Are Group Dance Classes for You?

Learning to partner dance in Mesa, ArizonaWith our September 2014 group dance classes coming up next week, let’s talk about what’s so awesome about learning to dance in a group setting with us. Private dance lessons are the way to go if you want to grow quickly, but not everyone has the time or money on hand to invest in privates. For the next best thing, or if you just want to supplement your private lessons, group dance classes at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona are a great place to get your dance on. Whether you want to Country Two Step, Country Swing, or even Salsa, here is what makes our Swango Styles group classes so great!

As close to private lesson as you can get – without the private

At Dance FX Studios, we try to keep our group classes to a reasonable size so you can have more of a one-on-one experience. Even as our classes grow larger, instructors strive to give personalized attention to each and every student. Even though you don’t get the luxury of an instructor focusing solely on you, you do get to learn from other people’s mistakes. Maybe they have a question you were afraid to ask, or the teacher noticed a mistake that you silently shared. You can take notes from corrections given to other students and apply them to your own dancing.

Continuous growth with each class

We’ve done drop-in classes in the past, but this September we are providing 4-week progressive courses. That means that you don’t have to start from scratch with each class! There will be short time of review at the beginning of each class, then we move on. By committing to a set time period, the instructor doesn’t have to catch up newcomers. We all get to grow with each lesson instead of back tracking.

Lead and follow, not routines

The flaw with a lot of group classes is that they only teach routines. Every time you go to class, you are adding on to the routine you’ve been learning over the weeks. Instead of giving you a routine and patterns, Dance FX Studios focuses on true lead and follow for each dance. By using our private lesson concepts, we allow our students to explore different combinations or moves so that you are more prepared for the dance floor. In a social setting, you aren’t hearing the same songs all night, so dancers need to be able to put moves in a variety of orders. In this relaxed setting, you can experiment and play while making sure you are using real technique, not just going through the motions.

If you want to learn to dance in a fun, friendly environment, join us starting next week for our progressive dance classes! We are located in Mesa, just off the 101 and the 60, easily accessible from Chandler, Tempe, Scottsdale, Phoenix, and Gilbert. Sign up online, or give our studio a call at 480-968-6177! Or, if you think you might be more comfortable in a private setting, we have incredible instructors available for private dance lessons. With anything from Latin dance, to Country dance, to Argentine Tango, we can help get you up and dancing quickly.


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am-3 pm. For more information, call us today at 480.968.6177.

Our Favorite Ways to Involve Your Guests in Your First Dance

Wedding couple learning first dance in ArizonaThe first dance can be one of the scariest parts of your wedding. Everything else has been meticulously planned, from invitations to wardrobe, down to the napkins at the tables. But what can you do to plan the first dance? If you know you want it to go smoothly and for your guests to enjoy it, your best bet is to get custom choreography from a studio like Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona. The only way to get yourself a good dance is dance lessons, right? Well aside from great choreography, make your guests feel like part of the dance. This is about your journey, and these are the people that helped get you there. Here are our favorite ways to involve your guests in your special dance:

Write out the song lyrics

Most brides and grooms choose their first dance song because it has special meaning to them. If the words are important to you, print the words of your first dance song in your program, or use it as table settings. By providing the lyrics, your guests can have a much clearer idea of what you two are trying to express to one another during your dance. It’s also a nice keepsake if anyone wants to take it home!

Bring them onto the floor

End your dance on a high note by bringing out friends and family onto the dance floor. Plenty of couples use the first dance to kick off the dancing for the night, so really go for it! If you’re already doing a fast paced routine, like a salsa or hip hop number, it’s really easy to transition into fun dancing with everyone. If you’re doing a more traditional dance, but still want to make sure everyone gets out there, ask the DJ about creating a mix of your song that goes straight into party music!

Involve the crowd

if you don’t necessarily want to bring Grandma out on the floor, you can still involve the guests by inviting them to clap along. This can especially be fun at a Country Wedding if you decide to go for a Two Step or Country Swing first dance! With upbeat music like that, it’s easy to get everyone clapping, stomping, hooting and hollering. If you think your family might be a little reserved, you may even want to verbally invite them to clap along before the dance starts so they know they won’t offend you.

