire place, you can even create a very romantic environment to dance in. What a great way to warm up! 🙂

Once you know how to Country or Latin dance, you can also find new Country bars and Latin clubs in Phoenix that have plenty of other couples Country Two Stepping into the night! It’s fun to meet other couples with similar interests, and dancing is a great hobby to share with new friends.  For a more intimate evening, you can plan a date night after your Latin Dance Lesson at our studio and grab something to eat after the lesson is over, or maybe catch a movie. How fun!

We all know what is about to come in the following months, tons and tons of holiday shopping and preparing. If the two of you want to learn something new together before the hectic holiday season, then now is the perfect time to start. If there is a holiday work event that involves any kind of dancing, you will be totally prepared to get on the dance floor together. Once Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas rolls around, you will find yourself barely getting enough time together as a couple. If you want to take a break from making costumes or wrapping gifts, find a way to dance together with Couple’s Dance Lessons. Even if it is just for an hour here and there,  you’ll be able to take a breather, enjoy some one-on-one time and take a break from the chaos around you.

Enjoy the weather, have a cup of hot chocolate, and give social dance lessons a try with your true love this fall. If you need to prepare, for an upcoming event, we can help you out with that too so you can discover a great new hobby that will keep you connected for years to come.

Making Your Wedding Day Special With A Customized First Dance

rsz_1rsz_dsc05409So your soulmate recently got down on one knee and popped the question. Of course you say YES! as you cry tears of joy, but now you have a lot to think about when it comes to planning your wedding. Whether your wedding is three months from now or two years from now, you will need a unique and memorable first dance as a married couple, no doubt. Here at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley, we can help relieve some of your wedding day stress with Wedding Dance Lessons. We teach many different styles to our brides and grooms, but here are some of our favorites.

If you’re a southern lady, or gentleman, then you may be more drawn to a Country themed Wedding Dance. We love Country Dancing for wedding couples as Country dancing has been trendy for several years now. If you want something fun and upbeat, then Country Swing may be just the dance for you! The Country Swing is fun and exciting as a dance, and will surely get your friends and family on their feet for you! In your Wedding Dance Consultation with us at Dance FX Studios, you can even try out the basics of  Country Swing dancing to see if it suits you. Country Two Step dancing for your wedding dance would be another great option if you want something a little slower, but still crowd pleasing.  Whichever Country dance you choose for your first dance, you’re going to want to change into your Cowboy boots beforehand to get into character for your special dance. 🙂

If you’re looking for something more traditional and romantic, we can also teach you to Waltz or learn another slow dance called the Nite Club Two Step. Your first dance will look classy, and you will still have a great time doing it. A lot of couples lean towards doing these types of dances because they are sweet and simple dances for your wedding. Most importantly, you get to enjoy each other and stare into each other’s eyes as husband and wife for the first time. Both the Waltz and the Nite Club Two Step are great if you are having a traditional wedding on your special day.

If your personality is a little more “out there” then we know that an unexpected dance that includes your bridesmaids and groomsmen is a cool surprise for your guests. Add a surprise element can really liven things up a bit at your wedding by having your best girlfriends and buddies learn a choreographed dance together. What a great way to create more memories with your friends! You could do something creative like a flash mob that is pre-planned and perfectly executed, with Wedding Dance Lessons, of course. These surprise routines have becoming very popular and are even trending on the internet. Who knows, maybe you and your wedding party will become YouTube famous! It really shocks your audience and will have them doubled over in laughter (in a GOOD way) while they watch you, your new husband and your wedding party do the moon walk, Hip Hop dancing, or whatever you can think up. We love a new challenge!

Let us help you choose a one-of-a-kind wedding dance that is customized for you. The team at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ can plan out your dream wedding dance to give you a wedding to remember.

Discover These Top Three Popular Social Dances in Arizona!

rsz_1rsz_1dsc05535You may be wondering what kind of social dances are right for you. Will it be Swing dancing, Salsa dancing or maybe a little Country Two Step dancing will tickle your fancy!  At Dance FX Studios, we can turn you into a great social dancer in these dance styles and more! That way, when you come in for your Introductory Private Dance Lesson, you will get to explore all of the cool and useful dances that you need to know if you live here in Arizona.

