Cause I’m Sick of Dancing Alone…

Romantic dances for weddingsI was driving in my car the other day listening to a mix of songs from my high school “scene kid” days.  For those of you who don’t know what a scene kid is, Google it.  I won’t say it was my proudest moment… I used to have mullet-like multicolored spiked hair, tons of colorful bracelets, and a band shirt for every day of the month. But hey, everyone has a couple of years they look back on and think, “Good grief.  What was I thinking?”  Please tell me I’m not the only one! Now let’s take a little trip in my time machine.  We’re going back to those high school days.  Oh, such a lovely time in history! (Cringe)  Remember senior prom?  You probably spent way too much time (and money) attempting to make it the most memorable night of your then seventeen-year-old life.  Now take a moment to remember the dancing portion of that night.  Were you the kid on the edge of the dance floor with your punch, staring enviously at everyone else dancing?  If you weren’t, good for you!  You most likely tore up the gym floor and made the rest of us crave your mad skills.  For the remaining parties, high five to being awkward!  If you were like me, you probably watched everyone else get down, and begged the stars your date would at least ask you to slow dance.  Literally everyone can slow dance.  I mean, it is just swaying, right? WRONG. Well, I guess it could be, but how incredibly boring and uninteresting.  What if I told you there is a social ballroom dance perfect for all those romantic songs?  What if I also told you that dance is not genre specific, so you could use it to dance to your favorite Country tunes, R&B hits and 80’s slow jams. Wouldn’t it be nice to not be standing on the sidelines, or just swaying robotically to the beat?

I welcome to you, my lovely friends, the Nite Club 2 Step dance. This dance is the cure to all your awkward swaying problems.  It’s a favorite of the instructors here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona for its beauty and grace.  You can be assured anyone at this studio would be jumping with joy to make you a part of the Nite Club 2 Step fan club.  It seems to have this wonderful ability to capture the emotion of the song perfectly.  This is a great feature to have in a dance because it isn’t specific to any one genre of music, so it allows for a lot of options as far as environment.  It can be danced in your living room, out at a Latin club (A.K.A. Bolero), or a Country bar, at a wedding, or in the middle of the desert for that matter!  It’s very versatile and unspecific (which is perfect for any individual or couple), and if romance is what you are after, this dance has it all.  You will rid yourself of any awkwardness you once felt on the floor with a great slow dance in your back pocket.  You will feel confident, graceful, and closer to your partner.  Honestly, does it get any better?

So here is my proposition for you, you can stay on the sidelines with your sweet red punch, or you can grab a partner, hit the dance floor with confidence, and sweep them off your feet.  I think the latter sounds more appealing.  Invest in yourself and let us at Dance FX Studios help you make that vision a reality. Get started with our New Student Offer for beginners. You’ll be glad that you did!

Couple’s That Dance Together, Stay Together

Couple's Country Dance Lessons ArizonaWelcome to another beautiful day here in John’s Little Corner. Life is such a wonderful thing if you take the time to stop and look at it. Yet we overlook so much and disconnect from the world due to our busy day to day schedules. Work, children, traffic, doctors visits, more work…it just keeps adding on as we go further and further down our paths in life. The things we miss in our routines can be as simple as a sunset and the change of seasons. When was the last time you said this…” Oh hey, wow, did it rain?” It can also be said that our routines cause us to miss more important things like a loved one’s birthday, your kid’s big game or even more important your relationship with your significant other. You would think that something as important as our relationship with our wife, husband, fiancee, life partner or even just a boyfriend or girlfriend would be easy to pay attention to, but more often than not, it’s taken for granted. Now everyone knows that relationships take work, but not just when it gets bad. In fact, they take constant effort and need to be constantly observed and handled with care if they are to be everlasting. So take a moment right now and stop, take a good outside look at the relationship you are in! It’s ok, take a minute, I’ll wait for you. …………………………………………………………………

Whatever it is you came to realize about your relationship, I hope that you see things that could be improved upon, no matter how good you think your relationship is right now. Are you sure they think the same thing? Are you sure?

How can you reconnect with that certain someone who is so much a part of your life? Can you keep that love strong or can you bring it back to the strength it once was when it first began? Well I’m sure by now you can guess what my answer to these questions is going to be…dance, right? Well yes but more specifically, private couple’s dance lessons!

Remember when you met your love? How it felt when you first kissed, the first time you stayed the night together and that first morning waking up to them? Wasn’t it a great feeling that seems to continue on like that for a while!? Then slowly as we go along our intertwined paths, we begin to get comfortable, taking those kisses and mornings more and more for granted till its just something you do and no longer something you pay attention to. Remember all those great talks you had that seemed to go so quick until you looked at your phone and saw that it was really like two hours? Now the talks can seem long but they are short, and perhaps more and more time comes between them. If you add children to the equation, you just sealed the deal on all the fore mentioned statements. Now it’s only one of you gets up, but not the other, to feed, change, dress and get the kids ready for the day. Then hopefully yourself, while the other is doing their thing, you contribute to the household. We lose our connection and sometimes it’s not realized until its too late. You try to fix it with expensive therapy sessions and then if attorneys get involved, watch that money roll right out of your hands along with your relationship. So I’m going to ask you again, Are you sure its as strong as you think? I’m not trying to scare you my friends, I’m just trying to make you stop and see the bigger picture for yourselves.