Choose songs that are special to your friends and family

Another way to make everyone feel involved without making them actually do anything can be with song choice. If you and your bridal party all grew up on the same music, consider bringing out something old school. If Vanilla Ice or N*Sync was your jam, then pump it up! Make a mix with songs that are meaningful to everyone and they will feel as a part of your dance as you do. It’ll definitely be something they’ll remember.

*P.S. Another fun idea is to ask guests to make song requests on their RSVP. Maybe not for the first dance, but it can make creating the night’s playlist a lot easier!

Have another cool idea that you think could work? Let us know! The wedding dance professionals at Dance FX Studios have been doing this for years, but we are always open to new ideas. If you’re in the greater Phoenix area and want to create the perfect first dance, give us a call. With everything from basic wedding dance lessons to fully choreographed routines, we have exactly the right fit for any bridal couple. Whether it’s sweet and simple, or crazy and fun, we’re here to help make your dream dance a reality! We’re just off the 60 and the 101 in Mesa, minutes away from Tempe, Chandler, Gilbert, Phoenix, and Scottsdale. Call us at 480-968-6177 to book a wedding dance consultation today!

Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am-3 pm. For more information, call us today at 480.968.6177.

The Truth About True Country Dancing

Man and woman country dancing in ArizonaI’m going to be really blunt for a second…

True Country is not a social dance.

Okay, I said it. Now, before you get angry and stop reading, I will clarify: True Country is fun, acrobatic, and is done to music. It takes skill to perform the lifts and dips, there are plenty of spins, and it looks like dance. I love to see it in performance, when it has been practiced and perfected between two skilled partners… But that does not make it a social partner dance.

I bring this up because True Country has become a huge trend throughout the Country Dance world, especially in Arizona. We at Dance FX Studios have had countless numbers of new students come in asking to learn True Country, but to be completely honest, it scares me. I’ve seen many girls dropped, hit, and injured because guys tried “cool moves” they learned on Youtube. There are plenty of moves out there, but they aren’t always successful when attempting True Country because:

There is no set structure or rhythm.

Can you tell me the basic of True Country? What is the standard rhythm that one follows? There is no answer. Country Swing is slow-slow-quick-quick and Arizona Two Step is quick-quick-slow-tap-slow-tap. Why does that matter, you ask? Without some kind of standardized structure or rhythm, there is no way for partners to properly communicate. If there is no set rhythm for dancers to follow together, they have no way of knowing who is on what foot and when.

True Country doesn’t follow the beat of the music.

The other reason rhythm is so important in partner dance? It keeps you with the music, of course! Music gives you your timing and helps keep partners together with an audible beat to follow. Because there isn’t a set rhythm, dancers tend to ignore the music completely. Dance at its core is the physical embodiment of musical interpretation. If you ignore the music, you’re just moving.

There is no lead or follow.

If you can’t tell what beat or what foot your partner is on, how can you know when the most comfortable time to turn your girl is? You can’t. The majority of social True Country dancers aren’t guiding their partners, but rather they are throwing them. Without training, True Country doesn’t ask for an equal partnership where the man leads and the woman interprets and follows. Instead, women are simply flung from place to place.

What it all boils down to is this: True Country is a performance. Like any acrobatic routine, it is exactly that – a routine. True Country can be really cool to look at when the couple has already planned each and every move. If not, it’s sloppy at its best and dangerous at its worst. Your best bet is to learn what we at Dance FX Studios are now calling “Real Country.” Learn Two Step or Country Swing the right way, so you can lead or follow without having to throw or be thrown. I promise, it’s a lot more fun (and safe) to do turns and twists to the music and with some technique under your belt. If you’re in the greater Pheonix area, come check out our studio in Mesa. Located just off the 60 and the 101, we’re minutes away from Tempe, Chandler, Scottsdale, Phoenix, and Gilbert. Join us for our group classes starting up in September or try an introductory private dance lesson. We can get you dancing comfortably and safely while looking cool on the floor in no time!

