
Express Yourself with Ballroom Dance Classes…

Ballroom dancing near Chandler ArizonaWant to be a leading man or lady for an evening? Pull out your best clothes from the back of your closet, dust off your dancing shoes and start learning some smooth moves. Trying Social Ballroom Dance Classes for the first time can feel intimidating, but keep in mind that becoming a proficient dancer doesn’t happen overnight, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Whether you are looking to be a professional dancer, or an amateur dancing for fun, you are going to need to start somewhere. The first place to begin is with a Private Dance Lesson or two (or three or four). Regardless of your skill level, you can use a little imagination and lose yourself in the seduction of Latin dancing or kick up your heels to a Country music beat with some confidence and knowledge under your belt.

Dancing isn’t just about the steps, and it isn’t just a collection of beats – it sets a tone and creates a feeling on that date or at the wedding you’re attending. Footloose, Grease, and Dirty Dancing are all movies that found their success in large part because of their dancing leads. Picture the scene in Dirty Dancing when the music starts, “I had the time of my life… and I owe it all to you” and true movie magic begins. Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey found their chemistry in dancing and a very famous lift scene. Your magic moment on the dance floor awaits you!

Can you imagine Tom Cruise in Risky Business without the famous dancing in his underwear scene or Footloose without Kevin Bacon following his heart and learning to Country dance while at the same time trying to change the mindset of an entire town? These movies just wouldn’t be the same without these iconic dance scenes; important pieces of the stories would be lost and a critical part of the characters would be undeveloped.

The fun, seduction, and need to dance are driving forces that aren’t limited to just the movies, but can be accessed and embraced in real life. With some time, dedication, and a trusted teacher, you can find your inner John Travolta and Olivia Newton John or Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey for an evening. How romantic would that be?! Once you find your confidence and learn the steps,  you can dust off your dancing shoes anytime you want.

At Dance FX Studios, we embrace our students and love to share the talent we have so that everyone can know the joy and confidence of dance in their lives. Dancing gives you an opportunity to express a piece of your personality the world might not otherwise get to see. It is a skill and a gift that doesn’t go away. We can teach you and your partner how to create the seductive and sexy feeling of Latin dancing or how to kick those Cowboy boots to a Country Two Step. The process of learning to dance should be fun and challenging; it should give you that opportunity to express yourself. Whether it’s a specific event like a wedding or just a fun thing to do, we would be honored to help you set the tone or mood of your moment and channel your inner dancing movie star.