Why Do YOU Love To Dance?

couple Swing dancing in ArizonaWe all have our reasons for dancing. Some of us can’t help ourselves because our bodies just automatically start moving to rhythms…it is an occurrence that just happens naturally and uncontrollably. Others come to dance by sheer accident and, when finding it, discover dancing is the missing piece that simply makes life worth living. If you know why you have decided to take your first Salsa or Swing dance lesson, or if you jump up when the music comes on but are still waiting to formally learn to Country Two-Step or Tango dance, then maybe we can help you find your reason today.

Below are some quotes by famous people and famous dancers who, like you, also love to dance. We here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona simply love to dance. We also love to help others to become great social dancers. If you have not started your dancing journey yet, we hope that one of the quotes below will inspire you to begin taking dance lessons now. We have a one-hour New Student Offer waiting for you to take advantage of, once you are ready. 🙂 Find your reason and start dancing today!

“Love is a lot like dancing; you just surrender to the music.” – Pierce Brosnon

“I always tell my kids if you lay down, people will step over you. But if you keep scrambling, if you keep going, someone will always, always give you a hand. Always. But you gotta keep dancing, you gotta keep your feet moving.” – Morgan Freeman

“I don’t want dancers who want to dance. I want dancers who have to dance.” – George Balanchine

Thousands of emotions well up inside me throughout the day. They are released when I dance. – Abraham Lincoln

“Dance – an art form. The body – an instrument. Learn to play the instrument and master the art form.” – Debbie Dee

“To touch, to move, to inspire. This is the true gift of dance.” – Aubrey Lynch

“No artist is ahead of his time. He is time; the others are just behind the times.” – Martha Graham

“Great dancers are not great because of their technique. They are great because of their passion.” – Unknown

“If I cannot dance, I shall die!” – Anna Pavlova

“Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.” – Fred Sero

“While I dance I cannot judge, I cannot hate, I cannot separate myself from life. I can only be joyful and whole. This is why I dance.” – Hans Bos

“Dancer’s are athletes of god”- Albert Einstein

“Any problem in the world can be solved by dancing.” – James Brown

“Dance is the song of the body.” – Martha Graham

“Dancing is the loftiest, the most moving, the most beautiful of the arts. For it is no mere translation or abstraction of life. It is life itself.” – Henry Havelock Ellis

“To dance is to be yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power on earth and it is yours for the taking.” – Agnes DeMille

“We should consider everyday lost in which we don’t dance.” – Neitzsche

The one thing that can solve most of our problems is dancing.” – James Brown

“Dance is a little insanity that does us all a lot of good.” – Edward Demby

“Dance isn’t something that can be explained in words. It has to be danced.” – Paige Arden

“I don’t want life to imitate art. I want life to be art.” – Carrie Fisher

“I’m dancing to the music of the madness inside me.” – George C. Wolfe

“I danced form the moment I could stand.” – Anna Pavlova

“The next time you look into the mirror, just look at the way the ears rest next to the head; look at the way the hairline grows; think of all the little bones in your wrist. It is a miracle. And the dance is a celebration of that miracle.” – Martha Graham

Did you find something that you related to? Are you ready to discover social dancing, whether it be Latin, Swing or Country? Dance FX Studios teaches all styles of social ballroom dancing to couples and singles in the Phoenix Valley and beyond. Choose the dances that you want to know and call us at 480/968-6177 now. We are open for private dance lessons from 12 – 8 pm Monday through Friday and on Saturday’s from 11 am to 4 pm.  We are located inside the greater Phoenix area, in Mesa, AZ. If you live in Scottsdale, Tempe, Chandler, or Gilbert and visit us now, we can be quickly reached from anywhere in the East Valley.

Daddy/Daughter Wedding Dances are Back!

mother son wedding dance ArizonaApril, May and June are probably the peak months of wedding season and wedding couples everywhere who are beginning to scrambling as their big day draws near. We are feeling the crunch here too at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona. We have lots of twitterpated couples practicing their one-of-a-kind choreographed dance routines to special love songs in preparation for their first dance as man and wife. Helping our wedding couples “Rock their Reception” is one of our most rewarding jobs, however there are a few more wedding dances that take special precedence too.