Salsa dancing, you have to have it! It’s sexy, fast paced, playful and intimate. If you are looking to spice things up in your relationship, then Salsa Dance Lessons are a great way to start. A steamy dance where you are being held close can spark whatever you’re missing between you and your partner. If you’re single and looking to meet someone new, a night out Salsa dancing can create a great environment to do just that. You can meet friends who like the same type of music dance style. How fun is that!? In the future, you will always have the option of going out together and never have to argue about where to go. 🙂

Swing dancing is another popular social dance style of dance here in Arizona. There are many different types of Swing dances, but we have a few favorites here at Dance FX Studios. With Jitterbug or Country Swing Dance Lessons, you can see how great it is to know how to Swing dance. Beginner’s Swing dancing, from West Coast Swing to Jitterbug is very exciting and can be complimented by all styles of Jazz music, Big Band, Rock and Roll and even Hip Hop music! It’s great to Swing dance where there is live music, so be sure to look for local places to go Swing dancing in Phoenix.

Country Swing is less bouncy, but still just as fun! All of the newest Country songs you hear on the radio can mostly likely be danced to with Country Swing steps or Country Two Step dance moves.

This brings us to our last, but not least, popular social dance, the Country Two Step. Country Two Step dancing is the most asked for style these days. There are so many styles of the Two Step, but we teach the one we think is easiest and works best for a social dance floor, Arizona Two Step. Also known as Rhythm Two Step, the Arizona Two Step is the best Two Step that we have found that works for a real world situation. The Arizona Two Step is a medium paced dance that is easy to learn and can be used on any dance floor. Even though it is a traveling dance, our instructors can teach you everything you need to know to keep your partner from bumping into other couples with a few Country Two Step Dance Lessons. As mentioned above, just like the Country Swing, the Country Two Step can be danced to almost any current Country music. This is what people like most because bar deejays tend to play current music.

Have you picked a favorite social dance style yet? If you can’t decide, then let us help you out with our New Student Offer for an Introductory Private Dance Lesson. Our incredible social dance instructors can show you in person what each one of these dances looks like. From there, you can choose which ones you would like to explore.  Come visit us today and let the fun begin!

A Night on the Town Country Dancing in Arizona

rsz_11dsc05487At Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona we love taking our students out for a night out on the town. Recently we hosted a night out Country Dancing at Cactus Moon and had such a great time! Here’s why we love having our Nights Out.

Taking our students out to our local Country bar for some Country Two Step and Swing dancing can really show what a social environment is actually like in the real world. Once you start taking Country Dance Lessons with us you, will learn that everything we teach is based on navigating smoothly around the dance floor. It can be pretty difficult keeping your partner from bumping into other couples while you’re dancing, but we love teaching all of the things you need to know to become successful at it. Once you finally go out (whether it’s with us on a night out or by yourself) you will understand what we mean and why we focus so much on our lead and follow technique.

When you get the opportunity to spend a night with us Country Dancing you won’t want to say no. This is a great way to meet new people who enjoy the same hobbies that you love, and if you’re single, you could possibly meet someone new that you can ask on a date… a night out Country dancing perhaps?

If you are lucky enough to already have a partner, you can meet other couples who are experiencing the same dance journey that you are and spark some new conversation. On top of meeting great new people, you will have the chance to dance with your instructor and even other instructors that you haven’t had the chance to have a Private Dance Lesson with. You could ask for a few pointers while you’re dancing with them, and if you’re nervous, they can help ease your worries.

It can be hard to squeeze in practice time with everyone’s busy lives, but we strongly urge you to get as much practice as possible. The best way to remember anything is by repetition, and what better way than to have fun with it? Try going out Country dancing in Arizona as much as you can in one week and see how confident you feel by Saturday. We can promise you the results will be worth the practice time!

When you join us for a Night Out, you get to add even more practice time and have a great time doing it. You will also get to practice how to ask someone you don’t know how to dance. Which can be a pretty nerve-wracking thing to think about, but like we said before, the more you do it, the more confidence you will have. More confidence means you won’t be as nervous and you can just think about dancing the night away.

These are just some of the reasons why we love going out Country Dancing with our students. If you want to experience a great time with us, try our New Student Offer for Country Two Step Dance Lessons so you can prepare for the time of your life dancing with the staff and students of Dance FX Studios.

Why Dance Lessons are Better Than Going to the Gym!

rsz_1rsz_dsc05503Are you getting bored of going to the gym as a mean of getting in shape? Wouldn’t it be so much more fun if you could get fit while doing something that you love? Have you considered that there are other ways to raise your heartbeat than running on that dreaded treadmill? If you have even pondered any of the questions above, boy do we have something exciting to share with you! Think fun. Think fitness. Think dance! Yes, right here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, we can help you to reach your fitness goals in an much more entertaining way…with Private Dance Lessons in your favorite dance styles, from Country Two Step to Salsa!