Now lets take a look at what Country, Latin or Swing dance lessons does for you as a couple. First, it will bring you together onto common ground. As equals, you both will be learning together from the beginning, as well as growing together. Couple’s dance lessons will also help you to begin to find a way to bring back communication with each other. Communicating issues you have with the way your partner is doing something on the dance floor is crucial! Let him/her know if they are turning you to early or trying to take control of the dance; then when you try and apply this practice to life outside of dance, watch it help bring things to a level they need to be at. Taking this journey together WILL bring you closer together, it will bring back that connection and carve a new path for you to travel along (or dance along) :). I have seen couples carry their problems with them into the dance studio on many occasions, but never have I seen them still being carried by them when they were done with their lessons. Usually they have either forgotten what it was or they worked it out together while dancing. I have overheard ‘I’m sorry’ plenty of times while a couple was dancing together, and not because they did a move wrong, they are usually doing a move they know very well at the time!

It’s not easy to make a connection and even harder to make a re-connection. Especially when you have other things constantly going on around you like children and work. As couples we have to be able to get away from those constant distractions if we are going to be able to have a healthy relationship. Taking Salsa or Two Step dance lessons is an escape for most every couple because it feels so much better dealing with the bump and grind on a dance floor vs the bump and grind of life!

Some couples think that once the children are asleep is when they can have their quality time and escape; in reality it really isn’t much of an escape! That time is spent picking up, cleaning lil messes, fix the leaky toilet and if you’re lucky catch up on that book or TV show. We start filling up that time with the unfinished chores of our day/week/year and once again lose sight of our need for quality time together. One hour a day can make such a difference when you share something together as one. That tiny escape from reality can make all the difference. I have a couple who have actually told their children their Tango dance lessons are for two hours now, even though it’s only one, so they can play hooky and stop and have an ice cream or some other type of treat before going back home and back to the every day routine! Dance became a reason/excuse for couples to take more time for themselves. We all need a vacation from time to time so how nice is it when you can have many little mini vacations throughout your week.

Yet let’s not forget the biggest benefit for couples to take lessons together, romance! Now I am talking mostly to you fellows out there in blog world because there are so few of us romantics left out here. You see some of the movies our gals watch or some of the books they read about how Pablo comes in and sweeps young Rebecca off her feet in a manor that only a writer could create. Imagine social ballroom dance as a way to write that novel. Each move is a sentence in the paragraph about the moment that you’re in. You start slow with simple sways, grow that into just a simple basic move, and  follow it with a slightly larger move like an outside turn, then an inside turn built to a climax of rotating rocks and multiple turns! Whew! Slowly bring it back down to a simple basic again and sway her into a dip for the finish. (It sort of sounds like I’m cooking a recipe…)

All you need, besides the knowledge on how to do all that, is the right moment and the right place! Remember to take a look at the big picture around you and you will find that there are plenty of those moments out there. Did she have a bad day at work or at home? Hold her as she shares that stress with you and begin to slowly sway. Or how about on a drive at night you just pull the car over as if something may be wrong. Go to the front of the car into the headlights and make it look like you’re investigating. Signal her to come out for a little help and when she does…dance man, dance! Now ladies, that doesn’t mean us guys don’t like a little romance too. We just keep it hidden so we will not lose our membership to the Men’s Club. We would like to be surprised with flowers every now and then, or our favorite candy left for us somewhere we will see on our way out to work. How about this, you see us frustrated while fixing the car or doing yard work, as messy as we might be at that moment, grab us from behind and hold us for a second. We will turn to kiss you and when we do, make us lead you in a dance. Chances are we will have music playing nearby while we work on what ever it is we are working on. Just because as leaders on the dance floor we make all the moves doesn’t mean we have to make ALL the moves…wink, wink!

So remember, being a couple is easy, staying a couple takes work and effort on both parts. So play those parts together with couple’s dance lessons and watch how much more time for each other will be created! How the communication you have with each other will be improved and understood by one another more easily.

Think of how your children will view their lives when they see how their parents share something with each other. Watch them take your lessons and apply it to their future relationships and hopefully find and enjoy a life long love. Most important, keep the romance alive for both of you. A famous man once said, “All you need is love.” I’m not famous by any means, and as much as that saying holds true in my heart, I believe all you need is dance!

So before I start sounding like a therapist, I am going to say goodbye for now. Because I have a couple’s dance lesson to give and will be helping them have another little mini vacation here in Johns Little Corner! So, until next time, keep dancing, keep loving and keep taking time to see life all around you!

Sizzling Summer Dance Styles!

