
Get Close with the Argentine Tango

istock_000004680724small1When you hear the word Tango, you probably think of a seductive dance. Many people are familiar with the Ballroom Tango, a precise dance with very little to no room for improvisation. You may recognize it for its staccato movements and quick head snaps. Another form of Tango, which you may not recognize as easily, is the Argentine Tango. It is a little more difficult to recognize because there is a lot of variety and improvisation to this dance. However, if you are accustomed to watching different types of dancing, you may notice the difference in the dancers’ frame.

When you look at the dancers’ fame in the Ballroom Tango, they are going to be close at the hip, while keeping their upper bodies separate from one another. On the other hand, Argentine Tango is going to be more relaxed and have closer contact with the upper body instead of the lower body like with the Ballroom Tango. There are also many embrace options to choose from when it comes to the Argentine Tango.

Some of the embraces or styles of frames include the close embrace, open embrace, square close embrace, and reverse embrace. The close embrace is where the dancers’ chests are closer together than their lower body, even having a possibility of their heads touching as well. In open embrace, the dancers can have as much space as they would like, but arms have all the contact. The connection in the arms enables the dancers to still communicate between each other. The next embrace is the square close embrace. This embrace is where both chests touch each other as the dancers lean in toward each other. Finally is the reverse embrace, which is when both dancers dance in the same direction, facing the same way.

If the Argentine Tango has peaked your interest, come into Dance FX Studios and learn how to dance the Argentine Tango today! Dance FX Studios has private Argentine Tango dance lessons and group Argentine Tango dance classes. See how amazing it is to learn to dance Tango today!