What’s amazing about investing in Private Dance Lessons, whether your discovering Swing dancing or signing up for Country Two Step Dance Lessons is that you can burn up to 450 calories in an hour’s time! And..at the same time you’re getting a workout, you are also having fun! When was the last time you could say that when you got home from the gym? You also get to discover a new hobby that can turn out to be a means of relieving stress, meeting new friends and so much more! Social dancing is great for your health without even noticing that you’re working out (and you won’t have to wait for that stair machine to open up at the gym). What’s even better is that you’ll actually be able to go out and use your dancing at any social event, from weddings to date nights around town. This just adds more exercise time to your routine while having a great time with friends, co-workers, or a special someone…

Popular dances like Country Swing are a great way to reduce stress and let your creative side run wild. Going to your local gym isn’t usually a stress-free experience, nor is it too creative. With dance lessons for you, or even you and a partner, you can let go of your day and unwind. Everyone at our dance studio has started from the beginning just like you so there is no need for you to feel intimidated while working out (dancing!) with us. When you’ve had a long day, or even a long week, taking Country or Salsa Dance Lessons can shake all of that stress off your shoulders. When you step onto the dance floor all of your worries will be gone, and you will only be thinking about the steps you’re taking and the great time you’re having.

So don’t be stuck in your regular old gym routine, give Private Dance Lessons at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ a try!  Gone will be the days of staring at the walls while running on the treadmill thinking about how much longer until you get to go home. Come have a great time Two Stepping away your day with us! With our Introductory Offer for Private Dance Lessons, you can come and experience our version of “working out” on the dance floor.

So Much More Than Wedding Dance Lessons…

rsz_1rsz_dsc05412You may be thinking about signing up for Wedding Dance Lessons to prepare for your big day. What a wonderful idea! Aside from being a thoughtful surprise for your friends and family, you will get to walk away with a new hobby that you can use for years to come…dance! And, as you may already know, couples that dance together, stay together. It’s true! Dancing is a romantic hobby that bonds couples in ways that they do not expect. Here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, we hope to give you that same amazing experience and so much more with a customized dance, created just for you!

What we pride ourselves on with our brides and grooms is making your unique first dance a fun adventure. In your Wedding Dance Lessons with us, you will get that much needed time together away from the stress and anxiety that often comes with wedding planning. Just when you feel like you can catch a break, there is one more thing you have to think about. Once you come in to our dance studio, though, you’ll be able to forget about everything you were previously worrying about and just have fun with your soon to be spouse. We do our best to make you feel comfortable and at home while you are learning your one-of-a-kind wedding dance choreography. Preparing you to dance in front of all your friends and family may sound a little intimidating and scary, but our instructors are pro’s at giving you all the right tools so you feel confident walking onto the dance floor as husband and wife.

We can guarantee that nobody will have the dance you will have at your wedding. Our instructors will create a custom wedding dance for you. We will even edit your wedding song for you so you won’t have to worry about your deejay cutting it off at the wrong time or playing the wrong song. You will have every other wife in the audience wishing they would have taken their First Dance Lessons with us too. Your personalized wedding routine will have everyone talking for years to come, and some soon to be brides will be thinking of your dance when starting to plan their own wedding day. Don’t you love being looked up to?

Our favorite benefit that you will have beyond your wedding day is the ability to use your dance skills for any event that comes your way. Everything you need to know to be able to go out dancing in the future can be yours once you invest in learning to dance. They say you should never stop dating your spouse, and what better way to date than  taking your partner on crime out Country or Swing dancing? You can literally dance anywhere… your living room with the couches pushed away, out at a bar, or even under the stars. We think dancing is one of the most romantic things to learn with your special someone. P.S. Dancing will also be great even when you have kids! Grab a sitter (unless you’re dancing in the living room) and make the most of your date nights being in each other’s arms and swaying to your favorite music.

If you want amazing and original wedding dance and an experience that will last a lifetime, schedule your Wedding Dance Consultation to discuss what your dream dance looks like. We can help make that dream come true and have a fun, worry-free time.

