The Beginnings of Argentine Tango

Argentine Tango Phoenix ArizonaArgentine tango has not always been known as an elegant, rich and timeless dance style. Its origins can be found infused within the introduction of a new instrument to Argentina—the German Bandoneon. Similar in physical appearance to an accordion, the Bandoneon inspired dancers to be more sensitive to music and to truly feel a connection with their dance partner.
The word tango itself comes from the Latin word tangere which, perhaps unsurprisingly, means ‘to touch’. Cuban and Uraguay dances (such as the habonera and the candombe) were great influences on the overall style that developed into Argentine tango. African folk dance is has also been greatly incorporated into the style. As tango gained popularity it was brought out of the dance halls and into the streets. It was so unique compared to the dances of the time that it was considered somewhat obscene. The Argentine tango challenged the conventions of acceptable public behavior. However, the immigrants living in North Buenos Aires fell in love with the dance style which propelled its popularity forward. It was only a matter of time before the Argentine tango was contagious worldwide.
More Argentine Tango Facts:

The antique Argentine tango was never danced with castanets or with a flower.
In the 1900’s the dance was banned by the Pope after a private viewing, and Kaiser Wilhelm 1 forbade his officers to dance it whilst wearing their uniforms, effectively banning it from all state balls.
There are many different types of tango, each with their own distinct style, including ballroom, Finnish, salon, Nuevo and many others.

Become a Healthier You and JUST DANCE!

Dance Fitness Phoenix ArizonaDancing is an incredible form of exercise. Not only does it raise the heart rate but it can also burn just as many calories as walking, swimming or bicycling. But here’s the difference; as opposed to a typical work out, with dance you can do something you enjoy while getting into shape! It’s the best of both worlds.

The Mayo Clinic states that regular participation in dance can help you fulfill a recommendation of 30 minutes for daily adult aerobic activity. Dances that involve interval timing, such as Zumba, make for an especially great calorie burning work out because the interval training keeps your muscles in a constant change of motion.

Along with serving as a great way to burn calories (of which you can burn hundreds during a one hour class) dance also benefits the body in additional ways.

The incorporation of dancing into any lifestyle is also great for improving endurance. Dances such as swing and ballroom are especially great for building endurance. As you dance, your muscles work hard so that over time your body can handle more movement with less fatigue.

You may incorporate dance into your life as a weight loss plan but it can do so many other wonderful things for your body, some of which may be a little more subtle. Dancing can help lower your heart rate, blood pressure and cholesterol. It can also help strengthen bones, boost the immune system and improve posture. Often the sense of well being that is found within a dance-filled lifestyle is just as rewarding as the physical exercise itself! How do you incorporate music and movement into your life?

Try Zumba and Dance Your Way Into A Better YOU!

What would be created if you combined all of the greatest parts of Salsa, Merengue, Mambo, Flamenco, Samba, Hip Hop, Belly Dancing and Tango into one incredible dance? Well then, wouldn’t you know it, that’s where the brain child of Zumba dance originated.

Zumba is a fast-paced dance style that’s specifically designed not only to be entertaining but a great fitness program as well. The name “Zumba” even comes from a Colombian term that means to move fast and to have fun! Although this dance has only recently gained force at many gyms, studios and even senior citizen homes, it has been around since the early 1990s.

You can thank fitness instructor Alberto Perez for combining the exercise of aerobic videos with the excitement of Latin and other dance techniques. After misplacing his original music for an aerobics class Perez improvised with some Latin salsa and meringue music allowing his class do dance to the beat. It was a dynamic hit, and nearly 12 million people have fallen in love with his creation since then. Zumba was even the first branded fitness program to launch a video game version for the likes of Xbox and Wii.

You’re probably wondering if Zumba sounds like something that you could fall in love with too. If you enjoy high energy, motivating music, and if you like to try unique moves and combinations then Zumba may be a necessity! It’s is a fantastic way to release stress and tension from the body, as well as increase your cardio work out and improve muscle tone. Not only will you enjoy it, but your body will thank you too!

Before Your Wedding Consultation at Dance FX Studios…

dance studios for wedding lessonsThis is Rachel here, wedding choreographer for Dance FX Studios for almost 7 years. Read these 3 things below that I recommend you do before coming in for your first wedding dance lesson and you’ll be on your way to a fun adventure with your fiance- one that you’ll remember forever!

1. Discuss with your significant other what he/she would like for their first dance. Knowing how your partner wants to look on the dance floor and communicating that with each other is half the battle. Coming into your lessons as a couple who also knows what they want as far as songs, budget and availability speeds up the process and gets you to your goals that much faster!

