Add Romance… Learn to Dance!

Ballroom dancing and Romance for couples Tempe ArizonaWould you like to connect with someone new in a meaningful way that will last? Is your relationship in need of a little sprucing up? Learn to dance and see how the love in your life blossoms!

Ballroom dancing for couples at all stages in their relationships is a hobby that gives a whole new meaning to learning an extra curricular activity. Spice up your life with dancing lessons and notice how the three aspects mentioned below (among many others) of your relationship begin to take shape.

These hidden benefits of learning to dance are rarely brought to light. They are the secrets to why dance lessons should be (in my opinion) a requirement in every couple’s relationship. Experience for yourself how you can take your current relationship one step further (no pun intended!) just by learning to dance!

1. TEAMWORK: It REALLY DOES take two to Tango! Not just two bodies, but two bodies that are working together, becoming one in synchronicity with each other, one as an actor and one as a re-actor. Partner dancing is a whole new way of communicating for couples that gives one person the ability to create and send signals and the other one a chance to receive those signals and to respond accordingly. This type of non-verbal communication on the dance floor is a unique and special gift that, when done correctly, is extremely rewarding. It is the sign of  great teamwork or, in dance terms, a great partnership.

2. MOVEMENT TO MUSIC: Dancing to beautiful music crosses all language barriers allowing our inner inhibitions to reveal themselves. It doesn’t get more sensual than this. Learn to dance Country Two Step, Swing, Salsa OR Tango and see how music and dancing equates to passion on and off the dance floor!

3. MAKING TIME FOR EACH OTHER: What better gift can you give your loved one than that of your time and attention? Learning to dance requires time and focus together laying the groundwork for a hobby that can last forever between two people in love.

Dancing unites couples at every stage of their relationship. Connect with your loved one on the dance floor and see for yourself how to ignite (or re-ignite) your love for each other.

Why Men (Think They) HATE To Dance

Ballroom dancing for Couples in ArizonaHow many times have we had to drag him out on the dance floor kicking at weddings and holiday parties? Why does he hide in the corner, at the bar or on the patio when the deejay gets going? Guys, you know the answer. I have three basic theories as to why men hate to dance after years of watching men scurry like roaches as far away from the dance floor as possible when music comes on.

1. Most men don’t think dancing is masculine. This common misperception has fortunately dwindled over the years with television shows like “Dancing With The Stars” and “So You Think You Can Dance”. Guys are now exposed to very manly examples of male ballroom dancers. For men who would rather watch paint dry than watch reality tv on ballroom dancing, though, the image of looking “girlie” on the dance floor still exists.

What most men don’t know is that on the dance floor the man is very much in control. He is the decision maker, or “leader”, which is very empowering and exciting. He gets to be in charge of giving the woman he’s dancing with a feeling that every woman desires, that of being beautiful and elegant, or hot and sexy. How manly is that?! I say VERY!

2. Fear of what they don’t KNOW. I have mentioned this in other blogs. Men need to know what they are doing on the dance floor before they are willing to go that far outside of their comfort zone and try ballroom dancing. If A+B=C, then guys can make sense of dancing and start to apply what they know. Ballroom dancing lessons are a great solution for overcoming the unknown. Do your research for a dance studio that pays attention to the needs of leaders on the dance floor. Teaching dance is not a cookie-cutter experience and must be personalized for each student. (P.S. This is why we know that Dance FX Studios in Phoenix, Arizona is the best place for men to learn how to dance. We can’t reveal any of our other secrets, but we are known for creating GREAT social dancing leaders! To give us a try, go to .)

3. Dancing is intimidating. Letting your inner dancer out is scary! And yes, everyone has an inner dancer! Even if that dancer has only actually moved in your mind, it is there. No one truly has “two left feet”, but, when compared to other, more confident leaders, it may seem that this is the case. In our “I can get everything instantly with the click of a button” world that we live in, taking the time to learn to ballroom dance may seem less of a priority for guys. In actuality, though, it is a skill that will set you apart from 95% of the other men in the room. My advice: Start with a few easy dances and take notes, video record your lessons and practice regularly! The results are possible and are yours for the taking!

What HE Needs to Become a Great Dancer…

Ballroom dancing Mesa, AZ“He’s too strong!” “He doesn’t give me enough pressure!” “His arms are limp!” “He’s yanking me around!” “Well if he would guide me, I would be HAPPY to follow!”  We’ve heard it all over the years from our followers who are ever so patiently (yeah, right) waiting for the “perfect” leader to sweep her off of her feet. While those leaders do exist as a rarity, it is a “work in progress” for the average man who doesn’t dance 8-10 hours a day. So, girls, what do we do when he looks like prince charming, but dances like Kermit the frog? Let me give you a few of my favorite tips.