Arizona dance lessonsDo you know what’s hot this summer in Arizona (besides you)? Salsa dancing, Country Swing dancing and Two Step dancing! Yes, knowing how to social dance is simply hot, hot, hot!!! While there are plenty of reasons to lounge around in this blistering Phoenix heat, you can make the most of your summer here in AZ with Swing, Country and Latin dance lessons! After all,  how are you going to stay fit if you don’t keep active? Social dancing will keep your body moving and grooving indoors, and is so much more fun that lifting weights in the gym. Partner dancing actually offers tons of other perks too. Curious? Let me explain…

Social dancing is creative! When was the last time that you got to express yourself freely? Was it in the shower or in your car on the way to work? Well, it may be high time to let down your hair and free your soul on the dance floor. Imagine being swept off of your feet while Two Step dancing to your favorite Country tune. What about twirling into the night to those steamy Latin beats? How exciting would it be to Swing dance your way into tomorrow without a care in the world? Dancing is a wonderful release from stress and a healthy means of self-expression and creativity. How great is that?!

Social dancing is sexy! Who couldn’t use a little more spice in their love life? I know I could. 🙂 Take your lady out for a twist and turn and see how she lights up even off the dance floor. Dancing is magical on so many levels, trust me! The guys out there who dance know what an amazing skill that they have invested in, and I have no doubt that it has paid off in so many ways. For an intimate connection with your sweetheart, give Tango lessons or Slow Dance lessons a try.

Social dancing is exciting! When was the last time that you took the time to do something for you? Something for your marriage? Something for your confidence? Social dance lessons for you or for you and a partner are the gift that keeps on giving. And, when the results start kicking in, WOW! Watch out! Spruce up your relationship, your connections with others, and your self-assurance and learn to dance! Did you ever think that knowing how to Swing dance, for example, could have such an impact? After instructing for almost 20 years, I can give you countless examples of how dancing enhances your life in wonderful ways!

Now it’s your turn to see for yourself how you can be affected by dance. From adding romance to building confidence, Country, Latin and Swing dance lessons can be your key to ultimate happiness. Give dancing a try with Dance FX Studios’ New Student Offer and see which dances turn you on. Make the investment in you, you’re worth it!

Relax, Unwind and Dance!

Country Two Step dancing AZWelcome back to John’s Little Corner here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona! I am glad to see people taking time out of their busy lives to read my “Little Corner” blogs. I hope you are getting something from them, both on a dance and an emotional level. Emotions have a strong connection with dance, and yesterday, after a full day of lessons, I realized what an emotional journey my students are on. I wanted to share a couple of their stories with you, so you too can see how dancing can be positive exper for anyone!

Hannah came to the studio for Dance FX Studios’ New Student Offer for beginners because she wanted to do something fun. Hannah is a single mother of two, with a strong career in the hospitality industry as a General Manager of a 4 star hotel in Scottsdale. Now, Hannah is a pretty busy gal. In fact, her dance lesson needed to be on a Saturday while her kids were at a birthday party. Hannah literally had her entire day planned out down to the half hour; her lesson time was marked as FUN in her phone. So as you can probably imagine, Hannah was a very organized lady between work, home life and her children. So as we sat and initially talked, Hannah opened up about not going out often enough, if ever, and felt the only personal time she had was when she was asleep! I noticed during our first hour together that Hannah was not very big on smiling; however, by the end of the hour, she had smiled a total of five times and laughed twice. I was actually able to count them! When we sat down after our dance lesson (she focused on Country dancing mainly) to talk about her experience, I was blown away by her first sentence asking, “How can I sign up for more lessons?”. I truly thought she did not have that great of a time during her lesson. Hannah chose our five hour Foundation course and even found a way to help her to schedule her dance lessons close together, as we recommend. One of her lessons was even on her lunch break!

Hannah’s first lesson was at night, after her long day at the hotel. She was still in her work attire and frazzled from a busy shift. I instructed her to kick off her shoes and join me on the floor. Hannah’s following was very resistant, and you could just feel from her the need to take charge of the dance. After having a little chat of the benefits of being a great follower on the dance floor, Hannah began to relax, and slowly a smile came to her face. I could see that stress relief was much needed and that dancing fit the bill as a means of unwinding after a crazy day. When the lesson was over, she literally danced her way out the door. Every lesson since, she came stressed, tight, heavy in her follow, and talking about her hectic day! Yet by the end of the hour, she was relaxed every time.

Hannah went on into our General Studies Program. However, she does not come in frazzled or stressed anymore, but smiling, because she knows that relaxation and fun is in her future! Even better… her weekends are now mostly unscheduled; nowhere is FUN scheduled in her phone. When we last spoke, I asked her what has changed at work, and her answer was…”ME!” Hannah said since she began social dancing, she almost enjoys work. Her productivity is up, and her coworkers have even said how much more pleasant she is to be around. Besides work, her life at home has become more relaxed, and she even recently went out on a date, dancing of course! She apologized to me because she found herself back leading during their dance but only because he was not very good at it! I am very happy for Hannah because dance gave her stress relief in her day opened her up to relax a little bit more in her life. She is still very organized, but now she takes time for herself and doesn’t always schedule it on her phone. So proud!