2. Try to have some song options picked out even if you are not set on any of them. A small guide can go a long way for your choreographer. I guarantee that I will always have more options for you to choose from once I understand the direction you are trying to go by listening to the type of music you like. Your first song is going to be a special one for years to come, so let’s not waste any time picking out the perfect one for you!

3. LADIES: Bringing in a photo of your wedding dress is very helpful. We want to make sure that everything goes absolutely perfect on your big day. Knowing what kind of dress we are working with helps your choreographer tailor your routine so you can sparkle your very brightest on the dance floor.

With these three tips, your first dance consultation will be a breeze. We will get you on the dance floor and, before you know it, you will have a one-of-a-kind dance to remember!

Dance and Become a Loser!

lose weight dancing Mesa AZDance, dance, dance…Lose, lose, lose…

Dancing is a great, fun way to lose weight. Lose weight, you ask? Yes, lose weight!

Have you ever given thought to the physiological effects that take place as you are stepping, turning, twisting and sliding to your favorite music with your favorite dance buddy? Why would or should you?  You’re simply out there enjoying the music sounds, the exciting atmosphere of the dance floor, the company with whom you are dancing, and more. But, if you WERE to think about what is going on with your body while you’re having so much fun, this is what you would realize.

We all know that to lose weight you must use more calories in the day than you take in. This means that you must be active. A good way to enhance your ability to burn calories is to perform some form of aerobic activity – something that causes your heart rate to increase to meet the oxygen demands of the muscles you use during the activity. Dancing does just this because as you are dancing you are using the large muscle groups of the lower body (legs, glutes, back). And, while you have to move your entire body through space in a balanced and steady manner, all your stabilizer muscles from head to toe are in use as well. In addition, if you are the lead, you’ll be using even more calories as you guide your partner along while simultaneously moving your own body. This all translates to MORE CALORIES being used! And THAT means you are participating in physical activity that will contribute to weight loss.

If you’re looking to enhance your health, dance to your heart’s content (pun intended). You’ll know you’ll be losing weight and creating a fun pastime that you will be able to enjoy for the rest of your (healthy) life. What a great healthful “secret weapon” dancing is!

What Everyone Wants to Know About Dancing

Ballroom Dancing in Chandler ArizonaAs an ballroom dance instructor in Phoenix for 16 years now, I have heard and seen it all from my students. At Dance FX Studios, we have taught couples that were on their first date, couples whose marriage counselors have suggested that they learn to dance as a means of saving their marriage and couples who were just getting married. We have also instructed guys and gals who came in individually looking to meet that someone special, build their confidence and learn a new hobby. While the spectrum of “types” of students we have runs deep, one common question is on everyone’s mind. The number one question that my students have asked me over the years is: “How long will it take me/us to be a great dancer?” This question is tricky. Let’s explore the good, the bad and the ugly of what it takes to be a great dancer.

The Good: The good news about learning to dance is that what you put into your dancing is what you will get out of it. Like with any hobby, practicing your dancing, thinking about it and going out and enjoying it can only lead to all things good in terms of gaining assurance that you can become a great dancer. In the beginning stages of learning to dance, it is important to start with private lessons so that you can get the attention to detail with one-on-one dance instruction that is tailored for you. The biggest tip I can give any dancer? Don’t focus on your footwork as much as your leading or following skills.

The Bad: Ballroom dancing, Salsa, Swing or even Country Western dancing is a skill that does not happen over night. Time is only on your side if you take conscious steps towards your dancing goals. Find the right dance studio for you and ask your instructor what you can focus on specifically in between each lesson to continue to improve and grow. Give yourself 6 months to a year to start putting the pieces in place and gain the fluidity gained only through repetition and muscle memory and time.

The Ugly: While ANYONE is capable of being a great dancer, people generally want to take shortcuts. Who wants to wait to get out and use their dancing and have fun? Just remember that shortcuts will only prolong the time it takes you to learn to dance well. What some people may consider “the ugly” of learning to dance is that quality dance lessons are an investment. Remember that as you find a qualified studio that you will be investing in yourself and developing a life skill that will open up many doors in your life including adding romance, meeting new people and relieving stress.

I can think of no better hobby than dancing to bring about positive change in someone’s life. So, as you ponder the good, the bad and the ugly, keep in mind that dancing is the best investment in YOU and it will continue to reward you for the rest of your life.