Not in Arizona? We’ve gotcha covered. We’ll be uploading instructional Real Country videos to our Youtube page soon, so you can get your dance on wherever you are!

Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am-3 pm. For more information, call us today at 480.968.6177.


Popular Latin Dances in Arizona

Couple salsa dancing in Mesa, AZThe Latin scene in Phoenix is pretty much amazing. Thanks to a wide variety of influences from South of the border, there are plenty of places to grab a margarita and hit the dance floor. But what styles of dance can you expect to see when you decide to go out? Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the most popular Latin dances you’ll see out on the town.


Salsa is the fast, fiery dance that the general public pictures when they think of when they imagine Latin dancing. The majority of salsa dancers in Phoenix dance salsa on 1. This just means that they break, or take their first step forward or back, on the first beat of music. Generally counted quick-quick-slow, quick-quick-slow, dancers use continuous rock steps and quick steps to execute turns and tricks. This dance can range from the incredibly flashy LA-Style to smoother styles depending on the song and the dancer. More advanced dancers (or dancers visiting from the Northeast) will dance Salsa on 2. The quicks and slows are the same, but dancers break on 2 instead of 1. It’s a bit more challenging, but lots of fun!


Bachata is a much slower dance than Salsa, generally speaking. There are a variety of Bachata styles, but the usual rhythm followed is step-together-step-tap, step-together-step-tap. The most popular styles in Phoenix are urban, LA-Style, and Dominican. Urban is dance very closely, utilizing core connection to affect the follower’s body movement. LA-Style has influences from Argentine Tango, Salsa, and Ballroom, so you can expect a lot more turns, arm wrapping, tricks, and dips. Dominican, as the original Bachata, uses a lots less fancy turns, but can occasionally play with quick footwork and rhythm variations. No matter the style, you can expect plenty of hips! Latin Body Motion comes into play in all Latin dances, but really shines in Bachata.


Merengue is probably these simplest of the Latin dances that you see out in clubs. Essentially marching, dancers step on each beat of the music. Because of the simplicity of the steps, dancers can play a lot with wrapping up their partners in a variety of ways. This is the perfect dance to learn if you’re just starting out and want to get the hang of Latin dancing. This is also a great dance to know because a lot of current popular Latin music (think Pitbull) is practically made for Merengue.

If you want to brush up on your Latin dances before hitting the club, stop by Dance FX Studios! We’re the only social dance studio in Phoenix, so we can prepare you for any partner dance situation. If you want to dance, but aren’t crazy about the Latin scene, don’t worry. Phoenix also has awesome scenes for Country dancing, Swing dancing, and even Tango. Luckily, we offer private dance lessons in every style of dance, as well as awesome group classes to help give you some extra practice time. We’re located in Mesa, just off the 101 and the 60 with easy access from Phoenix, Chandler, Scottsdale, Tempe, and Gilbert. Give us a call at 480-968-6177 or email us and set up an introductory lesson today!

Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am-3 pm. For more information, call us today at 480.968.6177.

Kizomba Social This Weekend at Dance FX Studios

Kizomba Dance Lesson in Mesa ArizonaIf you’re in the world of Latin dance and you haven’t heard of Kizomba yet, you’re a little behind the times. Like most Latin dances, Kizomba’s roots are straight from Africa – specifically Angola. It hasn’t been around for long, as it started showing up in the early 1980’s, but it has started growing in the United States over the past few years. If you haven’t seen this beautiful dance, come join ours this weekend for our Kizomba Social at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ! Don’t know what to expect? Here’s a quick rundown of what our new Kizomba Socials look like:

Before you arrive, be prepared to get a little close and personal, as Kizomba is an incredibly sensual dance. Much like Argentine Tango, it is danced in a close hold with lots of body contact. Picture a sexy Argentine Tangowith a lot more hips… You’re on the right track to picturing Kizomba. I highly recommend you shower and brush your teeth as a courtesy to the other dancers at the social, just as you would going to any other dance event.