Another very special type of wedding couple, the sweetest dancers anyone could view… a Father and his daughter and a Mother and her son. Let’s not forget about Mom and Dad. 🙂 Sure, the bride and groom should wow their guests with a knock-out first dance together, but a dance between a dad and his daughter or a mother and her son is sure to capture the hearts of every guest. This is the last chance for a Mom or Dad to take the opportunity to share a special moment with their child. It is also a time that every viewer will relate to, and is likely to bring tears to the eyes of all watching.

As I write this blog, one of our father-daughter couples are practicing their choreographed dance here in the dance studio. John, one of our Wedding Dance Consultants is instructing their routine. As they nail the first go round of Country style dancing to the song, Walk With You by Edwin McCain, I see the hairs stand up on John’s arms. I wonder if his eyes are beginning to tear up too. I know he is proud of his students, as well as thinking of a future wedding where he will be dancing with his own daughter.

Another touching moment was watching a Mother-Son recently dancing to Don’t Blink by Kenny Chesney. There was a point where the woman’s son gave her a kiss on the check after bringing his Mother back from a dip. Naomi, the dance instructor, and I gave each other knowing looks while we held back our tears. It is easy to imagine the affects their special dance will have on family and friends gathered around them on the dance floor. So touching and so beautiful!

Why not make your wedding day unforgettable in a variety of ways! Express your love for each other, or for that special family member, by learning a dance routine which uses a variety of styles including: County dancing, Latin, Ballroom, personalized slap stick or Tango.  No one wants to watch people sway back and forth like teenagers do in High School. Imagine performing a customized dance that lives up to that special song that means everything to you two.

If you are getting ready to tie the knot and have booked the place, the theme, a florist, the food, the drinks, secured your dress and tux and bridal party, now it is time are ready to plan the first dances at your reception! Call Dance FX Studios now to book dance lessons for you, for your family, for everyone who is participating in your big day!  Take advantage of our Wedding Consultation offer and meet with a Wedding Dance Consultant this week. Bring your special songs and ideas and we will help you figure out a package that fits the needs of the bride and groom, a Mother-Son, a Father-Daughter or the entire bridal party!

How To Be The Most Popular Social Dancer In Arizona!

swing dancing couple in ArizonaMost of us have been to a Country bar or Latin dance club and noticed that not everyone is having a good time. Some are feeling lonely, sitting out all, or most of the dancing, while others are having a blast, constantly in demand. These people have an air of joy and confidence around them. When dancing with this person, either as a leader or a follower, both appear to be having a great time. Why and how do they do it? What are the personal qualities, habits or skills that lead to success on any social dance floor? Believe it or not, beyond building confidence by taking dance lessons, to truly become a great social dancer there is another aspect which is important: dance etiquette.

If you live here in Arizona, visit us at Dance FX Studios in Mesa to gain that self-assurance needed to conquer any social dance floor. We will not only teach you how to be a talented social dancer, but we also do our best to impart dance etiquette into your education. Etiquette is important to use throughout our daily lives, however it is especially necessary in social dancing. Building a good reputation in any dance scene, be it Country Two Step dancing or Swing dancing, by being a considerate and enjoyable partner, as well as someone who knows how to make their partner look and feel good too, is a social dancer’s best asset.

Here are some etiquette ideas to follow whenever you are out dancing. Using these few simple tools will increase your popularity on the dance floor as you and everyone you dance with will have a great time, ensuring your reputation for the future whenever anyone finds you on that floor.

The first rule of etiquette is: practice good hygiene. Brush your teeth and use a mouth wash, shower and apply deodorant and dress appropriately for the style of dancing atmosphere you will be attending. If you apply cologne or perfume, apply it lightly. No one wants to be overwhelmed with smell even if it is the very best smell that person could imagine.

