Ballroom Dancing Pointers
Have you been anxious about taking your first Ballroom Dance Lesson? Well don’t get too worked up before you have even tried it. Here are a few tips to help prepare yourself if you are planning to take a Ballroom Dance Class or have just started taking one.
1. Be Comfortable. Don’t think just because it is a Ballroom dance class that you have to come into class in your Sunday’s finest. You should wear clothes that are comfortable for you and allow movement. However, when it comes to shoes you may not want to be too comfortable. The rubber soles of tennis shoes tend to grip the floor, which is not ideal for dancing. Other shoes that are not ideal for the dance floor are flip-flops and sandals. Since a lot of movements in Ballroom require backwards movements, you can easily lose your shoe, trip, or even fall. You should be comfortable, but not risk injury.
2. Be on Time. Make sure you arrive a few minutes before your dance lesson starts. This gives you time to mingle with other classmates, get your proper footwear ready, and get settled before the dance class starts. Late arrivals usually miss the first couple of steps, which can cause them to be thrown off until they are able to catch up again. It is also somewhat of a distraction to the students and teacher who have already begun the lesson.
3. Practice. Everybody knows that practice makes perfect, well this applies to Ballroom dancing as well. It will help immensely if you practice right after your dance class or later on within the same day. If you have issues with remembering, then you can even take some shorthand notes to help you remember. But if you are a visual learner, that may not work for you. In this case you can have someone film you while you practice the moves you just learned right after the class, just make sure you have the instructors approval to stay later to do so. Another way to help you remember your dance steps is to teach it to someone. Whatever your preference, just make sure you get those moves down and don’t forget to practice.
4. Have Fun. This is probably the reason why you wanted to sign up for Ballroom Dancing Lessons in the first place. Just remember to have fun. Take a deep breath if you have to, but don’t be reluctant to shake things off. In time you will be able to get the dance steps, but until then relax and enjoy.
If you need to sign up for that first Ballroom Dance Lesson, come into Dance FX Studios in Mesa, Arizona. Dance FX Studios offers Private Ballroom Dancing Lessons and Group Dance Classes. For more information, please visit