Before the main dancing gets started, we’ll kick off with a fun group class with the ever-talented Vicky Vazquez! As one of the only Kizomba instructors in Arizona, we’re lucky to have her at the helm of these socials. She’ll run you through the basics of the dance, as it actually has multiple basic steps, as well as music and body movement. So, even if you’ve only joined us for Country Two Step or Swing dance classes, you’ll still be able to give it your best shot. The lesson is also a great opportunity to get to know the other guests at the social so you know who you want to dance with later on!

After the lesson, the party will start! With music spanning from Kizomba and Zouk to a little Salsa and Bachata, there will be plenty of opportunity to get out on the floor. Because Kizomba is such a new dance to the United States, we’ll have all levels from beginner to advanced. Feel free to give it a go, or even enjoy the show! Either way, you’re guaranteed a great time.

So come on out this Saturday, August 23rd, 2014 and get your dance on! The lesson starts at 8 pm- only $10 for the lesson and the social. If you feel pretty confident in your Kizomba skills already, you can join in for just the social for $5. Dance FX Studios is located at 1859 West Guadalupe Rd. #105 in Mesa, Arizona, just off the 101 and the 60. Having trouble finding us? Just give us a call at 480-968-6177.

Want to give dancing a shot, but not sure Kizomba is your thing? No worries! Here at Dance FX Studios, we teach everything from Latin, to Country, to Tango, to Swing! We’re here to help you discover what dance fits you and your personality best so you can join in on any social dance event. With both private dance lessons and group dance classes, we are the go-to place for all your social partner dancing needs in Arizona. Stop by for an introductory lesson and get your hips moving, your boots scooting’, and everything in between!

How to Dress Your Man for the First Dance

Laughing couple learning wedding dance in ArizonaLet’s give the men a shout-out in this blog! Most of the time, we talk about what the blushing bride is wearing, how she should do her hair, what shoes to wear, and so forth. At Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona we’re especially concerned about the lady because a bride in 4-inch heels and a fitted mermaid dress is going to be a lot more difficult to deal with than one in ballet flats and a ball gown – at least when it comes to the ever-terrifying first dance. But at this studio, we also like to keep the guy in mind. When you’re thinking about your first dance, be it a simple and sweet slow dance or a fun Country Two Step, the man’s wardrobe choice can have a definite impact. Let’s kick off this week by talking about a few of the guy’s choices and how it affects your first wedding dance.

Jacket On vs. Jacket Off

What kind of dance are you doing? More importantly, what mood are you going for? Is the jacket fitted around your shoulders with room for you to comfortably lift your arms? These are all incredibly important questions to ask yourself. If you have broad shoulders and the jacket is a bit snug, it may be in your best interest to take the jacket off. You want to be able to turn your girl smoothly, and a tight jacket can take that away in a heartbeat. If your jacket will work either way, consider the style. If you’re going for a classic ballroom dance like the Foxtrot or Waltz, keep the jacket on… You’ll make Fred Astaire proud. Any other style will work nicely either way.

Suspenders vs. Belt

This one is personal preference, but if you’re going for a flashy first dance, you can have a lot of fun with suspenders. The bride can play with them, you can play with them, whatever. Suspenders can be incorporated into fun choreography much easier than a belt can. If that isn’t a big deal to you, then go with your gut (although I love suspenders, personally).

Tie vs. Bow Tie

This one is another area to where we can play in your first dance. It’s a little cheesy, but who doesn’t love dragging their new hubby onto the dance floor by his tie? Okay, maybe that isn’t for you, but here’s something to keep in mind: If you’re going the tie route – and you aren’t incorporating it into your dance – make sure you have a nice tie clip. You don’t want the tie to become the center of attention because it decided to Salsa dance on its own! This is your dance, so keep the tie in check. Want to go with a bow tie? We can’t play as much, but it’ll definitely stay put.

Dress Shoes vs. Sneaker/Boots/Etc.

