
adult dance instruction

Kick off 2016 With Social Dance Lessons

adult dance instruction near Chandler ArizonaIt’s 2016! Happy New Year! You’re off to accomplish all of your resolutions, right? Well, if losing weight in a fun and healthy way is one of your goals this year, boy do I have an idea for you. Begin taking social dance lessons for adults! You can Country dance your way into a firmer bod, or learn to Swing dance to boost your heart rate and keep your blood pressure down. Now that’s how you get this year started!

How you want to get fit this year is up to you. What I know for sure is, once you get started with social ballroom lessons for beginners, you will be on the fast track to fitting into last year’s jeans. That’s never a bad thing… Not to mention, social dancing is a way to get multiple resolutions, not just your health goals, completed at once. What else will you get out of trying Country, Swing or Latin dance lessons this year? From my perspective, TONS, but let me highlight a few things that knowing how to social dance will do for you in 2016.

For Arizona residents, you will be prepared for the biggest Country event of the year, Country Thunder. I’m sure that other states hold similar types of parties; four days of dancing, drinking and hanging out at campgrounds with old friends and new ones, so why not get a jump start on your version of Country Thunder? Here in Arizona, Country Thunder is held in April, so if you start with beginner’s Country dance lessons now, you will surely be ready to dance in the next few months. I suggest taking Private Country Dance Lessons versus Group Dance Classes so that you can get all of the finer points and tips that you need to hit that dance floor the right way. Knowing a few cool moves is not enough these days. Why not learn to Country dance with great habits so that you can feel confident on any social dance floor? One-on-one dance instruction will get you the comfort level you need to make a great impression anywhere.

Social dancing is a great way to make new friends. Think about it. If you can Swing dance, wouldn’t it be easier to ask an attractive person to dance with you? Wouldn’t you impress him or her more if you could lead or follow well? Wouldn’t that be a great way to open the door for conversation that may lead to a new friendship? Are you seeing where I’m going with this? I think you are. 🙂

Social dance lessons, like learning to Salsa dance, for example, can also be an exciting way to spice things up at home with your other half. Even if you never make it to a Latin dance club, Salsa dancing in the kitchen can be steamy and quite romantic. Sure, diamonds will put a smile on our faces, but it takes more time and energy to learn  skill that the two of you can enjoy as a hobby for many years to come. Now that’s special.

There are so many more reasons to learn to social dance this year. In future bogs, believe me, I’ll lay them all out for you. 🙂 For now, get the ball rolling by contacting a local dance studio for adults near you. Don’t wait! You’ve already been missing out on the fun! Start soon so that you can look incredible for those 2016 holiday parties on the other side of the year.