
4 Tips for a Fantastic First Wedding Dance

wedding dance instruction Mesa ArizonaThere’s so much to getting married! From the perfect gown to the perfect wedding dance, there are no do-over’s on your big day, so preparation is key.

Unlike many aspects of the wedding, your first dance as a married couple will take a little bit of time to learn. While one or both of you may have danced before, Wedding Dance Lessons are common (and much needed) for the majority who want to shine on their wedding day.

Kick off your lessons by contacting your local “ballroom” dance studio for adults and setting up an Introductory Private Dance Lesson or Wedding Dance Consultation. A consult would be my recommendation so that you end up with the routine of your dreams, rather than someone else’s vision of  a wedding dance for you.

A Wedding Dance Consultation should include laying out your big day, and all the details that may influence or affect your first dance. For example, a tight fitting mermaid dress may not lend itself to dancing the Argentine tango, which requires longer steps. Or a small dance floor would not be great for a grande waltz routine, where big movements and a ton of space may be needed. The consultation with your new instructor will also give you a chance to see if you feel comfortable in the studio that you are interviewing. That is quite important when you are learning something new.

Once you get the ball rolling in the studio of your choice, make sure to set the intention of FUN on every lesson. Yes, you’re there to learn, but dancing is a wonderful stress reliever, and a great hobby for couples, so enjoy every moment of your lesson time. With couple’s dance lessons to look forward to each week, wedding planning can be a lot less hectic.

Next, ladies listen up….please let him lead you on the dance floor. Ballroom dancing is extremely empowering for a guy once he knows what he’s doing. Whether you’re learning to Country two step, salsa, or swing dance, he will be much more apt to take you out dancing, and nail your first dance, if he gets to be in charge. Trust me, it’s true.

Another tip from me to you is to project confidence on the dance floor. Stand tall, keep your eyes locked into each other’s eyes, and smile. Your friends and family will not be watching your feet and analyzing your footwork if you are wrapped up into each other on the dance floor. They will get carried away with emotion as you reflect your love for each other in your stares and body language. A confident dancer always shines through, so be at your best in this respect.

Lastly, keep your rhythm on the dance floor in whatever dance you are doing. If you’re someone who doesn’t feel that you can keep a beat, a good instructor will help with that. Staying on time with the music sets the tone for the perfect wedding dance and, conversely, if you’re off time, your dance just won’t come across in the same way. Something will appear “missing”, or awkward, and that’s is the last impression that you want to portray, right?

If you’re engaged, start looking into ballroom dance lessons early so that you can look top notch on your wedding day. Six months out is a great time to begin the process of finding the right adult dance studio for you. Once you find that right place to learn, enjoy every step of the way! And congratulations!!