Another student I have is Fred. Fred is just a simple 42 year old guy, very open, humble and experienced in life, as he would say! Life has thrown a lot at Fred, and Fred has stood strong at every devastating blow. Fred had defeated cancer at the age of 26, while also going through a divorce at the same time. He even went through a second divorce later on down the road that rendered him homeless and lost. Those are probably some of his worst stories. He has so many that even when things are bad, he tells the story with humor and pride.

It’s the second divorce Fred went through that makes me tell his story, because it was during that time I met him. When Fred found out his second wife wanted to leave him, it hit him hard; especially because he had just started a new job. Fred is a man of honor and carries the code of a true gentleman. He graciously left his home to give her space and tried everything he could to save the marriage- living in his car, trying to work, going to couples therapy alone, and filing a petition for reconciliation in the court to put a hold on the divorce she filed for three days after he left the house. Fred continued on this path for about two months, trying everything he could to keep his marriage and fight for the one he loved. Fred found out she had gone out on a date, dancing with another man. Fred decided in an attempt to save this marriage to surprise her with a date night dance lesson, learning her favorite Country dance, the Two Step. Fred also set up a dinner date at a Western theme restaurant with a live band and a dance floor. He called the studio and set up a beginner’s dance lesson focused on Country dancing and came in with Kristin (his still technical wife). They had a great connection with each other, both laughing at their situation and both seemingly enjoying each other’s company as if nothing really was wrong. They even went on to enroll in our Foundation program! Fred set the first couple lessons up with us, and they left for dinner and dancing. Fred later called the next day thanking us for the lesson and how well dinner went. The dancing was rough, but the overall night was great! Two days later, Fred rescheduled the lessons for a week later, and when the day came for the first lesson, Fred showed up alone and unsure if Kristin would show up. She never did.

Being who he is, Fred completed his dance lessons alone and even enrolled into General Studies because he found something he enjoyed doing for himself. He laughs every time he works on that Country Two Step and says, “ I wonder who she is tripping over right now!” Fred has become an awesome dancer!

One day while at work, Fred was helping a customer carry items to her vehicle, and along the way did a little dance step to avoid a no parking sign that she had parked in front of. In a sweet giggle she asked Fred what was that he just did. When Fred explained it was a Country Two Step dance move, she very quickly stated she had always wanted to learn how to Country Two Step! Fred introduced himself, and they began talking about dancing, music, and eventually how experienced in life he was. The customer’s name was Sarah, and they have been dating for about 6 months now. Fred has taught her to dance more than the Two Step, and even though his lessons are completed here with us, he stops by to say hi to me from time to time. Yesterday we spoke about life for a moment. I asked how Sarah was, and if there were any plans on marriage down the road. Fred’s reply almost made me cry…

“Ya know John, I came in here looking to fix a love that I thought was broken. A love that really wasn’t broken per say, just not shared by her. But what I found in trying to fix that love was the love I have for myself, and for life in general. Once that happened, true love found me, and all because of that first dance move I wanted to learn in Country Two Step. So, if you are really asking me, after two divorces and everything else I’ve been through, if Sarah and I will be getting married, I’ll just put it like this, we are taking things one dance at a time and loving each other every minute of it!”

I wanted to share these stories with you because it proves a point that I try and share with everybody.  Dancing can benefit anyone and everyone, not just physically, but emotionally as well! These stories are testaments to our inner strength, our determination to improve ourselves, and goes to show that even when love is lost, it’s still there inside of us, just like dance, waiting for that connection to truly be made. It’s these stories that affect me as an instructor, because even though I don’t play a huge role in their lives, the little direction I give has influence to affect peoples lives far beyond my reach! So when you think about what it is you want in life, try to remember what it is you need in life that helps get you there. I call it the foundation step, the basic step in which all others are based upon. And when you’re ready, I’ll be glad to help you find that beginning step…

Thanks for hanging out in my Little Corner today.  As always, I’m John, and I cant wait to see how Dance FX you!!!

Meet Dance FX Studios’ Instructor: John

Arizona dance instructorsWelcome to John’s Little Corner, located at the fabulous Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ. As always, I am your Little Corner host, John. Today’s interview is an exciting one! With such a colorful job history and a background, not only in dance, but also in music and theater, this guest really defines the phrase “well rounded.” Since this is John’s first true interview, I feel tremendously special he is allowing me to be the one he opens up to, and then share that information with all of our readers! It has taken some time to arrange our guest’s visit, due to his busy schedule.  At last, he is here, and he is all mine! So without further ado, folks please take a bow for our guest, the craziest dance instructor out there…John!

“Thanks, John, it’s great to be here! ”

Q: John, people are begging to find out more about you. Please tell us about your roots and how dance has been a part of your life.

