
Spice Things Up With Country Dance Lessons

Country dancing for couples in ArizonaIs your relationship lacking? Could you use a little more romance to spice things up a bit? Have you tried Country dance lessons for couples yet? If not, hey, what are you waiting for? Couples dance lessons are an incredible way to reconnect with your loved one, and Country dancing in particular is not only trendy, but is a fun dance style to explore when trying to get back on track with each other. What about Country dance lessons is particularly wonderful for couples? Well, here are a few of my favorite reasons why every twosome, in Arizona at least, should give beginner’s Country dance lessons a try…

Country dancing is playful, sexy, flirty and fun! There are four solid reasons to take Country dance lessons as a couple right there! If you think about it, is there another hobby that you can do with your sweetie that includes all of those benefits? And, you get to hold each other while you’re having a great time too! Bonus! Now Country Two Step is the perfect Country dance for beginner’s, but you can’t forget to request the ever-popular Country Swing dance when you start taking lessons. It’s the one that everyone is using these days, but we at Dance FX Studios in Mesa want to show you how to do it right. No arms ripping out of the socket when you learn to dance from us.

Since you are open to Country dance lessons for beginners, you should also know that partner dancing is so helpful in deepening your communication with each other. You see, on the dance floor, you have to work as a team in order to both have fun. Ladies, that will mean that you cannot lead (or “help”) him on the dance floor, but being swept off of your feet, relaxing and looking flawless is not such a bad thing! 🙂 Let him Two Step you into the sunset. Trust me, he’ll be feeling like “the man” and you’ll give him that added confidence that everyone could use a bit more of from time to time.

If you like to go out here in Arizona, you will be using lots of Country Swing and Country Two Step dancing in places all across the Valley. From Buffalo Chip to San Tan Flat, you can replace those boring date nights with a fun, new healthy alternative…dance!

Once you know how to Country Western dance, your skills will take you far and wide. Think of all of the Country-themed weddings that are so hot these days. Why should the bride and groom be the only ones who know how to cut a rug out there? You too can have a hobby that will get you out of your seat and having a blast, replacing those old memories with new, fresh happy ones.

It’s your turn to get off the couch and give Country dance lessons a try. Dance FX Studios is located in the Phoenix East Valley just off the 101 highway. We are centrally located for residents from Phoenix to Scottsdale and Tempe to Queen Creek. The best part? We absolutely love to Country dance! Let us give you the tools as a couple to have a life-long hobby that you can use for years to come. Contact us for our New Student Offer for Country dance lessons to let the fun begin!