
Couple doing a lift for dance

To Routine or NOT To Routine?

Couple doing a lift for dance routineWith our Boo Bash Halloween party coming up, our awesome instructors at Dance FX Studios have been slaving over some really cool dance routines for our students. But as a social dance studio, shouldn’t we be super anti-routine? Actually, no! Although we are opposed to students only learning routines, it’s actually a great idea to learn a short dance routine as a supplement to your other private dance lessons. Whether you’re taking Argentine Tango dance lessons or trying your hand at  Country-Western dancing, personalized routines are the perfect addition to your learning.

Why shouldn’t I just learn routines?

The reason we are against the idea of pattern- or routine-based learning is simple. If you are doing the same moves over and over in the same order, you’ll never learn to be creative on the dance floor. You’ll also never be forced to truly lead or follow, because you already know what’s going to come next. If you hope to lead or follow anyone on the floor, you need to be constantly mixing different elements together. It’s a whole different story if you’re looking to compete or dance professionally, of course. But as a studio based solely on social dancing, we want your creativity to be nurtured just as much as your technique!

So how can routines help?

Routines are the perfect place to clean up and work on proper technique. If you already know exactly what moves are coming up next at all times, you can focus all your extra attention into the details. How is my foot placement? Am I really leading this turn correctly? What am I doing with my hands during this? Routines are amazing tools for smoothing out transitions and solidifying any problem areas in your dancing.

Not only do you get to hone in on your dancing, but it also gets you an inside view of how a professional would interpret your song. Building your own creativity on the dance floor is essential for a successful dancer, but it helps to see how a pro would do it. Watching their thought process and seeing how they interpret the music into movement can really help you with your next attempt at Salsa dancing. Sort of a “monkey see, monkey do” kind of thing, but with a lot more individual thought.

Should I perform my routine?

It isn’t necessary. A lot of routines are really just meant for your personal gain. They are specifically built for your education and entertainment. If the opportunity should present itself and you feel up to it? Go for it! Even if you just want to be a social dancer, performing can really up your confidence. By executing a routine in front of an audience, you can leave behind some of that stage fright you have at your local dance spots. Also, who doesn’t love to show off a little? If your studio is having a showcase, invite your friends and family! They’re probably dying to see what you’ve been working so hard to achieve.

No matter what you’re looking for, whether you want to Swing dance at a local country club or you want to perform on So You Think You Can Dance, routines can be a definite addition to your dance education. As long as you are with good instructors who are guiding you to your dancing goals, routines are awesome! Want to see some killer routines in action? Join us at Dance FX Studios for our Boo Bash Halloween Party on October 18, 2014! We’ll have games, performances by students and pros, and plenty of social dancing. Want to get some moves under your belt before then? Come on in for a few private dance lessons or our awesome group dance classes to prepare! We’re in Mesa, AZ just off the 101 and the 60 with easy access from every major city in the greater Phoenix area. Give us a call and start dancing today!

Contact us to begin your dancing journey…


Private dance lessons are available by appointment Monday-Friday from 12-8 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am-3 pm. For more information, call us today at 480.968.6177.