A: “Well, I am kind of the odd one in my family, as most of the men in my family are in the military. My father is a Marine, and my brother and grandfathers were in the Army. I was in choir and theater, so you know the conversations at our family events went well. While I was in choir, we would often pair choreography with the musical numbers. For me, being in theater helped to blend choreography, stage presence, and some singing together to create awesome looking productions. “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” was one of my favorite musicals that I did in High School. Though my part was small, it was the most popular scene on the stage (and off), as I played Curly in his dream sequence dancing with the seven daughters. Not only was I was admired as a professional, but my guy friends saw how good I was with the ladies…(hahaha!)

Little did I know how much those skills would come in handy as a bartender entertaining guests for tips.”

Q: Like the movie Coyote Ugly?

“Kind of??? I’m just not as good looking, and I dance better than John Goodman! I was more like that little monkey in a vest dancing for dollars, while some guy cranked a music box. (Ha ha)”

Q: I bet you made a great bartender! Any other interesting jobs before becoming an instructor?

“Mostly bars, but I put in some time on oil rigs in Wyoming, Colorado and North Dakota. Oh, and as a cashier at a 7-11 when I was young, but that did not last long!”

Q: Being young or the job?

“Both…but the job was too boring for me. I can’t be my ‘mover and shaker’ self when I’m stuck behind a counter.”

Q: So, why Dance FX Studios?

“Why not?! Dance affects everyone! Dance FX Studios focuses on social dancing, which is fun and relaxing, not as formal as ballroom dance studios. Fun is my forte, so it is a perfect match for me! Plus, Dance FX Studios is very goal oriented, which is a huge plus for anyone trying to learn something new.”

Q: So what are your favorite things about working here?

“Besides the fun aspect? The staff here is great and well educated in dance, and it’s always a pleasure working with people who share your passion. However, my favorite thing is the students. I know that sounds cheesy, but when my students have a moment of clarity in regards to an element they have been practicing, I get goose bumps. I call it the “light bulb moment!” It’s the moment where the light comes on, their face glows with pride and accomplishment, and I know I’ve helped them become closer to their goal! It’s such a wonderful feeling.”

Q: Light bulb moment, I like that! So, what is your favorite dance to teach and why?

“Nite Club Two-Step is my ABSOLUTE favorite, both in teaching and personally. This dance is not genre specific and is a very empowering dance for a leader since it inspires passion and power. Every guy wants to be that romantic ladies man, though they may never admit it, yet, when they do understand this dance, and correctly do it with the music, they begin to feel those emotions. They also see a twinkle in their partner’s eyes as they slowly get lost moving as one. It can be felt deep down in your core. I have felt that, and every time my students reach that level in their dance, I get to re-live it over again through them.”

Q: That says so much about you and your character. You have a lot of passion for what you do. If there were three words to describe your personality and character more what would they be?

“I was hoping you would skip this question. It is always hard for me to come up with words to describe myself. I’ve been through so many changes in my life. The words I have used to describe myself have changed as well, sometimes unbeknownst to me! However, I would say there are probably three words that HAVE lasted over the years.”

Q: Ok, so they are…?

“Most everyone says I am FUNNY, though I can remember times that wasn’t so true…(haha)! I have always been in touch with my emotions but also others’ as well. So, would that make EMOTIONAL my second word? I’m hoping not, because my next word is CRAZY, and if you put those together, I may not have any students left after this is shared! But, when it does come down to my students, I blend just the right amount of emotion and fun into their lessons to show them just how easy dancing really is.”

Q: Well you seemed to put that together very well for a question you were hoping to avoid! Was it a little rehearsed?

“No, but if I could get a copy of this interview, that would be awesome!”

Q: John, I have to say you have been fun to interview. My cheeks even hurt a little from smiling so hard! So, how about we end with a couple of fun facts.

“Hmmm, something fun about me? You mean something more than entertaining interviews?”

Q: Yes! (hahaha)…

“ Ok, ok, I like to play paintball when I can. It can be a little painful but so much fun! I have even been finding that my dance skills come in handy! There’s nothing like doing a Back Spot Turn to avoid getting shot! Another thing that I have done, and plan to do again is skydiving! There is a crazy part of me that wants to have a dance routine for the fall. That would be AMAZING to pull off with a partner too!”

“I hope that answers all your questions because I have to get to my next lesson!”

Yes, that does! That is all we have for today here in John’s Little Corner. I would like to say thank you to John for sharing with us. It can definitely be said that whatever motivation to learn to social dance, whether its for fun, health, romance or moves (that can be used on a paintball field), going down to Dance FX Studios and meeting with John is YOUR best bet for reaching your goals. He may be crazy and emotional, but he is just the right amount of both to make it FUN and EASY!

Interviewer: John

Guest Starring: John

Written and Directed by: John

Special FX by: Dance FX Studios

No animals were harmed in the making of this production.

Give Back To YOU This Summer!

