
Shine on Your Wedding Day With Dance Lessons

wedding dance in ArizonaSurely you want to look incredible on your wedding day during your first dance as a married couple. You know the 7th grade prom sway isn’t going to do the trick. So now what? Wedding Dance Lessons, of course! Yes, to truly shine out there in your wedding dance in front of all of your friends and family, wedding dance lessons are exactly what you need. At this point, you may be thinking “That sounds like an extra expense” or “Can’t we just fake our way through our first dance with out taking formal instruction?”. The answers to your thoughts are “Yes” and “Yes”. Dance Lessons are an extra expense and you absolutely could make up your own dance or sway romantically to your favorite song for 5 minutes. The real question is “Would you want to?”. Here’s what you should know about Wedding Dance Lessons that may help make your decision a bit easier:

1. Time for Two: Wedding Dance Lessons for brides and grooms are THE BEST way to spend quality time together during all of their wedding planning stresses. It gives wedding couples time to relax, unwind and do something that is physically rewarding, romantic and gives them a break from it all. While in your lessons, you may notice that nothing else seems to matter. That’s wonderful! Enjoy the time you have holding each other tight and letting everything else go as you learn a dance that will be remembered for years to come.

2. Look Great for Your Guests: With actual dance instruction, you will be empowered to really look your best while dancing your first dance as a married couple. Guests will talk about that incredible moment you shared on the dance floor for years to come. Put the effort into looking top-notch for your guests and  it will be the highlight of your wedding reception-guaranteed!

3. Marriage Insurance: We like to think of dance lessons for couples as a way to ensure a long-lasting relationship. Social Dancing is a hobby that  can be used anywhere, from your honeymoon to date nights, other people’s weddings and time out with friends. It is an intimate and bonding activity that can keep couples connected and in tune with each other. Let your wedding dance be the first of many fun experiences that you share on the dance floor and see how this hobby for two can bring you years of joy.

Let us at Dance FX Studios in Arizona guide you through the exciting journey of social dancing for your wedding and beyond. We offer a variety dance lesson packages and even a Wedding Dance Consultation to begin your adventure. With social dance lessons, you can explore anything from the Country Two Step to the Swing to Salsa and even Argentine Tango. You can really Rock Your Reception with an out of the box dance or, if you’re more interested in some slow and easy, we can help you with that too!