Why You Should Take Salsa Dance Lessons

rsz_1rsz_dsc05475Latin dancing is HOT! HOT! HOT! Did you ever think that taking Latin Dance Lessons here in Arizona, or anywhere for that matter, can do so many things to help improve your life? From increased confidence to stress relief to a romantic means of connecting with your special someone, knowing how to Latin dance can give you these benefits and so much more! You won’t want to miss out on your chance to dance with us at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona. Here are a few more reasons why YOU should learn how to Latin dance…

First and foremost, all Latin dances, from Salsa to Bachata, are very sexy.  If you’re one of the many who don’t feel naturally sexy, or are too shy to let that side of you out, what better way to release your inner tiger or tigress than with private Salsa or Merengue dance lessons? You will soon have an amazing new confidence while also having fun shaking your hips on the dance floor.  In time, we will build on your Latin dance skills by showing  you how to blend your moves together, make them look smooth and natural, and even get you dancing on time to the music. (This is extremely important and key to looking sexy!)

Being a confident lead or follow on the dance floor is not as common as you may think. Having that type of confidence at any club is a magnet for guys/girls who want to dance. You may even inspire someone to get up and dance! All of your friends will want to know where you took your Latin Dance Lessons as soon as they see you step onto the dance floor. Everyone will want to have the chance to dance with you, and obviously you will accept the offer to show them how smooth your moves are. With a series of Salsa dance lessons under your belt, you’re sure to be successful because our amazing dance instructors will make a great dancer out of you.

When you finally decide to go out and practice what you’ve learned from your Private Latin Dance Lessons with us, you will meet some amazing new people. The type of people you meet will have the same hobby as you, (Dancing of course) and you will connect in ways that ordinary non-dancers won’t. If you’re single, this is a great opportunity to meet someone! Having a partner in life who likes to go out dancing with you is a great type of partner to have. You will never run out of places to Salsa or Bachata because there are endless Latin night clubs in Arizona. If you are dating someone already or married, then this is a great hobby for the two of you to begin together. On the weekends you can get a sitter and have a steamy date night Salsa dancing the night away!

If you want to learn a new hobby that is playful, creative and a great way to relieve stress, Latin dance lessons are the way to go! If you want quality lessons with amazing teachers who have taught for decades, then come see us at Dance FX Studios. Our New Student Offer for Salsa or Bachata dance lessons is the best place to start. We can’t wait to show you our smooth moves!



Why You Should Take Country Swing Dance Lessons

rsz_1rsz_dsc05533Here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona, we love to Country Dance! Don’t you? It’s so fun, freeing and not to mention, a very popular and useful skill to have. Yep, Country dancing is here to stay in Arizona and, if you don’t know how to Country Swing dance, there’s no better time than now to learn. Country Swing Dancing is incredible because of how upbeat and fun it is! Here are a few more reasons why we think you should take Country Swing Dance Lessons with us…

Country Swing is one of the most popular Country dances out there right now! Any Country bar you go  to will most likely be playing lots of up tempo Country dance songs, and Country Swing dancing can be done to most of them. Now you may see lots of Arizona dancers doing flips or something that you are unfamiliar with, or moves that even look uncomfortable. With the skills and proper techniques that you will learn at our dance studio, you will learn the correct way to Country dance and discover what works in social dance situations, and what doesn’t. That way, once you do go out dancing, you’ll be able to feel confident asking someone to dance. You’ll have everyone on the floor wishing they could look like you! Every lady and guy will also want the chance to dance with you.

With Private Country Swing Dance Lessons , you will get the boost of confident that you need! Everyone around you will be extremely jealous once you tell them about your amazing new talents. Plus, you will be able to show them all of the great moves you’ve been learning with us once you take them out. We’re not saying you should flaunt your stuff in front of everyone, but it is a good opportunity to impress the right people. If you’re single, there is no doubt being a great dancer will help you meet the right person. Women love men that know how to dance and take control on the floor, and men also love a girl who knows how to follow and who doesn’t try to take charge. With Country Swing Dance Lessons our instructors can teach you everything you need to know for a fun night out!

Country Dance Lessons (or ANY dance lessons for that matter) are a great hobby. You are constantly learning as a dancer in your dance journey. There will never be a day where you don’t want to add something new to your dancing tool belt! We would love to be the one to create the beginning steps of your own journey so that you can look great while enjoying a fun hobby. If you’re working all week, you can turn Country Swing Dancing into a weekend way to unwind from your job. Let go of the stress from your work week and shake it off on the dance floor! There will always be new places for you to try your Country Swing dance moves so you will never feel stuck in one bar with the same people. Dancing is a hobby that has many enthusiasts and with that in mind, you will create many new friendships with people who enjoy doing the same things you enjoy doing.

If you want to know more, check out our New Student Offer for Country Swing Dance Lessons and start creating a new hobby that can be used to dance with anybody at a Country bar around town soon!