Arizona Country DancingDo you feel exhausted, overworked, and burned out?  In our Western culture, we are encouraged to hurry about:  Work our 9-5 jobs, pick up the kids, walk the dog, get groceries, make dinner, and oh, don’t forget to go to the gym too!  It’s so easy to wear yourself out from living this busy lifestyle.  Some have been doing this routine for the majority of their lives just begging for the day they can retire and catch a breath.  But then what?  Perhaps you have retired, and you’re actually wondering what to do now that you no longer have that 9-5 job or those little munchkins running about the house.  I’ll tell you what you do.  Social dance.  Dance?  Yes, you dance.  Think Country Two Step dancing, Latin Salsa dancing, or the fun of Swing dancing. Sound a little more exciting?? Here’s why I think your tired soul needs dance to spice up your life.

First, you deserve it. Be good to yourself.  You’ve mastered the art of “everything”, from child rearing to your job.  There’s no situation you haven’t handled with the grace of an Olympic ice skater balancing porcelain plates on her head and finger tips.  So now is the time to give back to yourself.  Do something that is not only fun, but good for you too.  Social dancing is one of the best leisure activities a person can do for him/herself.  The benefits of dance are all over the spectrum, but today I’m going to touch on the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of getting your feet moving on the dance floor.



The physical benefits of dancing are numerous.  I could write you a book on all of them, but I’ll keep this short and sweet for your sake.  The most pronounced are increased balance, posture, and flexibility, but if you aren’t interested in those, you can be sure of increased muscle tone (and who doesn’t want more of that?).  The benefits don’t stop there.  Social dancing, from Bachata to Ballroom, is also good for boosting the immune system and reducing your chance of heart disease.



Oh, the mental benefits of dancing!  Here’s a shocker for you.  Did you know dancing can dramatically reduce your risk of acquiring dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease?  It’s true!  A study done by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City over a 21 year period, discovered dancing reduces the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease by an incredible 76%!  The study tested both physical and mental activities such as reading books, completing crossword puzzles, playing golf, tennis, and walking to name a few.  The study revealed dancing reduces your chance of dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease more than any other physical activity.



Ever notice how dancers have a certain aura about them?  They seem to be more confident and comfortable in their own skin.  Ever wonder why?  The reason, dance allows people to become more aware of their bodies and expressive with the movement of it.  Social dancing gives them a safe, creative environment to be themselves.  It also reduces the amount of tension an individual holds.  Wouldn’t you feel great after a night out on the town Salsa dancing? Many people dance to shake off the stress of a long day at work.  They may recharge their batteries in a hopping social scene such a club, bar, or ballroom floor.  Others love the simplicity of going home pushing the living room furniture to the side, plugging in their favorite Country or Swing dance tunes, while taking it easy with their partner, letting the music slide over them, and allowing the dance to melt their cares away.  Whichever you prefer, dance is the perfect stress relief outlet for anyone.  And who knows, it may add to the romance in your life and create a few new friendships.

Now that you have discovered just some of the benefits of becoming a confident dancer, it’s your turn to give dancing a try. Dance FX Studios’ New Student Offer for beginner dancers is a great place to start if you live here in the Phoenix East Valley. Come experience the joys of social ballroom dancing and see how you can spice up your summer in no time.

What Are Your Goals This Summer?

Swing dance lessons in ArizonaGoals. Everyone has them in one form or another. Have you ever made a goal for yourself, and before you know it six months have gone by without a result in sight? You are not alone! One of the main reasons why people don’t end up following through with their goals is because goals usually equate to work in our minds. Here at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley we can help you set goals to find new ways to relieve stress, lose unwanted weight, or even add romance, all through the fun and excitement of social dance lessons!

At Dance FX Studios, we are intentional about goal setting and reaching what you want and deserve through dance. We spend the time necessary to get to know you and understand your dancing goals, or goals in general. It’s crazy to think about how learning to Country dance or Swing dance can help you to shift other areas in your life for the better, but we have seen it time and again here at the studio. For example, one of our recent clients came in to us for an opportunity to meet new people as he was new in town. Before long, his confidence was through the roof and he was frequenting Country bars to Two Step and Country Swing dance several nights a week. He met all sorts of new friends with similar interests and settled into Phoenix in no time.  As our main priority, we can set similar goals for you too to make sure that what you want to gain personally is reached through your experience with us.  We recognize everyone has a different vision for himself or herself regarding dancing, so we will always customize a program specific to your wants.

Specifically, for those of you with dancing goals go becoming a confident Latin dancer or Tango dancer, the biggest question to ask yourself is ‘What kind of dancer do I want to be? A show-stopper? A competitive dancer? An amazing social dancer?   Am I wanting to look natural or flashy?  Where do I intend to dance?’  A goal or vision is an essential piece of WHO you are, and it is something you want to carry forward into your goal setting with one of our incredible instructors.  When determining your goal, make it not only realistic but true to you.  We want you to be excited and comfortable about your vision for yourself.  It is a lot like rock climbing.  You are finding your rope, your lead, and the journey is upward from there.  Let us help you build confidence and achieve your vision for you.