I actually don’t have too much preference when it comes to the guy’s shoes. Dress shoes are probably the easiest to dance in, unless you’ve got some boots for your Country Swing Dance. Sneakers are definitely the hardest in terms of keeping the steps smooth (thanks, rubber soles), but it just takes a little extra practice. Any shoe you choose will work, just make sure you give yourself time to break them in before the wedding. You won’t regret it!

If you have any other questions about your first dance, or don’t even know where to start, come visit Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ. We’ve helped thousands of bridal couples create the perfect first dance for their wedding and would love to help you, too. We offer everything from fully choreographed, show-stopping routines to simple, basic wedding dance lessons. We’re just minutes away from Tempe, Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Gilbert, so give us a call and book a wedding dance consultation to talk shoes, music, dancing, and more!

Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am-3 pm. For more information, call us today at 480.968.6177.

Dealing With Different Floor Types For Your Arizona Wedding

Wedding Dance Lessons | Dance FX Studios | Types of Dance FloorsEverything is ready to go for your big day. You’ve figured out your hair, dress, shoes, napkins… EVERYTHING. But have you planned ahead for your dance floor? Plenty of venues allow for you to bring in a portable dance floor, but not everyone wants that for their day. As wedding dance specialists, we at Dance FX Studios have a few tips for each type of flooring you might encounter for your reception. We’ve helped thousands of brides with their first dance and have dealt with every kind of flooring imaginable, so we know a thing or two.


Congratulations! You have the best flooring possible for your dance. Whether you’re in heels or flats, dancing Foxtrot or Salsa, you are good to go. Just be careful of rubber soles if you want to turn easily. If you’re doing something more in the realm of hip hop, you might want to switch over to sneakers. (Bonus points if your dance floor is sprung!)


Not too bad. Tile is a pretty okay dance floor, as long as it is evenly set. When looking at the venue, take note of any uneven spots so you know to avoid them come dance time. Also, be wary of your heels! You’ll want to stay on your toes and the balls of your feet during the dance so your heel doesn’t get caught in the grout.


Generally even ground to dance on, but it can be incredibly painful if you (Heaven forbid) fall. Steer clear of sticky shoes because the concrete has enough grit to stabilize you. It isn’t impossible, but you’ll definitely have to work a little harder if you’re trying a smooth dance like Nite Club 2 Step. I might opt for something like Jitterbug so you can use the bounce of it to travel instead of anything glide-y.


Grass is the heel’s enemy. If you didn’t know this already, shame on you. Invisible heel stabilizers are out there and can add some girth to your heel while keeping you stylish, but I recommend dancing in flats or even barefoot. If you are dealing with beautiful golf course grass, your feet will be safe going barefoot. If it’s rough to the touch, invest in a pair of comfy flats that won’t fall off when you try to turn. As tempting as those flip flops are, just be aware that they are probably going to fall off mid-dance and cause a bit of a hazard.


Cobblestone is beautiful and a little terrifying to dance on. Take one for the team and take the heels off… Your ankles will thank you later. It’s like taking concrete and tile and putting it together with EVEN MORE GROUT. Flats, flats, and flats. You don’t get another option. If you’re going for a Country theme and decide to dance Two Step, cowboy boots will work out just fine.

Uneven/textured/stone tile

Again, we’re getting into scary territory. As gorgeous as this flooring can be, it isn’t very conducive to a beautiful first dance. If you absolutely must dance on this type of floor, take a solid walk through and find the most even patch. Even your comfiest flats can catch on uneven tile if you aren’t on the lookout. Pick your feet up with each step, and try to pick a dance that doesn’t require any dragging steps. I’d also recommend a trial run on the floor ahead of time if the venue allows it.

Have a different flooring type and need help figuring it out? If you’re in the the greater Phoenix area, give us a call at Dance FX Studios. We offer everything from crazy, choreographed first dances, to simple, basic wedding dance lessons. You’ll receive personalized attention from a wedding dance specialist who can help you pick the right dance for your venue, song choice, and vision. Book your consultation today!

Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am-3 pm. For more information, call us today at 480.968.6177.

