
Dance and Become a Loser!

lose weight dancing Mesa AZDance, dance, dance…Lose, lose, lose…

Dancing is a great, fun way to lose weight. Lose weight, you ask? Yes, lose weight!

Have you ever given thought to the physiological effects that take place as you are stepping, turning, twisting and sliding to your favorite music with your favorite dance buddy? Why would or should you?  You’re simply out there enjoying the music sounds, the exciting atmosphere of the dance floor, the company with whom you are dancing, and more. But, if you WERE to think about what is going on with your body while you’re having so much fun, this is what you would realize.

We all know that to lose weight you must use more calories in the day than you take in. This means that you must be active. A good way to enhance your ability to burn calories is to perform some form of aerobic activity – something that causes your heart rate to increase to meet the oxygen demands of the muscles you use during the activity. Dancing does just this because as you are dancing you are using the large muscle groups of the lower body (legs, glutes, back). And, while you have to move your entire body through space in a balanced and steady manner, all your stabilizer muscles from head to toe are in use as well. In addition, if you are the lead, you’ll be using even more calories as you guide your partner along while simultaneously moving your own body. This all translates to MORE CALORIES being used! And THAT means you are participating in physical activity that will contribute to weight loss.

If you’re looking to enhance your health, dance to your heart’s content (pun intended). You’ll know you’ll be losing weight and creating a fun pastime that you will be able to enjoy for the rest of your (healthy) life. What a great healthful “secret weapon” dancing is!