
Three Ways You Know You’re Getting Quality Adult Dance Instruction

adult dance lessons Mesa ArizonaWe all know the saying, “You are what you eat”. Well the same is true in many other areas of our lives as well-even when it comes to learning to dance, believe it or not.  Take ballroom dance lessons as an example. You’re really only going to be as good as your instructor is at communicating the information. If he/she is articulate, clear and informative, you win! Within a much shorter amount of time, you will be on the fast track to becoming a confident dancer. On the opposite end, if your instructor is lazy, incoherent and lacks the ability to convey the material, well you may find yourself struggling to get to where you want to be on the dance floor. That would be a real shame, don’t you think!?

Taking this a step further, there are many qualities that a great dance instructor possesses. What should you look out for on your search for an awesome one? Great question! Here are some top notch qualities to keep an eye out for in a fantastic ballroom dance instructor.

Let’s say you signed up for Country Western dance lessons because you spend your weekends at the Country bars around town. Country music is in your blood, and you want to get your body groovin’ to the beat. You can’t wait for your first two step lesson. You show up for your Introductory Dance Lesson and your instructor starts showing you how to tango! What does tango have to do with Country dancing? Absolutely nothing. Where does this leave you? Frustrated and confused, right? I don’t blame you. Step one is to look for an instructor that is interested in helping you to achieve your dancing goals, not their agenda. Taking the time to get to know you, what you’re looking for, and why you want it is everything when it comes to being an incredible instructor. He/she understands your end result and focuses on it constantly, discussing it with you often to make sure that we are still on track and nothing has changed.

An incredible coach has also determined how you learn best. Be it auditory, visual or kinesthetic, he/she has discovered how you understand the material and they are teaching you in the most effective/efficient way possible for you. Working smart, not hard is the sign of an instructor who plans ahead and has a system in place. An organized way of learning is essential, rather than jumping from dance to dance flippantly.

Lastly, your awesome instructor is giving you more than just steps; you’re getting an experience. By that I mean your lessons are the highlight of your day. You look forward to going to each dance lesson because he/she knows what you need after a long day at work, and when and how to give you what you need to take your dancing to the next level. A combination of fun and learning is ideal.

The search for a great dance instructor may seem a bit daunting, but, truth be told, they’re out there. Start by looking up your local dance studio for adults and take a beginner’s dance lesson to see how you feel. Being comfortable is everything. Consider my tips on what to look for and you’ll be well on your way!

Let Social Dancing be the Answer to Your 2016 Resolutions

local dance studios for adults near Chandler AZWe’re on week two of what is bound to be an incredible year, don’t you agree? With hope on the horizon, and goals pasted on our vision boards, I am certain that each and every resolution will come to fruition. Many of us write general plans for the year ahead, including our financial aspirations, social intentions, and even our intellectual expectations, like to read more, or take on a new skill. Now you may not have thought of this, but knowing how to social dance/taking social dance lessons, can solve many of your needs and wants in 2016. “Like what, and how?”, you may be wondering. Let’s take a look!

  1. Make a sound financial investment. What an awesome New Year’s Resolution! Who doesn’t want to put their money in the best place possible? I know I do. When you invest in social dance lessons, you are setting yourself up for years of fun with a new and exciting hobby that will enrich your life on many levels. Now is that a good use of your time and money, or what? To elaborate, learning to Swing dance, Salsa dance and Country dance is a healthy way to spend your time. Dancing increases your heart rate, giving you that workout that our bodies all need. You will also get your social goals met, which we will look into next. Overall, though, social dancing is the cure-all for the mind, body and spirit, and a skill that I highly recommend that everyone learn in the year ahead.

2. Connect more with others. If you’re looking to put yourself out there more in 2016, social dance lessons will give you the confidence you’ve been looking for. Once you can Two Step, slow dance or even do the Argentine tango, you will have a cool and unique way to make new friends and meet interesting people who also love to dance. By making these connections, your business skills can grow right along with your personal opportunities for love and adventure with friends you may have not met otherwise. Cool, right? I think so!