Whether you are asking women to dance or being asked, dance with everyone, make it fun and never stick to one partner, even if they match your dance ability. Accept requests to dance as much as possible. Keep in mind that if you decline a dance, you yourself cannot dance until the end of that song as others will notice that you are rejecting offers, meaning there will be fewer requests to dance.

Always be considerate of everyone dancing on the dance floor. In the Arizona Country bars here, we find crowded dance floors, often with untrained Country Swing, Country Two-Step, or other styles of Country dancers who try out flips, aerials or choreographed steps that are dangerous to nearby couples. Dance FX Studios teaches students exactly how to navigate around this type of chaos, avoiding injury, without being rude or cutting dancers off on the dance floor.

Dancing no-no’s include: do not force your follower’s arm or hand to make her turn, no back-leading when you are following and no pushing or pulling dance partners into position. Forceful leads or follows are never appreciated and you make your dance partner look awkward or off balance. Dancing together is a two-way partnership, one person agrees to lead and one agrees to follow. Show your respect by sticking to your part of the dancing connection.

Being a great leader requires skill and patience. If you have not yet learned a particular dance like: the Foxtrot, Swing, Bachata or Argentine Tango then keep taking private dance lessons and practice until you are ready. Always go and explore new social ballroom dances when you are at the point where you can  understand how they work. Even when a leader is dancing with a great follower, if the lead has no idea what he is doing, the follower cannot follow.

Never blame a dance partner for mistakes that happen while dancing together. Whether you are the lead or the follower – no teaching on the dance floor! Corrections may make a partner feel embarrassed or humiliated. Do encourage your partners, as this builds confidence and makes them happy to dance with you.

Find ways to be entertaining, keeping in mind that you and everyone around you are out dancing hoping to meet people, have a great time or find romance. Dancing do’s include: being playful, smiling, showing appreciation and keeping your focus off yourself and on your dancing partner. Above all, have a sense of humor. If something goes wrong, keep things light and fun.

The best way to enjoy success as a social dancer is to help everyone you dance with to feel happy and enjoy the experience of dancing together. The funny thing is, when your partner is happy, you will be happy too! Succeed at this task and you will never have a shortage of enthusiastic partners to dance with. You are there to have a good time and so is the other person. No matter what, make it fun!

If you want to learn how to be a great social dancer and you live in Arizona, start now with us at Dance FX Studios! We are located on the Tempe – Mesa border and only a few extra minutes from our neighboring towns Chandler and Scottsdale. We hope to see you here on our dance floor learning styles of ballroom dancing like Jitterbug, Salsa, Country 2 Step and Country Waltz here at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley very soon!

Be Your Own Star with Social Dance Lessons

Country Two Step dancing in ArizonaAs I sit here soaking up my weekly fix of Dancing With The Stars, I am reminded of the beauty, grace and elegance behind ballroom dancing once again. If you think about it, how many sports can offer as much as ballroom dancing does? From improved posture, to self-confidence to exquisite, polished movements, ballroom dancing has it all.

Benefits aside, though, how often can one really go ballroom dancing here in Phoenix? Truly, not very much. On the other hand, there are plenty of places to take fun and cool partner dances like the Country Swing, Two Step and Salsa out around Arizona. In fact, you can find a different place to go social dancing in AZ every night of week!

So, now that you know you want to gain more self-assurance, learn an awesome new hobby like Country or Latin dancing, and go have a blast using it, it’s time to sign up for private dance lessons. Yes, with one-on-one dance instruction, you will shoot straight to the top in much less time that learning by any other means. Taking youtube off the table (because it’s nearly impossible to learn to really dance from a video), group dance classes-especially the free ones at the local dance venues- will never give you the information that will make you a great leader or follower on the dance floor. With private dance lessons, you will get all of the key tips needed to succeed on any dance floor.

