
Becoming a Dancer Will Change Your Life

Couple in Arizona Two SteppingToday one of our instructors began his lunch time conversation with “Let me tell you what dancing is doing to my life”!  John is a very animated and happy person and he LOVES DANCING. However lately he is finding that dancing is affecting his life in new ways! John shared that he is now mumbling the names to dance steps when he is dance-navigating between people in restaurants or unexpectedly dancing during his daily routine. “I’m holding my steering wheel, safely while on empty roads, in a dance frame,” even turning the wheel like he’d turn a partner in a Country Swing move.  He is mock complaining because all of us know these life events make him happy. We also understand because we all share his passion about dance.

There is a long list of students who feel the same way. Ask some of our students how dancing has changed their lives and they will tell you. Being a student of dance helps you to walk taller, exude a sense of style, become charming, improve coordination and balance… and there is an air of grace may be noticed when the person is walking or talking. Funny enough, one of our advanced students was caught on video surveillance tape at his work dancing down the aisles! The store, which is a large corporation, actually found his performance so admirable they posted it on the company website!  Proving that not only that the company has happy employees and is great place to work, but that dancing is infectious!

Naomi, another one of our Dance FX Studios’ instructors, shared the following with me, “My body is my instrument. When you dance, you are more confident because you are aware of your entire body. In turn, body awareness makes you more aware of other people’s bodies. Noticing everything about another person makes you care more for others too. People live like they are floating heads. That’s why everyone is stressed and thinking all the time, because they only live in their heads. When you are aware of your full body and how your legs carry you, you take bigger steps; you trust the strength of your body. Dancers have less stress because we have moved out of our heads and into our whole person.”

Whether you discover the Swing, Argentine Tango or Country Two Step, dancing aides in body awareness and will increase your sense of assurance, and who couldn’t use a little more of that? How about a more active social life? It stands to reason that learning to social dance makes your more social! Who wants something to do on a Friday and Saturday night? How many times have you turned down an offer from a colleague at work to go to a club because you know there will be dancing and you don’t know how to dance? Stop saying no and start saying yes by signing up for private dance lessons today!

No matter what your profession or what you do in your daily life, if change is what you are seeking, add dancing to your bucket list for ways to create positive change in your life. If you prefer Country music, try Country Dancing! If passion and hip movements sound like your thing, try Latin styles of dancing! Maybe Big Band sounds and Swing would do it for you? The point is: pick a style of dance and try it! Dance FX Studios offers a wonderful New Student Offer to get started in an investment in new skill, just for you, along with the start of making change for the goal of creating your HAPPY LIFE!

Try a new experience: dancing. Learn how to social dance at Dance FX Studios by booking a private dance lesson. We are located inside the greater Phoenix area, in Mesa, AZ. Our dance studio is in the East Valley and we are minutes away from Scottsdale, Tempe, Chandler, or Gilbert and downtown Phoenix.  We are open 12 – 8 pm Monday through Friday and on Saturday’s from 11 am to 4 pm. Our address is: 1859 W. Guadalupe Road, Mesa, AZ 85202. Now what are you waiting for? Let’s dance!