3.  Learn more. Some may take a college course to gain knowledge, or read an interesting book, two really cool ideas, but if you’re seeking that total transformation, consider learning to social dance. Again, the mind/body connection in partner dancing is powerful. What social dancing has to offer, as discussed in a recent blog on how dancing makes you smarter, is the opportunity to think fast and make split-second decisions on the dance floor. From what dance moves to remember, to which ones to use on a tiny, crowded dance floor, social dancing requires thought and a sharp mind. Keep your memory active and learn to social dance, you’ll love the results you gain!

As you can see, social ballroom dancing has a ton to offer you in the new year and beyond. Get the confidence to take that first step into a local dance studio near you. You’ll surely find in a very short time how many of your resolutions can become a reality-just by knowing how to dance! 🙂

Top Three Country Dances of 2015

Country dance classes near Chandler ArizonaThis has been another great year for Country music, and therefore Country dancing. Yeeehaaaw! Who doesn’t love to rock out to Blake Shelton or Luke Bryan? I know I do! As 2015 comes to a close, there are a few Country dances that are more popular now than ever before. Dances like the Country Two Step, Country Swing and West Coast Swing have been hot! hot! hot! for a few years and are here to stay, so now is the time to get a few Country dance lessons under your belt before we get too far into 2016.

If you happen to live in Arizona with me, Country Thunder, THE premiere Country event of the year, is just a few short months away. Now’s the time to begin taking Country dance classes, people. Don’t wait you’re out dancing to wish you could do it.

You may be wondering how you know what dance is what, right? Of course it’s hard to know without learning first, but that’s when you contact people like me, your local dance instructor, so you can get the training you need to succeed on any dance floor. 🙂 For now, let’s keep it simple.

To start, I strongly recommend beginning with Country Two Step dance lessons. There are several styles and “looks” of the Two Step, but when you strip everything down to the basics, the rhythm of the dance is the same throughout every style. A basic Two Step will be based on walking steps, which makes it easy to pick up as a first dance. As a beginner dancer, do yourself the best favor ever and make the investment in Private Country Dance Lessons, rather than Group Dance Classes. With Private Dance Instruction, you should get lots of great tips on how to lead or follow, which will make you a much more prepared and competent dancer. Your “cool moves” are always secondary to being aware of your dance partner and understanding your role on the dance floor, so take the time to learn these concepts-you won’t be disappointed that you did.

Back to the Country Two Step, keep in mind that this dance has many, many fun arm variations, but it’s not so fast that you will feel overwhelmed. Enjoy this dance as a single, or with a steady partner and you’ll be out on the dance floor 60% of the time when you attend a Country bar.

Next, the Country Swing is extremely “in” right now. It has been for a few years, but it seems to be getting more wild as time goes on. While this dance, done correctly, is not the easiest of the Country dance styles, it is a must-have, if you want to go out and have fun with the faster songs. Country Swing done wrong looks much like what you’ll see at the trendy Country bars around Phoenix-lots of arm swinging, flips and dips. Yes, it seems and looks like fun, but this type of untrained dancer can be a liability to other social dancers, so again, make the investment in Country Swing dance lessons for a result that will leave envious of your skills.

Lastly, give the West Coast Swing dance a shot if you really enjoy a challenge. I don’t usually suggest that beginners start with West Coast Swing dance lessons over other dance styles, but a seasoned dancer will benefit tremendously from knowing this dance. The W.C.S. is danced to mid-tempo songs that have a relaxed vibe. You’ll see the guy bring his partner in towards him, and then push her away, as if they are moving back and forward on a set of tracks. Unlike the Two Step, this dance does not travel, but instead has many intricate and very impressive variations that will keep you learning for years. After you feel confident with the Country Two Step and Country Swing, give the West Coast Swing a try and see how your world as a dancer can expand.

The year 2016 promises to bring many exciting adventures ahead. If you have always wanted to learn to Country dance, don’t put it off this coming year. Once you know how to dance, your social circles will open, your confidence will soar and you may even add a little more romance than you had in 2015. Now that’s something to look forward to!