Now that you know the fastest way to becoming a confident social dancer, it’s time to decide which dances to explore. Oh, with all of the popular ones to choose from, you really can’t go wrong. Here are a few suggestions from me, your dancing pro, on my top 3 pics of which dances to learn first and why…

1. Argentine Tango: While the dramatic and sizzling tango may not seem to be your cup of tea, this dance has it all. And most importantly, it is THE dance when it comes to developing a partnership between two people. If you want to learn to be a solid leader on the dance floor, start with the Argentine Tango. And ladies, learn to follow and “listen” to you partner with quiet finesse as you explore different sides of your personality in this sexy and sensual dance.

2. Country Swing: The Country Swing is top dog right now for must-know dances here in Arizona. Everyone’s doing it, and those that aren’t are wanting to learn. Enjoy fun spins and tricks in this popular Country dance style that you will use time and again.

3. Salsa: Living in the southwest means that Salsa dancing is a must. Discover your inner tiger or tigress with playful and flirty Latin dance moves that include lots of hip-shaking and fun! Unleash your wild side and find the Salsa, Bachata and other Latin dances a blast to learn and enjoy anywhere.

Be your own star in your life with dancing as hobby. All of the benefits of social dancing are available to you right now! Begin your journey into social dancing with us at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona. We will show you how to light up any dance floor in no time!

Get Social and Dance!

Arizona dance lessonsWe love our social life, but most people don’t have one these days without documenting it on Facebook or other social media sites. Looking over someone’s shoulder at the latest popular youtube video is about the closest many of us get to body to body contact. The lack of physical connection to friends, family and the world has put us in a place of constant loneliness. Oddly, many times this singleness happens even when surrounded by friends. People have over 200 “friends” on Facebook, yet Friday and Saturday nights are spent watching a movie or reading an e-book because, in reality, the friends you can physically go out with, are few in numbers.

One of the best ways to offset social media syndrome is to get out and start connecting with the real world to meet new people in a fun and exciting way is to learn to dance! Have you ever thought of how cool it would be able to Salsa dance, Swing dance or Country Western Two Step dance? Think about the idea of holding and touching a real person instead of your iPhone or tech gadget by giving social partner dancing a try. You will remember how it feels to connect with others in person, and, with dancing, you will gain many other benefits too!

There are more reasons to leave the virtual world behind and step into reality. Dancing builds confidence and going out and getting social not only increases online connections, it build your offline networking! Becoming a great social dancer also leads to in-person date nights, no screen required between you and your soul-mate!

Dancing is the ultimate way to build confidence! We have become very dependent on technology. Therefore it is easy to get stuck behind the screen and have online confidence, yet acquire no interpersonal confidence. Learning various new dances like the Country Two Step, Arizona Two-Step or Nite Club 2-Step gets you out from behind your device and into the big wide world. Swing dancing is incredibly upbeat and can lighten your mood in just about any atmosphere. Exploring Latin styles like Salsa and Bachata, can improve body image due to the strong male presence and the woman’s feminine hip movements. Trying out the Argentine Tango, a bold and intricate style of dancing, will help you find yourself.  No matter what you choice of dancing style, confidence will unleash your passionate side on the dance floor and allow you to share that with someone special. When someone sees your dancing skills and wants to dance with you, this is a huge confidence booster!

Build a network! Taking dance lessons to learn how to dance with a partner is a great way to increase your offline network. Going out to night clubs or events and meeting people creates a physical network. Connections found through dancing will build to the point that your social calendar of activities will be full. Unlike Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter, dancing with another person is real, face-to-face interaction. Dancing connects two people along with groups of people with each other. Utilizing online sites has facilitated us to devalue the true importance of palpable, touchable, concrete, one-on-one human experiences. Going out to communicate with another person while dancing helps you use your social skills in new environments, allowing you to gain new and lasting relationships.

Enjoy date nights without a screen between you! Instead of posting a picture of your dinner on your home page or spending date nights in front of a computer screen Skype-ing … go out Country dancing! Imagine meeting your new potential girl or guy out at a dance club knowing you already feel comfortable anywhere there is dancing! Spend romantic time actually getting to know someone using the hobby of dance to create passion in a relationship that will last a lifetime. You can’t use a computer or cell phone while dancing so both of you will be looking and interacting with full attention on one another. How exciting and fun is that?!  Take looking at your partner on a screen out of the picture, go out together at least one time per week, and you’ll notice a lot more happiness in how you feel about yourself, your friendships and your romantic relationship.

