Why Men (Think They) HATE To Dance
How many times have we had to drag him out on the dance floor kicking at weddings and holiday parties? Why does he hide in the corner, at the bar or on the patio when the deejay gets going? Guys, you know the answer. I have three basic theories as to why men hate to dance after years of watching men scurry like roaches as far away from the dance floor as possible when music comes on.
1. Most men don’t think dancing is masculine. This common misperception has fortunately dwindled over the years with television shows like “Dancing With The Stars” and “So You Think You Can Dance”. Guys are now exposed to very manly examples of male ballroom dancers. For men who would rather watch paint dry than watch reality tv on ballroom dancing, though, the image of looking “girlie” on the dance floor still exists.
What most men don’t know is that on the dance floor the man is very much in control. He is the decision maker, or “leader”, which is very empowering and exciting. He gets to be in charge of giving the woman he’s dancing with a feeling that every woman desires, that of being beautiful and elegant, or hot and sexy. How manly is that?! I say VERY!
2. Fear of what they don’t KNOW. I have mentioned this in other blogs. Men need to know what they are doing on the dance floor before they are willing to go that far outside of their comfort zone and try ballroom dancing. If A+B=C, then guys can make sense of dancing and start to apply what they know. Ballroom dancing lessons are a great solution for overcoming the unknown. Do your research for a dance studio that pays attention to the needs of leaders on the dance floor. Teaching dance is not a cookie-cutter experience and must be personalized for each student. (P.S. This is why we know that Dance FX Studios in Phoenix, Arizona is the best place for men to learn how to dance. We can’t reveal any of our other secrets, but we are known for creating GREAT social dancing leaders! To give us a try, go to https://ev2.8dc.myftpupload.com/
3. Dancing is intimidating. Letting your inner dancer out is scary! And yes, everyone has an inner dancer! Even if that dancer has only actually moved in your mind, it is there. No one truly has “two left feet”, but, when compared to other, more confident leaders, it may seem that this is the case. In our “I can get everything instantly with the click of a button” world that we live in, taking the time to learn to ballroom dance may seem less of a priority for guys. In actuality, though, it is a skill that will set you apart from 95% of the other men in the room. My advice: Start with a few easy dances and take notes, video record your lessons and practice regularly! The results are possible and are yours for the taking!