Unique Team Building Activities in Arizona

Team Building Activities | Team Building Dance Lessons | Dance FX StudiosAre you looking to do a team building activity that doesn’t make your staff groan and roll their eyes? A lot of team builders consist of overdone games and egg drops. From dance lessons to cave exploring, here is a list of other possibilities that will bond your team without them hating it.

Build a House

Give back to the community while reaching a goal as a team. So many team building activities require building structures and problem solving so the team can reach a unified goal. Why not take that concept and ramp it up a little? Join Habitat for Humanity or another local charity to build a home for someone who needs it. If you have a bigger company, you might even be able to manage multiple houses at once!

Dance Lessons

It may not seem like the biggest challenge, but learning to partner dance can actually be a big trust-builder. If you go with something like social partner dancing, you create an ice-breaker, trust exercises, and goal setting all in one experience. Bring the team to a local dance studio (if you’re near Phoenix, Arizona, check out Dance FX Studios!) or hire a dance instructor to come to the office. By learning to Country Two Step or Swing together, your employees can have fun, learn a new skill, and work towards a similar goal – to dance!

Paint Ball

Nothing brings people together quite like paint-filled pellets. This is the perfect environment to develop teamwork along with some healthy competition. It can also be a solid equalizer if the bosses join in. Your employees will definitely look at you in a new way if you let them give you a colorful makeover.


This isn’t doable for everyone, but it’s definitely a team builder to remember. Sometimes your team just needs an unforgettable experience to bond them. Find a local cave, hire a guide, and make it a field trip! Just be aware of anyone who may be scared of the dark.


Create a business sports team! Whether it’s soccer, volleyball, softball, or basketball, there are plenty of athletic teams you can put together. You can even build a corporate league and play against other companies. Friendly competition and sportsmanship can do a lot to bring your team together.

Eat Together

Something as simple as a weekly staff meal can help with camaraderie around the office. If you’re a startup, order a pizza. If your company has a little more cash to play with, take a poll and get the most popular meal choice delivered. It isn’t a puzzle or a challenge, but genuine conversation among each other over a delicious lunch can work wonders.

Like what you read? Good! Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona is all about helping. Check out our Swango Styles division and set up a team building group class! If all goes well, you could even make a weekly thing of it. Goodness knows it’ll make those holiday parties a lot easier if everyone knows how to Salsa or Jitterbug together.

Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am-3 pm. For more information, call us today at 480.968.6177.

Arizona Empty Nesters

Middle-aged couple at dance studio in ArizonaSo, your kids have finally flown from the proverbial “nest.” Although not recognized by psychological professionals as a true clinical condition, empty nest syndrome can take its toll on parents. Depression, grief, and loneliness can set it for a short while or even an extended period. If you aren’t one of the lucky ones who is immediately relieved at the newfound freedom (congrats if you are!), here are a few ways to ease the stress and fill your free time. From a simple phone call to dance lessons, you have plenty of options to brighten your days!

Keep in Touch

Just because your kids are all grown up, it doesn’t mean you have to stop talking to them! Often, the best way to deal with not seeing them every day is just by keeping in touch. A phone call can go a long way to comfort you. If you and your son or daughter have the time, make a parent/kid date out of it! Plan a day and time every week where you know you’ll get to chat and catch up. That way, you keep up to date in their life without being the overbearing parent who calls every hour on the hour. Stay in touch with things like Skype, FaceTime, and the like if you won’t get to see their face in person for a while. Technology has made keeping in touch incredibly easy, so there are no excuses.

Get a Job

The majority of parents who deal with empty nest issues were stay-at-home parents. Now that you have the time, get a job. Just because you don’t have a person to take care of, it doesn’t mean you are useless to the world. You have plenty to offer, so find your calling and get back into the work force. You’d be amazed at how much just getting a job can do to improve your self-esteem.

