
What HE Needs to Become a Great Dancer…

Ballroom dancing Mesa, AZ“He’s too strong!” “He doesn’t give me enough pressure!” “His arms are limp!” “He’s yanking me around!” “Well if he would guide me, I would be HAPPY to follow!”  We’ve heard it all over the years from our followers who are ever so patiently (yeah, right) waiting for the “perfect” leader to sweep her off of her feet. While those leaders do exist as a rarity, it is a “work in progress” for the average man who doesn’t dance 8-10 hours a day. So, girls, what do we do when he looks like prince charming, but dances like Kermit the frog? Let me give you a few of my favorite tips.

1. Encourage him to learn to dance with dancing lessons. Remember how long it finally took to get him to pull over and ask for directions? Multiply that by 1000 when it comes to asking for help on the dance floor! He would rather do ANYTHING over admitting that he can’t dance and that he needs help feeling cool. Dance lessons will empower him to KNOW what he is doing. For guys, that is a huge step in the right direction. Helpful tips and guidance from a professional ballroom dancing instructor is just what guys need to get their courage on. Until then, most men just feel awkward. With each dance lesson, though, his confidence will rise. In the meantime, you and your man will also get to spend some quality time out of the movie theater or off the bar stools and instead learning a new, romantic hobby that brings you closer together. It seems like an impossible thought that he would actually enjoy dancing one day, but it will happen as he starts to understand how this thing called “dancing” works.

2. Be supportive through the learning process. It takes men a bit of time to start getting their feet wet on the dance floor. Refrain from pointing and laughing even if he looks “cute” as he is learning. Believe it or not, this happens all too often and our leaders tend to feel embarrassed more often than adorable. Remember also to not help him by back-leading for him. Time, practice and the right kind of instruction is what guys need to thrive.

3. Be patient. Learning to lead is a lot of responsibility! Your good time rests in his hands and he knows it! He so desperately wants to please you and “be the man” but the body is still catching up with the brain. This is the BEST bit of advice that I can give to any couple. Ladies, acknowledge that he is working hard for you (and he is) and his confidence will soar. Soon enough, he will willingly dust off his dancing shoes for you on any occasion.

Ballroom Dancing Melts Away Stress

Wake up the kids, get them ready for the day, drop them off at school, go to work, pick up the kids, make dinner and then pass out. Sound familiar?…Or is this just a sample of one of my days as a mom and business owner? I know I can’t be alone in feeling like “me” time is a thing of the past.

Making time for ourselves is one of the most challenging habits for us busy people (especially us ladies) to do. Not to throw my husband under the bus, but I do notice that he manages to get his weekly golf game in on his schedule EVERY WEEK.

So what are busy adults, moms and dads or not, to do to unwind from lifes everyday stresses? My solution: learn to ballroom dance. While every woman is fantasizing at how romantic and elegant ballroom dancing is, I know I have just lost every male reader out there. So ladies, now that I have your attention, you can pass my reasons for how and why ballroom dancing is such a great stress reliever.

This part is for you to pass along to your man:

1. On the dance floor, the man is the leader. (I may have just reeled back in a few guys with this news flash.) That means that you, guys, get to be in control! Yes, as I jokingly remind my husband, when we are on the wood, you’re in charge. What man doesn’t like the sweet sound of that? Yes, it takes a bit of time to learn to lead, but it’s so worth it when you are THE MAN at every social gathering because you are the only guy who knows what he is doing on the dance floor.

2. Like golfing, learning to dance requires focus and skill. It’s nearly impossible to think about bills, that crazy co-worker that you’re stuck sitting next to or every other daily weight that keeps you from living life to the fullest. While you are learning to dance, you can be in the zone and get away from it all. For those over-achievers who love a challenge, you will get one in learning to ballroom dance and the benefits are well worth it. Oh, and FYI: ballroom dancing, unlike golf, can be done under all weather conditions- even at night! 🙂

3. Like golf, ballroom dancing is a great distraction from the outside world. Instead of holding a club, though, you will be wrapped around your special someone, or someone to-be, adding a deeper connection and much more romance to your relationship (wink, wink).

4. Ladies love a guy that can be in control and do it well. They want to be swept off of their feet and feel beautiful in your arms. Be her Superman, her Prince Charming or whatever character she wants you to be on the dance floor and she’s yours!

Ladies, listen up here:

1. Ballroom dancing allows you to relax, unwind and NOT be in control for a bit. Sound scary? I know the feeling. It is a daunting thought to leave it up to him on the dance floor. But, with some lessons under his belt, you can really find a hobby together that gives you a chance to catch your breath and take a load off.

2. Ballroom dancing is a great way to burn calories without even knowing it! You will be grooving along and toning up to your favorite tunes and unwinding at the same time.

3. Ballroom dancing is “me” time. Demand it or it will not be up for the taking. You’ve earned it so give yourself a treat that will enhance your life and fill your cup.

4. Ballroom dancing is exciting! Who doesn’t need a little more excitement in their lives? I know I do! Meet all sorts of people and get out there and dance!

Could you go to the gym, hit a few balls or belly up to the bar? You could… or you can give yourself a gift that allows you to learn a new hobby, add excitement, meet new people, add romance, challenge yourself, build your confidence and (should I go on?) so much more by learning to ballroom dance! The choice is yours. As LeAnn Rimes says in her song, I hope you dance!