
Steamy Summer Fun!

Arizona Argentine Tango lessonsAre you ready to journey into the most beautiful, intimate and romantic dance around? Argentine Tango is THE dance to know and we at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona would love to help you discover its beauty and grace. Yes, exploring the Argentine Tango is a commitment and yes it takes patience and lots of dance lessons, but the payoff is HUGE! Don’t let the allure of Argentine Tango steer you away from learning the sexiest social dance there is.

The Tango is the most famous of all Argentinian dances. Although it originated in Buenos Aires, the Argentine Tango is known throughout the world. What attracts many people to Tango is the surface, the visible part of the dance. For example: the close embrace of the dance, the encounter between a man and a woman, the pleasure of moving together in a furious exchange of steps, and the passion.

It may appear daunting to attempt, however when the dance is stripped down to its most basic form, the Argentine Tango is actually based on walking steps. So guess what? That means if you can walk, you can dance the Tango! This makes the Argentine Tango a dance that anyone can learn! Here are a few good reasons to commit to learning this beautiful dance:

Tango increases your social environment. Tango music is arranged in sets of four, with non-tango snippets in between to encourage people to change partners after each set. So in the course of an evening you have an opportunity to dance with many individuals and broaden your interpersonal contacts. In the best Argentine Tango environments, the musicians or DJ understands that they are the center of  the social context, therefore the volume is adjusted during the snippets, encouraging person to person interactions even when you are off the dance floor.

The dance is so darn sexy! There are many stylistic variations of Argentine Tango. They range from the faintest of close embraces to the high drama of showy ballroom Tango. The sensuality of the dance can be expressed as barely noticeable, expressed as playfulness or seemingly erotic intimacy. Most Latin dances may appear steamy… and this one is the steamiest! Typically in Latin styles of dance the hips move side to side and front to back, however in Argentine tango the hips swivel! The elegance of the movement adds grace and dignity to a dance that appears to have one foot in the bedroom.

Dancing the Argentine Tango does not feel like exercise – but it is! This dance is perfect for burning lots of calories because you are gliding rather than stomping and you can do it for hours without over taxing your body or feeling like it’s an intense workout. Take a look at the legs of women who dance the Argentine Tango … they have the best defined calves on the planet! With your new and improved physical appearance, you can embrace the showy clothing that Tango calls for too.

Tango brings opportunities for expression in appearance as well as self-expression. Even if a man chooses to keep it toned down, it is a treat to be in the midst of such enjoyable scenery. Why not spend the evening sitting with a glass of wine, dancing with beautiful women and appreciating the beauty that surrounds you?

Tango dancing reduces stress and increases confidence. To perform the Argentine Tango, you must be simultaneously relaxed while being instantly responsive to your partner and the music. The posture and balance required to execute the travel and turns imparts a hypnotic fluidity to the dance also known as the “Tango-trance”. This Zen-like feeling produces all the stress relieving benefits of meditation.  Tango is a series of simple steps: front, back, side, coupled with turns that are all choreographed impromptu by the lead out on the ballroom floor. Learning to have this ability, knowing how to lead another person well, builds confidence. For followers, it’s the reason to keep donning the outfits and strapping on the sexy shoes. For the women, there is no better feeling than knowing she will look amazing on the dance floor because she is in the care of a great leader.

It all sounds too good to be true, but the truth is that Tango is a dance that begins a love affair that will last a life time. Dance FX Studios is the perfect dance studio in the Phoenix valley to begin this journey with because Tango is our signature dance. The owners of the studio have been performing and teaching the Argentine Tango for over 15 years. There are no better hands you could be in within the Phoenix Metro area. Start your journey into Tango dancing by signing up for your first Introductory Tango lesson today.  See YOU on the dance floor!