Get out and live life in person, try new experiences like social dancing, and stop looking at life through the internet. Learn how to social dance at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona with beginner private dance lessons. Take advantage of our New Student Offer and for only $25 you can start getting out into the real world and having real and exciting interactions today! We are located inside the greater Phoenix area, in Mesa, AZ. If you live anywhere in the East Valley, we are minutes away. Drive over from Scottsdale, Tempe, Chandler, or Gilbert and visit us now.  We are open 12 – 8 pm Monday through Friday and Saturday’s 11 am to 4 pm.

Swing Dancing-It Isn’t Just for Cowboys

Swing dancing in ArizonaWhat is “Swing” dancing? Swing dancing is fun, high energy (which is great for exercise) always evolving and changing form of dance with lots of fun turns and exciting music to match. New versions of old dances are inevitable and the rabbit hole of Swing dancing goes as deep as you want it to.

You might be surprised to learn how many different kinds of Swing dancing there is!? Just look at all these titles below … they are all variations of Swing!

Lindy Hop


Collegiate Shag

St. Louis Shag


Lindy Charleston

Eastern Swing

East Coast Swing

West Coast Swing

Western Swing


Carolina Shag

Imperial Swing


Skip Jive

Modern Jive

Rock and Roll

Acrobatic Rock’n’Roll

Washington Hand Dancing

Push and Whip

Modern Swing

Mo-Cathy or Silly Swing

Out of the list of Swing dance choices above, the 5 top dances that can be utilized most for social dancing are: the Lindy Hop, Balboa, Shag, East Coast Swing and West Coast Swing.

Here is a little bit of history about these dances. The Lindy Hop was the original Swing, and it emerged during the 1920’s to 30’s. It was followed Balboa and Shag-two dances that are also in the Lindy Hop family. The East Coast Swing is a simplified version of the Lindy Hop and comes in triple, double, and single-time varieties. Single time is commonly referred to as Jitterbug, although the term “Jitterbug” originally referred to anyone who danced Swing.

The West Coast is a modern version of Lindy Hop with a different twist on the style. Originally, Lindy Hop dancers looked down on West Coast dancers, nick-named “Westies” and vice-versa. Today both styles of dancers tend to appreciate each other’s swing version a bit more.

So now that your interest is peaked, how does one go about learning Swing dancing? Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona recommends starting with either Jitterbug or West Coast Swing by taking private dance lessons. This way you can dance swing to a variety of music and have lots of fun doing it. Private instruction is the fastest way to become a great Swing dancer.

In fact taking private one-on-one dance lessons is the fastest way to becoming a great social dancer of any style of dance you are interested in.  Dance FX Studios teaches just about any style of social ballroom dance popular today including Country and Latin Styles. Why not try out the dance of your choice today by taking advantage of our New Student Offer of only $25 for an hour lesson!

A Social Dance Studio in the Phoenix Valley – Made for Dancing!

Swing dancing in ArizonaOver fourteen years ago the co-founders of Dance FX Studios here in the Phoenix East Valley, Adam and Nicole Dekavallas, knew there was something missing from the other dance studios around town. At that time, competitive ballroom dance studios seemed to be the only place to learn to dance. Adam and Nicole felt that what most people really wanted was to become great social dancers. The couples and singles that they were teaching wanted to learn popular social dances like the Country Two Step, Salsa and Argentine Tango-all dances that most traditional ballroom dance studios did not offer. When it came down to it, the everyday person simply wanted to learn to dance for social events like: weddings, date nights, holiday parties and cruises.

With this in mind, Adam and Nicole’s vision for their dance studio was developed around building confidence on the dance floor for Arizona couples and singles. Having a traditional ballroom dance studio background themselves, the Dekavallas’ knew they would have to modify their entire way of teaching to make this concept a reality.  After two years, they created an unparalleled system of instruction that would make anyone a great social dancer, and Dance FX Studios was born!

