
Reap The Rewards of Dance With Private Dance Lessons

Swing dancing in ArizonaIsn’t so cool to see others doing all of those fancy turns and spins out in the Country bars and Latin clubs? Wouldn’t it be great if you could do them too? Well, you most certainly can with private dance lessons from a local, qualified social ballroom dance studio!

Believe it or not, those couples out there Country Two Stepping and Swing dancing weren’t actually born knowing how to dance. Yes, it’s true! 🙂 In fact, they once felt awkward and insecure about how they would look on the dance floor too. Most of those great dancers today realized at one point that in order to shine on any social dance floor, instruction would be required. There are several ways that you can learn to dance, but only one that gets you there in the most efficient way. Let’s explore.

1. Youtube: Youtube offers thousands of instructional dance videos. From Salsa dancing to Argentine Tango dancing, you can “learn” it all online from the comfort of your home, right? Not necessarily… In fact, we at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona have a current student who spent the last 4 years trying to Latin dance, just by watching various youtube channels. He finally got to the point where he realized that learning dance steps, especially when it comes to social ballroom dancing, is simply not enough to become a competent dancer. Now he is taking private Latin dance lessons and learning all of the cool tips from us that will actually make him a confident leader on the dance floor. You can take the long way and try to learn on your own though youtube, but when you’re ready to be a great social dancer, come visit us!

2. Group Dance Classes: Group dance classes are where most people think that they should begin when it comes to learning how to social dance. This is unfortunately one of the biggest mistakes that couples, and men especially, make in regards to their dancing. Why? Well, in group dance classes, you will have singles and couples at a variety of levels on the dance floor. Some may be faster learners, and others are slower. Not only is this a challenge for the instructor to manage, but you as a student will find it twice as frustrating to try to either keep up, or to get to the next level. Additionally, group dance classes at the bars (which are usually free for a reason) are generally centered around learning flashy new moves, but you as the student rarely the details needed to either lead or follow the move properly. That gets annoying real quick as you begin to realize that, in order to really learn what you are doing and to do it right, it’s time to make the investment into private dance lessons.

3. Private Dance Lessons: Yes! You’ve have come to the conclusion that to be a great Country, Latin or Swing dancer, you need private dance instruction. Kudos to you! The first thing we recommend, since you will be spending the next few months or longer in the dance studio, is to find a place that you feel comfortable. After a visit or phone conversation, see if that studio you like offers an Introductory or New Student Offer. If so, schedule an appointment and let the fun begin! You should immediately get some good feedback in your beginner dance lesson on how to properly hold your partner as well as some other key details that will get you on the right track to becoming an amazing dancer.

Keep in mind that since you are working smart by taking private dance lessons, it will take you less time overall to learn to dance if you keep you lessons close together. Plan to initially come as frequently as you can so that your instructor can really begin to demystify dance and make it easier to digest.

Your journey into dance can start as soon as tomorrow. Why wait? The benefits of knowing how to dance are limitless! If you live here with us in Arizona, we hope to see YOU on the dance floor at Dance FX Studios in the Phoenix East Valley!