1. Encourage him to learn to dance with dancing lessons. Remember how long it finally took to get him to pull over and ask for directions? Multiply that by 1000 when it comes to asking for help on the dance floor! He would rather do ANYTHING over admitting that he can’t dance and that he needs help feeling cool. Dance lessons will empower him to KNOW what he is doing. For guys, that is a huge step in the right direction. Helpful tips and guidance from a professional ballroom dancing instructor is just what guys need to get their courage on. Until then, most men just feel awkward. With each dance lesson, though, his confidence will rise. In the meantime, you and your man will also get to spend some quality time out of the movie theater or off the bar stools and instead learning a new, romantic hobby that brings you closer together. It seems like an impossible thought that he would actually enjoy dancing one day, but it will happen as he starts to understand how this thing called “dancing” works.

2. Be supportive through the learning process. It takes men a bit of time to start getting their feet wet on the dance floor. Refrain from pointing and laughing even if he looks “cute” as he is learning. Believe it or not, this happens all too often and our leaders tend to feel embarrassed more often than adorable. Remember also to not help him by back-leading for him. Time, practice and the right kind of instruction is what guys need to thrive.

3. Be patient. Learning to lead is a lot of responsibility! Your good time rests in his hands and he knows it! He so desperately wants to please you and “be the man” but the body is still catching up with the brain. This is the BEST bit of advice that I can give to any couple. Ladies, acknowledge that he is working hard for you (and he is) and his confidence will soar. Soon enough, he will willingly dust off his dancing shoes for you on any occasion.

Ballroom Dancing Melts Away Stress

Wake up the kids, get them ready for the day, drop them off at school, go to work, pick up the kids, make dinner and then pass out. Sound familiar?…Or is this just a sample of one of my days as a mom and business owner? I know I can’t be alone in feeling like “me” time is a thing of the past.

Making time for ourselves is one of the most challenging habits for us busy people (especially us ladies) to do. Not to throw my husband under the bus, but I do notice that he manages to get his weekly golf game in on his schedule EVERY WEEK.

So what are busy adults, moms and dads or not, to do to unwind from lifes everyday stresses? My solution: learn to ballroom dance. While every woman is fantasizing at how romantic and elegant ballroom dancing is, I know I have just lost every male reader out there. So ladies, now that I have your attention, you can pass my reasons for how and why ballroom dancing is such a great stress reliever.

This part is for you to pass along to your man:

1. On the dance floor, the man is the leader. (I may have just reeled back in a few guys with this news flash.) That means that you, guys, get to be in control! Yes, as I jokingly remind my husband, when we are on the wood, you’re in charge. What man doesn’t like the sweet sound of that? Yes, it takes a bit of time to learn to lead, but it’s so worth it when you are THE MAN at every social gathering because you are the only guy who knows what he is doing on the dance floor.

2. Like golfing, learning to dance requires focus and skill. It’s nearly impossible to think about bills, that crazy co-worker that you’re stuck sitting next to or every other daily weight that keeps you from living life to the fullest. While you are learning to dance, you can be in the zone and get away from it all. For those over-achievers who love a challenge, you will get one in learning to ballroom dance and the benefits are well worth it. Oh, and FYI: ballroom dancing, unlike golf, can be done under all weather conditions- even at night! 🙂

3. Like golf, ballroom dancing is a great distraction from the outside world. Instead of holding a club, though, you will be wrapped around your special someone, or someone to-be, adding a deeper connection and much more romance to your relationship (wink, wink).

4. Ladies love a guy that can be in control and do it well. They want to be swept off of their feet and feel beautiful in your arms. Be her Superman, her Prince Charming or whatever character she wants you to be on the dance floor and she’s yours!

Ladies, listen up here:

1. Ballroom dancing allows you to relax, unwind and NOT be in control for a bit. Sound scary? I know the feeling. It is a daunting thought to leave it up to him on the dance floor. But, with some lessons under his belt, you can really find a hobby together that gives you a chance to catch your breath and take a load off.

2. Ballroom dancing is a great way to burn calories without even knowing it! You will be grooving along and toning up to your favorite tunes and unwinding at the same time.

3. Ballroom dancing is “me” time. Demand it or it will not be up for the taking. You’ve earned it so give yourself a treat that will enhance your life and fill your cup.

4. Ballroom dancing is exciting! Who doesn’t need a little more excitement in their lives? I know I do! Meet all sorts of people and get out there and dance!

Could you go to the gym, hit a few balls or belly up to the bar? You could… or you can give yourself a gift that allows you to learn a new hobby, add excitement, meet new people, add romance, challenge yourself, build your confidence and (should I go on?) so much more by learning to ballroom dance! The choice is yours. As LeAnn Rimes says in her song, I hope you dance!