With teaching methods that made learning to social dance easy, Phoenix residents finally had a place to learn to dance all of the most useful Country Western styles, Latin dances and Swing dances that were used around town. Dance FX Studios was, and continues to be, the first of its kind … the only Arizona dance studio that provides instruction for in all of the social partner dances. No matter what style of dancing is being taught, social dance styles like Country Swing, Bachata or the sensual and authentic Argentine Tango, the Dance FX Studios’ instructors deliver the goal of creating great social dancers.

Dance FX Studios specializes in private dance lessons for those who want to become social dancers. This means helping you to prepare for any dance situation. We will show you how to dance with wonderful form and be able to easily navigate any crowded dance floor with great dancing style, all while feeling comfortable and making it look effortless!

One last thing… Adam and Nicole wanted to create a fun and relaxed environment in which to learn to dance. Dance FX Studios is warm and inviting. Everyone here, from our dance instructors to our wedding dance specialists, office staff and Adam and Nicole strive to make our students feel welcome. The idea is for a student to be as comfortable here as they are at home.

For almost 15 years Dance FX Studios has set the bar for quality social dance instruction in the Phoenix Valley. By keeping the motto “Real dancing for real people” in mind, Dance FX Studios has helped thousands of Arizona residents to learn to dance with ease.  It is not surprising that Dance FX Studios students visit from surrounding areas from Flagstaff to Yuma, and Canada to Michigan.

Over the years our concept has been attempted to be replicated by other studios – which we take as a compliment. Our commitment to you is that we will continue to evolve and grow our unique and original product to stay ahead of the pack. It is our mission to positively affect the life of each and every person that comes through our doors. Hence the name “Dance FX” and our first, albeit cheesy, tagline: “Dance FX Studios … because dance FX YOU!”

Dance FX Studios is located in Mesa, Arizona near the border of Tempe and Chandler. We provide private, group and wedding dance instruction in social Ballroom, Salsa, Swing, Tango and Country dancing to Phoenix singles and couples in the East Valley and beyond. For adult dance lessons near Tempe, Chandler, Scottsdale and Gilbert, Dance FX Studios is the place for you.

Do More Than Mingle if You’re Single!

Arizona Swing dancing for BeginnersThe number one place for singles to meet people out of 100 top picks is by taking a class that interests them. Learning something new, where you show up in person, is a great place to meet people with similar interests. Beyond the idea of learning any old subject, we at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona suggest that you invest in a skill that moves you from a number of one into a number of many, with social dance lessons! That’s right, just by investing in yourself and exploring cool dances like the Country Two Step, Salsa or Swing, you will get to know others in no time.

One isn’t such a lonely number. It is actually an approachable number. Especially approachable where dancing is happening!  Let us teach you in a short period of time how to be a great social dancer and watch your social circle expand, with very little effort. If you are male, become a great leader on the dance floor and watch the ladies line up to be swept off of their feet. Ladies…every guy loves a great follower, one who makes him look great on the dance floor. Both roles allow a party of one to easily become two or more, whether you go out social dancing by yourself or with some friends!

You can learn a variety of social ballroom dances at Dance FX Studios including Country dances, Latin styles, Swing dancing and, the sensual Argentine Tango, our signature dance. This is a great way to meet people and join an awesome, diverse and friendly social group. The very nature of partner dancing is social and everybody loves to meet new people in a comfortable social dance scene. Today, practically every city in the world has a local Country Western, Swing, Salsa or Tango dance scene.  Why not join Dance FX Studios and learn these dances and more?! Our friendly instructors have been teaching people how to be great social dancers for almost 15 years here in the Phoenix East Valley.

If you know how to dance, no matter where you are, you will find a welcoming community of great people to hang out with.  Dancers love to meet up and dance with new dancers.  Being able to instantly connect with people anywhere in the world you happen to find yourself is one of the best things about learning to dance. Never leave Arizona? That is fine too! Phoenix area dance events are a great way to easily meet other locals as well as people from other places.