With solid direction and purpose, and by sharing your goals with someone new that can help you to achieve them, you not only create accountability but motivation as well.  This allows others to give you the tools you need to help you move forward.  Our instructors at Dance FX Studios are trained to work with you to paint a clear picture of your goal, present a plan of attack with obtainable milestones, and constantly remind you of where you have been and where you are going.  It is easy to feel discouraged when you’re staring at a massive, seemingly insurmountable mountain, but here, at Dance FX Studios, we help break larger intimidating aspirations into smaller, more achievable stepping stones!  We create a definitive plan of action and start working on it right away!  Therefore, you hit milestones, become more motivated, and visually see progress happening!

We want to encourage you to believe in yourself.  Fuel your ambition by inspiring yourself to aim for things you may not have thought possible.   By asking ourselves what we really want and constantly re-assessing our goals, we gain the benefit of introspection and self-reflection.  We can figure out what it is we really want in life, and then make it happen.

Our motto here at the studio is to “Work smart, not hard.”  We want to get you to your goal in the smartest way possible.  Be adaptive, purposeful, and focused, but don’t limit yourself; you have transformative potential!  We know it.  Let us help you reach your dancing goals, and remember if you get knocked down, get back up, dust off your pants, tighten up your dancing shoes, and continue to move forward using all the knowledge you’ve gained.  Don’t wish for it, work for it in a fun way.  Do something today that your future will thank you for.  Start now!  Our Introductory Offer is just $25.  We can help you start your dancing journey today.  We look forward to meeting you soon!

Look HOT Country Dancing!

Country Western dancing in ArizonaNew and exciting things are around the corner in Arizona’s Country Dance community! This September, a new Country bar is opening in Tempe: Dierks Bentley’s Whiskey Row! If you have ever been out to Moonshine in Tempe, you know that there is a lot of Country Two-Stepping and Country Swing that is join on out there! Whiskey Row will definitely attract a large number of Country dancers, especially on the night of their Grand Opening. Come learn how to Country dance so that you’ll be ready for the hoopla surrounding this big event! 🙂

At Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley, we are well-rounded in the dances that we teach. However, a large number of students come in specifically for Country dances because it is extremely popular in Arizona. When you go out Country dancing, you generally see two dances the most: Country Two-Step and Country Swing. We teach both styles at this studio!

Country Two-Step is a fun, easy dance with many turns, twists and more turns. 🙂 There are two varieties of Country Two-Step that are done – Texas or Progressive and Arizona or Rhythm. The biggest difference between these two styles is where the dance goes. Progressive Two-Step is a dance that travels counter clockwise (in Line of Dance) around the floor. Rhythm Two-Step is mostly stationary, is effective in crowded dancing conditions, and is often what you will see here in Arizona.

Country Swing is one of many Swing dance variations, which means that some guidelines do apply, but these help to make you into a strong leader. This dance also includes spins, turns, and cool combinations that create a very fun, lively dance that will be sure to make you grin ear to ear. This dance is also adaptable to music other than Country, which is great to have in your back pocket!

September may seem like it is many moons away, but it’s never too early to discover Country dancing! Here at Dance FX Studios we are results driven and goal oriented so NOW is the time to get started so that you can really shine on any dance floor.  Let us help you to become the dancer you are envisioning – smooth and natural – while having a great time and learning a life-long skill that will cover you for any occasion. Dance FX Studios’ New Student Offer for beginners is a great way to be introduced to Country dancing.

Meet More Dance FX Studios’ Instructors!

Arizona Latin dance instructorsOriginally from Cuba, Alvaro has graced Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona with his enthusiasm and love of dance. Three words to describe him are: curious, dynamic, and lighthearted.

At a young age, Alvaro began to dance. “My parents began to teach me how to dance when I was four. When I was five, in kindergarten, I was in a dance group doing traditional mambo, cha-cha, danzon, pilon, salsa, and cumbia. After I turned fourteen, I began to learn Waltz so I could be a ‘professional’ dancer at quinceañeras (fifteenth birthday parties specifically for girls) and continued to do that for five years. I also used to choreograph dances during this time for quineañeras. Throughout my time as a dancer, I got a taste of many different dances. After that, I just kept dancing. I love salsa the most. In Cuba, it is one of the most popular dances.”

Overall, Alvaro loves to dance with a partner. He values creativeness and enjoys making new moves. At Dance FX Studios, he has found many nice people and whenever he comes to work, he is happy every day. He likes to see how everyone wants to learn to dance here. “It is the best place in the Phoenix valley to teach social dancing.”

