
Group Dance Classes vs. Private Dancing Lessons at Dance FX Studios

As you already know, we at Dance FX Studios teach Ballroom dancing to adults, both couples and singles, who want gain confidence out on the dance floor at parties and other social events. One of the most common questions that we are asked is “Should I/we start with private dance lessons or group dance classes?” Let’s explore the main differences between the two at Dance FX Studios and we’ll leave the choice up to you. 🙂

Here are the pro’s of private dance instruction:

1. In one-on-one dance instruction, we can focus on specific dance styles based on your requests like Country Two Step or Salsa dancing or even the beautiful Argentine Tango. You can even work on all three different styles of partner dancing as each lesson is personalized just for you! If you are unsure as to what styles you may like, we can help to guide you as we get to know you in your Introductory Lessons.

2. Dance FX Studios is open 6 days/week for private classes. Scheduling is based on your availability so we can almost always accommodate you and your busy life.

3.  Every private dance lesson will be taught with your specific dancing goals in mind. If you’re getting back into the social dance scene after being “out of the loop” for years, we’ll show all of the most popular dances that would be useful for you.

4. We will work at your pace as we help to show you how learning to dance can be a fun and easy process.

5. If you are part of a couple, private Ballroom dancing lessons will become a romantic hobby that you can use everywhere from your living room to a cruise. You will develop a stronger connection both on and off the dance floor as you work together as a team to learn to dance and develop a partnership on the dance floor.

5. You can dance also directly with an instructor with individual instruction so we can readily correct any unwanted habits and develop healthy dancing skills from the start.

6. We can quickly adapt to the way that you learn and begin teaching you in the way that makes the most sense for you. For example, if you are a visual learner, we can draw out the steps as well as do the steps with you multiple times or even video record them so that you can see them over and over again as you learn to dance.

7. You will gain results in the shortest amount of time with personalized instruction which gives you more time to enjoy your newfound hobby!
The con’s of private dancing classes:

1. Quality dance instruction comes at a price. Whereas group dancing classes can range from $5 to $15/class, private dance instruction starts at $59/hour and goes up from there. Great dance teachers are hard to find. Knowing how to dance does not make a great dance instructor. There are many tools that great dancing teachers use to create a wonderful dancer in each of their students. We have the tools to make you shine on every social dance floor.
The pro’s of group dancing classes:

1. Group classes offer an opportunity to meet new people with the same interest in learning to dance.
2. Group dance classes give you the chance to lead or follow a variety of partners which strengthens your skills on the social dance floor.
3. Group dancing classes are an affordable source of fun and excitement.
4. Group lessons are a great way to learn new dancing steps without much commitment or financial investment.
Con’s of group dancing lessons:
1. Since you are sharing your time with up to 40 people in a group class, it is challenging to progress as rapidly as you would with one-on-one instruction.
2. It can be frustrating to dance with people at different skill levels and with different abilities in a group dance setting.
3. There is not always a guarantee that there will be an even amount of leaders and followers in every group dance class. Although we make a point of evening up the ratio of leaders to followers before the group dance courses begin, we cannot control someone getting ill or not being able to make a class for whatever reason.
4. If you are a newer dancer, group dancing classes expose your weaknesses. It is a challenge to teach technique in a group setting with all different levels of dancers so newer dancers tend to focus on their footwork instead of their lead or follow. (See blog named “Dance Dance RevelAtion” as to why that is not a good thing.)
Our summation:
While group dancing classes are fun and a great social outlet, you will be a better and more confident social dancer in a much shorter amount of time though individual dancing lessons. Yes, you will invest more into your new hobby, but the required dancing tips and techniques that you can only get through private instruction are what will help you to enjoy your dancing skills anywhere.