Reconnect With Your Partner

Some adults think that children are what keep their marriage together. The honest truth is that you actually tend to disconnect from your partner when you have kids. All of the attention in your relationship shifts to the needs of the child, so you lose sight of your romantic side. With your newly empty house, now is the time to rekindle and reconnect. Find a romantic activity for you to do together while you start a new journey. One of the best activities for bonding with your spouse is private partner dance lessons. Whether you love Country music and the fun of Two Step or want to explore the sensual side of Latin dancing, partner dancing allows you to rediscover yourselves physically and mentally. Work together to achieve a goal and gain a new skill together at the same time. Dance is also an incredible stress reliever, so you can get even more out of it than you expect.

If you’re in the greater Phoenix area and want to explore dance, join us at Dance FX Studios. We are in Mesa, just minutes away from Phoenix, Chandler, Tempe, and Gilbert. We offer completely customized private dance lessons for you and your partner (or just you) in a variety of dances. Join us for an introductory lesson so we can help find the right dances for you. You may fall in love with Argentine Tango, or you may want to learn some fun Jitterbug steps. No matter the case, we’ll get you on the best path. If private lessons aren’t for you, we also offer group dance lessons so you can have a little more company on the dance floor.

Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am-3 pm. For more information, call us today at 480.968.6177.

Tips For Choosing a Wedding Hairstyle to Survive the First (and Last) Dance

Choosing A Wedding Hairstyle | Wedding Dance Lessons | Dance FX StudiosHow you style your hair on your wedding day is a big decision. With the endless array of options, you have to keep quite a bit in mind. From various photographic angles to whether or not it will stay intact for your first dance, here are a few helpful hints to keep in mind while planning your perfect wedding hair style.

Photographers catch every angle

Your hair is going to be photographed from every angle known to man. Left side, right side, front, back, above, underneath, and everywhere in between. Be sure to choose a hairstyle that is flattering no matter which way you look at it. Updo’s tend to be exciting from the side and back, but can look sort of boring from the front. Keep it interesting with loose tendrils to frame your face or a fun hair piece. The side swept look is gorgeous from one side and pretty plain from the other. If you go for the side, keep that in mind while taking photographs.

Stay true to yourself

A lot of brides use their wedding day to go for a bold new style that leaves them practically unrecognizable. This is definitely the day to amp yourself up and feel beautiful, but stay true to yourself. Pick a style that matches your personality! If you’re more of a green, eco-friendly bride, find a hairstyle that will stay put without tons of hairspray. Personalize your hair with a flower crown, a vintage fascinator, or your mother’s old veil. Whatever speaks to you will look gorgeous!

Pick a hairdo that stays out of your face

Be careful with completely down hairstyles. If your hair isn’t naturally tame, or it’s an especially windy day, you might end up with hair covering your face for your pictures or worse. Imagine saying, “I do,” with hair trapped in your mouth. A great way to maintain your gorgeous length while keeping a little control is with a half up/half down ‘do. A braided crown not only adds style, but keeps those pesky tresses out of your eyes.

Keep your first dance in mind

Lots of brides these days are having their first dance choreographed. If you’re planning a simple first dance, like a Nite Club 2 step, your hair probably won’t get in the way. But, if you want something more exciting, like the Salsa or Country Swing, your hair might need a little extra thought. These dances are higher energy and tend to have a lot more turns. You won’t want hair that can easily get caught or tangled, nor will you want hair so big your hubby can’t reach over your head to turn you. Let your stylist know how energetic your dance will be so they can secure accordingly. I recommend giving your hair a trial run ahead of time so you can practice your dance and make adjustments as you see fit.

We can’t help you style your hair, but here at Dance FX Studios, we can certainly help you with your first dance. With everything from Sweet and Simple to Rock the Reception lessons, we’ve helped thousands of brides shine on their big day. We’ve choreographed Latin, Country, Hip Hop, and even Argentine Tango. If you’re located near the Phoenix valley, give us a call. Just off the 60 and the 101 in Mesa, we’re easy to find and worth the trip! Not only do we offer fully choreographed, show-stopping routines, but we also have basic wedding dance lessons for those of you trying to keep it simple. Schedule your visit with a wedding consultant today!

Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am-3 pm. For more information, call us today at 480.968.6177.