Group Dance Classes vs. Private Dancing Lessons at Dance FX Studios

As you already know, we at Dance FX Studios teach Ballroom dancing to adults, both couples and singles, who want gain confidence out on the dance floor at parties and other social events. One of the most common questions that we are asked is “Should I/we start with private dance lessons or group dance classes?” Let’s explore the main differences between the two at Dance FX Studios and we’ll leave the choice up to you. 🙂

Here are the pro’s of private dance instruction:

1. In one-on-one dance instruction, we can focus on specific dance styles based on your requests like Country Two Step or Salsa dancing or even the beautiful Argentine Tango. You can even work on all three different styles of partner dancing as each lesson is personalized just for you! If you are unsure as to what styles you may like, we can help to guide you as we get to know you in your Introductory Lessons.

2. Dance FX Studios is open 6 days/week for private classes. Scheduling is based on your availability so we can almost always accommodate you and your busy life.

3.  Every private dance lesson will be taught with your specific dancing goals in mind. If you’re getting back into the social dance scene after being “out of the loop” for years, we’ll show all of the most popular dances that would be useful for you.

4. We will work at your pace as we help to show you how learning to dance can be a fun and easy process.

5. If you are part of a couple, private Ballroom dancing lessons will become a romantic hobby that you can use everywhere from your living room to a cruise. You will develop a stronger connection both on and off the dance floor as you work together as a team to learn to dance and develop a partnership on the dance floor.

5. You can dance also directly with an instructor with individual instruction so we can readily correct any unwanted habits and develop healthy dancing skills from the start.

6. We can quickly adapt to the way that you learn and begin teaching you in the way that makes the most sense for you. For example, if you are a visual learner, we can draw out the steps as well as do the steps with you multiple times or even video record them so that you can see them over and over again as you learn to dance.

7. You will gain results in the shortest amount of time with personalized instruction which gives you more time to enjoy your newfound hobby!
The con’s of private dancing classes:

1. Quality dance instruction comes at a price. Whereas group dancing classes can range from $5 to $15/class, private dance instruction starts at $59/hour and goes up from there. Great dance teachers are hard to find. Knowing how to dance does not make a great dance instructor. There are many tools that great dancing teachers use to create a wonderful dancer in each of their students. We have the tools to make you shine on every social dance floor.
The pro’s of group dancing classes:

1. Group classes offer an opportunity to meet new people with the same interest in learning to dance.
2. Group dance classes give you the chance to lead or follow a variety of partners which strengthens your skills on the social dance floor.
3. Group dancing classes are an affordable source of fun and excitement.
4. Group lessons are a great way to learn new dancing steps without much commitment or financial investment.
Con’s of group dancing lessons:
1. Since you are sharing your time with up to 40 people in a group class, it is challenging to progress as rapidly as you would with one-on-one instruction.
2. It can be frustrating to dance with people at different skill levels and with different abilities in a group dance setting.
3. There is not always a guarantee that there will be an even amount of leaders and followers in every group dance class. Although we make a point of evening up the ratio of leaders to followers before the group dance courses begin, we cannot control someone getting ill or not being able to make a class for whatever reason.
4. If you are a newer dancer, group dancing classes expose your weaknesses. It is a challenge to teach technique in a group setting with all different levels of dancers so newer dancers tend to focus on their footwork instead of their lead or follow. (See blog named “Dance Dance RevelAtion” as to why that is not a good thing.)
Our summation:
While group dancing classes are fun and a great social outlet, you will be a better and more confident social dancer in a much shorter amount of time though individual dancing lessons. Yes, you will invest more into your new hobby, but the required dancing tips and techniques that you can only get through private instruction are what will help you to enjoy your dancing skills anywhere.

Dance Dance Revelation #1!

How to Ballroom danceWhile you may have heard of the popular dance video game “Dance Dance Revolution” which keeps you grooving along as you stomp on lit up feet to get to the highest score (a modern twist of the old electronic hand-held game “Simon”), we have some dancing revelAtions that are sure to rock your world!

Today’s dancing revelAtion: Are you ready for this? (Feel free to sit if needed, this is a biggie.) Here it is… Your feet are the LEAST important part of partner dancing. Let me explain as you marinate in the possibilities of this being your new truth. In partner dancing, we have A leader and A follower, right?  One sends the information (the leader) and then one receives it (the follower) and responds according to what they feel. The question is, then, where is the information sent from? The answer: his torso. His torso, which is connected to his arms, which are touching her torso (and right hand, of course) in a dance frame. The body leads and the feet respond. This is why the feet are much less important than how he guides her within his frame.

Have you ever wondered why learning to dance from following footsteps is nearly impossible? While you may know where to place your feet in a particular move, you (leaders) certainly won’t understand how to affect her (or LEAD her) through the move. Remember that her feet are not touching yours, guys, so your focus must be on a solid frame and use of the body to guide your follower.