In a hurry to meet other people and worried that a short time dancing won’t get you on the dance floor as soon as you’d like? The truth is, basic steps, done correctly and on tempo, is more fun for you and a partner than a bunch of complicated patterns done badly and off-time. Smooth and sure is better than fancy and mediocre, so give yourself a little time to learn the language of dance so you can shine on any floor. Of course, as you progress in your dance skills, those complicated patterns will look smooth as butter too. The rhythm of the music and the movement in partnership make social dancing one of the most satisfying experiences you’ll ever have!

Dancing provides an ideal social climate in which to meet new people. And since learning to dance is a skill that stays with you for the rest of your life, the benefit of being able to continuously meet new people will never disappear. Don’t wait another minute to start dancing. There are so many wonderful and exciting styles of dance to choose from Salsa to Country Swing dancing and Bachata to the ballroom Foxtrot. Take advantage of Dance FX Studios’ New Student Offer for a private dance lesson for a single or a couple and see how easy learning a new skill will be!

What are you waiting for? Get up and book your New Student Offer for Private Dance Lessons and go have some fun this Summer.  Dance FX Studios located on the corner of Dobson and Guadalupe, near Tempe and Chandler, and a few minutes more from Scottsdale! Feel like you have two left feet? Let us help you go beyond just mingling with a skill used to meet lots of new people and change your life today! Give us a call at 480.968.6177 or visit our website now for details!

Have Fun With Salsa, Swing and Two Step Dancing!

Country dance lesson in ArizonaSocial dancing is an exciting, romantic and healthy way to meet new people and connect with others wherever you go, from night clubs to holiday parties and even work events. If you are single and thinking of ways to meet the opposite sex, what better way than dancing?!? Think of sweeping her off of her feet Salsa dancing or twisting and turning in the Country Two Step. If you want to improve your social calendar, let dancing bring you together with those who enjoy the same hobby! If you’re excited to become a confident social dancer, give Private Social Ballroom lessons a shot!

Beginner’s Social Dance Lessons.  When you begin taking Swing or Tango dance lessons, know that you will be discovering a whole new language. At Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona,  will teach you the ABC’s of dance and then turn you into a great social dancer by teaching you how to create “words” and eventually “sentences” on the dance floor. How does that translate to the dance floor? Well, we will show you basic elements (letters) that you can begin to string together to make cool combinations (words) on the dance floor. That’s when you become a hot commodity out there social dancing! In Private Dance Lessons, you will spend time with one of our talented instructors, exploring our one-of-a-kind system of teaching. We will help you to begin your journey into understanding the language of dance with step-by-step, easy-to-learn instruction that is always personalized just for you, for the way that you best learn.

What comes next?   We continue to guide you on your journey towards becoming an original social dancer. As you progress in levels of understanding, we will teach you how to hear the music and determine which dances go to what songs. That way you will be empowered on any social dance floor to know how to identify your dances.  Rather than memorizing patterns and footwork, we assist you in creating your own dance steps! Are you excited to learn to dance yet?

The Benefits of Dance.  At Dance FX Studios, we want you to enjoy the benefits of dancing. Dancing increases body awareness including: balance, posture, coordination, even weight loss! Learning social dances, from Country dancing to Latin dancing, also increases confidence. This amazing boost in self-assurance overflows into many areas such as dating and job performance. How great is that?!

The best part about being a great social dancer is the widening of your social circles. Imagine meeting people from as wide range of places all because you can dance a variety of styles. Try learning the Salsa, Argentine Tango, Foxtrot, Country Swing or Country 2-Step and meeting people from all walks of life!

Results.  Before long, you will be fluent and fluid in the language of dance. By becoming a competent social dancer, you will navigate crowded dance floors and be the one that everyone is watching. Lead or follow any partner so effortlessly that everyone wants to dance with you! Feel confident in any social situation, knowing that you will be the center of activity and not merely watching from the sidelines. There are so many positive results you will gain from dancing, why not start now with Dance FX Studios’ New Student Offer and find out what learning to dance can do for you?