“Me gusta el baile social, me parece divertido tener el papel de líder. Me encanta hacer nuevos movimientos y mezclarlos espontáneamente, lo que muestra mi creatividad. En este lugar estoy rodeado de buenas y agradables lo cual me hace me hace feliz venir cada día y dar lo mejor de mi. Me gusta ver como todos pueden aprender a bailar con facilidad, y me fascina dedicarles todos mi empeño para que luzcan mejor en la lista de baile. Es el único lugar en el Valle que enseña baile social, pienso que es una gran oportunidad venir y llevarse consigo esta gran experiencia. Me encanta el ambiente de alegría que hay en Dance FX Studios, sobre todo los estudiantes que vienen con dinamismo y creatividad emocionados para cada clase. Todos los miembros del equipo de trabajadores son muy amigables y todos nos llevamos bien, hacemos un grupo de trabajo muy divertido. Aquí aprendo como enseñar pero también aprendo muchas cosas nueves sobre baile, me ayuda a crecer un poco mas en mi carrera como bailarín y coreógrafo .”

For Alvaro, curiosity didn’t kill the cat… it motivated him. He loves to learn, whether it is directly related to him (dance, music, culture), or related to those around him (personalities, likes, how to make people laugh). Due to his curiosity and ability to quickly pick up new skills, the word that best describes him next is fast. Not only is he a fast learner, but he also makes friends quickly because he is able to see similarities with everyone! Lastly, “dynamic” rounds out Alvaro because it encapsulates him well. The definition of dynamic is: characterized by constant change, activity or progress.

Even though Alvaro absolutely LOVES dancing, he does have a few hobbies on the side which include, playing guitar, watching soccer games, roller blading, spending time with family, and playing some sports!

Stop by Dance FX Studios to meet Alvaro and the other instructors and check out our New Student Offer for beginner dance lessons.

Meet Dance FX Studios’ Staff: Jessie!

Arizona Country dance instructorsHey there! Jessie here. I thought I’d take a little moment of your time and introduce myself.  I’m a dance instructor here at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona.  I wasn’t always a dance instructor though. Before dancing, I did many different things.  I love exploring new avenues and am always seeking growth, so exploring dance and all of the exciting popular styles from the Country Two Step to Salsa dancing has been a blast!  I think I’m a fairly eclectic individual, and have always imagined being the kind of person to grow old and share all of my experiences and stories with my grandkids.  Some other things I’m passionate about outside of dancing are:  hot yoga, music (going to shows, sharing it, blasting it in my car and singing at the top of my lungs), the outdoors, books, geology, theology, behavioral psychology, and road trips.  I know, I’m all over the board.  Below is a Q&A section covering more about me and of my dance background.  Enjoy!
Q: What is your dancing background?
A: I grew up dancing.  I did jazz and clogging as a kid.  I loved to make up dancing routines in my living room with my friends to all our favorite pop songs.  We even did a couple talent shows and festivals around the Phoenix valley.  When I got older, I started going out to clubs and bars to dance.  It was at that time that I discovered Country 2-Step dancing.  WOW! I was entranced by it, and desperately wanted to learn.  Apparently those vibes were noticed because someone immediately asked me to dance and offered to teach me.  I’ve been in love with partner dancing from that moment on.
Q: Why Dance FX Studios?
A: Well, I was actually working as an Office Manager before I became a Dance Instructor.  I was steadily becoming discontent with this position.  I have always considered myself to be a very creative, artsy person, but I love helping people too.  My job situation, at the time, was not harnessing either skill.  I went away on holiday one day, and stumbled across a book in a tiny boutique.  It seemed to know exactly the discontent my heart felt.  It spoke of finding your “bliss” or “calling in life” with beautifully painted pages.  I sat down and considered my skills and the desires of my heart.  It was during this time of reflection I ran across Dance FX Studios. I knew the moment I saw it that I had to be there.  I love helping people above all things, and I love social partner dance too!  The combination of the two seemed absolutely golden, and I’ve not looked back since.
Q: What is your favorite thing about working at Dance FX Studios?
A; The people!  I’ve never been someplace where the people I am surrounded with everyday are so friendly, encouraging, and inspiring!  How often does one person get to say they genuinely love and enjoy their job and the people they work with?  Staff and students included,  Dance FX Studios attracts incredible individuals that are a joy to be around.
Q: What is your favorite style of dance to teach and why?
A: I love teaching the Nite Club 2 Step (Dance FX Studios version).  I love how romantic and smooth it feels.  It’s elegant and beautiful.  I think I also like the type of song that goes along with such a dance.  I’m a sucker for music that makes you feel things, and Nite Club seems to encompass the emotion of a song better than most other partner dances.
Q: What three words would you use to describe yourself?
A: I would say that I am passionate, creative, and empathetic.
Q: What’s a fun fact about you?
A: I would love to own a motorcycle and road trip across the U.S. one day.
So there you have it folks!  Hopefully I’ll get to see you at Dance FX Studios soon, teach you some more about dance, and learn a bit about you too! And…since I get to work with newbies, check out our New Student Offer for beginner dance lessons with me! At the studio, you can learn everything that you will use out in the “real world”, from wedding dances to how to twirl your lady at your favorite Country bar in Arizona. I can’t wait for the opportunity to meet you and share my passion for dance with you!