
Ballroom Dancing, a Secret Anti-Aging Weapon

istock_000002455320small2When you are trying to recall something but nothing seems to be helping is not a feeling that people like to experience, but we all inevitably go through it. How about delaying memory loss and the process of aging, while having a good time as well? Ballroom dancing can do just that. It will keep your mind sharp along with many other physical and mental anti-aging benefits.

The unique combination of mind, body, and spirit that ballroom dancing requires is the perfect combination for a great anti-aging secret. According to a study done by an Associate Professor at the University of Maryland School of Nursing, dance was linked to significant improvements in balance, flexibility, cardio-respiratory endurance and bone density. All of which are things that change with aging. She further expressed the psychological benefits of social dancing as well. She found increased communication, social engagement, and positive feelings emerged from social dancing.

There are many studies out there that have unlocked the numerous health benefits, including mental and physical, of ballroom dancing. So if you start now, or even while you are a child, you can delay the signs of the aging process that so many of us fear. Even if you are not currently seeing any signs of aging, you can still help out your mind, body, and soul through ballroom dancing.

Some specific results you may see from ballroom dancing include stronger bones, slower heart rate, lower blood pressure, improved cholesterol profile, improved agility, improved posture, strengthened muscles, increased stamina, and mental health, among many other possible benefits.

Located in the East Valley, Dance FX Studios offers private and group dance lessons. If you are interested in learning more about private ballroom dancing lessons or wish to sign up for some lessons, please visit