We are ready to start helping you have fun dancing! Call or stop by Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona today. We are on the southeast corner of Dobson and Guadalupe Roads, just outside Tempe and Chandler, and a few minutes from Scottsdale, Arizona. Feel like you have two left feet? No worries! We will show you how easy it is to move past that idea on your first lesson. Let us help you meet lots of new people and begin changing your life today for the better!

Beat the Arizona Summer Heat on the Dance Floor

social ballroom dancing in ArizonaA friend living on the East Coast yesterday said she was looking at snow and waiting for Spring to show up. I told her that if she were here with us in Phoenix, Arizona, she would feel like she was skipping Spring and heading straight into Summer!  Our hot summer is upon us (even though we’re only in April), but don’t put your workout routine on the back burner just because it feels too hot to exercise.  I love being outdoors for exercise whenever possible, but exercising in an air-conditioned gym or house is the best way to keep cool. For the best Summer workout, come join us at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley and see how you can Swing, Salsa and Two Step dance your way into that bikini body. No more boring trips to the gym for you! Mix up your workout routine and dance your way into a healthier you!

While the majority of Americans are starting to head outside and get their bodies moving, here in Arizona we have the tendency to retreat indoors just like we do during the cold winter months. This means reduced social interaction, lack of exercise, gloomy moods and, like the wintertime for most Americans, we become sedentary and pack on pounds.  Here are some excellent reasons to take up dancing as a new hobby and beat the Arizona heat…

Wear your sexy Summer clothing! Put on your strappy heals, that little black dress, those Cowboy boots, your linen shirt and skinny jeans! That’s right, since it is air-conditioned inside our dance studio, all of those wonderful Summer clothes that are too hot to wear outside, won’t go to waste. The same Summer clothing that will only get tight if you don’t move that body, can be worn on your private dance lessons as you discover the fun and excitement of Latin dancing, Swing dancing and Country Western dancing. Whether you are single or you have a partner – dress up for your dance lessons and practice your dance moves till the sun goes down! Then head out to dinner, and go Country or Salsa dancing, right here in Phoenix!

Increase your social circle by meeting new people! What better way to meet new people than by learning to be a great social dancer! Learn Salsa and hit the Latin clubs, make new friends and expand your social circle.  Explore Country Swing dancing and become a regular at cool and popular events like Country Thunder. Learn a slow, romantic dance and go anywhere: a casino, wedding, jazz club or work function, and be prepared to shine. Think about all the new experiences you will have because you took Private Dance Lessons. Develop a skill you can use over and over again, throughout your life, just about anywhere!

Use dancing as your primary form of exercise!  Social dancing gets you to to the right target heart rate for burning fat. Vigorous, prolonged dancing, when your heart rate goes up, equals cardiorespiratory fitness, one of the few ways to keep colon cancer at bay. Frequent dancing has also proved to have the greatest benefit for warding off Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, while many other summer activities like biking, golfing and swimming had zero effect on cognitive and mental acuity. Wow! It’s amazing how doing something so much fun like Salsa dancing, Swing dancing, and Tango dancing can have so many physical benefits.

Now stop and ask yourself, are you prepared to beat the heat this Summer? Are you going to slim down, have fun and meet new people when it’s 120 degrees outside?  The answer is YES! Yes you are … because you can take advantage of Dance FX Studios’ New Student Offer right now by calling 480-968-6177! For only $25, you will get a 50-minute Private Dance Lesson that will start you on your dancing journey today!

Dance FX Studios also offers: Group Courses, Semi-Private Dance Instruction, Wedding Dance Lessons, Corporate Team-Building Dance Classes and more! Visit our website for more information about the dances we offer and more about a studio that has been teaching people how to dance socially for almost 15 years! We are conveniently located at 1859 W. Guadalupe Road, #105, Mesa, Arizona on the corner of Dobson and Guadalupe, minutes from Tempe and Chandler, AZ.