Think of a puppet as you begin to prioritize what part of your body to focus on while learning to dance. If you hold a puppet’s body and move it around, it’s feet will stay under it’s body naturally. If you hold it’s feet, the body will flop over. Think of your follower as a puppet (with a nice dance frame) and guide her from the torso. Then, you will notice that as she begins to feel your guidance, she will relax and LET you lead! This is the ultimate goal of dancing right? He gets to be in charge and she gets to enjoy the ride! A great follower comes from knowing that she can trust that her partner. And so a partnership develops!

Next time you’re taking a dance lesson or you’re out dancing, leaders, focus on the frame, NOT the feet, and see how it affects your dancing. The results may surprise you!

Zumba Fitness Class Fundraiser at Dance FX Studios

Thank you to everyone who attended Zumba fitness class last Sunday at Dance FX Studios benefiting Valerie Aguinaga in her fight against cancer.  Zumba Jammer’s Suzanne Stemmerman and Frankie Valenzuela joined forces with Melanie Guzman, a Zumba Education Specialist here in Phoenix to hold this special Sunday afternoon Zumba fitness class which raised over $1000 for Valerie! Joe Goglia added a special touch to the day with his Bongo skills in conjunction with the Zumba class. Thanks, “Bongo” for your time :).

The day’s activities included raffle prizes such as restaurant and salon gift cards, Zumba wear and other fun giveaways! Thanks also to Pita Jungle who provided food for the Zumba fundraising event.

If you missed the event, it’s not too late to help raise more funds for Valerie. Go to to donate today.

Make an Impression: “First Dance” lessons for Brides and Grooms

ballroom dancing lessons for my weddingBrides and grooms… highlight the best night of your lives with a first dance to remember! You’ve seen the fun and funky first dance routines on youtube, now let us show you how you can shine with a personalized routine that will keep your guests talking long after the night is over.

Now, we can give you an over-the-top show stopping routine, but these days brides and grooms are opting for a more subtle surprise. Starting with the ever-popular “I don’t know how to dance” prom-sway and then easing into a fun, elegant or playful first dance routine seems to be en vogue. Why give a 5 minute broadway performance when you can capture their (ever-shrinking) attention with a short, 2-3 minute routine that is so you!

With our endless wedding dance song list to find your perfect first dance song, you will seal the deal for your guests as the “cutest couple of the year”. We have the best wedding dance music from romantic to rock to reggae and everything in between!

Book your wedding dance consultation today and plan ahead for what will surely be a gift your friends and family will treasure: the perfect first dance!


Group Dancing Classes: Salsa, Swing, Two Step and More!

Dancing Classes for Adults in PhoenixAs the year comes to an end, get ready for those holiday dance parties and join our last 6 week group dancing classes of the year! Our group dancing classes include Country Swing, Country Two Step, Salsa, Bachata, Ballroom, Argentine Tango and Hip Hop dancing! Did you know that an hour of dancing can burn up to 350 calories? It’s true!

Group dancing classes are open to the public so invite your friends, co-workers, neighbors and that special someone, of course, to get out and dance! All classes are for adults only so leave the little ones behind and enjoy a date night or come to meet new people. Ladies, remind your men that we will not be holding any of our partner dance classes during Monday night football so “no excuses” guys! Another news flash for our guys out there: In case you weren’t aware, EVERY WOMAN LOVES TO DANCE! So surprise her and bring her to 6 weeks of FUN in one of our dance courses!

In our upcoming 6 week classes starting this week, you will learn cool and practical moves that you can use at any social event including weddings, date nights and cruises! Classes will be closed soon so grab one of the last few spots for just $75 pp or $110 per couple for all 6 weeks total (per 6 week course). Let the excitement begin!

Dancing to Live Salsa Music: Mark Your Calendars!

Salsa Dancing Event in PhoenixSave the date! Saturday, December 3rd to come to Dance FX Studios 10 year anniversary year-end bash! Dance to live Salsa dancing music by XS Latin Band, enjoy great food catered by Rosita’s Mexican Restaurant and watch special dance performances by both professionals and Dance FX students PLUS join our Salsa dance class at our end of the year dance party! This dance event with Live Latin dancing music in Mesa is open to the public so invite your friends and reserve a table!

Last December, the XS Band brought down the house with authentic Salsa, Merengue, Cha Cha and Bachata music adding the perfect touch to our year- end dance party! This year’s holiday dance party is even more special as we move into 2012 with gratitude for all of our students in the previous 10 years. Without you, we would not be able to share our true passion for enhancing people’s lives through dance. THANK YOU!

Expect fun surprises at our end of the year party and get your tickets now! Early bird tickets will be available for purchase for $25 pp from October 10-October 22. The ticket price will then jump to $40 leading up to the event. Get your tickets early and be a part of the best dance party of the year!